
Don't worry, be happy



5 Years
11-15-2015, 11:45 AM
Laying down on a grass cushioned bed is a small, blood colored, nymph sized woman. Besides her is an odd bear like creature, who's boisterous  snores could easily be heard by others. Fia didn't mind it though, and went about her business as if he wasn't there. She is trying to relax and enjoy herself today, instead of giving into the anxieties of boredom. Casually she grooms herself while sun bathing, her tongue sweeping over her pelt to brush it to perfection. Her left leg lifts above her head so she can groom her belly and inner thighs. She hums a song Artemis had shared with her to somewhat drown out Marcos loud snoring. The faint heat of the autumn sun beats down on her, and she embraces its warmth. Winter was gripping Alacritis rapidly, so she would enjoy the warmth while it was available. She hoped today would be an easy, laid back day.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


11-15-2015, 12:28 PM

The young man moved with purpose, his odd colored coat fluffed up against the autumn chill. Soon winter would be upon the world again, a season that he had loved as a child. The soft white flakes of snow that fell were beyond beautiful. He could practically taste them upon his tongue as he padded along. The cold didn't bother Matthias too much, in all honesty. He wasn't sure which of the two cooler seasons he preferred -- autumn or winter. While winter bathed the world in a white blanket Autumn had it's own perks. The world would be bathed in color, with leaves that crunched underpaw. He loved both seasons so.

But the traveler was a bit on the lonely side. Since leaving his family he had been hit with the feeling. Not that he had been immediately close with too many members of his family... but still. He'd breathe in, tilting his head to the side as he looked across the plains. This place was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the valley he had grown up in. How he missed the valley... He would breathe out a soft sigh. Such longing... when did this come to pass? Had he really been traveling for so long?

He was young... naive. He wanted companionship... but didn't know how to tell the warning signs of potential danger as easily as his folks. He also was still trying to follow their ways... though it scared him to practice alone. The Barnett Clan would someday rise again, of this he was certain. But for now there was only himself. Perhaps his family might come to find him... but he wasn't holding his breath. He'd continue on, until a swath of color, odd like his own, caught his attention.

The femme was colored in crimson, her bodice small. The autumn sun was shining down upon her coat. He could see something nestled in the grass next to her, and he would approach with tail wagging. His mind wasn't on potential danger. He just wanted to interact... to perhaps ease the loneliness that was in his heart.

"Good afternoon~" He'd call out, voice soft.




5 Years
11-16-2015, 10:26 PM
The sound of rustling brush immediately snags her attention, her crimson eyes narrowing as she stares intensely in the direction it is coming from. A few seconds of time pass before a large, and wonderfully  exotic, creature appears. It was canine like, but the colors weren't like anything she has seen before. The stranger is quick to advance straight toward her, and she remains perfectly still. Marco is still asleep next to her, but quickly wakes up when the young man speaks. He remains silent, and his eyes lock on the odd wolf.

'Good afternoon' he says casually, and a sly smirk curls the corners of her ebony lips. Obviously he wasn't a native to southern Alacritis, because most wolves knew to approach each other with caution. Around here you could never know who you are dealing with at a first glance.

"Mmmmm... Yes, it is a rather pleasant afternoon. The scenery is gorgeous, especially with you in it." She purrs in a sultry tone, her long tail flicking over her petite frame to curl tightly against her body. His odd coloring greatly interested her. She cant help but be attracted to his beauty.... And maybe she could get a joy ride out of him, if she played her cards right.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


11-30-2015, 01:12 PM

Oh my. She would compliment him in her own way, and Matthias would feel his ears prick with embarrassment. He really wasn’t all that special, certainly nothing that someone would need to brighten up an already beautiful environment. Matthias would tip his head all the same though, a bow of sorts, as his voice once more rises upon the wind to reach her ears. “I thank you, miss. But please, I’m not all that glamorous I assure you.” The male would lift his head again, his bright mismatched gaze upon her.

Matthias would glance again towards the beast at her side. It had awakened, but seemed not to move. The brute would smile warmly, deciding it would be best to introduce himself to the stranger. “My name is Matthias Barnett. I... I’m afraid that I’m not very familiar with this area known as Alacritia. I know it’s a lot to ask but... Would you be able to tell me what you know about it?”
