
Fear Not Change


11-03-2015, 07:05 PM

The silver man was worried. With good reason as well, as it would have it that Allen had suddenly seemed to disappear off the face of the Earth. He would find him in a den at the outskirts of the pack, curled up alone. Where was his family? Why were they not with him? Concern crossed over Cypress’ face, and the man would kneel at the mouth of the den, calling softly to the older man.

“Allen? May I have a word?” Cypress would question. Something was seriously wrong here. The other man wouldn’t just up and leave his family. Was he sick? No, a sniff of the air told Cypress that was not the case. He’d breathe out a soft sigh, hearing another howl on the wind for the calico gentleman. Hopefully the other would be up to answering it.



11-03-2015, 07:13 PM

Depression had hit the man sudden and hard. He missed Bass. He missed Abaven. He had screwed up so badly... So very, very badly. It finally set in after Arian revealed the truth of her maim. Of the truth why she had passed the pack to him. He thought he could hold it together. He thought he could keep everything together for everyone. But he was wrong. He was faltering... And finally it had driven him to the outskirts of the pack where he had curled himself up in a den and just laid there for days.

The brute would lift his head at Cypress’ voice, giving a soft whine. How he just wished to tell the other male to go away. “Cypress...” Allen would begin. But then he’d shift again. He’d raise himself up upon hearing Bass’ howl for him. Could it be?

Allen would emerge from the den, looking a disheveled mess. He would meet Cypress’ gaze, deciding to be blunt with what was wrong. “I just... I can’t do it right now... Alphaship... I...” Allen would lower his gaze. “Please... I... I need you to carry on for me, Cypress. It should have been you from the beginning, not me. So... Please...”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah


11-03-2015, 07:19 PM

Cypress’ mixed hues of yellow and purple would widen as he saw the man emerge from the den. He looked so... Defeated. The words that came from him were no different, and the silver man would furrow his brow, his concern only growing. Depression. That was the term from the problem the calico man faced. Arian had dealt with it too... And he had broke her out of it. Perhaps if he alerted Nona, Allen’s mate to his condition, he would do better.

Cypress would step forward, gently nuzzling the calico gentleman’s shoulder. “Shhh... Shhh Allen.” Cypress would shake his head. “Things will be alright. I’ll take the lead from here on out. You just need to focus on feeling better, okay?” Cypress would lift his head, facing the direction of the howl.

“Do you want me to see what that was about?” He’d offer, not wanting to put any pressure whatsoever on the man.



11-03-2015, 07:26 PM

Allen would give a relieved nod as Cypress said that he would take over the pack. It made him feel more comfortable, and he’d give a sad smile to the other man. “Thank you...” It felt as if a weight had been lifted from his chest, though he knew the harsh feelings were not yet over. He would raise his head, following Cypress’ gaze with his own. No... He could not allow the other man to go in his stead.

“No... This is a call I’ve been waiting for.” The calico gentleman would confess to the silver man. “I’ve screwed up so badly... I put my thoughts on Sin as just any other man... But Bass was right about him all along... And not only has he taken Threar, but he maimed Arian as well... If I had just listened in the first place... None of this would have ever happened.” Allen would give a small nod to the other male.

“I’ll go see him.” With those words, Allen would turn, leaving for a different part of the border.

--Exit Allen.--

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah


11-03-2015, 07:32 PM

Cypress would respectfully back off from the subject as Allen spoke. It seemed that the man had more troubling his mind than simply passing off alphaship, and, perhaps, part of the cure lied in speaking with Bass. Cypress’ gaze would soften as he listened to the calico man. He could hear the pain in his voice, the tone of regret. He’d shake his head, speaking softly. “You didn’t know, Allen. You were judging with a pure, innocent heart.”

Whether or not those words would give Allen comfort he didn’t know. He could only hope so as he watched the other man leave. He would breathe in, taking his new position seriously. Soon he would need to call a meeting of his higher ups, as well as check in with the pack about their feelings on this matter. It just kind of sucked that the pack had passed hands not once, but twice now. Cy didn’t blame Allen or Arian for this though. With his gaze set in determination he’d turn away as well, heading back to his den.

--Exit Cypress.--
