
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



4 Years
11-22-2015, 03:42 PM

ooc: Agree'd on by both parties - no need for staff approval.

Arian had managed to get herself here - she didn't even know how herself. Without a word to anyone else, but they would know surely so far how far she would go to let it be known she was done with everything. He had taken everything from her. A leg - her heart most of the like. After she had slipped by her sons heading to the battlefield, her eyes were bloodshot. No herbs or anything could save her for that moment. As she growled deep in her throat, the rather weak not abled bodied woman raised her head in a howl for him. Even if he could know pain, she was going to fight to her last breath.

She knew they would come, her family and friends. They would try to talk her out of it even. Many would be mad - maybe even hate her. She would to, because she hated herself. She hated herself so much and yet this was how she was paying herself back. Her claws digging into the ground. Most of her weight was shakily on her other three legs behind her. The back left leg shaking because of the weight. It was a horrible fate as it was.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
11-22-2015, 04:18 PM

Cascade pricked her ears up at the sound wavering from the battlefield over the border. What was this then? Arian Adravendi of the Sonticus Adravendis, was challenging Sin Armada or Hellstrom or whatever he called himself these days, to the death? She laughed out loud, before hushing quickly to avoid waking up a snoring Chaos. She didn't want him to wake - she needed him sleeping so she could sneak out for a little while to watch the show.

Slipping out of the den she set off at a swift lope toward the border. So Sin had been bragging about how he was going to do something awful in revenge for her supposedly betraying him. It must have been quite a doozy if it got Arian worked up enough to try killing him. Should be interesting.

Slowing to find Arian alone and crippled, Cascade's brows rose. Was she really fucking serious? Cas snorted aloud. Oh, Arian, you really put yourself in the deepest pile of dog shit you can find, don't you? "Arian, sweetheart," she gushed with false excitement, fluttering her eyelashes mockingly. "You are looking so well today..." Rolling her eyes, because Arian's own martyr act was pitiful and embarrassing Cas dropped the sarcastic act and instead told her with blunt honesty, "You realize he's going to murder you and probably go after ever single member of your family for your insult, right? He's a crazy fucker and doesn't have your... morals. And believe me, I know crazy when I see it."

"Talk" "You" Think
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



9 Years
Athena I
11-22-2015, 04:32 PM

It was really more confusion than anything at first when he heard the trailing echos of his sister's howl. His brows pulled together as he listened to the call. What in the world could she... His ears flattened against his skull. It was coming from the direction of the battle field. "Damn it, Arian..." he mumbled under his breath and stopped everything he was doing to run toward the howl. He was really just glad that he was pretty fast on his paws and that Fiori's territory wasn't terribly far from the battlefield. It was far enough that he was out of breath by the time he got there, but he was glad to see that the man she was challenging hadn't arrived yet. The only other wolf he saw was a purple hued woman whose scent matched Imperium.

He would give the other woman a brief glance as he trotted over to Arian's side before focusing his attention on his adopted sister. "Arian, what in the world are you doing?" he asked her, his voice hushed despite his chest heaving to catch his breath. "Let me take you back home." His wedding had only been a few days prior and since then he had been under the impression that maybe life had settled down, that maybe they could all just live calmly for a moment. Apparently his impression had been false.

"Talk" "You" Think

Rœkia T


4 Years
11-22-2015, 05:03 PM

Rœkia had been lounging in her makeshift snow den trying to stave off her boredom. She hated winter. There were fewer herbs to hunt and wolves tended to get touchier about their borders and trading off food for healing, or poisoning, resources. Well… at least she'd found Wolf. The magpie was curled up next to her side snoring loudly and she chuckeld to herself. Then the call went out. Oooooo a death match? Well that could serve to be her entertainment for awhile.

Rœkia quickly nudged the bird awake. "Wolf, get up how about we go check out that death match, hm?" The bird eyed her, his feathers fluffing up. "Do you think I might be able to nibble just a bit off the corpse?" Rœkia giggled and made a face. "Oh come now Wolf, don't be crude. I'm sure we can scrounge up a meal somewhere. I haven't tried bartering with any packs yet. I'm sure they've got plenty of food to spare."

