
Empire of Angels (CHALLENGE)



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-15-2015, 09:23 PM

Valentine had been thinking and the more thinking he did the more certain he became that Avalon belonged in Imperium. She needed to know just how serious he was about it; about how seriously he believed she was destined for things far greater than babysitting Sonticus. Avalon needed to know just how much worth he saw in her. He was willing to spill blood and risk injury for her.

He didn't stop until he was in the heart of the battlefield. Surrounded by the stench of decomposition in an otherwise picturesque field, Valentine stopped to gaze around him. This was like setting up for a date, really. The lighting, the scenery, it all had to be perfect. And what was more perfect for a fight than a pretty field stained with blood?

Throwing back his head Valentine howled out a challenge to the leader of Sonticus. Arian (he assumed she was still the leader) had to make a choice. She could either fight for her claim on Avalon, or she could cave in and let her be taken. Either way, today they would learn just how much value Sonticus placed on their beta.

VALENTINE versus CYPRESS for AVALON (and co?)


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

Mercy I


5 Years

11-15-2015, 09:32 PM

Oh boy, a siege AND a challenge?

Mercy grinned, even though she knew that she couldn't help out in this one, she was more than eager to watch. The female happily made her way to the battlegrounds, her toes tingling with excitement. She knew that he was calling for Sonticus alpha, but for what reason he didn't know. There was a challenge in his tone though, there was no doubt about that. She was pretty much wiggling when she strolled into the challenge grounds, her head dipping at Valentine as she found herself a nice comfy place to sit, giving her alpha more than enough room to fight -- if it came to that. There was still a wicked grin on her mouth, and it was pretty clear to see that she was excited. She didn't wish Valentine luck, he didn't need it. There was no doubt in her mind that he would win, whatever it was he was going after. She had fought Valentine before, and she knew what a struggle it was indeed.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



7 Years

11-15-2015, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2015, 09:41 PM by Lillianna.)
Okay, she was nosy. So what? If you thought about it, who wouldn't? A siege just finished and... then there's a challenge? By Valentine? Who wouldn't be nosy would be the better question by far. And so the little messenger found herself scuttling across Abaven lands, out of Abaven lands, and beelining straight for the Battlefield. With a cat on her back.

Nope, no regrets. She was hesitant about taking Farrym, okay, terrified really, but she was also terrified the little cat would try to follow her on his own. He was more and more determined not to be left behind. She did warn him before they left, though, that things could become dangerous... and a challenge meant a fight, not that he really understood what that meant.

When she arrived at the Battlefield, she was not the only one spectating. She spotted an Imperium wolf only a little bit aways, and Lillie made certain not to bother the wolf, instead seating herself a medium distance away from Mercy, green eyes focused on Valentine, with the kitten in between her paws. Whoever the male was calling for had not yet arrived, and she was rather eager to see the reason behind this.


Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.


11-15-2015, 09:59 PM

There was something in the air. A challenge, a call for him. Cypress rose with a snarl, a curse. This would not be tolerated. If Imperium thought that they could do this they were wrong. The man would leave his Eponine with Arian for the time being. If she came, if she dared show... he wasn't sure what he'd do. If Cy lost... he knew his pride, his honor, his everything would come crashing down. The man swore the whole way, but it could not be helped.

The silver man arrived, his sight not straying to those who were bystanders in all of this. No face, regardless of who showed, would be focused on other than that of the Imperium Alpha. This was a matter of business between the men, and nothing would change that now. Cy would take a breath, his voice raising unwavering in the air.

"Sorry if you were looking for my mate, but she won't be making it to this challenge. I am the primary alpha of Sonticus now, and devil, you can deal with me." His words were sharp, cold. He knew that this business was nothing pleasant. Cy would bristle, hackles raising as he slipped into a defensive position.

"Just state your business and lets get this shit started." He was in no mood for games.

Cypress vs Valentine For Avalon and Co. || Round:: 0 / 2


Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
11-15-2015, 10:01 PM

Birna had not been made aware of the alpha's plans to add a new member to Imperium's ranks so she found herself rather surprised and perplexed when she heard his challenge for one of Sonticus' members. Her sky blue eyes narrowed. Valentine actually wanted one of Sonticus' wolves? She highly doubted there were any worthy prospects but she trusted her alpha had something in mind. Getting to her paws she strode to the gathering of wolves, limping slightly from the healing woulds to her right shoulder from her training in the battlefield. She wanted to watch and see how this fight played out though she had utmost confidence in Valentine's ability to beat any opponent that would answer his call.

