



7 Years

10-30-2015, 10:23 PM

ooc;// No need to reply to this, this is just to ICly claim the land. ^^

They had done it. After the fights calmed down Hellstrom had fallen at their paws, the wolf who took down his family's pack was defeated. He wasn't even sure that he had needed Imperium's help, the amount of wolves who had shown up to fight had not been as many as his messengers had scented. He did feel like a bit of a bully to show up with that many wolves, and to be called a coward did not sit well with him. But it was done and over with, there was no going back. But now, now he could finally expand Abaven's swelling borders. He had concidered taking one of Threar's old pack lands, but the only one that touched his current land was the Bay, and Bass did not see much use in adding a beach to their territory. The dangers of the waters was too much, they already had the rapids and the snakes in the plains (lol snakes in a plane) to worry about. But the Rustling Thicket, that had been a land that he had had his eyes on before. With the tall grasses there was prey that lingered even in the hard seasons, the birds never seemed to stop singing there either. And he was sure that it had its fair share of herbs, something that he was sure that Starling would be pleased about. Walking into the very land now he felt the grass brush his pale legs, breathing in the scent of the place. Soon enough, it would smell of his wolves. Tipping back his head he let out a claiming howl, stating that these lands were his now. Were Abaven's.


Art by Evelyn



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
10-31-2015, 12:22 AM

While he remained behind babysitting, which was a task he didn't mind doing, Zell had finally heard of the return of the Abaven members that had left to war. It was...rather quick, and he only guessed that it didn't end well for the opposition. As he stood near the water of the rapids, ears would flick at the sound of a howl. Not just any howl, a claiming howl. So, Bass had won? He was curious to know what happened, so without hesitation he was off in the direction of Bass' call. His large form ate the terrain like eve eats cupcakes. The male moving at a lumbering trot as he headed towards the thickets. It didn't take him terribly long to get there, and when he did arrive he would find Bass...unscathed. Did a fight even happen?

He slowed to a stop when he got within a few feet, Bass was right in front of him, face to face. Zell's expression remained neutral, making it hard for anyone to guess what he was thinking. But his question was, what had happened? Bass didn't even look like he had fought at all. As did some of the other returning members...He let loose a mild questioning look, a brow raised as he stood there. "I take it went well?" He would ask something simple for the moment, as he kept reigns on the other burning questions. For now, at least.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years

11-02-2015, 02:33 PM

Zell was the first to arrive after his song came to an end, and he lowered his head and offered the male a small smile. He had stayed behind to watch the young ones with the rest of Abaven and Imperium, and he knew that he was probably aware that Bass didn't have a single mark on him. "A little too well I suppose. There were even fewer Hellstrom wolves than I had thought, even though there had been more on their pack lands at the time of our scouting. A few slaves that Sin kept, although one stood there waiting for a fight and no one attacked him. For how few Hellstrom members their were they all jumped into huge group fights instead of one on one." Bass sighed, seating himself on Abaven's newest lands. "The rest of us stood back and waited, but it wasn't needed. Everyone fought well, on both sides. I am impressed that they fought even though they were clearly outnumbered. I do feel a bit bad for showing up with so many wolves but I didn't expect Imperium to be so excited about it." His grin wasn't wide spread and didn't last for long, his tail thumping on the earth. "I have no doubt that Sin will take all of this laying down though. He will need time to lick his wounds but he strikes me a the kind of wolf to come back, no matter what."

His golden eyes roamed over Zell, trying to see past the mask that he always seemed to wear. "You remind me a lot of a wolf that used to be a member here, more in personality than in looks. Although he may have had you beat on the grumpy front." He said with a smooth chuckle, moving on to happier topics. "But what of things here? Did it all go well?"

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
11-16-2015, 09:07 PM

Zell remained on his feet as Bass dove into his explanation of the whole thing. At the mention of the scout mission, he scoffed. Maybe he should have sent someone else along to go too...a second pair of eyes. A second opinion. Although he didn't know the young girl who scouted all that well, he knew she probably twisted things in their favor so she could make herself seem better then she was. It wasn't right. It wasn't honorable. Which was why he didn't like to deal with kids. When Bass finished, Zell didn't have much to think about. It all leaped to the front of his mind as soon as certain things were said. And whether he got in trouble for his bluntness, seemed they needed some of that around here. "Maybe it should have been double checked. Kids often tend to exaggerate things." That was true for the most part. Kids did like to over exaggerate.

