
I just wanna live



9 Years
11-13-2015, 03:28 AM
What was he supposed to do now? His ambitions had come to a screeching halt with the fall of Hellstrom. How could this have happened? He'd promised himself after leaving behind his birth pack as they were overthrown by enemies and enslaved, he would never run from a fight nor let his comrades down again. Yet, he had failed. He couldn't even defeat one enemy to protect his home, and now he had nowhere to go. He didn't know where the wolves of the once-pack had dispersed to. He hadn't even gotten a chance to know most of them. What had become of them all? Where was their leader? He had thought Sin would have made an appearance in order to wrangle his followers after they'd shamefully fled the battlefield. But, he'd seen nothing of the man.

He'd also not seen Paradox, the sapphire-eyed, snowy-pelted demoness he'd had his cold silver eyes on. Had something happened to her before the siege, or had she simply abandoned her family? Would he ever find out what happened to her? So many questions rang through his mind, but there were no answers to be found. The wounds on his muzzle throbbed, and his beaten body was sore and stiff, fogging up his mind and causing him to wander without direction.

His curved nails clicked and scraped over the unique red stone. The rippling effect of the different layers of rock made him wonder if any moment he might plunge into a pool of red water. In reality, the landscape was dry and sturdy underfoot. Too bad it didn't offer much else but a curious view. His mouth felt dry and his throat parched. He sighed irritably. He'd have to do something different, change his course, look for food, anything... he just couldn't keep wandering alone like this. Pausing in his stride, he decided to take a seat - maybe stopping to let his eyes wander a bit would help him to decide what he would do next.



4 Years
01-01-2016, 11:37 PM
» tag for xephyris «
» not the best but here is maverick xD «

It was like seeing ghost from his past. Except, the she wolf was not really in his past per say. Yes, they have met before. But the last time they did met, it was only brief and had no big impact on his life. It was not like she was important in his life, just a passing by canine he just happened to bump into. The she wolf did offer him food the first time, even though she was a starving mother herself and he was an able body loner male. And just a few days ago, offered him a place to call in her up and coming pack. So why is it that he felt so guilty for leaving her behind? It’s not like he liked her or anything. She had a mate and children for heavens sake. Maverick growled at himself, hating this side of him.

The ebony headed lupus grunted as he moved across the sandy barren, unsure of where he was going. His strides were liquid in movement, moving more like a feline than a canine. Muscular shoulder blades rose and fell with each stride he took, worn paw pads barely left a print in the dried out and cracked earth below him. Warm digits flickered over the vast open space of wasteland, looking for something to drink. However, mix in the heat waves of red, brown, tan, and white landscape was a figure that appeared to be in a shape of another canine.

Ripped ears erected, his once stealthily stance became more rigid and alert. Was this another mirage? The battle worn canine tried to focus, his steps slowed to a halt as he tried to figure out if he was seeing thing again. Maverick took on his famous stance. Scarred head held high with confidence, his chest out with pride, his tail raised to the point of curl, ears erected, and his warm orange digits directly on the distant creature. But Mavi’s stance was not dominate one or threatening really, just a very self-assured lone male in the presence of a lone wolf. What that Surreal? What was she doing over here?

Tail wagged slightly at the thought the maybe Surreal come after him. But, abruptly stop when he realized he was doing it. Ears fell back as he approached the wolf. But as the male got closer to the blurry shadowed figure, Mav soon realized his illusion of Surreal disappeared and another wolf replaced it. Instead, a male appeared before him. Maverick’s soften expression shifted into his more normal flat emotionless mask as he come up to the wolf, making his presences clearly known to the male. “Hello,” the battle worn canine greeted with an even flat tone, “Are you familiar with this land? Do you know where a loner like me can find some good food and water to tie him off for a bit?”

this table was made by seadragoness of alacritis



9 Years
01-17-2016, 07:06 PM
OOC: Sorry about the crazy delay, but I'm back in action now and will continue to post regularly!

Xephyris had hardly noticed he'd stopped moving until another wolf came into view, and he realized that the brute was headed toward him. His muzzle wrinkled up, stretching out the wounds across the top of his snout and causing it to bleed slightly. He took in a breath, licking his lips to catch some of the blood, then strode forward to meet the wolf that came his way. His tail lifted high, curling over his back as they met within social distance from one another. He didn't know this man, and though his scent revealed nothing of an alliance with the packs that had obliterated his home, he was still on edge, untrusting. Silver eyes glared, though he held his stance and made no hostile movements; though outwardly he looked on the offense, he remained on the defensive, his expression warning the other not to try anything.

Ears pressed forward at the sound of the brute's voice. A simple 'hello' in a flat tone, and a desire to know where he might find some food and water. Xeph raised a brow. "If I knew, I wouldn't be in such rough shape right now," he muttered irritably, saying more than he might usually, "Better off leaving this dreadful place... there is nothing here." Not from what he'd seen, anyways. The scent in the air was only of dry dust and cracked mud - nothing to indicate either water or food. Couldn't this guy tell by himself? He looked pretty well off. It made Xephyris wonder if he had an alternate purpose for being here - was he a spy, a wolf on a mission of some sort? He supposed he'd find out soon enough, if the man wasn't too offended by his crappy attitude right now.