
Step One: Get Out Alive



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-26-2015, 05:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2015, 12:07 PM by Enigma.)

His pack had been massacred, inevitably facing their downfall against two larger packs, yet his own fought bravely despite the odds. He scrambled away from the scene, bloodied, and in severe pain. Each step was hard, legs trembling as his body bled between his thighs. The shock of the event had left him dazed, but he wasn't stupid. His lineage would end today. The man now incapable of conceiving children...what would Takira think of him now? Breath drew ragged as he made his way to the nearest shelter, battered body slinking through the shrubs.

His fur bristled, Abaven wolves were swarming here too!? Such cowards! First they come bringing another army to fight for them, and then they set up ambush teams to finish off those that escaped!?  A low growl coursed through his vocals, and he would turn the other way and try to move away from them. If they tried to take him...he would make sure to take down as many of them as he could. He was wild with pain now, an unpredictable beast that sought to survive. He had seen what they'd done to his mother and father...would Takira be okay? "FUCK!! I shouldn't have left her!" A new rage would course through him...he would surely get his revenge. For now, he would hide in the tangles of an uprooted tree, waiting to see if any of his other comrades would come this way.

Speech Thought Others


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9 Years
10-26-2015, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2015, 06:11 PM by Creed.)

The day had been spent waiting anxiously. He was aware of the battle taking place close by. The scent of blood had come on the breeze and he was also aware of the Abaven healers waiting nearby for the injured wolves from their party. Creed and wired and his nerves felt shot as he paced impatiently waiting for it all to end so he could hear the outcome. He wanted to know if Hellstrom would be disbanded and kicked from the Vericona plains so Surreal could have her home back. More than anything he wanted Celestial to be back on track so he could have a pack once more. He missed being able to say he was a part of something. It had been so long...

A snarl erupted from his jowls as the scent on the wind changed to something more fresh. He hadn't missed the angry outburst from nearby and though he hadn't heard what was said he didn't need to know. Instead he was more focused on what the smell carried. It was covered with blood but it was still recognizable. Hellstrom. They were stupid to come to the Estuary of all places. After misplacing Surreal and the rest of them from their homes they definitely would find no sanctuary here. Creed would make sure of it.

So with determination in his gaze Creed set off with haste towards the wolf. It hadn't taken him long to track down the pale and bleeding creature. He reeked of blood (though with his nose made for tracking elk in the snow this was a piece of cake) so it hadn't been a problem at all. The boy, for that was all that he was was a boy, was hiding among the intertwined roots of a tree and he snarled softly. The growl would rumble in his chest erupting into the air menacingly. He stood roughly fifteen feet from the tree as he stood with his head high and his tail flagged eyeing the wolf in the roots. He was obviously wounded pretty badly but Creed didn't care. Enigma didn't belong here.

"Hellstrom wolves, wha's lef' of ye at leas', have no place in the Es'uary. I sugges' ye leave les' someone far more upset with ye than Ah comes along. After all yer family displaced many wolves from their homes. Pups too."

This would be the only offer Creed would make. He saw no use in fighting an already wounded wolf. It wouldn't be a fair fight as Creed was in wonderful condition. He was well rested with no wounds to speak of. He ate well and was generally way better off than this kid seemed to be.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-26-2015, 06:32 PM
Tornach's family had been on tenterhooks for some time now knowing that at some point Bass Destruction would be laying siege to the pack who had taken over their homeland, and now it was happening. Just over the border he had been listening to the snarls and yips of battling wolves, staring curiously though he could not possibly see through to the battle. He'd slipped away from his family, too curious to stay behind with them hanging around the Abaven healers' camp with nothing to do. Baine and Zuriel and Regulus could stay there and help - he wanted to see what was going on. And it wouldn't be long before the aftermath of the battle spilled headlong into his lap, metaphorically speaking.

A crashing of plant life and cursing sent nearby birds fleeing, and the scent of blood and that familiar scent of the pack from over the border hit him at the same time. His ears perked up, even his droopy ear picking up as he turned his head to pinpoint the scent. It was nearby, very close by, and the yearling was quick to investigate. He was... insanely curious to know more about these Hellstrom wolves that his mother disliked so much. He wanted to see them, despite her edict to avoid them, and see why they were so evil. Did they have horns, and scales, and maybe oozed mucus like slugs?

