
these are the lonely days


11-15-2015, 10:30 AM
#1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
Her second round of babies were finally birthed, her husband was continuing his reign over Abaven. Lark was even getting Azat training from all felt so unreal to her. It feels like only yesterday she was falling in love with Bass, and finding him in the very beginning...when he was claiming lands for Abaven. Meeting his siblings, the flood...everything seems like a dream to her. Now she was nearly five years old, growing more distant from her children because they were already so big and reliable. Even Bass seemed to grow more distant. She didn't know why...he was her best friend. But...times were changing. In a few years, Lark would be named the new Azat, and she would be an old bag of bones waiting for her "hour of darkness" to come. At least she would get to watch her family have children of their own...and she would have Bass by her side. Yeah. That's all she needed to get by.

Wren sighed gently and made her way down the path, dust and fallen leaves kicking up at her heels. She felt a new sense of comfort down this path- now that Bass had claimed it. She's only been here once or twice to hunt, for many of the plump rabbits liked to hide in the ragged bushes. But now she considered it home. And an area plentiful of food. Dangling from her jaws was a massive hare, its mouth wide open and dripping with blood. Just the smell made her want to swallow it whole like a cobra, but she wanted to enjoy it. Not scoff it down like a bear. It's one of the biggest catches she's made individually...why not savor the taste? Wren stopped when she approached a larger boulder in the sunlight, and she climbed up, feeling the heat from the stone travel up her legs. She sighed.

On a cold day like this, heat felt extraordinary. The woman lowered to her stomach and grasped the bleeding hare by the ears, nibbling them casually, preparing herself for a meal like no other. It might've looked a bit weird- chewing on the ears. But they tasted nice to her. Maybe someday she'd let Finch try it out...

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-15-2015, 11:33 AM

The young man felt something change within him at the siege. He felt himself have a purpose, a use to Abaven, but, more than that, Lark was right. He didn't need to be some great fighter. He didn't need to run himself ragged in training so that he might become the best at some task. He just needed to be himself, and be there for his family when the time was right. Shrike would breathe in, his gaze gentle. He felt... at peace with his inner demons of doubt. He felt like finally he found his place in Abaven, and, regardless of where it was exactly in the pack, he was happy with it.

Slowly, leisurely, he padded on through the newest territory Abaven had added to it's roster. It was a curious place, full of food and tall grasses. But it was nice... a calming place. Perhaps he could play with his new siblings here in a game of hide and seek or something. A little chuckle was given at the thought. Who would have thought that he, a baby of the family, would end up being a big brother? He was curious to see how Finch was handling her new role as well. Hell... Lark would be amusing to watch too. His older brother often seemed so serious... how would he react now that he had more wolves to be a role model to?

Coming across a family member was not necessarily his goal when he first entered this part of the lands, but when he scented his mother he honestly couldn't resist popping over to see her. He hadn't spent near enough time with her... and it made him sad. He loved her dearly. Hell, Shrike loved all of his family dearly. He would follow her scent until he saw her through the thicket, clearing his throat as he tried to get her attention.

"Good day mother."


Table by:: Eldarwen


11-15-2015, 01:41 PM
#3" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
Sitting there, chewing on the ears of a hare, she felt pretty alone. An emptiness, like a hole inside her, lingered there and it slowly ate away at her heart. It was horrible. She stopped chewing and sighed, licking her bloody lips. Maybe she should bring this food to her family. Sandpiper and Tordo were probably hungry...

But before she could get up to leave, a more than familiar aroma hit her and she turned her head, only to see her son emerging from the shadows. She gazed over his facial markings, making sure nothing was out of place or distorted, before rising to her paws and leaping toward him. Her tail swayed calmly with excitement. She hasn't seen Shrike in what seemed like forever. "My dearest Shrike, it's so good to see you." She breathed out to him, her lips splitting into a gentle grin. She attempted to close the distance between them, chest to chest as a sort of hug, to greet him. Then, she stepped backward, letting out a heave of relief. He wasn't hurt as bad as many of the other wolves in Abaven and Imperium...and she was so proud of him for standing with his father in the siege. It made her so happy to have a courageous son like him.

Wren seated herself and curled her tail close to her hips as a cold breeze swept over her. She inhaled and smiled. "How are you? Are you recovering from the siege okay?" She had so many questions to ask about him, the siege, his siblings, his father...but that would be okay for now. Later she would question him a bit more about other stuff. For now, it was his well-being that concerned her.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-27-2015, 07:26 PM

Shrike would give a happy whine as he pressed into his mother into a hug. It had been far too long since he’d interacted with her. “It’s so good to see you too, mother.” The young man would sit as well, beaming up at her. He could hardly believe that he was an adult now. But though he was an adult he would always be his mother’s child. She would ask him how he was doing, and the young man was happy to tell her.

“I’m doing wonderful!” The boy would exclaim. “I’m recovering just fine. I’m... Actually really glad that I went. It makes me feel so much better to know that Threar got some justice.” The boy wouldn’t hold back, he’d press into his mother again, hugging her once more. “I’m glad that you seem to be doing okay too!” The boy would draw back again, bubbling with energy.

“Hey mom? Can I come see my brothers and sisters soon?” He felt bad just going up to see them when they were so little. They didn’t know him yet... And he wasn’t sure how protective his parents might be. Of course there was nothing to worry about, but Shrike would be Shrike.


Table by:: Eldarwen


12-04-2015, 06:07 PM
#5" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#16211f">
It was incredible how big Shrike was. She remembered when he was first born, how she silently admired his markings after giving birth to him and singing he and his baby siblings some songs to help them fall asleep. She could remember how she could easily curl around him and protect him from the world- but now he was big and strong, already joining sieges with his father. It made Wren tear up a bit. Not because she was getting old, but because her once tiny babies were so big and mature now. Even Shrike, who was always so full of energy. Now his voice was deep like Bass' and his eyes beamed with life.

She sighed and let the liquid fade away into her fur as her son spoke, explaining that he felt fine and that he was glad to have fought with Abaven and Imperium. Wren was so proud of him...she leaned into his hug and planted a kiss on his ear, smiling.

His question, however, shocked her. She pulled back and tilted her head. He could have come to see them without her permission...they were his younger siblings, after all! "Of course, love. They'd be so excited to see their strong big brother." She laughed and nuzzled him playfully. "Feel free to bring your brother and sisters along. I'm sure Sandpiper and Tordo would be thrilled...Finch has been showing signs of excitement to be an older sister, too. She's probably waiting to ask." Wren stuck her tongue out, her tail thumping against the earth. Ah, Sandpiper would love them, she knew it. That little girl was always open to new things,.

"Burn Baby Burn"


12-09-2015, 05:45 PM

Shrike would grin as his mother spoke. The thought of seeing his little siblings, at long last, was exciting. He had been nervous about seeing them, wanting to make sure it was alright with his mother first. Sandpiper and Tordo... He wondered what they were like. Were they as rambunctious as him as a child? Would they want to play different games with him? Shrike could hardly wait to find out. But, more importantly, he also wanted to spend time with his mother.

“I’ll ask them~” He promised. “Hey mom? Do you think we could take a walk or something? I uh...” Shrike would trail his paw in the dirt. “I know I’m grown up and all now but... I’ve missed you. A lot.” The boy would give a soft whine. “Will you sing for me? Like you used to when I was little?”


Table by:: Eldarwen