


08-23-2014, 05:01 PM
White fur glinted in the sunlight. The crouched body was crawling forward, blue eyes locked on the scene in front of her. Where was she? She had no idea. One thing she did know is that she could smell other wolves and she knew how her kind was. Her ears laid flat against her head, ready and wary, nervous about what might happen to her here. The white female finally arose, smaller frame shaking dust from her fur. She growled a low growl and started moving a little quicker. She had to either get out of here or just die. Most others did not like her. She had a kind heart, a good heart. But she also was not the kind who was able to keep friends for some reason, let alone a mate. She wanted to have a family so bad but no one had even given her a chance to become a lover or mother. But that was ok with her. It gave her more time to learn all about life. Crouching down again near the river she had approached she dipped her muzzle in and lapped at the cool water. Her bushy tail laid tucked close between her legs, nervous and afraid. She raised her jaws nervously, eye slits looking about. They were piercing blue. Keeping in a crouched position she looked all around trying to see if she could spot any kind of life. Neela was very lonely. She had been for several years now. A low whimper developed in her throat and her ears flicked forward. Body began to tremble, her white fur vibrating as she waited anxiously to see what this land was all about.