She arrived quickly to notice a small crowd already forming and silently she would take her place a little ways off from where she could quietly watch the going on's and to remain alert to growing hostility. Birna's battle lust had been sated and she much preferred to avoid getting dragged into any potential peripheral fights.


[Image: 262ny8g.png]



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
11-15-2015, 10:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2015, 10:19 PM by Tealah.)

Cas' ears perked up at the sound of Valentine's howl. What was this? Calling for Sonticus was he? Curiosity beckoned her forth, but she left Chaos with Atreides before she went. The young male had come to her with a gash in his paw from a misstep during a solo hunt and she'd finished patching him up just before the call, luckily, and he was more than happy to keep an eye on Chaos while she was gone. He was much less likely to be able to slip away from Trei, not to mention the cheerful young male was a more fun babysitter than Vana anyway so Chaos would be less inclined to try.

Swinging up over the border into the battlefield with jaunty sashay to her trot she came across the gathering group and without stopping she curved and twined catlike around Valentine. "Kick ass, Valen," she purred, winking at him. "I'll guard your back." With a final nibble aimed at the curve of his jaw beneath his ear, she circled around to take a seat behind him. She kept her delicate head up and moving, ears constantly rotating and eyes shifting. Despite the lazy grin that had her tongue hanging over the side of her lower jaw as she panted from the short run, the way she held herself made it clear that she was all seriousness. Business mode Cascade! Being all Et Uxor-y and stuff!

And there was the enemy! Or so she assumed, as the male stalked in reeking of Sonticus and anger, and her ebony ruff rose at the sight. She didn't recognize him at all, but his words pegged him as Arian's mate and as alpha of Sonticus - interesting development that was! She pointedly yawned at the tough guy act and grinned again. Talk talk talk. Talk was cheap! She wanted to see the show.

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



4 Years
11-15-2015, 10:07 PM

Integra was hard at work checking and double checking her storage den when the challenge rang out. Promoted to Medica the young girl was diving head first into her work not only in an effort to prove herself but to keep the darkness in her heart from growing. Losing Sirius had been a difficult blow and the reality that there were only two of them left was hitting her hard but she refused to let it show. Imperium was no place to be showing that kind of weakness. Sorting through her herbs Integra quickly gathered some promising ones and dashed over to the battlefield, ready to tend the wounds of her alpha if required. She arrived swift and silent, her limbs moving in a confident aire as she sett the herbs down and gazed at the gathering before her. Well, well… this was certainly a popular event.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]


11-15-2015, 10:07 PM

What was going on? Some sort of challenge... to Sonticus!? Einarr felt his heart leap to his throat as he scrambled towards the battlefield. He was no fool -- he'd heard through the grapevine that Sonticus and Imperium were at odds with each other... but never did he suspect that his mother might be on the opposite side of a battlefield. Whether as a spectator or otherwise. Still... it hurt. He had to see her. To make sure she understood that no matter what happened he still loved her. Einarr would mentally curse. Why couldn't packs just... no. There would be no true "life" if things were merely peaceful. He would just need to make the best of things.

He would arrive at the battlefield to find the Sonticus alpha already present. My, someone was cocky. Or perhaps just desperate to try and protect what he believed was his. Einarr would breathe in, eyes scanning the horizon for his mother. Soon... soon... she had to arrive.




5 Years
Extra large
11-15-2015, 10:15 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2015, 10:18 PM by Evangeline.)

Evangeline had always made it a point to try to watch her father at all his challenges. She wanted to learn from him, she respected him, but more she adored him and wanted to be there so that he could see how much she cared, so she could preen under his attention. She'd been there when he'd fought that Destruction slave, and had helped patch him up. She would do that this time too! So dragging along a softened hide bundled around her new stash of emergency supplies she set out the short distance to the battlefield. Her eyes caught Integra, similarly burdened with herbs, and her brow and muzzle crinkled up in an unaccustomed grin sent the girl's way. Look at them, being healers and stuff. But the grin faded into a scowl when she saw Lilliana-of-Abaven seated by herself a bit away. What was she doing snooping around here then? She huffed through the tickly hair of the deerskin, and plopped down next to Integra. "What did you bring?" she whispered to the other healer in an aside, keeping her eyes fixed on her father. Maybe they could pool their resources if he got hurt bad... not that he could get hurt bad, he was her Daddy and he was amazing and unbeatable, but accidents still happened and there was that sick worry buried beneath the arrogant demeanor.



