



5 Years
10-26-2015, 04:42 PM

"ACHOO!" Locha's eyes widened as she uttered the biggest sneeze, ever. The echo lasted for at least an eon and the fact that the girl's blue eyes were now watching the wild boar she had been stalking dash away wasn't helping her mood. This cold was so annoying! Never had one lasted this long. True, it had been worse a few days before, but a constantly dripping nose paired with a biting wind still wasn't pleasant. With a huff Locha wandered on out of the forest, and what she saw instantly lifted her foul mood.

A grin broke over her face as Locha saw the river. Even from where she stood, the girl could see the fish that were swarming underneath it's surface. Who needed boar anyway, when you could have fish?! Bounding forward, Locha stopped at the river bank with her head pointed directly down, forgetting immediately about her annoying nose. 'I wonder how many I could carry home...'

"Listen To Me Talk," 'Or Read My Thoughts.'



9 Years
10-29-2015, 07:11 PM

I frown would tug at the corners of his lips as he walked towards the Rio Grande. He'd headed North a while ago and now followed the river side. Even with the temperatures cooling in the south it was still unbearably hot to the giant walking fluff factory. His fur had been made for the cold terrors of the north and unless it was late fall or in the winter time then he most likely was going to complain that it was sweltering.

He wasn't completely north now but this was about as far as he would go without straying too far from the Estuary. He wanted to be able to return in a few days time if he was needed as he didn't want to be too far from Surreal and the rest of them. The change in scenery was wonderful for him though and he couldn't help but wonder how good the fish were in the river. The major question was was it worth it to get his fur wet? It took him ages to dry out and he looked like a giant fluff ball after he shook his fur out. His nose wrinkled in disdain at the thought. He wasn't overly hungry so he decided to wait.

His mind didn't linger on his stomach though as a scent filtered on the breeze. It was a feminine one and he immediately recognized the smell of Donostrea on her fur. That was a reassuring thought as he padded forward over a hill. He spotted the girl immediately as she stuck out like a sore thumb. He noted the colorful blues in her fur and she reminded him instantly of a smaller version of Glacier. He could only hope she was as friendly as he padded towards her.

"Hello Lass, ye have any luck with th' fish?" He asked smiling warmly.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



5 Years
11-01-2015, 04:50 PM

A silver silhouette passed underneath the rushing water. Never had the girl seen such a bountiful
river for fishing. How on earth could she have missed this place before? Her blue eyes eagerly scanned the glistening water. It was only a few minutes until she spotted a slow moving fish swimming leisurely downstream towards her. Locha allowed herself a smile, a break from concentration as she raised a paw, claws glinting lethally in the autumn sun. She tensed, ready to strike, but before she could a voice spoke behind her.
"Hello Lass, ye have any luck with th' fish?" A deep voice with a soothing yet strong accent broke Locha's concentration. Had she really been so lost in her head that she didn't even notice someone approaching? Slightly muddy paws turned her around to face the man. The handsome man. Suddenly Locha was a little more conscious of her snuffly nose and slightly bedraggled appearance. Woah.
" Hello. " she said with a smile. "I haven't caught anything yet, although with the amount that are in this river I'd be pretty bad at fishing if I didn't get one or two." she said with a soft laugh. "I'm Locha, by the way. Locha Elementas." Locha found herself staring into the male's eyes. She couldn't tell whether the were a blue or a green, perhaps a mixture of the two. Shifting slightly where she stood, Locha's blue tail swayed happily behind her.

"Listen To Me Talk," 'Or Read My Thoughts.'



9 Years
11-21-2015, 04:33 PM

Creed couldn't help but cringe inwardly as he realized he'd probably interrupted her from catching her fish. He glanced towards the river and one could easily tell that there were plenty in there so he didn't feel too guilty. Still he glanced upwards to stare at her face to read her expression. Other than the initial surprise of being interrupted by a stranger, she didn't seem upset and that relieved the man greatly. Instead he noticed the surprised on her face and it didn't take him long to realize that she must not have heard him coming at all. How strange.

She smiled and he returned the gesture with a grin of his own as she spoke. Black tipped ears flicked forward to look at her and her words furthered his resolve that he hadn't messed up her hunt. He glanced towards the river again and chuckled softly. She was right about one thing... there were definitely plenty of fish in the river. If she wasn't able to catch one then she wouldn't be the only one surprised by that fact.

"Aye. There's defini'ely plen'y of fish in th' river this time of year. They mus' be migra'in."

He couldn't help but notice she was staring at his eyes. The corner of his lips pulled back into a soft smirk as he found amusement in her staring. He was rather proud of his eyes as they looked mostly like his father's blue-green ones with a little twist. If one were to get close enough they'd notice the golden flecks that he'd inherited from his mother.

"Nice ta mee' ye Locha. Ah'm Creed Ancora. Ah believe Ah met a family member of yers. Glacier was his name."

Were they siblings? Cousins? It was hard to tell but he could definitely see the resemblance. Maybe not in height but definitely in looks. While she didn't have the same markings or colors as him the blue on her was prominent in a rather attractive way. She was different and yet still pretty. He could definitely tell they were related somehow.

Walk, "Talk" Think

ooc: Sorry for the wait! Kinda been drowning in art I owe D:
[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



5 Years
12-06-2015, 06:45 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2015, 08:19 AM by Locha.)

Locha's own smile widened when the male returned hers with a grin. A gust of wind ruffled her overly fluffy fur as the man spoke in his outlandish accent about the fish probably migrating. Locha nodded, and it was then that she noticed, to her dismay, that she'd been quite obviously staring into the man's eyes, and that he'd noticed and that he was now smirking slightly.
Eyes widening, she blushed profusely and looked down.

"Nice ta mee' ye Locha. Ah'm Creed Ancora. Ah believe Ah met a family member of yers. Glacier was his name."
Glad for something to distract her from the flustered mess that was quickly turning into, Locha looked up again and smiled a little. Ah so that's why he's being so friendly. He knows Glacier.
"Have you, Creed. Glacier's my older brother, although with the height differences it's sometimes hard to tell." she said, giggling quietly. The girl couldn't convince herself that she'd added the male's name to the sentence just to see how it sounded in her own voice.
"We come from a big family, so lots of mouths to feed," she said and turned her head to glance at the teeming river.
"Although Creed, I think a lot of them are tiring from all the fish." she said with a fond smile. She couldn't blame them really, the distinctive taste wasn't for everyone.


I can't say anything xD Sorry for the wait