Climbing to her feet and out of the den Wolf flew and landed on her shoulder as she made her way over to the Battlefield. She was hoping she'd get to see two hotties tearing each other to ribbons but instead she found a frail-looking woman, the one she could only assume made the call. Rœkia held back, staying down wind, her smaller body crouched as she watched another woman appear and then a male, neither one seeming to be the frail woman's target. Boo! Was this some weird form of suicide? Rœkia strode toward the gathering of wolves.

"You know, love, if your'e looking to die I have a collection of wolfsbane I'd be willing to sell you quite cheaply… even for free if you let me examine your body once you've vacated it." It hadn't occured to her this was an inappropriate thing to say. She felt she was being very helpful, offering the other woman some options rather than getting mauled by whoever it was she was fighting. Unless it was another cripple she supposed. She supposed that might be interesting. Oh well the words were out of her mouth and she smiled. "My offer stands for everyone else as well. I won't judge." Who knew, maybe she hit the jackpot and walked into some weird sort of cult.




7 Years

11-22-2015, 05:12 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2015, 05:20 PM by Lillianna.)
What the... Lillianna's head jerked up, ears swiveling towards the battlefield. She had been heading there herself, seeking out a spar... she was not expecting that call for Sin, the former alpha of Hellstrom. And who was calling? The voice seemed familiar - her brow crinkled. Sonticus, she determined as she neared the source of the call, and understanding flashed as she spotted the severely crippled woman... sort of standing. Arian! That was the name; she had helped Lillianna and Sin pull Allen from the quicksand that time ago.

Examining the Sonticus female, she shook her head. Sin was... also crippled, missing an eye that was likely not healed from the siege, but... this woman could barely stand. Two legs seemed to struggle to keep the female up; how on earth would she fight? Or was it a suicidal fight?

The thought of the latter made her lip curl. Martyrdom? This woman called for Sin - not the other way around. Even missing an eye, even injured, Sin would still be decently vicious in battle. There was no way this woman would be able to fight him. The more she thought about it, the more it sunk into her head. This was no challenge. This was a weak, easy way out - and oh did Lillianna hate that.

Another woman would arrive then, and speak; Lillianna couldn't help herself - she burst out laughing at the words. Amusement glittered in her eyes as she glanced at Arian. "You know, Arian, that may be the better option for you." If this woman was truly pissed enough at Sin, it would be reciprocated - and Sin would try to tear this woman limb from limb. Poison would likely be much less painful than what Sin would do to Arian. She didn't comment on the rest - she had no interest in ending her life, and she very much doubted Cascade or the Fiori man did either.

The red-hued female stopped near Cascade; it was apparent that Cascade knew Arian... as apparent as it was with the male. "This will be interesting," Lillianna muttered, seating herself. Interesting indeed. And while it may not be the best idea for her to seat herself near the Imperium woman so soon after the siege, Lillianna could not find it in herself to care. Not one bit.
"Speech" "Farrym"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
11-22-2015, 05:48 PM
Ashmedai heard the call and headed straight towards it. Arian was doing something? Cool! Ashmedai was going to be there to check it out! Lots of wolves had come to the battlefield already. Ashmedai walked up to Arian and the others that were talking to her, "Are you really gonna fight Sin to the death? You think you can win? That would be cool! Do you think you'll just go for the throat or something else? Wait, didn't you have pups recently? Will they be here too? They should be- I mean- if you win. If not, that would probably be bad. Hm..." Ashmedai trailed off his thoughts. They were so rapid. He was so excited. Could you really kill another wolf just by fighting them? Was his tail wagging? Yup. Maybe it shouldn't have been. Ashmedai held it still, his face straightening. He glanced around. Oh, good, everyone else was making odd comments too. Oh! There was that scarred girl from Abaven! Didn't Vana do that? Wow! He'd have to spar with her sometime!
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



5 Years
11-22-2015, 05:58 PM
Oh no He felt a cold rush wash over him from where he laid, his ears pulling forward at the call and then pushing back just as quickly. This was not good. This could not be happening! He would quickly leap to his paws and bound towards the call. He had been avoiding his family, avoiding everyone up to this point, but for miss Arian he would make his presence know. She had to know this was a ridiculous idea. Had to know she had more to live for. Let others being him down! No, no, no she had children to live for!!