"Now that revenge for your family has been sated, what will you do if he does come back? Another war? More spies? Another eye for an eye? I heard they had kids too, but both packs must be proud of doing to them what was done to another pack. Except, we did them worse then a simple challenge." His gaze did not waver, his tone did not change. If Bass wanted to be upset with him, it was all fine and dandy. Zell couldn't not say what was on his mind. And the fact that the opposing side jumped into group fights...he wondered why that was. Maybe his alpha could enlighten him. "Everything went fine here. No trouble. But I would like to know, why do you think they jumped into group fights rather then one on one? They were clearly outnumbered, I'm sure they saw that."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years

11-16-2015, 10:14 PM

The more and more Zell spoke, the more he began to feel his anger rise above. His lips curled back into a snarl as his eyes narrowed, raising himself back to his paws as he squared off against the the taller man. He didn't care that there were six inches separating them, it meant nothing to him. His hackles rose as his tail rose to align with his spine, head doing the same as his shoulders rolled forward, easily bracing a fighters stance. Legs were equal distance apart and bent slightly at the knee, toes spread and claws biting into the ground. "You dare oppose me after all is said and done? Have you so little faith in your alpha? Of course we did not bring harm to their pups, in fact I am rather shocked that you knew anything about them having children, since none were even at the fight. No one knew. Are you telling me that you are a spy, trying to dig all this information out of me? I have always been an open alpha, and yet you say nothing until after the siege. Are you trying to change the past, Zell?" He shot at the man, pale ears laying flat against his skull. Well, he was tired of being questioned on every step that he took, he was the alpha for goodness sake. This man would learn his lesson for speaking out so rashly against Bass. Yes, all members were allowed their say, he would never turn that down. But the fact that this man clearly had no respect for Bass as all pissed him off to no end. The Azat was no doormat, and would no longer allow his members to think that they were getting away with speaking out like this. All packs had their order, and Zell needed to learn his place.

Without much else of a pause, Bass attempted to close the distance between them. They had been standing pretty close, if Zell had not moved there would probably be about three feet between them. Bass aimed to align himself so that his left shoulder would slam into the lower center of Zell's chest, an equal distance apart from each shoulder. At the same time Bass' head tilted to his left, jaws parting. The smaller man aimed to reach his jaws upwards, seeking to grasp a hold on Zell's neck. His lower jaw aimed for the left side of Zell's neck, about in the center of the outer portion of his neck. Bass' top jaw aimed for the center of Zell's throat, hoping to sink in his teeth deep enough to gain a hold, and hopefully apply enough pressure on the red masked man's windpipe to knock the taller man out. Without hesitation Bass' weight shifted to his own right, his left front paw raising and aiming to quickly slam down on the top of Zell's front right paw. He hoped that the force would be enough to crush some toes and leave the taller man slightly off balance.

Round 1 of ?

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
11-17-2015, 01:45 PM

Blue eyes watched Bass, though his look did not change as he watched his alpha get riled up. He listened to him, though his own lip curled when Bass did not answer the questions he wanted to know. Instead, calling him a spy. That was ridiculous! He snarled, teeth baring at Bass. If he was to be accused of something he didn't do, so be it. "Why would I have faith in the morals of a pack who claims to brag about what they supposedly are? Family this, family that! Well I lost my family to the grip of death! But of course you wouldn't know that because you never cared to ask. Stuck in your own little perfect world!" This guy hadn't earned his respect. So why trust him? Maybe after this...just maybe.

He would set his defenses swiftly soon as he saw Bass setting his, ears pinning to the back of his head, eyes narrowed, hackles rising and stiffening along his spine, tail flagged out to align with his spine, head lowered to align as chin tucked. His toes splayed over the dirt, claws biting angrily at the earth. Shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck as he pulled his head back a little to bunch the loose skin around his scruff. Legs spread equidistant apart, knees bent slightly. His lips curled, teeth fully bared. "Nothing we do can change the past!" He snapped. He knew that all too well, yet some still tried.

Bass would surge forth to try and close the few feet between them, and Zell would immediately seek to rise on his hind legs, weight shifting to his hind end as he balanced himself. He would seek to wrap his forelegs around Bass' neck and shoulders, right foreleg aiming to wrap around Bass' left shoulder, and his left foreleg aimed to wrap around his right side. He would strive for a bear hug, to bring the smaller male closer and try to use his weight and height to his advantage. Bass' charge attempt would hit, though the force wouldn't be quite strong because of the close proximity. Instead, Bass' left shoulder would strike the lower part of his chest, about three inches lower then where his alpha had intended, causing mild bruising but nothing more.

