
Where One Door Closes, Another Opens


11-23-2015, 10:22 PM

Mako was currently being cared for by his sister, so there was little for Kar to worry about there. But what he was worried about was the disappearance of his other children. Zenkai and Annette... Were they together? What about Naoise and Amaterasu? The man felt a chill down his spine. He worried so dearly for the children he had. So very, very dearly. He’d breathe in passing into an area in the south. He was searching for them. What remained of his family. Nalyda’s words still echoed in his heart.

...he felt like he was failing her.

Kar would come to a stop, looking at the ivory vines, the white bark of the trees. Everything here felt dead. Cold. He would sigh, sitting and curling his tail around his haunches. He felt a part of his heart breaking. He just wanted to know his kids were alive and well... Was that so much to ask? He would close his eyes, giving a soft whine. “Where are you all?”


Table by:: Eldarwen



9 Years
Athena I
11-23-2015, 11:00 PM
She had drifted away from her friend some time ago. She was beginning to wonder if she would ever be able to make enough of a commitment and attachment to anyone or anything to really stay with them for any length of time. Her time in Threar had been full of uncertainty and disappointment because she couldn't make herself feel that pride in her home that everyone else seemed to feel. She liked being around Akí, but in the end she only failed herself again by going off on her own.

She felt her way forward with her paws, ears pricked forward to listen to any hint of sound or change. Her steps were nearly effortless now. She had never known anything different than this darkness that constantly surrounded her. Her years of traveling blindly had made her a master of it. However, every once in a while something would happen that would throw her off slightly. This time, that thing would be a voice suddenly cutting through the silence to reach her sensitive ears.

She would stop mid step, listening to the voice and sniffing the air to help her locate it's source. She was surprised to see that he was actually fairly close by. She was usually better about keeping an eye on her surroundings and she quietly scolded herself for not paying better attention. His words had her curious though so she made her way toward him and stopped a few feet away. "If they are meant to be in your life they'll come back," she told him, settling on her haunches. "At least that's what I've always believed. Wolves come and go, but if it's meant to be it'll happen. Not to worry." She didn't really know if her advice would be welcomed, not that she much cared. She was pretty good at judging others emotions by their scents and voices so she only spoke what was true and what she felt like others wanted to hear.


11-30-2015, 09:44 PM

Kar would blink, words drawing him away from his sorrow. He’d breathe in, glancing towards a femme. Beautiful she was, wrapped in orange and creme. The brute would let his gaze soften upon her, his voice soft. “It is not so much that I worry about them being with me as I worry about them being safe. They’re young yet... Little ones who don’t deserve to be out on their own. I only wish to know that they are safe. That alone would make me happy.” Kar would explain.

“I apologize. My name is Kar Savvil by the way.” Kar would offer his name to the fmme, only now taking in the note that the woman was blind. “Forgive me if I’m intruding miss, but I was wondering what might have brought you to this land.... If not searching for someone... Then what?”

Speech, Thought



9 Years
Athena I
12-01-2015, 12:20 AM

Kalliope's ears turned toward him to listen as he explained the source of his worry and she would nod in understanding. "I think that a lot about my family... Well, I hope your little ones are well where ever they are. At least you can put good thoughts out in the universe for them and hope for the best." She shrugged slightly and a small smile touched her lips. Since she had left home she could feel herself mellowing out quite a bit. With no one but herself to speak with most of the time she had been trapped in her own mind to ponder things about the world. She remembered that there was a time in her life when she would fly off the handle at the littlest things, but she didn't feel like she had a reason to do that any more.

He would introduce himself and she would chuckle gently. "No need to apologize. I did kind of intrude. If anything I should be apologizing. I'm Kalliope Arevalo. Most wolves call me Kalli though." Her head would tip to the side thoughtfully at his question. "Well, when I first came to Alacritis I had left my home to find some kind of adventure I guess. I wanted to prove to myself that I could survive on my own without my father and adopted siblings looking after me I think. Once I did that... I'm not sure what I've been looking for really. I've been too stubborn to go back home and too lost to figure out what it is I want."



12-09-2015, 05:36 PM

Kar would give a small nod, a slight thing as the femme spoke. Yes, he could certainly try to put his well wishes out there. He could pray Annette was with Zen, that his oldest brood was getting along well enough even if they were separate. Kar just felt so helpless, so hopeless lately. Perhaps he was simply trying too hard to do the things he didn’t necessarily need to do. His children had their own lives to lead... He couldn’t act like a mother hen forever.

Kalliope was the stranger’s name. It was pretty, and he’d listen to her explanation. Adventure. He would find a smile tugging at his lips at that. Adventure, wanderlust... Such a thing once claimed him. A time ago, when he traveled with Zanire, before he had met Nalyda, before he had children. Part of him missed those days.

“I don’t think you’re necessarily lost. One can never be lost if they’re adventuring... Just discovering more places that they’re not one hundred percent sure of yet.” Kar would rumble softly. “I once traveled openly when I was in a younger man’s body. They were lovely days... I honestly miss them. It gave a sense of freedom like no other, with nothing to tie you down.” Kar would let out a light laugh.

“...maybe you’re just not ready to settle down yet.”


Table by:: Eldarwen



9 Years
Athena I
12-10-2015, 01:38 PM

His explanation that she couldn't really be lost if she was exploring made her smile and brought her a little comfort. She supposed he was right about that. She just had the interesting problem of never being able to be completely sure of where she was since she could only go off of scents and sounds. Every time she moved she was doomed to potentially running into something, tripping over something, falling into something... She basically lived with a constant set of mild bruises on her skin. She really considered herself lucky at times that she hadn't experienced worse.

She liked listening to him talk about his adventuring days. That freedom he spoke of was the exact reason why she had a hard time settling into her old pack. Well, that and the fact that she never really made a connection with anyone that lived there. She didn't dislike anyone and she even liked several of them, but something just didn't click. He mentioned that she may just not be ready to settle down and she laughed lightly, her shoulders shrugging. "Maybe I'm not... I kind of wonder when I will if not soon though. I mean, I'm already four. I feel like I should be finding somewhere to stay, even if I don't find anyone to be with..." she frowned a little at the thought. She was barely able to get around on her own successfully as it was. She got flash backs from the time she almost walked right off a cliff. "I just feel like if I'm in a pack I'm supposed to be helpful and aiding the pack, but how helpful can a blind wolf be?"



01-22-2016, 06:51 AM

Kar would listen again in turn. He would give a small nod, though she could not see it, his expression thoughtful. “I can certainly understand that. Though just because you want to find somewhere to settle in time doesn’t mean it needs to be with a pack either. A pair or group of loners can make a living just fine as well.” Kar would give a small flick of his tail in thought as he continued. “It all depends on what you’re looking for in a place to stay.” His green eyes would search her features as he went on.

“...and why can’t you be helpful?” He spoke the words as if he could hardly believe she’d spoken them. “Yes, you are blind... But that hardly means you are incapable of doing anything. You could be an advice giver of sorts, or even a teacher. You could hold onto the pack’s stories, their legacies... Perhaps even learn to heal. Herbs for the most part have a strong scent, no? And certainly if you had an apprentice or someone there with you, well, why wouldn’t you be able to be useful?” Kar would find himself smiling.

“There are answers out there for you, Kalliope. Don’t give up if things seem a bit hard... With the right minds on the task you can find a solution to your problems.”

Speech, Thought