He was panting by the time he reached the challenge, and he raced to her side, ignoring everyone involved. "Miss A-Arian! Please, call this off."  he panted before getting a good look at her., what happened?! He swallowed a lump in his throat as tears sprang to his eyes. His mentor…lady Arian. "C-call this off! Pl-please. You cannot fight him. Y-you have ch-children. Pl-please."  he paused then, lifting big tearfilles eyes up to her scarred face. "Why?" He whimpered.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-22-2015, 06:08 PM

Thy Kingdom Come. Thy Will Be Done...

The beast was on his way to Donostrean lands to collect his brood. He had allowed himself a few days to heal after the siege, and after the encounter with the little woman before leaving the north, had allowed another day or so of marveling at how easy it was to overpower someone so weak. Seifer stalked alongside him, the pair walking the edges of the battlefield as they made a beeline to the southern reaches. However, a howl most familiar would stop them. Single amber gaze would shift, finding the lands of the battlefield as a smirk lifted his maw. It was no ordinary challenge. There was something of a more...senile hint behind it. She was calling for a match more brutal then he'd done to her some time ago, had she really not learned? "Sin?" The lynxes voice cut through his thoughts, his gaze sought out Seifer's for a moment before turning. He would answer this call. "It appears someone hasn't learned their lesson. Come."

Seifer was all too curious, the cat not having been around during the Arian and Sin spats, but Sin had told him about it. Just before the pair moved on, Sin let loose a powerful howl. I'm coming for you. The pair would take their time, moving at an almost lazy lope. Lips curled in an almost maniacal grin, the light of battle clear in his eyes, though he knew it wouldn't be much of a fight. Not after he'd damaged her abilities to freely move about. Upon arrival, the male spotted a familiar face, although he wasn't there when initial words were spoken, he swept a gaze towards Cascade, despite the siege he still respected the woman. The beef after all, wasn't towards Imperium. Even though they had done the dirty work for Abaven. He nodded in her direction before his gaze turned to find Arian. The woman looked almost senile, frail...pathetic as she stood there with who she assumed to be family. Save for the Loner and the imperium kid shooting questions at her.

He tsked a few times, offering a mock look of concern towards her. Clouded and amber gaze locked on hers, though he was still mildly sore from the battle on the Plains he was still fit for a fight. He stood about three yards from her, posture dominant as his head lifted high and his tail curled over his back. Seifer took a stance on his right, a barrier between those who dared try to use Sin's blindness against him, but the devil was smarter then that. He'd trained in blinding blizzards before, so even if he lacked all sight he was sure and confident he could function almost the same as if he did have sight. Forget plastering sticky mud over your eyes, or tying leaves to your face. Blizzards tore at your sight relentlessly, among handicapping other senses.

"Can you really not be any wiser? Time and time again you've been given chances. And now you stand here challenging me? Just look at yourself. You've blamed me for everything, yet you fail to tell everyone what really happened. Shall I enlighten our crowd about why Threar was a prime target? Or why you now struggle to walk?" He stared her dead in the eyes, fur prickling slightly. He wasn't threatened by her in the least bit, but if she wanted a match to the death, he would make sure everyone knew the truth first before he killed her. Confident that he would win. Perhaps seeing her struggle more with the truth would allow him to show a teeny bit of mercy...psh, who was he kidding. He would make her pay. Just like he'd promised.




4 Years
11-22-2015, 06:26 PM

Rated M for language and stuffs.

