



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-06-2015, 12:28 AM

"Speech" thoughts actions

Distractions, distractions. One second you're off in search of food, and the next you're on a trek halfway across the continent. How? Caia herself wasn't quite sure. Thunderous footsteps drew her bulk forth, sinuous muscles pulling her form onward towards her brethren. The starry colossus had encountered some.. interesting things during her time away. Going into her first heat had been an experience, to say the least. While unpleasant, she had found out something new. Her body was not simply a tool for war, but for love. It was wondrous, discovering what could be done when you possessed such a divine visage as she. Reemerging from her pilgrimage, she found herself a new woman. Finally, she'd grown into her curves, and everything had clicked into place. A new sway in her step, twinkle in her eyes.

The southern lands of Alacritia were a mystery to her, and she was not afraid to admit that. Her brother was there somewhere, with Faria. The walk to the glittering beach had been long enough that the behemoth felt it warranted a rest, and dropped her rump gracelessly in the sand. The view was lovely, despite the autumn chill that was setting in already. Cold winds were tugging ceaselessly at her pelt, demanding her attention. With a small huff, she shook her coat free of sand that had already begun to cling. So far, she couldn't quite see what all the fuss was about. Yawning broadly, the femme wondered how long it would take to find Mithras. Knowing Faria was with him, and that it was unlikely they'd separate, meant she wasn't quite as worried about them as she was before. Previously, it had been them that had disappeared, and this time around, it was she herself who had fallen off the face of the earth. They were probably worrying about her right now. Whoopsie. Clouds were claiming the sky above her, unlike the pleasant blue ceiling she had woefully abandoned just this morning. Trading relative warmth and relaxation for a chilly trek, all because she had decided to go off on her own.

Just goes to show what happens when you try and do something nice for yourself. Heaving to her feet, the celestial titan began her march once more. The stop was nice, a chance to take in the new surroundings. The land mass just a short walk away seemed to hold promise, and she was interested to see what secrets it might reveal to her. Sashaying across the windswept sands, the dame tried her best to pick up her brothers scent as she went. That boy stunk enough it shouldn't be hard. Faria was smaller, and far less inclined to the messy antics of her baby brother. However, she had no luck. Her English still sucked the big one, which meant if a native tried to help her out, she would flounder hilariously. That still irked the goliath. Would she ever get the hang of this damned language? Probably not. Broad toes sunk into the loose terra beneath her, dampening her somewhat bright mood rather quickly. Plush banner swept rapidly across her heels, each arc betraying her growing disdain for this trip. "Treba da ostane vo koJa se beše toplo. Što bev razmisluvanje? Jasno vremeto smrdi denes. Odlaganjeto bi bile pametni." She muttered to herself, chastising herself for not thinking ahead. Well, too late now. She thought too herself, and continued onward. At this pace, it would just be a few more minutes before she could get into a slightly more sheltered spot and out of this nagging wind.