
The Line of Hroovitnir

Loki 1


6 Years
10-29-2015, 10:39 AM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2015, 11:03 AM by Tealah.)
Due to inactivity, Weth Hroovitnissdottir and Helena Frost are being placed up for adoption.

Weth is a full sibling to Loki, Hati, and Thor, Akemi, Skoll, and Skadi... littermate to Baldur (who died on-site) and the deceased Hodr (as well as adopted littermate/half sister to Tyr). Her name and design must change but anything else can stay the same or change as you want it to (except age and height, which must remain the same). Her profile is not currently filled out but if you want you can get an idea of her personality from her posts.

Helena Frost is one of Loki's daughters with Daegmar - three years old now. Her littermates are Aksel, Astrid, and Acadia. Aksel was killed by the same bear that killed Daegmar - Helena may or may not know depending on if she's met up with Acadia, who does know. Half-siblings through Loki with Emer are Cecily, Taddeo, (both of whom will also be up for adoption) and Signy. Half-siblings from Daegmar are Karabela, Falx, and Sabre. Her name will need to change as well as her personality since her profile was wiped when we moved to the new site. You can get a decent idea of her previous personality from her posts, however. Design can stay the same or an alternate can be used as long as it follows the same general color scheme as the Hroovitnissons and Daegmar. Any of THESE three designs are unused from the litter and her current design is found HERE. Anything else except age and height can either stay the same or change as you want.

This is what I need from you:

<b>Character trying for:</b> (either Weth or Helena)
<b>New name:</b> (last name for Weth is Hroovitnisdottir, Helena's is Frost)
<b>Design:</b> (a lineart reference will be required here)
<b>Appearance:</b> (this is where you'd write out the discription - site minimum is required)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum is also required here)
<b>Plans:</b> (this is very important to be specific about. I don't want any more unpleasant surprises to come up. I understand that plots sometimes come up unexpectedly but I would like a pretty good idea of what you'll be looking to do with this character.)

I would like to say it now...

I reserve the right to deny applications for any reason. I don't care if you're the only one who applied, it does NOT mean you get the character. Any harassment toward me or Lunar or complaining about the length of time for the adoption will result in your application being denied outright. If you already have one of my characters and you are not active with them, EXPECT YOUR APPLICATION TO BE DENIED.

Any post that has been a WIP for more than a week will be deleted, period.

I also reserve the right to take back any character who is set inactive, or who has not been posted with regularly. I don't expect a post a week but I do expect these to be active and participating.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-29-2015, 11:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2015, 12:36 PM by Avalon.)
Character trying for: Helena Frost
New name: Ran Frost
Design: Ref
Appearance: (this is where you'd write out the discription - site minimum is required)
Personality: (site minimum is also required here)
Plans: (this is very important to be specific about. I don't want any more unpleasant surprises to come up. I understand that plots sometimes come up unexpectedly but I would like a pretty good idea of what you'll be looking to do with this character.)

-WIP- will complete today, making breakfast right now


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!