



8 Years
Other species
10-27-2015, 11:41 PM

 to an even better place

ooc: using this for navigation points too if you don't mind.

This place was full of shiny little things. All new to her of course, however it was all the more interesting to explore. The strange plateu was covered in junk, it smelt weird but caught the huge birds eyes. Normally Flamie didn't care much for shiny things, she was a bone girl like most others of her kind, however giving shiny things as gifts just felt right. She had made some new wolfy friends and it was important she knew the lay of every single land for their sake. Making her click her beak as large claws splayed over the terrain so she could get a better look of the place from the ground.

Later perhaps she would lift off to look at it from above. However new air space was just as dangerous as the ground space despite how she was built to protect herself. Spreading out her tail feathers, she kept alert for any new sounds as well. Still learning, she was in her prime. The red clay sticking to her white feathers as she let out a small squeak in the middle of her throat. Perhaps someone could show her around.



10-27-2015, 11:56 PM

This is where he had been. Shinies, everywhere! Pretty pretty, so many pretty things! B cawed with glee as he tugged at his newest price, the chain stuck in the stupid earth. He wiped his head to and fro, his green striped crest bobbing along with the movement. Closer, closer! He could feel it begin to give, and took a few hops back as he pulled harder and harder. Oh the frustration, he just needed it out! His, his, it was all his! If the stupid ground would let it go! With one final tug the chain broke free, sending B backwards. Swacking and flapping his wings he balanced himself before he could fall over, his new price gripped in his black beak. Oh yes, oh yes! So many pretties, and all his, all his! That was, until his golden eyes landed on another bird. And holy crow was she big! Big, massive! Huge! And scary, very scary! B could act like a tough bird, but no no, he was no toughy. No, scary bird, he was a big scardy bird! But these were his shinies, and there was no way that he would let the big scary bird take it all away from him! Fluffing up his black feathers, the large crow hopped closer to her, spreading his tiny wing span a tad to make himself look bigger. "Oi, oi! These are B's shinies, B's pretties! You, you big feather brain! You go take your dirty feathers and fly off! These are B's, just B's! Just because you are big and scary doesn't mean you can chase me away, caw! Its B's, all B's!" He called, lifting off to land on top of a huge metal contraption, bringing him a little big closer to the massive birds height. His big wide eyes stayed trained on her, ready to take off if she made a swing towards him. His chain had not been forgotten though, it was still clutched in his claws.




8 Years
Other species
11-10-2015, 10:28 AM
Proud. Michevious. Damn bird
Flamie was surprised by the little bird, jumping back and lifting a wing over her face. Once he started to talk though, she was over-run with a slight sense of guilt. She didn't MEAN to steal anything! She wanted to give mr.wolfies some gifts! Not steal another birds stuff. Her tail feathers spread out as she smiled at the crow. "Flamie didn't mean any harm! No no, I'm not here to steal your stuff I didn't know it was yours. I don't mean to be scary I just want to make friends." Flamie matched his tone of voice simply because that's how she worked. Talking in third person was no problem with her.

"I'm Flamie, I eat bones." She introduced herself finally. Maybe she'd be able to ask for one of the shiny things. He was so little he couldn't possibly want ALL of them right? Flamie knew the crow seemed quiet flustered about her presence but she really meant him no harm. She had no interest in hunting him, his bones were too little to eat. Her species lived off of the marrow rarely did they find themselves hunting or eating meat unless bone supply was down. With all these wolves! She never had to hunt again.



11-11-2015, 02:01 PM

The crows head bobbed from side to side, yellow eyes appraising the large bird when she seemed to be scared of him. Yes, yes, B was scary! SO scary! Fluffing up his plumage he clacked his beak together. Yes, super scary B had scared the big scary bird! Such scared! A garbled laugh left his beak, head tipping backwards at the thought of it. He was secretly a coward, you see, but put on the tough guy act. But now this bird believed him! Oh what a good actor B was. But then when the larger bird started speaking, his eyes narrowed further. "Are you making fun of B?" he cawed, green striped plumage dancing atop his head as he studied her. He had never met anyone that talked to him, so to him it was very much like she was mocking him. B would not stand to be mocked, oh no! That was for lesser birds, yes yes. Only lesser birds got made fun of, and he was a big, strong, scary bird! Caw! But she insisted that she wasn't here to steal his shinies, which settled his ruffled feathers a tad. He very much liked his shinies, and did not like it when others tried to take them. But he was a tough guy, right? B laughed internally, hoping along the metal thing he stood on to get a bit closer to the huge birdy. She said that she ate bones, and B's beak snapped together. "Then big bird would not like B, oh no. B's bones are small and brittle, you would choke and die on them. Choke and die!" He called.




8 Years
Other species
11-15-2015, 02:29 PM
Proud. Michevious. Damn bird
Flamie would make sure to settle herself, she didn't want to seem like a threat. A bird as small as him was nothing to her really. However she was happy to make friends - and if he was a potential one she wanted to make him her friend correctly. A small giggle left her throat, beak clicking on itself as the large bird's cyan eyes locked on B. "No not at all, I meant no offense by it B." her tail feathers outstretched before wiggling. Careful not to ruin any of the shinies she stood on, it looked like she was going to have to search for gifts elsewhere but oh well.

"Indeed you're bones would be too little - I don't want them because you're pretty. I wanna be your friend." Flamie bobbed her head up and down a bit. There was no need for a fight here, fellow birds after all. If he were another vulture it would've been a different turn of events but he was just a weird crow! She'd never seen a crow before, only heard about them from other birds that used to come to her area.



12-04-2015, 08:03 PM

As the larger bird started to settle more and more, B felt himself relaxing somewhat. She may be a big massive birdy but she seemed nice, plus she didn't want to eat him! That was good, a good start. She didn't want to take his shinies away and she even said that his bones were indeed too tiny. And then he called her pretty! Ha! B cawed loudly as his wings ruffled happily, spreading out beside him. He loved having friends! All the friends! He wanted to collect them like his shinies, cause friends were good, oh yes! They helped B when he needed it, and sometimes even traded shiny things with him. And those were his very favorite, oh yes! Shiny things were the very best, and B would do almost anything for them. Almost. "If big birdy wants to be a friend, then B guesses that B could share shines. But you have to check with B before you take, caw! B has special shinies and some shinies that are not so special, shinies that Flamie could take." He said with a clack of his beak and a ruffle of his ebony feathers. His green striped feathers moved about on his head as he hopped closer, golden eyes narrowing slightly as he studied Flamie. "Why is big bird all covered with mud? Did you fall in a pit? B did that once, and got mud all over B's pretty feathers!" He shook, it was not fun at all! B didn't like getting all dirty, it was so much work to keep his feathers clean. And they stuck for his claws, and sometimes even tried to eat his shinies!