His head tilted at the sound of another voice, one that didn't match the angry cursing he'd heard. Coming into sight of the source of the voices he could see one of his mother's friends speaking threateningly to a blood-splashed and half-hidden young male. Tor was a little disappointed - he was just a normal wolf, black and white beneath the bright smears of fresh blood, and not even a very big one. Solemnly, Tornach surveyed the pair of them, and reached one very serious conclusion. He had to help.

"Leave him alone," he said to his mother's friend, his childlike voice grave and unyielding. "It's not right to chase away someone who needs help, no matter who they are. This isn't our land either, so we have no right to make him go away. Can't you see he's hurt?" He stepped closer, blue eyes sweeping across the black and white male. He knew some healing, very little, but some from having spent a great deal of time in the den around his healer-sister and healer-father, and a sick mother and brother. Maybe he could help. "I'm Tornach. I'd like to help you. Would you let me?"

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-26-2015, 07:59 PM

Amber gaze would flash towards the source of a growl, his own hackles rose as his teeth bared, ears pinning as he listened to the strangers threats. He wasn't afraid. If this old man wanted to attack him, Enigma would fight him despite how exhausted he was. His own pained growling would erupt from his throat, eyes wild with defiance as he sought something to mask the pain he felt. "Go run back to your master, old man! I'm not afraid of you. If you're looking for a fight, you're picking on the wrong person!" His growling began to take to a whole new level, fueled by pain and worry about Takira. She was innocent in all of this, and it was his fault she had gotten dragged into a war that was not hers.

"I've never met you old man, yet you seem to have some spat with me! My own baby brothers and sisters are now displaced of a home, so I hope you're happy you old fuck! And I'm willing to bet that you had something to do with this for nothing more then a drive for revenge. You're pathetic! Hating because of what? Had we known there were children we would leave them alone. We're not as heartless as we may seem. But what would you know." If he could stand, he was sure his rage and pain would spill out and this male would not be so keen on threatening him from afar. Tch, coward. Before Enigma could say more, another scent would waft towards him, setting him further on edge. It was an ambush!? His teeth remained bared, hackles on end as he shifted his position to have his back against the fallen tree.

Wild gaze turned to the approaching yearling, though his growling would abruptly drown down to a low rumble when he heard him tell the older wolf to leave him alone. Amber gaze moved from one to the other, this had to be a trap of some sort...the yearling would introduce himself, offering his help. Enigma would remain silent for a moment, staring at Tornach, his growls ceasing. "If you're in league with him, how do I know this isn't a trick? Evidently whoever he's with, has clear disdain for us...whatever reason that may be." Eyes narrowed slightly, guard up. "How do I know I can trust you won't try to kill me."

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
10-26-2015, 08:13 PM

As Enigma spoke Creed stalked closer with his hackles raised and teeth bared as the idiot spat insults at him. His nose crinkled and his tail lashed back and forth in irritation. The kid sure did talk big for a wolf bleeding out. It would have been humorous except Creed didn't exactly appreciate being called old... or assumed that he was a slave of some sort for Surreal. Course all of this was just air-headed talk coming from the white wolf. He was the healthy and intact one after all. He at least could back up his words. The other wolf... well if he tried Creed had confidence he'd beat him into the earth and then some.

"Lad, yer too messed up to be makin' threats and Ah ain' old dum'ass. Course Ah'm smarter than ye it seems."

Despite his irritation he managed to keep his voice in check. All he really had to do was call for Surreal and this kid would know true pain. After all it was really her that was more pissed than himself. Course as the idiot continued speaking his tail lashed faster and his growl grew louder.

"Well then you an yer pack are both deaf an' blind as well as stupid cause our scents, as well as th' pups scents, were all over th' place if ye'd bothered to look. Bu' nooo ye all think ye can take wha'ever the hell ye want. So ye all deserve to lose yer feckin home. Karma's a bitch."

In his spout of annoyance he hadn't heard Tornach arrive at all. He turned his head towards the large boy and his rage calmed slightly. Course it didn't mean he liked what the kid had to say but he couldn't rightly bite his head off either. He imagined Surreal wouldn't like him too much for that one so instead he took a breath and bit his tongue for a moment and steeled himself.

"Fine kid, if ye wanna try n' heal him go ahead. Ye can be th' one to deal with yer Ma."

Course he didn't expect mr. dumbass over there to let Tornach heal him. He shot a glare towards Enigma as he spoke again and he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Was the idiot gene inherited from his parents? If so he feared for the future of Alacritia. Least he could see this one wouldn't ever be breeding. That was a relief.

