
The magic willows



6 Years

11-20-2015, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2016, 08:37 PM by Esarosa.)
Navigation - Weeping Woods

Before she could even see the willows and the sparkling streams, Esarosa would tilt her nose to the chilly wind and catch the scent of many wolves. No way! This place has been claimed since the last time I was here! she thought in distress, her brows coming together in a disappointed frown. She had been hoping to spend some time around the willows, and perhaps even stay a while in this enchanted place. Little did she know that the wolves who'd resided here a short time had already moved on. She remembered her first time here when she'd just arrived in Alacratia in the heat of summertime. In an overheated daze, she had found herself in the cooling shade of the dancing willow tendrils, and she'd quenched her thirst in refreshing clear streams. Now it seemed she wouldn't have the place to herself.

She couldn't join a pack. It would just limit her freedom too much, her spirit could not be chained down. Not right now. But this place was so beautiful, and she wanted to see it now that the lands were frost-laden and the water would be frozen. She paused at the edge of the borders, looking toward the trees with a wistful gleam in her emerald eyes. Maybe these wolves were a friendly bunch - maybe she could visit for a while and get to know them. She hadn't gotten the chance to know Threar before they'd been disbanded. Too bad she didn't have anything to offer as a gift this time, but prey was pretty scarce right now. The worst they'd do is chase her off, right? She placed a paw carefully over the border, and slowly another. Inhaling gently, she noticed a fading of scents... wait, was this place occupied or not? Confused, she stepped further - clearly the borders had been marked, but it wasn't as strong as expected. Well, if anyone was here, they'd find her and they'd decide what to do then.

"Speak" "Listen" Think