
Enemy lines

Motif I


4 Years
08-23-2014, 06:41 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2014, 06:47 PM by Bass.)

The game plan for the Pera?s had been put forth and Bass had given his last speech before bounding away. Motif would step forward and ensure she had the attention of those before her. She had to think a moment, to consider what she would do now. She had somewhat jumped into this without a game plan and now she was winging it. ?Alright my Pera?s listen up. Part one of stage one is memorizing, im going to give you your sentence and your gona get it in your head word for word? she warned them, still thinking fast she gave them a moment to let that sink in before speaking again. ?We are losing ground on the main fields, two messengers have been sent out to allied packs but we hold little hope of them making it through. Recommend falling back and regrouping on the main territory? she said is clear and at pace to ensure they got it all. ?Part two track and find Bass, and repeat it word for word, and go!? she told them, stepping aside to let them pass her.

Alpha Edit:
Not sure if you guys remember how this was going to go, but there will be three rounds. This first one will all be done by replies in this thread, Bass is hiding and you will post them looking for Bass. I will then edit it and leave a little hint as to where he is in relations to your character. First one to get there with the message wins that round.

Round 2:
Round 2 will be done in your own topic, each Pera should toss up a thread saying "Pera Training Round 2". Motif will again tell them a message, but this time they will need to find Bass while trying to get passed/avoid Motif. If it comes to a fight, they will need to be able to either avoid combat, or be able to quickly get away. We are trying to focus on remaining hidden though. I will again edit posts and leave hints about where Bass is.

Round 3:
This one will be another one x one thread, but this time when Motif gives them the message, they will be able to find Bass right in that post, no searching will have to be done. But, Bass will be hostile and they will have to be able to deliver the message while still being diplomatic to a hostile receiver. After all three rounds are done, Pera's will rank up.



08-25-2014, 11:58 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2014, 08:59 AM by Evelyn.)

So things were explained, the meeting set in place, and the calico brute would twitch his ears some, going over the stages of this ?game?. It held much more importance than that, certainly, and the male would take it with the most seriousness. Moving and trying to stay hidden would be more of a challenge with the brighter parts of the male?s coat, but he would do all he could to keep that from being an issue. If it came down to it Allen would use what skills he could to try and quickly get away. He would glance to the other peras for a moment before turning his gaze to the Azgrat.

Silence. That was all there needed to be while she gave them the rest of their instructions, the words needing to be memorized, word for word. The calico would listen, ears perked to attention, mentally saying them within his head once she was finished. Even if it wasn?t one hundred percent necessary to keep stealth a focus in this first exercise Allen would try and keep it in mind. He would move past Motif along with the others, tail kept low, ears and eyes alert as he kept his wits about himself.

Now, to search for the alpha upon the plains. Allen?s dark green gaze would scan possible hiding places, keeping his body close to others as he moved, to keep himself from being so easily spotted. Exercise or not, he again reminded himself, it was vitally important that they proceeded through this with seriousness.

"Speech", 'Thought'

Alpha Edit - The scent of Bass reaches towards Allen, calling him towards the lake. The scent of stale, old and nearly gone. If he didn't hurry, his first hint would dissipate.



08-27-2014, 03:26 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2014, 11:11 AM by Evelyn.)
{ No sure If am allowed to post here ...>.> winging it lol }
Embody paws carried the slender female towards the little gathering of ranks, training day had come and she had to admit she was nervous about the whole thing however she needed to do this make herself useful to this pack she had accustiomed to. Enclosing the gap between her self and the other wolves present she moved to rest her rump upon the domain and offered a bow towards the Azgrat before she sat upright once more and composed herself by pushing her pads in to the soft domain as if trying to remove her nerves from her limbs.

Ear swivels pricked and alert as the female before her spoke of the task that was at hand. Once the message was given the charcoal female allowed her orbs to close for a moment almost as if she was visualizing the message was fact and they were at war in situations like that were was no room for error and so she mentally placed herself in that situation.

Her hackles rose slightly as her amber hues gazed upon the female once more when the message was drilled in to her mind. Once everything was said and the message was clear she rose upon her pads and simply remained there. The second part of the task was to hunt Bass down and deliver the message swiftly. Deep in tough she soon came to a possible location.. Bass was wounded not long ago and even if he was recovered it was a possible that the healers would still be Hoover around him until he was to full strength right? She ran over the idea in her mind before she lifted her mussel to the air. Her sensitive nose crinkled slightly to file though the different scents in that location before she decided to head off in the direction of the healers den.. Harmony seemed to be the best fashion since she was of a higher rank. Setting off at a steady pace her vibrant orbs remained alert, flicking back and forth for any clue or something that would show her if she was going in the correct direction while her ears and nose also scanned though the domain.

Alpha Edit - As Sable walks away from the plains, the ever faint scent of Bass wafts towards her, leading her back the way that she came. The scent was tainted with the smell of water, but if the girl did not act fast the scent would vanish.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
08-30-2014, 08:33 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2014, 08:46 PM by Bass.)