"Listen here idio'. If he wanted to harm ye he'd have already done it. Just let him heal ye before I change my mind and run ye ou'a here anyways since he was kind enough to be nicer than Ah am."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-26-2015, 09:22 PM
Tornach disregarded Creed's words as he moved closer to the black and white male. His gaze kept flicking over him with a sort of fascination, trying to see where and how he was injured while simultaneously, warily, keeping his attention split between Enigma and Creed. "You don't, I guess," he answered Enigma thoughtfully. "Except that I wouldn't do that. But does it matter really? You need help." He turned his gaze to Creed as Enigma mentioned him, then flicked it back with a shrug. "He's with my mother," he said honestly, seeing no reason to lie. "We used to live on the plains, but we had to move. It's ok though. We'll find a good home again. The land isn't what matters." Creed's angry retort to Enigma's concern about them attacking him earned a frown from Tor before the boy confided quietly to Enigma, "I wouldn't let him chase you off. That's not fair. Where all are you bleeding? I'll get you cleaned up and stop your bleeding at least, ok?"

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



9 Years
10-26-2015, 11:54 PM
His breath was ragged, jaws parted wide and head tilted downward as blood pulsed from the wounds on both sides of his muzzle. His nostrils had become clotted and fur of his face, neck and chest were coated with the thick red liquid since fleeing the plains. He was lucky, he'd managed to break away from his fight with the two beastly women before they'd gotten him on the ground to finish him off. He wished he could have kept fighting for his packmates, but if he'd stayed he would have been done for; they would have to fight their way out of it themselves. Following a trail of blood, he knew he would find a packmate soon - having not seen where the rest had fled to, he opted to follow this one, if anything just to see what would become of the pack. Would they regroup and rise again, or would they dissolve entirely? Where would that leave him?

Stumbling into the estuary, his shoulder and ribs aching, he would see Enigma with his back against a fallen tree, some stranger snarling at him. The hostility was obvious. Xephyris limped a little more hastily toward the confrontation, only to see that someone else was intervening already. He arrived just in time to hear the boy asking Enigma's permission to clean him up and stop the bleeding. Perplexed, Xeph looked between the two strangers, stepping closer to his pack mate so that he too was facing the unfamiliar wolves. "What's going on here?" he demanded, grunting in pain as he felt pain shoot through his lips. Silver eyes shifted to Enigma, "Is he from Abaven, or Imperium?" His gaze would move back to the older male as he tilted his bloodied muzzle downward to let the liquid drip from the end of his nose.



7 Years
10-27-2015, 03:02 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2015, 03:13 AM by Surreal.)

“Neither.” The feminine tones held a chill that spoke volumes as the silver timber frame slid out from behind Enigma and Xephris. Mismatched blue and gold gaze landed on her son with a chilly anger, but perhaps a hint of approval? Then they landed on Creed, a simple look telling him she would handle it from here. “I will allow your wounds to be healed. But then you will leave. Your pack,” and here her voice dripped malice and condescension, “Is no more.” She had just come from the healing camp. It was done; Hellstrom was finished. She had expected no less, with Abaven and Imperium’s forces combined. Her gaze turned to Enigma as she moved around to stand beside Creed. “Give my son trouble, and I will take you down and give you to Imperium as a gift. Your friend, too.” She was still considering it anyways.

She recognized the smell of Enigma; he carried hints of the one who had sired him. It was as inescapable as one’s shadow in the light of day. Ghosts? Pah. But Enigma had already been dealt a just penalty by the jaws of fate. She’d gotten a story out of Baine about a little blind pup from Hellstrom, left alone. The other scent around that pup had been this male. It wasn’t hard to put a story together. He had either lured a helpless child out and left him to die, or had not taken measures to ensure the young were back with their mother before going on his jaunt. Thankfully, any suffering under poor parentage was spared by whomever had taken his ability to spread his genes.

She stood, ready to lunge should the son of Sin cause any trouble for himself, trusting Creed to back her and aid Tornach should Enigma of his ex-packmate attack. They would be fools if they tried.



5 Years
10-27-2015, 12:55 PM

Astrea had heard enough, from the refugees at least, Every single one helpless in the war that now raged. A home once torn from another was laying in smoke and decay yet again. For what? Revenge? Astrea closed her eyes, as she breathed softly to herself, wanting to collect herself as she made this journey form her home to here to maybe reunite what was left of the Hellstorm wolves with the innocents that was back at home... Knowing her place was with her family, but also knowing she could not stand by and let hatred tear what remained for the young huddled at home she had to see if she could at least help.