11-15-2015, 10:22 PM

The call for Sonticus cut through the air with a sense of foreboding. The femme would rise, knowing that Cypress would be on his way to the battlefield, and, more importantly, so might her son. What would this foretell? Would it be a war against her pack? No... surely if that was the case they would have come directly to the pack lands. So what was this about now? She felt her heart sink in her chest. Something was going down either way... and she didn't like it. The female would make her way to the battlefield and, behold, there was her son.

She could give a damn about the packs differences. She would immediately go to Einarr's side, a whine rising within her throat. She missed him. Goodness she missed him. Akemi looked at her boy, giving a soft sigh. "I pray you've been well..." The femme would say softly to her boy. "What does he want?" She'd ask, glancing towards Valentine with a single eye.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'


11-15-2015, 10:31 PM

The man would breathe out when he saw her. Though scarred, her stance was still proud as ever. Though there was no mistaking the worry on her face. No doubt for the same reason that he had been worried. He would gently crane his neck across her form, speaking in a soft tone, not wanting to speak in a tone that would draw attention to them. He would breathe out a sigh, his words honest when he spoke. "I don't know why he's called for Sonticus... but I know its no good for your alpha." The brute would sigh softly.

"Mother, you shouldn't have come." Einarr would whisper softly to the femme. "You should be safe in a den, with Tiny." The young man would look towards Valentine now, wondering what it was the man had called for. Whatever it was... he was sure to get it. That much Einarr was certain. He'd never imagined fighting such a strong man.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-15-2015, 10:44 PM

The howl ringing across the lands would not go unheard. She was currently wrapped around her new babies, the silence in the den almost oppressive. Newol had gone off, surely helping surreal or hunting for her. Wherever he was, he wasn't here right now. She was unsure whether or not she should go and find out what the call was about,but she heard the tone. It was Valentine calling for Sonticus...a challenge of sorts. It didn't sound like a challenge for the pack...nor a war cry. So she was curious and afraid, afraid for what it might be for. Arian? Did she do something she didn't know about? Her heart quickened, and with a bit more thought, she decided she would go. She had to be there, she was the beta and Cypress depended on her now more then ever since Arian and Allen couldn't handle the pressure of being alpha. So her role would be appreciated she was sure.

With a tender lick to each of her sleeping children, she would carefully rise and slip out of the den. One hesitant step would bring her to look back at them...they would be safe. She would only be gone for a little while, hopefully they wouldn't wake up looking for her for warmth and food. They were warm enough bundled together, and they'd just eaten. So hesitantly, she turned away and followed the path to the battlefield. On the way, she had found Cypress' scent, her pace quickened to try and catch up. But when she arrived, she was in time to hear Cypress, as well as see that there was already a crowd gathered...and more coming. Most were from Imperium, one from abaven which seemed..odd to her. The girl Avalon had bested in the spar they had a while back. Then her eyes found Akemi over by an imperium wolf, the markings of the boy similar to Akemi's. While she didn't know her personally, she hoped that Akemi wouldn't get any trouble for mingling with her kin.

Her amber gaze fell on Valentine, a questioning look in her eyes as she stopped a few feet from Cypress' shoulder. Her scent was obvious, warm milk and the scent of her litter all over her. What did he want? Did it have to do with Arian? Or..something else? Trying to prove a point? She remembered the conversation they had the first time they met, did this have something to do with how he said when sonticus wouldn't last? Either way, her gaze was fiery and as determined as ever. Standing tall and not showing any fear. She had gotten better at doing that, showing more confidence in herself. She had to, especially since she needed to show her children she was strong and not the weak and doubtful creature she had been before. "What's this about? Sonticus has been out of your fur, it's not the packs fault." Little did she know, this wasn't what he was here for.

