
A Comedy in 30 Parts, A Tragedy in 31



4 Years
11-07-2015, 03:14 PM

Nothing felt real after the siege. Integra had earned her freedom as well as a reputation for being a formidable fighter. She was giddy, ecstatic…. and terribly sad. At some point after the siege Sirius had left. Just as she'd gained her freedom she would wake up one morning to find another family member gone and it struck her sharply and painfully. It was just her and Atreides now. Inty gazed at the moon that shown full and big and bright and she half wondered if maybe that's where her parents were busy building their new kingdom. Would they come for her and Trei soon as well?

Somewhere there was a part of her that knew Sirius was alive but there was a part of her mind that willed her to consider Siri and Minnie dead. To cut the bond before it stretched out of her grasp and frayed in some brutal fashion that would make the pain that much more difficult to bear.

Confused, uncertain and desperate for company Integra strode over to the entrance of her brother's den and whispered. "Trei? Trei you in there? It's me, Integra…. I was just wondering if we could talk a bit. I've really missed you."

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



2 Years
12-03-2015, 02:05 PM

The sound of pawsteps, familiar pawsteps, had Atreides stretching and opening his eyes. He hadn't been sleeping, not really, but more in the way of... hiding. He'd done nothing in the siege, then he'd gone and hurt his paw hunting and he was still laid up waiting for it to heal. It was humiliating and irritating even for the good-tempered male and the loss of another of his siblings, just as they had finally gotten Integra back, had him moody and out of sorts. As was his habit he'd hidden himself on the limb of one of the crooked old apple trees, easy to climb with the twisting gnarled old trunk, and even in the winter when the trees were bare wolves rarely thought to look in a tree for one of their own so as long as he kept his green eyes closed and a paw over the brown of his muzzle he would be able to stay fairly undetected as the season turned. But Integra was not someone he wanted to stay undetected by.

"Integra!" he yipped, slithering down from the tree to land with a distinct lack of grace as he sought to keep his paw off the ground. He trotted over to her and attempted to embrace her without even a by-your-leave. "I've missed you too. You were amazing in the siege. I saw you and Vana jump in to rescue that Abaven kid. I can't believe you neutered that guy," he added with relish, a distinctly dark grin creasing his muzzle.




4 Years
12-04-2015, 07:31 PM

Integra waited with baited breath as the seconds stretched out around her. Should she have spoke louder? Was he mad at her? She probably shouldn't have been trying to wake him like this but they'd been so busy during the day with their respective duties she was uncertain when the best time would be. Honestly though, she wasn't sure she could wait another second without speaking to her brother. Everything that had happened… the good, the bad, it was all whirling around inside her and she was beginning to fear what might happen if she failed to get a hold on her internal storm.

Hackles raised as she whirled around, startled by the sudden call of her name but she quickly relaxed as she saw her brother, her dear brother trotted towards her. Her brow would furrow as her gaze landed on his wounded paw. Before she could reprimand him they embraced and she reached out her head to nuzzle his cheek, tears building in her eyes from the touch. She'd missed her family so much the moment almost felt like a dream…. almost. In her dreams Sirius and Minerva were there two but now it was his her and Atreides. Integra smiled almost shyly at her brother's praise. "Thanks! It was worth it, a prize fit enough to make me a free woman… " Her smile faltered. "Shame I didn't make it before Sirius left." She sat down. "Trei… what are we going to do? I feel like every time I turn around we're losing something. I'm starting to wonder if the universe has it out for us and if there's anything mom and dad can do about it or if this is what their plan is… I just… I don't know, there's so much I want to say and ask and I don't even know where to-" She eyed his wounded paw again, allowing a soft, subtle smile to grace her lips. "Actually, I do. What happened to your paw? You know I'm a Medica now right? I can get that fixed up for you!"

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]