Zori swooped over head, her eyes to what lay ahead. She was not shocked to hare the sounds of war but the shear amount of pain shock her to the core. Could this be in store for her family? Could whoever went after this small family come after her own small family? Astrea shock her head and continued on driven by the small cries.

It did not take her long to scent blood on the wind and as Zori confirmed that a group was gathered ahead Astrea moved forward, her pale eyes landing on a sad site. A small gathering to be sure but it seemed that two injured wolves faced against whole strong wolves. The two who had most likely seen and been through so much horror was now being harassed for sticking together, for trying to protect their home... She moved forward then moving fearlessly in front of the two opposing sides and stared the obvious leader in the eye. "Is this how you treat those who had just given everything for their home?" She then looked around and her eyes settled on the yearling who had the scent of the leader. "Would you want your son to be treated this way?"

Astrea lifted her head then, Zori now perched between her ears. "I have no idea what your history is, but theses two have been through enough and their family needs them like yours need you." She then turned to the two injured ones, her pale eyes sad for them, they must have lost a whole lot more than a home this day... "I am Astrea Elementas, I have had the pleasure of meeting a few of your young, come with me, we will go back to my home so you can reunite with them, and find you someone more..." Astrea looked at the leader of the group. "More sensitive to look after your wounds..."


10-27-2015, 05:27 PM

“Well aren’t you just a bucket full of sunshine?” The woman was injured, blood streaming down the side of her face. Blinded in one eye or not, limping because of her bruising or not, she wasn’t about to let these wolves harass her son when all he had done was run away from a hell he hadn’t caused.

“You,” She snarled at Surreal. “Will leave my son be. We’ve done nothing to you.” Arietta was bristling, moving to stand by Enigma.

“Try and do anything to my packmates, whether we have a pack or not, and there will be a fight.” Arietta swore. She would not allow these injustices to continue.



6 Years
Extra large
10-27-2015, 06:48 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2015, 10:52 PM by Glacier.)

It was the questioning eyes of the children that had brought him out here. Silva especially, was the most innocent and wide eyed of the children, her questioning gaze was the hardest to bare. The rest of them held a hint of accusation that reminded him of his total refusal to get involved in the pack and therefore offer no hope at an alternative ending. He knew beyond a doubt that hellstrom had no allies, why else send the kids to a pack unwilling to get involved? It had been a risk on sins part. Or perhaps sin had read him correctly, Glacier simply could not leave the fate of the children unanswered and undefended. He might not fight for a pack that had played all the wrong cards, but innocent children who had simply been along for the ride where a whole new story.

He was hesitant going near the lands of hellstrom. The scent of blood was metallic and warm and he was unwilling to near the battleground and see the evidence with his own eyes. As it was, the mixed scent of packs and wolves told him it had been an annihilation, the defending pack could only have been outnumbered. It was a budding new pack with only it's founding member from what glacier had gathered. The scent of wolves near by drew his attention and he made his way towards them in search of answers. It was distant from the fighting and the brute didn't feel like he was entering a war zone. There where a few scents of wolves and he was surprised to catch the scent or surreal mingled with hellstrom.

When he arrived at the gathering he didn't immediately show himself. He took a moment to get a feel of the scents, to understand the scent of blood. it was more faint here but still it existed. He took in the wolves and was surprised by how few where strangers. He had met creed in passing, surreal he counted among his friends. He was surprised and confused by her approach. Why did she taunt the man? He was injured, permanently changed against his will and had brought himself away from the fighting likely to find healing. Clearly he would find no solace here, where more wolves sought to trouble him. He was proud of Astrea's words in the man's defense, glacier was leaning that way also. She might not have been diplomatic I'm her approach, but she had heart.

It was clear he must reveal himself before the situation turned more hostile, with his sister caught in the crossfire. He didn't know what she knew or how she had found herself here but his place would be at her side. "Come away surreal. Enough blood has been spilled today." He began as he stepped into view "Your lands are stained red, both in memory and in fact" he said softly, studying his friend in search of any signs of the compassion and level headed logic he had admired in her on just their last meeting. It seemed strangely absent today and he mourned it's loss. What would bring her to act so coldly to one in need? There seemed to be a clear, if mental, line in the earth around them. There where those that sided with enigma and those that sided with surreal. Surreal team was quickly becoming out numbered and glacier worried that a fight might break out. He had stepped forward and intended to mess up that line with his titanic bulk. There was no 'team enigma' and 'team surreal' or he hoped not by the time he was done "Peace, friend, none will hurt your son. None will hurt either of their sons, I'll sit on any who tried" he challenge, including surreals son in the mix. He raised an eyebrow as he drew himself to full titanic height. There was a quirk to his lips, inviting the wolves around him to take take a breath and cool their hackles. "You want him gone from your territory and he needs another place of peace to mend his wounds. He is welcome to spend a day on my prairie, and even you surreal are welcome to come. I will hunt for any who wish to join us in a day or rest and easing hurts, both mental and physical, and kick out any who wish to cause trouble. There will be a healer, food, and friendship available to all. I would call it a party... but that might be in bad taste" his lips where curved upwards as he spoke. This must be voltages effect on the, if his diplomatic response was a party.