They came, one by one coming in to tell her that there were better ways. Her brother broke her, hell him being here after his wedding since her mind fell down the gutter. Her blue eyes held no source of the words getting through. The only thing plastered on her face was a smile. Showing off dearly lined canine's for the young woman. Ignoring each and every word placed in her way. Who were these people again? Friends, family, enemies. Eat her - begone consume and ratify her very breath. Yes it was suicide but what did one do when their mind had rotted away. Her paws dug into the ground, too many people were crowding her. She stepped off to the side, carefully limping away from them at least by a few feet. Then, the angel would come. One wing torn at his side as she looked up. He made her laugh. Jaws opening to give out a chuckling gasp like sound.

"Go ahead and tell them punk - won't matter much after." her tail flicked around. "Of course I was the fucking one to tell him to attack Threar. So quiet and innocent - they were the best target. Hell all of you spat out words I don't even understand anymore. You did this to me, you tore my right arm from be because I promised you a crown and you decided to throw a fit when I didn't give it to you. I'm a whore a slut - no one should care how I want to die, no one should care if I die. So bring it on Sin - get that puny little brain of yours working. Because I don't give a shit" her jaws clamped down shut. Not a care about what was going to happen to her. He was going to give her what she wanted and quiet possibly more. Her ears pinned to the back of her head. Weight disturbed on her right legs and slightly on the left back as it shook. Her right limp settling forward as the wound cracked and painfully situated up her shoulder. Only being able to lightly touch the ground rather then anything else. Her tail leveled with her spine, chin tucking to her chest. Hackles raising, rolling her shoulders and scruff forward. Pupils dilating as she narrowed her eyes to her opponent.

Arian would already jump to action, instead of using most of her body she relied on being lower. The woman slid forward on her stomach into the dirt. Aiming to get straight underneath sin between his two front legs. Her claws scraping against the ground for traction as her head tilted to the right and aimed for his baby making parts. Hoping to crush or even cause some sort of pain. Keeping her back legs underneath her. Using her right front leg as she reached upward she attempted to kick at his right back leg. Maybe to break his knee or otherwise kick it from underneath him.


Sin vs Arian for death.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



6 Years
Extra large
11-22-2015, 06:42 PM
The giant heard the call and his legs carried him to the arena. He was already a heart sore old wolf, mourning the loss of a child he no longer thought was a part of this world. He carried the burden of being the one who had to function, his movements in thr pack lands had to look more then mechanical for the sake of his family. At night he curled about his brother and hid his own pain so his brother could fret and worry without the added burden of glaciers grief. More then this, he did all he could to hide his loss of hope voltage. He had no doubt that if voltage saw it, it would be like a betrayal to his brother.

So in the midst of all this he wasn't certain he would have the strength to appear at such a gruesome gathering. Yet, once again his heart both betrayed and hurt him. He could not hide in his pack lands well a wolf he considered a friend took this path alone. He didn't know the story, he didn't know why she called for sin, a wolf almost on the verge of being named his friend. He moved silently into that gathering crowd, placing himself somewhere on the edge of it all and out of the way. The fight had already started before his arrival and he didn't risk distracting either wolf. His eyes traveled from one to another, as he wondered which friend would be lost to him today. More loss, more grief. The alphas load was destined never to be an easy one to bare. His shuddered face gave away little of the pain that clutched his heart, but the age in his eyes spoke volumes.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-22-2015, 06:49 PM

The howl was unmistakable. Just as she was settling her children in their new den within Imperium, the howl had sounded. Her eyes narrowed slightly before going wide, what in the world was Arian thinking!? Ordering her pups to stay in the den, she would leave them to go find out what Arian was trying to do. Crossing the borders, she hurriedly made her way to the battlefield. Imperium was pretty close, and she would come to find that Cascade among others she recognized and didn't recognize were gathered. Eyes fell on the one being challenged, Sin. Had Arian lost her mind!? She was going to fight him in her condition? "Arian what are you doing!?"

