
Whatever tomorrow brings



9 Years
Athena I
11-14-2015, 04:41 PM

"Interesting..." she whispered to herself as she stood at the foot of a massive tree, her head tipped back so she could peer up at its branches. Her eyes traced the ivy that wound around its trunk and her head tipped to the side as she examined it. There was just so much of it covering these trees and all over the forest floor. How did it spread so far? How did these trees get so huge? She hummed thoughtfully and finally let her gaze drift away to look at the area around her.

So far this new place was proving to be very interesting. It certainly was a little more pleasant than home was at the current moment. As she began making her way through the forest again she thought about Meade and wondered how she was doing. Oria almost wished she had asked her adopted mother to come with her, but if Meade hadn't felt a pull to leave their home as well then it must not have been the gods' will. Not yet anyway.

Oria hummed a quiet tune to herself while she continued to examine the land around her. Her gold-marked ears perked as her forest green gaze drifted over a patch of alfalfa. She smiled a little and trotted toward it, sniffing at its delicate purple flowers. At least some of the plants and herbs here were the same as back home. That brought her a little comfort. She didn't have much use for alfalfa right now, especially since she didn't have anywhere to store it at the moment, but she thanked the gods for letting her find this herb anyway.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
Dire wolf
11-18-2015, 01:13 PM

There were a lot of places in this new world with odd trees. It had only been a few days since he had run into the stranger at the place where the trees bled, and now this. The oaks were huge and gnarled, massive roots sticking out of the earth and just daring to tempt those who were not paying enough attention. But there wasn't often a time when the giant wasn't aware of his surroundings, years of warrior training making him very intuened with everything around him. There was no knowing when an attack could come, or from where. With wars raging back at home there was hardly a place that one could go without running into some sort of bandit or another. Gwenaël let out a big sigh, brown paws taking a pause as his duel tone gaze swept the landscape. He was homesick, he missed it so much. He had never been so far away from the Gøran family, and he could feel it in his very soul. A longing to be surrounded by those he had known since birth was all consuming, and he was having a hard time drawing in a deep breath. There was no knowing how everything was going back at home, and he couldn't help but feel worried for his fellow warriors. Sending a quick prayer to Janan, asking that she guide their paws and keep their heads clear on the battlefield. To Ivet he asked to give them all strength even if there seemed to be no hope, and asked that their strength would prevail all. And then at last to Hallr, asking him to guide any of his fallen comrades to their after life. He did not yet know how many he should mourn, but he knew that that was all up to the gods. Soon enough he would be able to return home and pay respects to their graves, even if he missed their ceremonies.

Shaking his head, Gwen let out another sigh before he started to walk again, curling his huge frame around an even bigger tree trunk. When he came to the other side, he saw something that stopped him in his tracks, eyes flying wide. The black and gold femme was digging at herbs, gold bangle bold against her leg with the blue feather clinging to the metal. "O-oria?" he choked, hardly believing his eyes. He had no idea where the female had gone on her travels, but he had not expected to see her here of all places. Overcoming his locked joints he surged forward, leaning down to nuzzle her dark shoulder. "What in Ivet's name are you doing here?" he asked, always calling upon the god he felt closest with. "How long have you been here?" Gwen asked, shooting his questions at her in a rapid fire manner.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
Athena I
11-22-2015, 06:51 PM

Oria wasn't quite as in tune with her surroundings as her warrior counterpart so when he stumbled over her name she was genuinely surprised. Her gold-marked ears perked and her head popped up to turn her gaze toward the dappled, brown male standing behind her. She grinned at his surprised expression, turning to face him with her tail wagging behind her. She had known he had decided to leave as well, but she wouldn't have guessed that they would have ended up in the same place. She returned the friendly nuzzle to his much larger shoulder before tipping her head so her forest green gaze could find his two-tone eyes.

"Oh I haven't been here too terribly long," she assured him with a chuckle. "I've just been slowly making my way from home this direction and looking for herbs and such along the way. I had just found some alfalfa when you arrived!" She spoke cheerfully and motioned with her head to the purple-flowered plant behind her. "What a surprise that I ended up running into you here, hm? I'm happy to see a friendly face though." Her posture was relaxed as she settled herself onto her haunches, a smile still lingering on her lips. It wasn't unusual for her to not be rocked by sudden happenings in her life. She was generally at peace anyway, but seeing Gwen did brighten her day quite a bit.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
Dire wolf
12-04-2015, 09:25 PM

The golden marked woman was quick to turn around and wag her tail at him, quick to return the nuzzle. She had to look all the way up to meet his gaze, and he chuckled down at her. He was used to being taller than everyone else, but it still amused him to see just how far up some wolves had to look to even catch his two-toned eyes. Apparently she had not been here for too long, but of course she was here to find herbs. There was hardly a time when the black and golden woman didn't have her nose to the earth, but that was her job. She was as dedicated as he was to fighting, she found herself most useful like that, like it was her calling. Gwen knew that feeling so well, to work so hard to prove your very worth to the rest of the pack. Oria had done nothing but show how useful she was, and proved that the gods really had picked her for a better purpose. When she motioned to the plant behind her he just smiled, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Always with the herbs, hey sister?" he teased, moving to butt his chest softly against her. The Gøran's were all very much a family, often calling those close to their own age brother and sister. It was a term of endearment, to show how close they all were.

He gave the girl a smile at her mention of seeing a familiar face. He would have given his own tail a wag if he could do such a thing, but the boy had been born without one. His rump gave a little shake, head nodding in agreement. "I wasn't expecting to see anyone from home at all, except Ayla had followed me here." He said with a slight grumble. It was no secret that the two half siblings didn't often get along, they were at each others throats pretty much all the time, even if it was in front of other wolves from the pack. "She claims that the gods have sent her, and I cannot argue with that. But it seems awfully convenient." He murmured with a raised brow. Lowering himself to his rump he sat before Oria with a sigh, a small smile returning to his features. "Have you explored these lands much? Anything that you have seen that might make a good home for us?"

"Talk" "You" Think