10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-27-2015, 08:26 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2015, 08:27 PM by Enigma.)

So much was going on around him, his anger rising as the asshole who came to do nothing but talk shit, kept talking. He was trying his hardest to keep conscious, the blood loss making him weaker, but if he had to protect himself and his pack mate, he would even if it killed him. The words of the old man weren't even registered, Enigma chose to ignore him as his attention was focused mainly on the young boy who sought to help him. He listened to Tornach, trust for this boy rising. Though the boy said the land didn't matter, Enigma was confused. Apparently, the old man didn't think so. "Apparently your friend thinks otherwise...I won't refuse the help." Before he could say more, his packmate came in to stand beside him, a bit of relief dropped on him now that Xephyris was here, however, before he could respond an old hag came in with words much the same as the old man. He glared at the woman, her threats empty to him. She could do what she wanted, she didn't scare him one bit. She was an old ugly fart, if she wanted a fight he would rip her a new one and see how she liked it. Turning to Xephyris, he whispered "Ignore the old bitch." Enigma and his packmate had no intention of hurting someone who was trying to help, but the hostile assholes was another story. He spat at surreal, spit and blood falling to the ground in front of her feet, but before he could say more another unknown appeared.

Hackles bristled once more, but soon relaxed when the woman seemed to be on their side. His glare did not leave the two that sought to harm a pair that did nothing to them, and then more relief when his mother came. He lowered his head some, not in submission but because he was growing tired. If these old creatures dared harm his mom then they signed their death certificates. Although his mother was injured, he was glad she had made it out. His attention turned to Tornach again, words low so the others could not hear. "I assure you, we won't harm you. We're not the monsters your mother seems to think we are." He held no respect for the old woman, much less fear of her. Her words were no more then a gust of wind to him.

Besides, loners held no place in the world compared to pack wolves. So her threats were even more empty. Who was this hag to be coming in and threatening him? She would regret it soon enough. He turned his attention to Astrea, the girl said they knew his youngest siblings? That meant she was from the pack where they were at in refuge right ally, so to speak. At least, in this moment. He was glad for once, that so many were willing to help someone like him. Although he had done his share of bad practices, everyone had sins. He was sure old hag lady and her old boyfriend were the same. At least, they were showing their true colors anyway. His head would turn then, finding a Titan male stalk into the scene, his scent very similar to Astrea's.

He listened to the blue male, quietly and with a degree of respect at how he handled the situation. So he knew the hag? Maybe she had been trying to spread rumors, that's what all old ladies did. Gossip. He almost snorted at the thought, of course, he would have if his body wasn't hurting so much. "We're not here to hurt anyone. We were just looking for some healing help. But that guy and this old lady seem to only want to harass us." He spoke to Glacier and Astrea, ignoring the other two completely. He wasn't going to waste his breath on two insolent fools who only wished to pick fights with those who couldn't fully protect themselves, not even his own family would do something so despicable. And with Enigma wanting to be a Healer, even he sought to help those who might need it, enemies or not. That was something he realized thanks to Takira.

"Thank you for your offer Tornach." He turned back to the yearling, words meant for his ears only as he was the closest besides his packmate and mother. "I'm the Fayth of our pack, highest healing position but I'm still learning...your help would be appreciated, but perhaps away from prying eyes." Not only was the quiet request away from Tornach's mothers prying eyes, but he did want peace and quiet as well as a private place for Tor to patch him up. Perhaps going with the Elementas group would be a good idea, especially if that's where the rest of their family was.

Speech Thought Others


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
10-27-2015, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2015, 09:05 PM by Creed.)