Bright eyes would look to Motif expectantly, her dark ears perked to her sister?s words. She seemed so serious now, but being an alpha was obviously serious business. Rhythm had always been the serious one, and now would be no different. Eyes would narrow as she listened to the task, the words bringing about an imaginative state. Motif would yell go, and she would. Her slim form would sneak through the grass as she darted past Motif. She?d seek the scent of her brother, but most if not all of his fresh scent was gone.
She?d angler herself towards the lake, if she was trying to throw off someone?s trail she?d certainly do it by washing her scent away. It worked for a while, but eventually you?d be vulnerable again. She?d cock an amused smile as her deft paws navigated expertly. This actually seemed like fun.


Alpha Edit: As the lady walked closer to the lake, Bass' scent was very faint among the smell of the waves. It was obvious that he had lost his scent along the waters, but she was still early, the first one, and his trail was super faint, dancing along the shallows of the water. It pointed north.



08-31-2014, 01:21 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2014, 10:50 PM by Bass.)
{Trying again o.e} Water... That scent in tangled with that of bass was hard to miss but it caused her slight confusion as to the reason why bass was lingering around a place with water.. But then again he needed to drink and eat so she allowed her instinct to take over. Turning on her heels she ambled through the domain and a quick but steady pace as she did not want to ware herself down before she even finished this little task. As she moved she occasionally slowed her pace down to scent the air once more to ensure she was heading hopefully in the correct area it did not take her too long to arrive at the lake/ river . Amber hues slowly scanned the area for any sign of bass while her other scenes were on high alert simply waiting for any little thing that would bring her a step closer to hunting down bass and there it was, her nose managed to get a slight waif of the male even though the scent of the water was slightly over powering."North?" she mummer to herself in a light pant before she took off again allowing her nimble paws to draw her closer to the male.

Alpha Edit: As she goes North, Bass' scent suddenly grows very faint. It pulls in a new direction, back in the direction of the lake. Had he come this far only to circle back? The scent was once again tainted with water, but if she hurried she would pick up traces of it.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-04-2014, 10:31 AM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2014, 10:53 PM by Bass.)

Her own paws would dance lightly in the water as her nose searched for the path her brother might have taken. There would be a very faint trace of him up the stream, she?d found where he?d gone in and now she?d get the scent of where he?d been. Her bright eyes would search the plains before her, the grasses would either withhold her brother?s form or the thickets ahead would deceive her eyes. Determination would cover her dark form as she raced forward, all of her senses alert for any sign of the boy she?d known since birth. He?d washed off most of his scent within the waters, it would be even more difficult to track him, still she had faith within herself.


Alpha Edit: As the girl circles back to the water, the tall grass shifts slightly. The sight of a pale tail crosses her vision, but it vanishes quickly. Could it be Bass, or another creature? His scent was indeed known to those grasses, but it pulls away, there was still a bit of a trail to follow. but she was close.



09-12-2014, 02:47 PM
Slightly confused the ink covered female stopped in her tracks before she scented the are once more. Were was bass trying to lead her? She pondered as she turned and ambled backwards while following her senses, from the corner of her orbs she noticed the grass move however she was a little skeptical and so hackles rose in a prepared manor increase it was a threat of sorts, lowering her head her orbs narrowed while her ears lowered as she stalked forwards through the grass.

"Bass? Is that you Sir?"

She spoke in an emotionless tone as her ears perked forewords slightly to further her chances if any response would come and hopefully lead her right to male she was seeking to relay the message to him.



7 Years

09-27-2014, 12:54 PM

Both were so close, but at last it was Sable who picked him out of the tall grass. Standing tall to make himself known, he smiled at the two woman, Rhythm just five feet short of where he was. Grinning, he dipped his head to the darker woman. ?Greetings, do you come baring a message today?? He asked, trying to keep a straight face. He loved games like these, even if it was for training. It had been a lot of run hiding from them! They had both been so very close, he was pretty sure that this round was a tie. But his gaze flickered back and forth from Sable to Rhythm, seeing who could spit out the message first. He was sure that Motif had made it difficult enough for them.




09-27-2014, 05:09 PM
The narrowed gaze of the female soften as she seen bass come in to her sight almost as if it was a relief for her to see him. Flicking her tail she exhaled and ought her breath back slightly before she spoke.

" You would be a good contestant for Hide and seek Sir"

She chuckled before she stiffened slightly as she remembered why she was hunting the male down so to speak nodded slightly to herself she ran though the words in her mind before she lifted her gaze to bass once more.

" The message from Miss Motif Is as follows.." she paused for a moment before spoke once more.
" We are losing ground on the main fields, t-two messengers have been sent out to allied packs but we hold little hope of them making it through. Recommend falling back and regrouping on the main territory"

Stated her words slowly as to make them clear hoping she did not forget anything of importance.