
The devil walks alone tonight.



4 Years
10-27-2015, 07:01 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2015, 07:03 AM by Aksinia.)
OoC- Gah I can't do starter posts to save my life >.<


Long, slender front appendages slowly stretched out from beneath the mound of soft white snow that was created to protect myself from the harshness of the northern climates. The bitter cold striking my toes first before trailing slowly up gray legs, a shutter causing my body to tremble. The sun had long vanished, leaving nothing but a moon to replace it high above, which honestly did not provide much light. Small stars littered a blackened sky. Twinkling as they always did. Crystalline, and emerald splattered optics gleam with a carnal anticipation. Along with the night, came many other fun things to play with. Blackened maw parted as pink muscle slipped free from its moistened cave, only to be followed by a long and drawn out yawn.

Soon enough the rest of my sleek embodiment would follow, emerging the warmth that I managed to have trapped beneath the snow. Steel gray canvas stretched outwards, releasing tension that lie deep within the muscle. A demon of the night. Thick banner found its way wrapping around my right side slightly as my feminine hind end found its self sitting. Still feeling slightly drowsy, my body not yet awake to its full potential. Ink dipped ears flattened against a steel crown. An eerie silence washed over me, everything seemed so dead, so still. Even the cooled breeze ceased its motion, no longer running its frigid fingertips through silken tresses. Large triangular ears shifted upon my cranium now leaving their flattened position to push forward. Listening for any sounds that were being made, not a single foot fall  found its way into my drums... Now how can we have fun, if there is no one to play with? She cooed, in that low and seductive tone.. A voice that only I was cursed to could hear.

Due to her psychological issues, she does have tendencies to lash out. Just a fair warning. Often Mature content involved in posts.



5 Years
10-27-2015, 09:43 PM

A sigh rolled past his lips as he sat a safe distance from the geyser. He'd already watched the natural wonder erupt more than once and he was bored of it. Grimmjow was not a fan of boredom and already he grew irritable with the spot. An annoyed huff escaped his maw as he rose from his seat in the snow. He was of lean build and his fur did little to protect him from the icy bite of the snow but he could care less. Regardless it didn't mean he was going to walk around with snow on his pelt so he shook himself free of the annoying cold and then glanced around him.

His nose wrinkled at the geyser and he trotted away from it with his tail flagged and his head held high. Now that he was officially bored he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. He'd already taken a nap earlier and now that the night had descended he realized that there wasn't likely to be any other wolves around. The childish nature in him whined at the lack of opportunity for some fun. If he couldn't find any one to entertain him perhaps he could torture some creatures instead? It wasn't the same but it was fun to hear rabbits and mice squeal in terror.

So he'd set off at his ground eating trot to track down a rabbit or two when the scent of another caught his attention. It was feminine and overall intriguing to the male. So it turned into a debate in his head. Find the innocent little rabbit or seek out the wolf scent? To him it was a rather simple decision. A new face was far more entertaining that something he'd already done time and time again. So he wheeled on his paws and headed towards the location of the scent.

It didn't take him long, a few minutes at most, but it took him less than a second to find her. Had snow not littered the ground she would have been hard to miss in the dark, but her darkened figure stuck out like a sore thumb in the snow. He grinned to himself as he approached and then offered her sly smile as he paused a little ways away from her. He tossed a wink with his blue eye at her direction.

"Hey Darlin'." He purred. "Rather late for a lovely lady like you to be out."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Please take note that Grimmjow is unpredictable and impulsive in his actions and has a tendency to be hostile at times.

[Image: 8tXLX5S.png]



4 Years
10-30-2015, 02:17 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2015, 02:19 PM by Aksinia.)

Large triangular towers shifted forward, then backwards upon a delicately crafted crown. Crystalline pools searched the white, vacant land. All seemed so eerily still in the dead of the night. Nothing but the chilled breeze whistling through the scarce tree tops. Thick banner would once more find itself wrapped cozily around frontal paws and hind legs. The high hopes I had were slowly deteriorating, the only option that I truly had was to leave the place in which I had slept during the daylight in order to seek out something of entertainment. Right about now, even a nice little snow shoe rabbit would suffice.

It was then I heard the crunching of snow beneath ones weight. A flicker of hope ignited within my hues as I waited patiently. The full moon ahead cast down an illuminating glow, although it was still difficult to see. The silhouette of another slowly game to a view. Carnal urges blanketed me like a thick comforter. Patiently, I awaited, adrenaline coursed through my veins, and he grew larger and larger. Tilting my delicate cranium back slightly, I inhaled deeply. Allowing the thick musk to trickle down my throat, coating it like honey. I could taste him.

In such a leisure manner, the distance between us closed. However I did not throw in the extra effort to stand. No he shall come to me, entangle himself with in the dangerous web I had woven.  He will become my next victim of the night, used to my liking to rid myself of this deep craving that bore itself into me. The closer he approached the more of him I could hungrily devour with my eyes. Taking in his physical features, storing them away for later purposes, if need be. I took in the contours of his bodice as he moved, noticing the faint signs of rippling beneath his thick white, black stained silken tresses. I could feel a purr as it formed within my throat.  He stopped still a little ways off, offering a playful wink as a devious, up to no good smirk formed upon my think black lips. Slowly I moved upwards to go to a standing position, stretching front legs outwards, slender spin rising upwards like that of a feline, lips parted so a moist tongue would sleep free, a yawn escaping.

Once my muscles were relieved of their tension, his words danced into my drums. A Low chuckle escaped me as I moved towards him slowly, like that of a stalking predator. And he was indeed my prey. Black ticked banner flicked behind feminine thighs, a devious grin plastered upon my face as words escaped my lips. Soft spoken, I was, however possessed a dangerous hiss.

"Oh, but there is no rest for the wicked, love. What of you, dear? What draws you out into the dead of the night?"


Due to her psychological issues, she does have tendencies to lash out. Just a fair warning. Often Mature content involved in posts.