
Beginning to understand



3 Years
11-25-2015, 01:09 AM

A foul smell lifted into the air, and it just happened to be sourced at the boy himself. All these funny plants surrounded him, not to mention the snow. Ritsy had the usual smile spread across his face as his paws squished against the white stuff that scattered the ground so scarcely. The sound it made let him giggle though. It reminded him of bones breaking, something he heard often considering his interests in life. Making his stump of a tail flicker with excitement when a small carcass of a chipmunk came into view. Though it was almost nothing but a pile of bones which made his smile turn to a frown for a single moment before turning his attention elsewhere. Butt wiggling in the air as he fell into a playbow. Spotting a small bird in one of the dangly like trees.

Jumping at the creature, he laughed as his paw caught the edge of the creature. It was dazzed falling down as his teeth went over to clamp shut on it. Catching the feet only as he ran the bird down. Stomping on the still living creature so he could inspect it with his burgundy eyes. Tail stump flapping about with curiosity. Once he had throughly inspected the bleeding animal, he consumed it. No use trying to get the eyes out of that small thing. When was a wolf gonna show up!

Warning: This character is prone to violent unpredictable actions



5 Years
11-26-2015, 12:44 AM

This place was too pretty. A scowl darkened his pale face as he stared at the willows bending down to tickle the streams they grew near. This entire place spoke of serenity and happiness and Grimm... well Grimm liked dark and creepy places. He liked cold and grim places where he could have some fun. This place... well this place didn't seem to hold too much promise. This place screamed "there's going to be happy lovey couples here." He shuddered inwardly at the thought. His parents hadn't loved each other. In fact he could remember that, despite them being "married", they weren't overly affectionate towards each other. From what he gleaned his father had liked Loki far more than he had other wolves, but their bond wasn't like most.

Grimmjow himself wasn't overly affectionate or emotional. Most wolves, to him, were there for his amusement. He cared about no one and only lived to please himself. He had no intentions of keeping anyone around long term. Most wolves were boring to him. That or they became boring later on. He liked adventure and new opportunities. Despite being five he still had the mentality of a child in terms of being selfish.

Regardless he'd told himself was going to explore more. He'd secluded himself to Mount Volkan lately but it didn't take him long to realize there was a lack of wolves there. Sure and occasional wolf came along but they were few and far between. He couldn't just sit around and wait forever for wolves to come to him so he'd left for a bit on an adventure.

A scent quickly caught the pale king's attention. At first it was the hint of something foul but the scent of fresh blood quickly overpowered it. He couldn't help but be intrigued. Even if the wolf turned out to be boring it couldn't be worse than just wandering around aimlessly. So he took off following the scent until he came across a dark colored male. He looked mangy and gross and his hind end, legs, and even his stumpy little tail was white. Already Grimm was intrigued. He couldn't help but notice the bird that was nothing more than a carcass now. He personally disliked birds. They were small and their feathers were annoying and stuck to his teeth too much.

"Enjoy your snack?" He asked slyly, a grin plastered to his face as he paused 5 yards from the other wolf.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Please take note that Grimmjow is unpredictable and impulsive in his actions and has a tendency to be hostile at times.

[Image: 8tXLX5S.png]



3 Years
11-26-2015, 01:22 AM

His head snapped up to the voice - and for a moment he could have sworn he was dreaming. However the first thing his devilish burgundy eyes focused on....was the other male's orbs. Seemingly watching his own reflection in them, and at that moment a million different questions started popping up in his head. How did he see, how did they taste, why did they have that color. His grin widened almost in a grimacing manner. The male had referred to the bird as a snack? The things you ate between or after meals wasn't it. "Ritsy enjoyed snack, but snack didn't have pretty wolf eyes." he shook his head as he jumped forward closer. Staring again into his eyes, he stood up straight white stump wiggling frantically behind him. Entertainment was finally here.

"You eyes you eyes." Ritsy gestured to his eyes for a moment with a giggle. Almost like a pup would when they thought something was extremely funny. It was obvious the unkept male had some screws loose in his head. However not like it bothered him. Life was great - or rather death was too. The bird wasn't enough, and he definitely wanted more. Ritsy wasn't going to attack this one though - oh no. He would be polite this time or try to be.

Warning: This character is prone to violent unpredictable actions