
Cradle To The Grave



5 Years
11-25-2015, 11:03 PM

He'd decided to hole up in Mount Volkan for a while. Most remains of Tortuga were completely gone. He'd managed to find his old den he and his siblings were born in and clean it up a bit. All scents from his childhood were gone but it was okay for him. He'd managed to find an old bone with teeth marks in it that he and his siblings had once chewed on. Grimm wasn't an overly nostalgic wolf, but he wasn't a heartless creature either. While he cared very little for most things he could at least say he still pined for his family now again. Despite his indifference he didn't like being alone all the time. It was boring and no one could cause mischief like siblings.

There were no tell-tale signs of his siblings though and he was unhappily alone. Not many were eye catching and more often than not he didn't come across too many strangers near the volcano. The hot springs nearby held promise of possible entertainment but it was inhabited by a pack which irritated him. He didn't care about it's members but he didn't want to tangle with an entire pack either. He missed soaking in the warm water but he wasn't an idiot. He'd just have to stick to the mountain instead and steer clear of whatever fleas had decided to claim the area.

But he was soooooo bored.

A growl erupted from him as he poked his head out of his den. Snow littered the ground but the day was exceptionally sunny at least. He didn't care if it was snowing or wonderful outside but at least if the weather was fair he'd have better chances of finding someone to toy with. So he left his den at a trot kicking snow up behind him as he went. He wasn't hungry so he didn't bother with hunting. Instead he went farther down the mountain towards the base. Perhaps he'd have better luck there.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Please take note that Grimmjow is unpredictable and impulsive in his actions and has a tendency to be hostile at times.

[Image: 8tXLX5S.png]


11-26-2015, 09:41 PM

The day was cold, and the snow on the ground had lightened her mood. Past problems forgotten, the femme moved towards the North with a carefree grin on her face. She missed the reindeer, missed her siblings yet again. She had been in the midst of planning something with Sabine, promising to meet her in the North come winter. Well, now it was time to make good on that promise and leave the East! Her heart was beating strongly in her chest, breath flowing outward with mist. She was excited.

The femme was a being all her own, that was for certain. She would press on through the snow, across the mountain that she could have perhaps better wandered around. There was a scent along with the snow, of a male, and it wouldn't be too long before Sunniva crossed his tracks.

What a lonely existence it must be up here. The femme would perk her ears forward, lowering her head to sniff at the track. She'd breathe out then, raising her head and letting out a long, low howl. Would the owner of the tracks howl back? Or would she merely need to track him down to find him?

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-07-2015, 08:42 PM

So far he wasn't having any luck finding anyone to entertain him. He was beginning to wonder if he was going to have to find something else to pass the time. To his own dismay he realized that if he was unlucky in finding someone he'd have to default to hunting. His nose wrinkled at the thought of having to find some tiny vermin to terrorize. Since he was by himself larger prey was more than likely not going to be an option. A bored sigh fluttered past his lips. At least when his family had been around he'd had partners in crime. Nothing was fun anymore since he was alone. His father had founded a pack out of boredom and loneliness and had made it a home for misfits. The question now was what could he do to cure his boredom?

He certainly didn't expect anyone to be looking for him though. He was upwind of the girl so he was unaware of the wolf following him until a low howl caught his attention. His ears pricked forward and a smirk tugged at his lips. Seems like he didn't have to resort to terrorizing the local wildlife after all. Though he'd be lying if he said he wasn't confused about her calling to him. He didn't recognize the voice and he had no "friends" to speak of so who was it?

Regardless he decided it wasn't going to be fun unless she chased him down. That was unless she was boring enough not to chase in which case he supposed he could find her. He was that bored after all. Still he'd let her get a clue where he was at so he threw his head up and let out a low howl back to her before taking off at a lope across the mountain side, a grin plastered on his face. This was going to be fun.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Please take note that Grimmjow is unpredictable and impulsive in his actions and has a tendency to be hostile at times.

[Image: 8tXLX5S.png]


12-09-2015, 05:52 PM

The waiting game was on. She would perk her ears, hoping for a call back. Soon enough that would happen, and Sunny would grin. Ahh, so the game of chase was on. Sunniva would judge by the owner’s call that there would be no easy task of simply waiting for him to come to her. No... She would need to go to him. Little did she know he’d still be on the move, however. Not that it would matter all that much in the end -- Sunniva would definitely track him down!

A grin was upon her face. Excitement ran within her, and Sunniva would pick up the pace as she began to follow the tracks. She started out slow, almost a jog, but before long she had broken into a run, eager to continue this little game they were playing.

Snow was kicked up behind her, flurrying in all directions. As she ran she’d let out another howl, a call to let him know she was on the hunt.

The question was... How long would the game of chase go on?

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-10-2015, 08:40 PM

His lope was a rather slow one at first. There was absolutely no point int putting a bunch of distance between them if she wasn't going to play along. So he kept one ear behind him just in case she was following him so he wouldn't be surprised. It also wasn't going to be fun if she caught up to him before he wanted her to. It wasn't until she let out a howl letting him know that she was more than willing to play his game that he quickened his pace. Snow flew behind him as power surged through his muscles. A grin encompassed his face as he ran. It was nice to have something to do for a change.

He knew the mountains like he knew the back of his paws. He knew all the nooks and crannies and all the best places to hunt. He knew the best places to find something to drink, or places to sleep, or all the best resting places. So he had no issues dodging all the hardest obstacles in his path as he traversed down the mountain side as fast as his long legs would carry him.

It wasn't until he found himself beginning to pant hard that he decided he wanted to see his pursuer. So he found a familiar place where he had a height advantage, circled it to throw about his scent, and then climbed atop a pile of rocks where he planted his rump and then attempted to catch his breath while he waited for the female to catch up.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Please take note that Grimmjow is unpredictable and impulsive in his actions and has a tendency to be hostile at times.

[Image: 8tXLX5S.png]