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-15-2015, 10:52 PM

With graceless haste Angelus zipped towards the battlefield. He kept tripping over his own feet. The yearling skidded around trees and careened around rocks. He flopped down hills and tripped up embankments. When at last he flung himself into the battlefield the boy had to lay down for a second and just breathe. He didn't allow himself any real time to recover and instead just took a few deep breaths and then got to his feet. The Ultimus then shook out his fur, made himself more presentable, and set off for the gathering with a more dignified bearing. He'd wanted to get to the action as fast as possible, but now that he had pride to maintain, it was time to start looking like a beast fit for the throne. What he needed to do was embody Evangeline without the girly flounce.

There was already a small gathering by the time he reached the scene. Clearly sides had been drawn; there was already a divide in those gathered. As the heir his place was up among the higher ups, so he made a beeline for his mother's side. He made a point to pass his dad first and parted with the words, "Crush him, dad." With his verbal support given, Angelus then sat down beside Cascade. Young as he was he painted an impressive figure. If this somehow got ugly he would be more than happy to show the extent of his support through brute force.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
11-15-2015, 11:20 PM

A call? She stopped her task of herb hunting again, pausing for a moment as she listened carefully to the howl. Her head cocked to the side, and while she wasn't completely sure what it was for, she still wondered. That was when she saw her daddy leave the den and head off, her head tilted to the other side then, brows furrowed. Was he going to answer it? Was it for him? Not a few minutes passed, and she saw her aunt's form following the same path her dad took. What was going on? Whatever it was, Holly would follow suit. But not before fleeing to her hideaway spot first. She could never be too careful, so just in case, she grabbed a pod of poppy seeds, a roll of cobwebs on a stick, and a few mint leaves. It was at this point she realized, that she ought to get something to carry her precious belongings.

With her bundle in her mouth, she raced away and out of Sonticus territory, following her dad's and Avalon's scent. It would lead her towards the battlefield, somewhere she'd never been before. As she drew closer, she could smell the faint scents of many gathered wolves, the scents fainter to her because of the mint that overrode most everything she could smell. When she saw her dad and Avalon confronting the caller, she stopped a few yards behind them, setting her bundle on the ground and protectively between her feet. The pup watched quietly, eyes scanning the crowd. many faces, she'd never seen so many gathered in one place. Sonticus wasn't this big either...



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
Extra large
11-16-2015, 06:16 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2015, 06:33 PM by Karabela.)

Oh, Karabela was fully aware that this challenge was probably none of her business but curiosity was one of her many strengths as well as one of her many flaws.  When she saw Lillie sneaking off toward the call she decided she was going as well.  Why not?  She still had a soft spot for Imperium, after all it was her first pack and she still saw many of the wolves there as good acquaintances  and even friends.  She just had to watch Valentine kick some poor souls ass.  Striding into the gathering she stared at the crowd and nearly whistled at the size of it.  This was going to be good.  She moved to sit away from the two rival groups but close enough to have a decent seat.  It was then she noticed Mercy, the woman who had taking to glowering at her every time they're paths had crossed... oh it was just too much fun.  Grinning she smiled at the woman and flashed a cheeky wink at the pale woman.  The Thyre girl was completely unrepentant and she just couldn't resist the urge to get under the other woman's skin just a tiny bit more.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-16-2015, 07:48 PM

Unsurprisingly Mercy was the first wolf to show up. She was clearly excited about the challenge or rather, if he had his guess, the chance to get into a fight of her own. He had yet to participate (or spectate) in a challenge that involved two parties from different packs that didn't splinter into multiple fights. If his guess was true Mercy might just get lucky. He returned her nod with a smirk.

Cascade brushed up against him; her catlike affection drawing a low chuckle from the King. She voiced her support and then departed from his side with one final nip. "I intend to," he murmured back, his eyes following her as she moved behind him. "Enjoy the view."

Ah, and there he- wait, he?- Since when was Arian a dude? The man approaching reeked of Sonticus and authority. Immediately Valentine's expression twisted up into a rudely amused smile. Could Arian not face him on her own? Where was Avalon when he needed her? She had to see this, see how little she meant to her alpha.