She cried out to her, but she was sure it would be of no use. Arian's words would betray the fact that she wasn't entirely sound. Admitting to everyone that she had supported the decision to annihilate Threar. Her heart clenched at Arian's last few sentences. She cared. Her family cared. Would her children never get to meet her? Was...was Valentine right? She gasped as Arian initiated the fight, her attention locked on them and nothing else. She prayed. But she knew they would not be answered.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-22-2015, 07:07 PM
Tornach had been wandering far afield since the siege. His parents and siblings had made no effort to seek him out that he could see, so he stubbornly continued to wander. If they needed or wanted him there, they could ask him. As it stood, he had a lot of family he barely knew, and a lot he had never met at all, who he could spend time getting to know. He'd met his Aunt Epiphron again, and she had children older than he was that he could meet. His cousin Arian had a pack somewhere near his aunt too, and he had not seen her since he was a pup. She had children too, younger than he was. Now that they were no longer in the frozen north, he could seek them out as well. With all the other family members already in packs, he didn't see why his mother needed so desperately to make their own pack. Why couldn't they join one of his cousins and help them? Then his mother would be safer, and his father with his disability would no longer need worry about it, and Baine would be protected...

His head raised at the sound of a vaguely familiar voice. Was that not... his cousin Arian? She sounded so weak and sick, yet she was challenging another wolf to the death! The young Adravendi took off at a sprint but he arrived to a battle already begun. Though his eyes were calm and he was silent, his hackles bristled with a protective fury that had begun to bubble up within him. He had saved this wolf's packmates! And now he set upon Tornach's cousin! He stood at his full height, black masked face tucked against his chest as he stared at the combatants, then around at all the faces staring so avidly. "Why are none of you stopping this?" he cried out at them suddenly. "These wolves have families! Children! Wolves who love them! Why are you allowing this? Is this entertaining you?" Did no one care that his crippled cousin was spending her life on this? Why were none of the adults stopping them?

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



10 Years
Dragon Mod
11-22-2015, 07:56 PM
**If a fight between them results, I'd prefer it moved to a different thread to not clutter this because phone organization is bad >.>

He had heard the call, and the boy left his recovering spot to trot towards the fields. It was thanks to Tornach that he had survived, and he would repay the debt someday. Like his father, Enigma kept to his word. Whether it was a good or bad promise. However, his father was being challenged to the death. A fools move, especially considering the challengers condition. Upon stepping onto the battlefield, amber gaze searched the faces present. His gaze locked onto the small reddish form of the Abaven bitch who he blamed for Takira's injuries before he'd passed out, and he was sure she had a big part to play in the siege against their home. Her scent was most familiar, lingering at the farthest edges of their Paradox, he often swept the outskirts for spies and potential ambushes. Her scent had not been missed. And while he thought at first it was just a coincidence, seeing her in the siege on enemy lines made him think otherwise.

His lip curled. What the fuck was she doing here anyway? The bitch had no business with his family nor Arian's, but if she wanted to be part of it...he would be obliged to give her insight. Ignoring the others, confident that his father would succeed, he snarled at Lillie. "You! I've seen your ugly face one too many times...and scented you quite often. It's your fault!" He snarled. Okay...maybe he wasn't entirely all there since Takira had been taken, he was looking for something to put a face to, and this girl was the last one he'd seen fighting with his mate before he had passed out and dragged himself away from the war. It was Her fault. His mind had convinced him as much.

Enigma VS Lilliana for Dominance

Round 0/?


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
Athena I
11-22-2015, 08:15 PM

Moments after he arrived, several others did as well. None of them he recognized except for the pack scents they carried on their fur, with the exception of one that appeared to be a loner. Arian didn't say a word to him and when she limped away from him and everyone else all he could do was stare. His jaw tightened and his mismatched ears flattened against his skull. He cared so deeply for all of his family members than no matter what trouble Arian got herself into he had always tried his best to support her. Now he watched her walk away to damn herself.