Bass' intent to slam his toes would ultimately fail the second he rose, thus saving his toes from damage so far. Through narrowed eyes, the young male would spy Bass' attempt to bite him, so Zell would strive to counter. Tucking his chin further over his throat, he would tilt his jaws to his lower left, jaws gaping as he aimed to grip Bass' top jaw in his own. Upper canines sought to wrap over the far side of Bass' jaw, and lower canines sought to wrap beneath his top jaw [COUNTER]. He didn't want to severely hurt the guy, he simply sought to grip and apply enough pressure to make him back off.

Zell VS Bass for DOMINANCE

Round 1/2


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years

11-21-2015, 08:52 PM

Gone were the words of his opponent, only more and more disrespect spewing from his black lips. Bass was tired of games, tired of these wolves with the big talk with no bite to back them up. Zell had done very little since he joined the pack accept piss off Bass in more than one way, and he had had enough. Just because there was more room in Abaven did not mean that there was space for slackers and wolves who didn't actually care for it. If he needed to clean his ranks to get rid of all these wolves, so be it. He didn't care anymore, all he wanted to do was to finally see Abaven become the pack that he had wanted it to be all along. It took a bit of growing up for him to realize it, but he was done with these simple discussions. Action is what he craved, and the larger man would not disappoint him.

Even though all of Bass' moves failed when Zell reached upwards, he was not discouraged. Bass' left shoulder had connected with Zell's lower chest, the mild impact inflicting a minor bruise on the front portion of his left shoulder. A grin split his maw as Bass' paw slammed back on the earth, and he quickly shifted his weight onto all fours again. Bass waited until he saw Zell's legs coming towards him before he quickly gave up his chance to bite as he attempted to drop into a play bow under the reared man. Bass' font legs were resting close to the earth, his rump high in the air as he shifted his weight to keep himself balanced. Tail was still flagged out behind him, aligned with his spine. Ears still clung to his head, eyes remaining narrowed as his lips curled back into a snarl. His hind legs were bent slightly, his toes spreading as his claws dug into the ground. His neck aligned with his spine as best as he could, chin tucking towards his chest. Because of his downward motion Zell's legs were unable to rest on his shoulders, his bite completely missing Bass' upper jaw. (Counter to a counter?)

Without much hesitation Bass dove right in for more damage. Bass' jaws parted as he aimed to strike straight forward, hoping to sink his jaws into the meaty portion of Zell's belly, directly in the center line. His upper jaw was aimed for just below his sternum, lower jaw aimed four inches below his upper jaw. Bass hoped to achieve a grip on the sensitive flesh, hoping to bite down as hard as he could. He wasn't about to spare causing any pain, he was here to teach a lesson. Bass rose his front right leg, shifting his weight to his own left to try and keep himself balanced. Bass then attempted to strike outwards with his paw, aiming to hit Zell's more... unmentionable parts. This Azat was not above playing dirty, and was indeed going for a low blow. Bass was hoping to bruise Zell's testicles with his paw strike, causing enough pain to make the man back off of trying to do any more damage.

Round 2 of 2

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
11-24-2015, 02:35 AM

Narrowed eyes widened briefly as his opponent suddenly ducked down. Zell slammed on the brakes by way of setting his rump to the ground as quickly as he could, abdominal muscles tightening. He would, however, let his broad chest continue falling forward. Attempting to smother Bass beneath him. He snarled when he felt Bass' teeth connect with his belly, though with the muscles tightened and rigid, and his potentially smothering Bass beneath him, the azat wouldn't gain a solid hold, however, his fangs did slice moderately sized lacerations on his upper stomach just behind the ribs.

Hopefully too, letting his weight fall on Bass would stop his paw from...hitting his man bits. (counter to a counter that was countering...Yeah). His defenses he could manage would remain in place. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, muzzle wrinkled while teeth bared, hackles raised, tail flagged out, muscles tensed, shoulders rolled forward, head pulled back slightly to bunch the fatty rolls on his scruff, chin tucked and aligning with his spine, hind toes spread, claws biting the dirt.