The male soon made things clear. Oh, how precious! This day just got better and better. Arian not being the alpha was so much better than her just not showing up to fight him. After all that defending, all that loyalty, Avalon now had to know the truth. There was no ignoring it. In fact he wouldn't be surprised if she came with him willingly. In response to Cypress' words Valentine tsked softly. "Come now, we're a little old for name calling, aren't we?" He simply eyed the smaller man as he got all defensive and instead of following suit retained his loose and lazy stance. "I'm here to fight you for Avalon. I win she joins my pack. You win she stays with Sonticus."

Ah, speak of the devil. Suddenly Avalon! The woman marched right up to him with a bee clearly buzzing around in her bonnet. He almost - almost - pointed out her choice of words (not the pack's fault, eh?) but refrained. "Avalon your talents are wasted on Sonticus and you know it. Every second you spend with them is a second squandered. I meant it when I said I wanted you in Imperium. Today I intend to show you just..." Her scent caught up to him and he trailed off. No fucking way. His eyes briefly left hers to sneak a much lower peek. Yup. Titties.


That didn't give him pause for long. Not missing a beat he picked up where he left off, only this time his plans included her family. He didn't know how many there were, but he wanted them too. "I intend to show you just how valuable I think you are. I want you and," his gaze sought out Sonticus' alpha, "your kids to join Imperium's ranks and I'm willing to fight for you."

Round ZERO of TWO

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
11-16-2015, 08:15 PM
Yes! A challenge!! Ashmedai skirted his way to the battlefield and skidded to a stop along with the other observers. He wanted to see why his dad was fighting, sure, but more than that, he wanted to see Arian. He she gotten less weak since they saw each other? Less pregnant? Ashmedai didn't know how long people stayed pregnant, but whatever. He wanted to see this fight. Then her mate arrived and said he was the alpha now. Laaaaaameeee. Ashmedai rolled his eyes. Then he learned that his dad was challenging for a GIRL. Another girl? AND her kids? Did he have MORE siblings outside of the pack? Ashmedai groaned quietly now as he worked his way through the crowd to sit somewhere near his older brother. He just wanted them to fight already, "Knock him out, Dad!" Ashmedai cheered, settling in. Hopefully this would be a decent fight and not just his dad knocking the alpha out.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.


11-18-2015, 07:11 PM

Cypress would not flinch, his gaze remaining narrowed, defenses at the ready as he kept his eyes on the enemy. “Name calling? Oh no, I’m merely stating a fact. You come to our lands, desecrate them when there are children about... We’ve done NOTHING to you. Now you have the audacity to call for us here?” He would bristle all the more as the man stated his business, and Cypress would scoff.

“Then you have the nerve to not even give Avalon a say in what SHE wants. You expect loyalty to just fall in your lap? You would be taking her away from friends and family, by force I might add. What kind of cold, heartless bastard are you?” Cypress would keep his ears pinned, his eyes narrowed. “If Avalon wanted to leave Sonticus that’d be one thing, but I’ll be damned if I allow you to take them without her say so.” Cypress would tuck his tail, making sure all of his other defenses were in place. It was Valentine’s call now.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-18-2015, 10:54 PM

A few more came, and when she heard the quick footfalls coming from behind, she nearly did a double take to see that her niece had come as well. "Holly! You shouldn't be here." She warned, but the response from her niece, to tend to her father, would not be rebutted. Sighing, she turned her attention back to Valentine as he spoke again. She stepped back a moment, heat flushing her face when she noticed him take a look...elsewhere. She felt completely embarrassed, her ears pinning to her head. Although it was part of nature, it felt strange to find eyes staring at her like that. It was something she was sure she'd have to get used to until she got back into shape.

As the moments passed, she began to wonder if Arian would show. Or even her mate. Arian had been passionate and insistent that Avalon belonged here...but where was she when Avalon needed a reassuring shoulder to press on? She thought that even with her leg problems, she would make her way here regardless. Yet, even as Valentine finished his speech, Arian would not be present. She remained silent, unable to think of anything to say. She knew Cypress would fight for her...or was it for Arian? Was he fighting on Arian's behalf? They hardly knew each other, but even then, they were in some part her family.

