
Prodigal runs in the family



3 Years
11-05-2015, 05:14 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2015, 05:18 PM by Kogyn.)

Her father had once expanded his urge to travel, the wanderlust of long gone lands, the adventure and the intrigue. But his stories always ended the same, they always ended back home. She had not understood. Why? Why return to a leash? Why return to the rock holding you down from the greatest thing in life? But now? Now Kogyn understands. She understands her father's draw to come back, to connect again... Loneliness is a terrible thing, it leaves its victims hallow and sadness settles in the empty space... Her father had once told her that family was important, that it helped ground and banish the sadness in ones soul... And now Kogyn knew he was right... Knew only after she had spent the first three years of her life alone... Family was everything.

So with no other choice Kogyn had started her way back home, hoping to connect with those few of her family that she could find. Her father once told Kogyn that she had many aunts and uncles and so had many cousins. She had meet one two years ago but had parted on bad terms but she wished to fix that with the others and maybe that one relative she met... if she could find them.

She had traveled a while and now was back at the mother's land... At least that was what she thought of the land of Alacritis. She lifted her head scenting that she was not the only wolf in the area... In fact there was a lot of wolves even though this was not pack lands... She flattened her ears, hoping she had not just missed a boarder which is so unlike her... Maybe she should just turn and run... Yeah that idea had merit...

[Image: kogyn_by_wolftaske-d9e5ucq.png]
[Image: Kogyn_zpsjhvfsec6.png~original]