Creed finally calmed as he let Tornach take control of the situation. As he'd said before he'd let the boy heal the other kid so long as Enigma didn't touch a hair on his head. His fur finally lay flat along his skin once more as he felt his breathing calm down. The kid was injured and he highly doubted he'd be moving anywhere quick any time soon. It was probably better if he let Surreal's child stitch him up so he could leave faster. The sooner the better. Even if they didn't own the Estuary, Creed didn't trust any of the Hellstrom wolves. The farther they were away from Surreal's family the better off they all were.

He'd just been ready to sit down when the scent of another Hellstrom wolf caught his attention. His gaze swung to the new wolf and his tail flagged out once more and his fur bristled in warning as he eyed the newcomer warily. The other wolf seemed to be in as bad of shape as Enigma and Creed realized that's how the majority of the Hellstrom wolves would be. The stranger spoke though and Creed had just opened his mouth to speak again when the sight of Surreal coming towards them. With her here he decided he wouldn't be needed to handle the situation judging from the look she gave him so he looked eagerly towards her waiting rather impatiently to hear her verdict.

To his surprise she offered the same verdict he'd already decided before she got there. To let Tornach heal him and then they'd be on their way. He looked towards the new stranger (Xephris) wondering if the other wolf would let Tornach heal him as well. Of course Creed couldn't help but silently hope they'd mess up their chances and then he and Surreal could capture them. He wasn't entirely fond of the idea of slaves but he didn't like Hellstrom wolves. Any harm done to them was well deserved and then some so if becoming Imperium's slave was on the agenda he wouldn't object.

The sound of yet another wolf had Creed on edge but this scent was different. It was Donostrea. He originally would have been pleased by the scent except for the fact that the female didn't offer nice words. He frowned softly but didn't offer the new wolf the same hostility he had for Enigma.

"Wasn' their home to begin with." He stated in a matter of fact tone. "Surreal an' 'er folk dwelled there long 'for they lived There. In fact their pack was th' ones tha' kicked us from our home in th' first place. So don' pity them for wha' they started." he glanced towards Surreal before continuing. "Their folk is th' reason Threar ain' no more too. Took ou' one of' th' mos' peaceful packs here jest to be a dick. Bu' go ahead and take him with ye if ye wan'."

Course during his speech he hadn't heard another wolf come up. She came and stood by Enigma and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at her. They all were in awful shape and yet all of them except the quiet one had made checks with their mouths that their asses couldn't deliver. What idiots the whole lot of him. Least he could see that the dumbass gene came from both sides of the family and not just one.

He'd just been getting ready to spit out some more insults, this time at the mother, when a familiar scent hit his nose. His attention was once more diverted to the new face, though this one wasn't entirely new to him. He remembered running into Glacier a while back. Their conversation had been light but he'd liked the male instantly. He was honestly a bit surprised to see him here. He at least felt outnumbered though he was already aware Glacier was unlikely to help either side if his personality was anything to judge by. His frown remained but he could respect the titan for his words. It was honorable trying to calm the situation, though that didn't mean Creed would hold paws with the enemy and sing Kumbaya with them.

Course if Enigma calling Surreal an old bitch Creed still felt like ripping the bastards tongue out. It would teach him never to spit an insult at a wolf far better than him ever again. That and it would be a nice touch not to have to hear his mouth run anymore. He shifted uncomfortably on his paws as he glanced towards Surreal waiting to hear what she had to say.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-28-2015, 06:30 AM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2015, 06:35 AM by Tórnach.)

Another injured wolf appeared bearing the Hellstrom scent, blood dripping from his muzzle with a demand to know what pack he was from. Tornach refrained from asking him if he was scent-blind, because that would be rude and he probably actually was from all the blood on his face. "I could help you with that too," he offered instead. "Your nose I mean."

But he should not, perhaps, have expected to be allowed the freedom that he had hoped for, for his mother appeared on the heels of the other wolf's words. He returned his mother's angry glance with a calm one of his own, raising his chin slightly in a gesture that said he was entirely unrepentant. He felt no guilt for leaving his family's side to help someone who needed it.

Several more wolves appeared in quick succession, tension mounting as wolves sought to get between the Adravendis and the injured wolves. Tor laid his ears back in his only physical gesture of irritation at the black female and a strangely blue male from another pack who had tried to cut him off from Enigma. Standing between the two groups, he felt like the tension had pulled taut like a rope pulled to the edge of breaking, and he seeking to walk atop of it.