Zell would lunge forward, jaws open as he attempted to grip Bass over the middle of his back, his head tilted to his left as top canines sought to dig into the right side of Bass spine and bottom canines sought to dig into the left side. Simultaneously, his left forepaw rose, and he would strive to aim a sharp jab to the joint of Bass' right shoulder, where the joint connected. Hopefully, he could make it uncomfortable and bruise him at least. Or strain it...or something. Anything. His weight shifted slightly, his right elbow bent as he sought to drop that roughly against Bass' upper ribs to try and bruise him. At this point, he might as well be trying to lay on top of him...

Zell vs Bass for Dominance

Round 2/2

OOC//crappy post for eve because I'm tired xD


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

The Judge


12-21-2015, 08:36 PM

BASS vs ZELL for Dominance




-2  You've lost me at what distance is separating them.  Early in the post you say 6 inches but before he attacks it mentions three feet.
-1  Where on the throat is Bass aiming to land his upper teeth.  That's a fairly wide area, up towards the jawline?  mid-distance between head and chest?
-1 how did his weight shift to his right?  Over just his right legs?  Right foreleg and back legs?

Total: 6


-none seen

Total: 10


+1 each seen

Total: 9


+2 shoulder slam
+3 Bite +1 grip
+1 paw slam

Total: 7


-first round

Total: 10

Total for Round One:  42



-2  "weight shifting to his hind end"  You've lost me on this motion, is he sitting down?  Shifting all his weight to his butt?  Did you mean his hind legs?
-2  "aimed to wrap around his right side."  Where on his right side?  The right side is a huge area.
-2  "Upper canines sought to wrap over the far side of Bass' jaw, and lower canines sought to wrap beneath his top jaw"  I'm a bit lost what counts as the far side and what counts as beneath.  Beneath could be where Bass' upper canine's are or the left side of the jaw, same for far side.  Is the far side the left side of the jaw, where the canines are or along the bridge of the nose?

Total: 4


-none seen

Total: 10


+ 1 each seen

Total: 10


+2 bear hug -1 clarity issue
+3 bite +1 grip -1 clarity issue

Total: 4


-first round
-(mild bruising to chest)

Total: 10

Total for Round One: 38




-1 "A grin split his maw as Bass' paw slammed back on the earth, and he quickly shifted his weight onto all fours again."  How did he shift his weight between the legs?  Is it equal?  more front or back?  
-1 "Bass rose his front right leg, shifting his weight to his own left to try and keep himself balanced"  I'm a stickler for this.  How the weight is distributed can effect movement and balance  is he balancing on his left legs?  Just bending them to take more weight?  is it even between then?
-2 "as he shifted his weight to keep himself balanced."  shifted his weight how?
-1  "His upper jaw was aimed for just below his sternum, lower jaw aimed four inches below his upper jaw"  this is a case where it would be good to use names.  On first read through I thought you were going for Zell's sternum and upper jaw.  Not that Bass's lower jaw was aiming four inches below Bass's upper jaw.  Be careful with that.

Total: 5


-none seen

Total: 10


+1 each seen

Total: 8


+3 bite + 1 grip
+2 paw slam to nuts

Total: 6


-1 mild bruising to left shoulder

Total: 9

Total for Round Two: 38



-2 what part of Bass is he trying to hit with his chest?
-1 what part of his chest is he trying to throw into Bass?  if it's the whole thing say so
-2 I don't see how falling right into the attack is going to prevent a hold
-1 weight shifted slightly how?  forward?  down? back?  I get that he's trying to drop the elbow but you'll want to be specific about how the weight is shifting.  It will help decide how much power is going into the attack.
-2 upper ribs where?  what side?

Total: 2


-none seen

Total: 10


+1 for each seen

Total: 10


+3 bite +1 grip
+2 elbow slam -1 clarity

Total: 5


-2 moderate wounds to belly below ribs

Total: 8

Total for Round Two: 35






And the winner is...


Zell must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.



-mild bruising to shoulder (3 ooc days)


-mild bruising to chest (3 ooc days)
-moderate lacerations below ribs (2 ooc weeks)


You both have been here long enough you know the drill.  I don't really have anything to add that can't be picked up from the deductions above.  I am a huge stickler about weight-shifting.  This may change in the future but for this fight I'd say it's what jumped out to me the most.  How weight is distributed plays a roll in balance, can affect the power generated through attacks as well as manueverability.

- By [Lunarcat7]