The man that would be her challenger appeared and he would finally have a face to put with a name. He had heard of Sin from Arian of course, and when he spoke nothing he said was a surprise to him. Arian had already told him about Threar and the cause of her maim. However, the words that shocked him the most came from Arian. She cursed and degraded herself more than anyone else and, what really hurt him, is that she seemed to really think no one would care if she died. There was nothing more he could say or do for her. She dived into the fight and he had to tear his eyes away.

He heard a voice from the other side of the gathering and he looked up to see Avalon, the woman he had spoken with long ago on Arian's behalf when Sonticus was still up north. He sighed and shook his head. Could Arian not see how many cared for her? His ears perked a little when a familar scent reached him and he looked back over his shoulder to see Glacier sitting a short distance away from the group. Leo's brows pulled together as he looked at the large man with curiosity. He was just about to go speak with him when a disgruntled cry made his head whip back around the other way. He barely recognized the young man since the last time he had seen him Tornach had been a small pup. He recognized his scent though along with the traces of Surreal's on him. A sigh passed his lips and he hurried over to Tornach's side, nudging his shoulder. "Hush, we can't stop them now. Believe me, I would if I could. But this is Arian's decision."

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years

11-22-2015, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2015, 08:23 PM by Lillianna.)
ooc. that would be considered, because I honestly want it to stay in the thread. also, doms generally stay in the thread they are started in

It would take no time at all for things to start getting heated. Starling showed up, something that would cause Lillianna to jump to her paws, eyes glued to the brown and white form. He was oblivious to all the watchers, instead beelining for Arian... who would pay no heed to any words spoken to her. Sin would appear, exchanging harsh words... why Threar was picked? Her ears twitched, curiosity making her sit up straighter - only to have Arian herself snarl a response to the man, after ignoring everything all others said. This woman was truly... out of her mind. The fight begun, but that wasn't the end.

Avalon showed up, the woman who defeated Lillianna in a spar so many months ago. Distressed, she was. A boy, a boy that caused her ears to fall back and to look away; she wanted to explain but it was not her place to do so - just as it was not her place to stop Arian, who clearly wished for this to happen. At the same time, she was inclined to agree with him - Arian was clearly not of the right mind; why should she be allowed to go through with this? Still, uneasiness filled her, and she'd say nothing.

A blur would catch her attention, and she would snap her head up to face the snarling creature... she recognized him. Oh, did she recognize him; he was the one Integra ripped the balls off of. He was already walking? It had been some time since the siege, but regardless - it was still... soon. Her ears still flattened to her head, she simply looked at him. Her fault for what? For the loss of his manhood? That was Integra - not Lillie.

"I... what?" Lillianna shook her head. What was this male even doing, other than trying to start a fight? "I've no wish to fight you," she sighed. Okay, she wouldn't mind a fight terribly much - but she really... didn't want to fight. At the same time... Lillianna smirked. "It wouldn't be enough of a challenge, anyways," she added a brief second later. Her gaze drifted down, focusing on the precise lack of Enigma's manhood, before raising and staring him in the eyes. Her ears had risen, her tail curling over her back as she did so. Okay, maybe she did want a fight.

"Speech" "Farrym"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.

Rœkia T


4 Years
11-22-2015, 08:29 PM

What she thought might be a boring affair was quickly beginning to get more interesting.  Apparently she'd managed to walk into some kind of feud and the woman that called was definitely, completely bat-shit crazy.  She screamed guano.  Yet despite that in came the cryers and she flinched at the blue eyed boy that was screaming and stuttering for mis a-a-Arian to stop.  Not flinched out of pity or empathy but out of irritation.  She was here to see a show dammit!  She didn't want a bunch of whiny goody-goodies vomiting their idealistic swill.  Rœkia knew dam well what the world was like and this was a shining example of what it did to the weakest of souls.  She'd been able to save herself, to gain strength despite her frailty and she did it by taking it advantage of others like they tried to do of her.