"Ma'am. Sir," he said with tight politeness to the strangers from the other pack. He felt no fear of the large blue male, though he was the only wolf here who topped Tornach in height and with Tor's gangly adolescent build far outweighed him. He felt no fear of them, but he was as he always was mannerly even in his irritation, which he sought to hide. "Please move aside. You can't drag a severely injured wolf all the way to your pack - " After all, there were no packs for several territories-worth of travel around the estuary, and they'd need to go further out of their way to skirt around the last vestiges of the siege anyway - " - He would bleed to death before you got there. So please... everyone please stop." Turning his head to his mother, ears held so stiffly that his floppy ear quivered from being held there, he spoke softly in Gaelic, "Máthair, le do thoil ná bagairt orthu. Is féidir liom é seo a. Níl mé a coileán níos mó. Ní féidir leo dochar dom. I know you will not hurt me," he reverted to english to add to Enigma. "But please stop insulting my mother. It isn't polite."

He moved even closer, choosing to disregard the tension in order to examine the injured wolves. "Ma'am," he said with concern to the bristling female hovering over Enigma, "You are hurt very badly." That was an understatement - her eye was a mess, and Tor suddenly felt much less confident. He could stop Enigma's bleeding. He could put herbs on him and on the other male to help them. But... he had never been trained. He didn't think he could save someone's sight. The thought of seeing his mother like that... He swallowed hard, then steeled himself. Enigma had said he'd been his pack's lead healer. What Tor couldn't figure out, surely he could walk him through it. Tor just needed to figure out where to begin, and then do it. Well, Enigma's mother had the worst injury, but Enigma had been bleeding faster and longer, and hunting had taught Tor that there was only so much blood a body could lose before the heart stopped. He would have to start with Enigma, and concentrate on Enigma, and worry about Enigma's mother after he stopped the bleeding.

"I don't think you should be moving anywhere right now," Tornach told the injured male with a thoughtful frown. Though it would be nice not to be performing under the pressure of all these eyes... "You've lost a lot of your blood and moving would make it worse, I think. Maybe we could just tell everyone to go sit in a corner or something," he whispered awkwardly to the male in a lame attempt at humor. Humor wasn't really his... thing, but the tension was so palatable he had to do something about it. "Could everyone step away to give us some privacy please?" he asked loudly enough for everyone to hear, then lowered his voice to a murmur again. "Where all are you hurt?" He seemed to be losing the most blood from his hindquarters, but with so much splashed around it was hard to tell if he was injured anywhere else too. He didn't know, either, if anyone would listen to his request. He was only a yearling, untrained, and not even very important, but he needed to do this.


This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



9 Years
10-29-2015, 12:49 AM
Xephyris nodded in acknowledgement to Tornach as the boy offered to help him with the deep lacerations on his muzzle. "That'd be great, thanks," he said politely. He remained stoic, slowly edging closer to Enigma, as a harsh woman stepped out from behind the fallen tree that the two brutes were backed up against. Her attitude was powerful as she demanded they leave, but the young man wouldn't back down; instead, he offered a stony glare and lifted his tail over his back. His pack mate urged him to ignore the older woman, but he couldn't say nothing. "We don't take orders from... strangers," he responded in an even tone - he wanted to call them rogues, but didn't want to insult the healer that offered them help, "But we had no intention of staying here anyways. We only need time to recuperate." At least if they recovered from their wounds they would have another chance to rebuild their strength together and win back their pride against wolves who sought to squash them. Another wolf appeared then, a female who seemed to disapprove of what was going on here. She wasn't necessarily siding with them, but she was certainly trying to smooth out the tension and get them some much-needed help.

Sin's mate, and Enigma's mother, would arrive on the scene, clearly still whirling with adrenaline from the siege and furious to see that her son was being threatened. He wasn't sure there was anything he could do to calm her, but he had to say something. Anything. "Let's not waste our blood here," he insisted, stepping toward Arietta, "You still have young whelps to return alive to, and we need to find out what has happened to the rest of us." Though mischievous at times and defiant by nature, he tried to keep level-headed and maintain some formality. He intended to get out of here alive, and there were wolves here offering their assistance. Yet another wolf arrived, this one seeming to know Surreal, and tried to reason with her. He would turn away from the opposing wolves, allowing them to talk amongst themselves; his interest was on Tornach, and what he could do for them.

The young male would request space so that he could get to work, advising that it would be a death sentence to Enigma to move him from this territory. He needed to be treated now. Though Tornach was young, Xephyris could tell he was serious, that the situation was severe. Xeph looked to Enigma. "Let's just do what he says and stay here," he said, his voice rumbling as pain continued to stab through his gashed up muzzle, "I'll make sure there's no interference." He turned and faced Surreal and Creed, moving to place his body between the two conflicting parties. Even if they still had something to say, he wasn't going to let them stall the treatment for Enigma any further.


