



9 Years
Dragon Mod
10-27-2015, 02:27 PM

The growing girl raced out of her territory, paws drumming fast on the ground as her tongue flopped against her jaws. She had been nosing around in her stores, and realized that there was something she was missing for the coming season of winter. As she wracked her brain trying to remember, she realized that it was the bit of catnip her momma had stored away in the Antiox...and hadn't brought it with them. In a sudden panic, Holly had immediately left without saying a word, hoping that the precious herb was still intact and safe from the elements.

The young girl was growing tired. And by the time the ship came into view, she felt her body weakening and screaming for her to stop. But she didn't want to, she needed to get to those herbs. They would be incredibly useful for her pack should anyone get sick. Several long moments and a now clouded sun later, she would reach the base of the ship, the girl panting hard and fast. Vibrant yellow gaze lifted as she groaned, there was still a matter of climbing up the Antiox. Sighing, she slowly made her way up, nails scraping the deck as she finally at long last, made it to the Stern. She wanted so badly to just flop here and rest, but the herbs.

Forcing herself to go on, she wandered towards their old den. Peeking in, she looked around at the abandoned room, tail wagging meekly at the familiar sight, then her eyes fell on a dried heap of herbs, and she would gasp and frown. Stalking closer, she nosed the contents that were on the ground, the catnip and other remaining herbs were destroyed. Someone had come and ransacked the place. Sighing, she felt incredibly disappointed that she had made this trip for nothing, and it was a long way back. Glancing at the bed, she decided to take a short nap before heading home, and so she would hop on top of it, too tired even to circle around. Instead, she flopped down and drifted to sleep.



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