The challengee would soon arrive and Rœkia sighed.  Boring.  Some filthy hobo with a missing eye, so it was going to be a battle of the cripples?  Be far more interesting to watch them writhing under her delicate ministrations but alas it was not to be.  At least it would be a bit more of an even match… well maybe.  Really a missing eye wasn't that serious compared to two bum legs.  Yup, she knew exactly who she was betting on.

Wacko number one would dive for the cyclops and the fight was underway just as another little…. erm…. big boy started crying at them to stop it.  She glanced at him. "Umm… because we want to watch?" she answered, almost timidly as if she were uncertain but the truth was far from it.   Dam straight she thought it was entertaining.  Wasn't that obvious?  She wouldn't be here if it wasn't. She let her facade fall as she spoke smoothly and calmly. "Look, throw yourself between them if you want, I won't stop you but I think that woman is far to gone to bother saving.  She wanted this and now she's getting it."  Rœkia shrugged.  C'est la vie.  Her eyes drifted to the other two who were preparing to fight and she got to her feet and backed up with a grin on her face as she muttered to herself and her companion.  "Oohhhh we gonna get two for the price of one?  Must be our lucky day, Wolf."  




4 Years
11-22-2015, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2015, 09:13 PM by Integra.)

Integra was in a dark mood since the loss of Sirius.  Her elation had fizzled into a mixing swirl of emotions that churned within her brain and sent her eyes questing to the sky for answers.  Why would her parents call for Sirius so soon?  Why leave just her and Trei?  What was she meant to do.  She was certain her show in the siege had pleased them, that the offering of a fools manhood was sufficient sacrifice so why had they taken her sister?  And without so much as a goodbye?  Integra sighed as she wandered in her search for herbs.  It was a mark of her newly earned freedom being able to wander unescorted and when she heard the call for the death match she immediately headed in that direction.  Curious as to what was causing such a fuss only to find a throng of wolves, two of which were engaged in-  hang on….  she growled.  Well, well Sin Armada.  

It wasn't long before her eyes fell on the scarred Abaven woman they'd rescued in the siege and the man she'd castrated.  Integra grinned and sauntered towards the pair her voice ringing out clear as a bell.  "Now, now…. I hope you aren't giving her credit for my handiwork..." She gazed quizzically at the man, stopping about 8 feet from his right side.  "I hear Angel is having fun with your girl by the way, she's well-looked after you shouldn't worry about a thing."  He'd better be careful, she had no problem removing a few more body parts for his foolishness.  Honestly though she wasn't overly concerned about the Abaven woman. She'd only jumped in at the siege out of worry for Vana. However she was a prideful beast and the thought of anyone else getting credit for her hard work was enough to tip her to the boiling point. If she'd misheard though well... that was another matter. She gazed at the pair as if waiting for an explanation her powerful stance insisting on respect, or else there could be consequences. She hadn't come here to fight, merely to observe and remind others who she was and what she was capable of.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



9 Years
11-22-2015, 09:22 PM
He'd been thinking about them lately. Sonticus. Since losing his home and purpose with Hellstrom, his mind had wandered to the first time he'd encountered Arian in the North. He had been amongst them once, a part of their pack. They hadn't been exactly what he wanted... but they were a close-knit, loyal bunch. Should he go to them? He had been debating it for some time now, while his wounds from the siege scarred over. He hadn't seen anyone from Hellstrom since their defeat, and he just didn't know what to do anymore.

Then he heard the call. He stopped in his tracks, recognizing Arian's voice instantly as she called for Sin, deadly intent within her voice. Surprise and interest sparked within him. He had to see. Rushing off for the battlefield, his powerful limbs carrying him swiftly, he was there in what felt like no time. He saw the wolves gathered, and was surprised by the mix. Some were strangers, but others he recognized. Avalon had come, but her scent was different - was she no longer a part of Sonticus? He'd been out of the loop for some time now, and hadn't caught up on pack news yet. As his silver eyes cast around, he saw familiar faces from Abaven and Imperium, wolves he'd seen take down his packmates. He glared at them each in turn, lips curling as hatred for them seethed through him. What were they doing here? His claws dug into the ground, wanting to take a chunk out of them himself, but he knew the odds were against him. He wasn't willing to die here today. Then he noticed the male from Donostrea that had helped ease the tension at the avian estuary when he and his injured ex-packmates sought refuge. Even the boy who'd healed them was here.