11-01-2015, 06:42 PM

A male came. A male who ensured her none would hurt her son, or either of their sons. She’d give a small nod at this, an agreement from her end that she wasn’t about to do anything. The only way the autumn colored fae was going to attack was if her child was in danger, or Xeph, though she did not know him well. They were still a pack. Still a family. Arietta would not have them be shattered by this. She’d breathe in, flicking her ears back. She didn’t like the idea of Enigma being moved just yet... But she would see what the healer that was there thought on the matter. She was only just beginning her own healing duties.

“I do not wish to spill more blood.” Arietta would say softly. “We are not monsters at all, though we were made out to be. I will merely defend my friends, my family, if I feel that they are threatened. Would no other wolf do the same?” She questioned, her words hard as she looked at Surreal. Then her gaze would turn to the blue male, after her son had spoken his piece. Her gaze would sharply turn to the man who spoke however, letting out a low snarl.

“So we’re to be blamed because we wanted a home, and that the others were not strong enough to fight for theirs? It is the way of the wolf.” Arietta would snap. “Again, we are not monsters. Do not mistake us for them. We care for our family, or loved ones, same as anyone. We wanted to give them security on our own, and for that we needed land.” The femme would bristle more. She was sick of being treated like she was a bad guy.

“...and furthermore it was a one on one challenge, not a pack challenge. Do not degrade the rest of us just to make yourself fell better.” She continued to spit out her words to Creed. She could give a damn if she was hurt badly. She would not be harassed.

She would direct her attention towards Xephyris, giving a gentle nod. “You’re right...” The femme would whisper. “...and I have every intention of returning to my babies.” She would move back, sitting upon the Earth. She was tired, ragged, and pissed. Everything had been a fallout of one mistake... And yet all of them were taking the blame though they were not part of it. It was that injustice that Arietta could not bare.



5 Years
11-04-2015, 04:10 PM

The Star Dreamer beamed at her elder brother, not even knowing he was coming but glad that he had, and not only that but backed her up. She beamed at her brother then, her eyes filled with gratitude. With that Astrea calmly watched as hostile words bounced from one end of the stand off to the other, this was not a pretty thing to be between but she was not one to stand on the sidelines and watch those who may not necessarily be weaker but was in a bad way from the war that was more than likely winding down. She looked at the large gray male, his words full of anger at a lost home. "So you take it back with blood? You condemn a whole family for the sins of one? Who won a challenge? The world is not so black and white."

She then turned to the white male then, the one she had been defending and gave him a small frown, he just kept digging a hole for himself. "You need to stop digging your grave, I will help you the best I can but I will not spill blood. Someone is waiting for you right? Someone you may want to see again, who may need you? You need to calm down and let those will to help, help." And as the little healer brought her down a peg, she conceded that he was right. The injured could not be moved in this condition, they needed help now and she should not get in his way. She moved then, no longer in the young males way.

"I am sorry young healer, I had not meant to block you, but I was also not able to stand aside and let injured wolves be harmed more." As she moved aside she looked at the brown female, taking in everything she said. "Ah, you are the mother. I know you children wait for you." She smiled at her. "I can tell you they are safe and in good hands at the moment. So lets let the young healer look at your wounds too, yes?" She then turned her eyes on the one her brother called surreal. "That is only the right thing to do, is it not?" She then looked at the battered wolves, "Then we can collect the young ones and then you can rebuild what was lost."



9 Years
11-12-2015, 09:28 PM

Creed huffed softly as the tension just continued to rise. He felt his fur stand on end as he stood near Surreal. He couldn't help but glance over at her to read her reaction, but his attention didn't remain on her for long. The intruders kept spewing words back and forth and the aging male couldn't help but roll his eyes at all of them. He was about done with the meeting itself and any other words went in one ear and out the other. He wanted nothing more than to stalk off and find his own silence. So long as the injured wolves left after they were healed was all he cared about. If they didn't... well then he'd make sure they'd die there. That was his justice. So he nudged Surreal softly and spoke quietly, though he didn't quite care if any others picked up on his words.

"If ye need me Ah'll be patrillin' th' area. No poin' in stayin' since th' words of an ol' man fall on deaf ears." He grumbled before walking off with his tail flagged and head high.

-exit Creed-

Walk, "Talk" Think

ooc: Since no one has posted this in a while and Creed is no longer needed (and I'm trying to cut back on threads) I'm having him exit.
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