



7 Years
11-07-2015, 09:44 PM

Oh yes. He loved this place. It smelled great (meaning it actually smelled pretty bad), the ground was mushy, and it was dark and gloomy all about. He bet this was the perfect place to find dead things too, but for now he wasn’t terribly concentrated on that. Right now, he was going to have fun. He had slid through the reeds and across patches of dry land like a serpent, weaving and winding and leaving behind only the gentle whispers of shivering grasses. Then, his mangy and disheveled figure halted before a wet and muddy plunge, where the dry land sank into the bog. He lugged his bony frame up onto a nearby fall log, and walked to the edge. Then he leaped off with all the glamour of a ballerina who’d trained ages for that very moment.

Plop. He landed unceremoniously in a deep amount of wet mud. He shrieked and giggled with delight. It was like jumping into a pond, except it wasn’t horrifying and he wasn’t drowning. It was also mushy and mushy was fun. He shifted himself awkwardly for a second, a tad stuck and bogged down, if you would. He struggled briefly, and then freed himself to stand up, now covered up past his elbows in thick mud. He took a moment to indulge in picking up and pressing his feet into the soggy earth, the cool mud working its way between his toes and across sore scratches and pricks. Then he emerged from the pit to pull himself up on the log again and repeat.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-30-2015, 01:24 AM

The beast made his way south, heading towards the former lands he had claimed not too long ago. Although it irked him that his new acquired pack had been ripped from his paws, he would come back with a bigger bang. The blood stained ghoul walked quietly into the swamp lands, he and Seifer investigating new places that could potentially be used more in their favor when and if another siege were to ever unveil itself. The swamp was such a place, the stench potentially deterring would be attackers and the ground underfoot a hazard to those who were heavy or clumsy. "This place smells of death!" Seifer exclaimed in complaint, his nose wrinkling as he swatted at a bothersome fly. Sin chuckled, a grin pulling in amusement as he continued to walk. "That's why we're here. I'm sure potential enemies wouldn't want to stink of death and decay now, would they?" "Mrr...good point.." Seifer had to admit, as disgusting as it was, Sin had a point.

As the pair continued on in silence (although Seifer did protest from time to time), Sin would abruptly halt. Seifer would nearly crash into his hindquarters, crimson gaze narrowed as a questioning look took place. "Listen...I think I know that voice...come." Sin would start again, heading towards the wild screeching laughter. The voice alone sounded so very familiar, and he was curious about the estranged creature who demanded a sacrifice to the earth. He was odd, but perhaps...perhaps he could be worth meeting. It didn't take long to find the mud puppy. His estranged giggling drawing them right to him.

While Seifer hopped up onto the fallen log and stared curiously at the mangy dog, Sin stood at the edge of the soggy mud, tail flicking as he regarded the thing. He was so dirty and disgusting, but something about him made Sin shudder with delight. "Are you quenching the earth's demand for an offering?" He quirked a grin at the creature, single amber gaze focused on the mangy imp.




7 Years
11-30-2015, 07:26 PM

Splat. This time he let his chin smack down in the mud. He let out another pleased titter and rubbed his throat a bit deeper in. He pulled himself up to stand and paused for a second to sniff and inspect the mud. He went rigid then, his ghastly stare fixed to the ground and his shredded ears lifting at attention. Someone was here.

He turned to look over his should, his face hollow and brutishly deprived of any expression whatsoever, mouth slightly ajar but filled with a sudden, yawning silence. Pale blue eyes flickered from a feline creature to a wolf. A wolf he had seen before… The neat wolf from the ground sacrifice! The stranger spoke, and abruptly a messy grin cracked along the imp’s face, holding all the proper pleasure of a grin but none of the warmth. ”The ground quenches Cesar’s demands,” he replied simply, his voice low and grating.

He turned himself fully then, with some effort. What a wonderful chance happening! He licked his lips as he plopped his forelegs back down into the mud, facing the white wolf. He glanced between the wolf and the cat curiously. ”Nice to see…. him again,” he said, pausing awkwardly in the middle of his sentence as he tried to think of a good name for the blood-decorated wolf, but fell short. It had to be a very good, special one for someone so neat. His stare fluttered between the two again. The cat was curious, and he wanted to know what it was doing here (it must’ve been friends with the wolf, for the way they stood unafraid of one another), but the wolf won his attention more surely. ”How does he get the red, the red that smells like blood?” his rasping, staggering voice questioned, his head twitching slightly. He stared, unblinking, with a palpable interest and necessity.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-22-2015, 09:27 PM
Sin Hellstrom

Him...a low chuckle filled the air as he watched the mutt turn about. A sick sense seemed to surround the creature before him, and the beast was quite intrigued with this...thing. He was an odd one, most definitely. But the odder they were, the more useful and reliable they could be. Painted ears listened to the oddity that romped in the mud before them, ghostly and amber gaze looking beyond the muck that coated the creature, the scars and tattered ears noted. Either he was unlucky and got ripped up by the elements, or he was quite the fighter. Of course, he could have always been on the losing side for such a tiny thing...but one couldn't always measure ones strength and prowess by size. He remembered this imp like sprite from when he had helped Allen. Arian had failed in gaining the creatures attention, while the creature had been more interested in him which was...strange to say the least. It was rare for someone to want to be around him without wanting to kill him. But here he was.

Seifer would rumble in amusement, the cat's bobbed tail twitching as he watched with curiosity at the way this little blemish romped in the mud so...gleefully. He shuddered at the thought, mud was disgusting. This bog was disgusting. That creature was mildly disgusting as well. He snorted at the things odd mannerisms, rising for a moment as he yawned and claws stretched out. Turning around, he uttered a simple farewell before bounding off to go find something worth his time. A snack sounded good right now anyway.

The blood stained male watched as Seifer left the scene, attention turning back to the morbid creature. Tattered left ear perked at the question he was so curious about, and it would bring him to chuckled as he lifted his head. "He wears the blood of those he kills. That is where he gets it." Interesting...he could play along with a simple mind such as this. However, there was no telling if this creature was simple minded, or played the part for fun. Either way, the male was curious as well. "Does Cesar want the red as well?"