Within seconds the tension in the air finally snapped, and the fighting erupted. Enigma was threatening Lillianna, looking for a taste of revenge for the grievous wounds he had suffered. Arian was lunging for Sin. She looked less capable than ever, with just two good legs to support her own body weight. Why was she trying to take on Sin in a one on one fight to the death? Perhaps it was what she wanted. It must be, as she had called him here. Xephyris wasn't sure how he felt about all of this. He hadn't intended to witness a death today, much less of someone who he'd been considering seeking out again. As always, he remained quietly on the sidelines, though his blood was boiling from all that was going on, wishing he could do something more than just watch.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-22-2015, 09:45 PM
Epiphron had been here before. Not just once, no - quite a few times.. but one occasion stood out clearly in her mind.  Hearing her daughter's battle cry, ringing clear and unmistakable across the land, made her heart clench painfully in her chest. It was a cry to the man that had harmed her.. the man that had taken the Plains from Surreal and her family. There was nothing good about the feeling that settled in her stomach. Slowly, she would begin to travel toward the center of the continent, each step filling her with dread that she could not shake. The journey took longer than she had anticipated, perhaps accentuated by the anxiety that filled her to the brim suddenly. Why did Arian want to fight, when she had so much to live for?

Quite a few wolves had already arrived. She was quick to spot Leo, and her paws would carry her toward her son with ease. He seemed visibly upset, and quickly she would move to press her nose to his cheek. Already her daughter and Sin had begun to fight.. she was too later to interfere, and she knew Arian was too stubborn to let her stop her. A heavy sigh fell from her lips as her breath hitched in her throat. "Leo.."  she said quietly, her focus zeroing in on the fight. Oh, if Sin really hurt her, he would have hell to pay.  "Why is this happening?"  Epiphron couldn't tell how long they'd been here, or what Leo had seen, but she felt herself leaning heavily against her son's side for support. She noticed Tornach nearby, but as far as she was concerned, the others could be completely invisible - she didn't care at all about them.



5 Years
11-22-2015, 09:52 PM
Not good, not...good. He would stare around at all the wolves and then, finally, the challengee showed up. He stared with wide eyes at the man, taking in his icky bloodstains and lack of eye. He smelt disgusting too. It reeked...of death. Instantly he'd swallow at the lump in his throat, knowing full well this man was the one had had been warned off. Sin. Ears pulled back, he'd timidly step away when Arian gave him no reaction, nothing. Blue eyes would reguard her, possibly for the last time, as he moved to walk away. He couldn't watch this. It was suicide, and no amount of herbs would ever fix it.

He was moving to walk away, but stopped when he heard a voice yelling into the crowd. Curiousity got the better of him as he turned to glance at a white male, snarling at...oh, no. A sense of panic would crawl through his legs, laying like a beast in his stomach. Lillie, why must you always get into these things! Quickly he moved, bounding across the distance as panic and a rare, unforseen anger, coursed through his veins. Lillie could not get hurt again. Why was she at fault? Sure, she usually was, but he needed some solid evidence before he allowed this man to fight her like this. His heart raced in his chest as he moved to stand at Lillie's left side, leaving a 4 foot gap between them as he stared at the male. "I-if you i-intend to fight her, I ch-challenge you in her place!" He said in as strong of a voice as he could manage. He didn't want to hurt Lillie's honour, but he also couldn't stand by. Glancing timidly towards her, his lips would quirk in the smallest of smiles, apologetic. Perhaps, this could be taken as an apology. "Lasciami, per favore" He whispered, hoping she understood. He needed to be brave, to be strong. He wanted to defend her, not just heal her in the aftermath.

Star (and Lillie?) v Enigma
For Dominance

"Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"