Never had someone fought for her before, not like Valentine intended to do. She wasn't sure how to feel about it, but she also felt conflicted. Sonticus had been her first home for many years, but since her arrival, the members seemed keen on keeping to themselves. Now the question would this affect her new family? They'd not the chance to meet the rest of the pack...would she be able to guide their hearts to where they belonged? It was all so much to think about, but her uncertainty right now would be washed away. After Cypress spoke, she took a breath to calm her racing heart. He was a good man with a noble heart, and even though she wouldn't fight now due to not being in the physical state to fight, she had no doubt he would fight valiantly for her. Her gaze switched to strong, the strength and fearlessness she strove to keep. "Your challenge is accepted, Valentine." Looking to Cypress then, she whispered "I have faith in you." With a touch to his shoulder, she turned to stand protectively over Holly, giving them room for the fight to come.
"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-19-2015, 08:28 AM

Unperturbed by the fuming of the Sonticus alpha, Valentine grinned broadly, his expression devilish. Then it abruptly grew reproachful. He tsked again, his expression exuding mock disappointment. "Still with the name calling." For the hell of it he might just have to break this man's jaw. A few weeks in silence might do him some good.

His mocking expression quickly twisted back into that devilish grin, only this time the showing of teeth was a lot less impish and it bunched the skin along the top of his muzzle and around his eyes. He was going to tear this man apart and enjoy every second of it. It was widely known how piteous Sonticus was; who wouldn't enjoy grinding them further into the dirt by making a mockery of their alpha? Maybe once he was done he'd see if he could coax Cascade into sneaking back into Sonticus with him. Hell, why even sneak? They may as well just walk right in. His eyes narrowed to slits, but the fiendish gleam in them did not diminish. His defenses came together rapidly. The King's stance widened slightly, his paws placed just over hip and shoulder width apart as his weight distributed evenly across all four limbs, and he bent his knees just enough to add a looseness to his joints. His toes splayed to better his balance and his nails tipped downward to dig into the ground. Tension ran the length of his person, taunt muscles held in barely contained excitement. Valentine's tail rose to lay on the same plane as his spine, the rudder-like plume held straight out for balance. His hackles rose to rigidly stand the length and width of his back; instinct demanding such a move in the hopes of making him a more menacing figure. Valentine's ears dropped to lay flat against the contours of his crown as he grew serious for the fight ahead. Show time.

The King shredded grass and flung grit as he kicked off suddenly. He aimed to approach his opponent almost directly head on; instead of chest to chest Valentine wanted to line the front of his left shoulder up with the center of Cypress' neck. As was typical, there was a massive height difference between the King and his opponent and as was also typical, he intended to exploit it. The top of his opponent's throat was just about the same height as Valentine's shoulder, which suited this attack nicely. Valentine jutted his left shoulder forward in the hopes of using the bony front of it like a lance. He sought to drive it into the top of his opponent's trachea scant inches below the jawline in the hopes of doing a fair amount of harm. At the very least he wanted his opponent to choke but it was entirely possible that the force of the blow would collapse the cartilage and suffocate him. Valentine wasn't too terribly picky. He was also hoping the lower portion of the center of his chest would strike the front of Cypress' left shoulder hard enough to forcibly rock the joint back in its socket and painfully stretch the fibers that held it into place. The King hoped that such a move would render the limb too painful to use for the remainder of the fight.

In one fluid motion Valentine lifted his left forefoot and redistributed his weight among his remaining three grounded limbs. In the same movement as his shoulder throw and chest slam, the King intended to slam his left forefoot down on top of the innermost toes of his opponent's left forefoot. With weight and momentum on his side he hoped to dislocate and pin those toes beneath his foot. This move went hand and hand with his chest slam; together they could render Cypress' left foreleg completely useless.

After rotating his head to his left Valentine lunged downward with gaping jaws as he sought to grab hold of the middle of his opponent's muzzle. He wanted his upper teeth to sink into the right side of Cypress' muzzle and his bottom teeth directly across from the top ones on the left side of Cypress' muzzle. Again the size difference aided him; this time making it possible for him to drive his teeth into not only Cypress' top jaw, but the sides of the bottom one as well if he got his wish. Valentine hoped to obtain a powerful grip that would enable him to fracture bones and break teeth. He would bring this fight to a fast and brutal end.

Round ONE of TWO


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.