
On With The Show! {Borealis Meeting}


11-27-2015, 06:23 PM

Something cold brewed in Cypress' heart. The fighting of Sin and Arian still blazed in his mind, but Marina, thank the gods for her being there, reminded him that no matter the outcome, the show had to go on. The man was feeling a bit at a loss, but he was glad to have the rainbow female ruling alongside him. He knew his time left as alpha was but a temporary thing -- one way or another. He would pass Sonticus, or rather Borealis, completely to the woman when the time was right. In the mean time, well, there were things he needed to see to under her guidance.

The first was ranks. Marina had specifically stated that while she respected the decisions he and Arian made as alphas she would feel more comfortable addressing ranks herself, so that would be allowed. For now all wolves were ranked as Librans... the former Citizen rank. He hoped his children wouldn't be too sore about this change. He'd breathe in, taking a moment to steady himself. It was time to call to Borealis, and introduce them to Marina.

His howl would echo across the Gulley, and the man would hope that, soon, all wolves would come to him.

Ooc:: Due by December 5th to give you guys plenty of time to get in here~ ;3




11 Years
Dragon Mod
11-28-2015, 05:59 PM

There usually wasn't much that fazed the man, even the deathmatch that ended up against Arian's favor had done little to get through, but it did make him regret not spending much time with her. She had taken him in, they had joked and laughed and even had a friendly scuffle when he first joined...that knowledge alone began to sink in in the aftermath. He cursed himself sometimes, about why he always kept distant. He figured it was because of those kinds of things, that life always decided to take away from him.

Hearing her Mates call, Kakashi made his way to lands that were not sonticus lands. He was curious as to why, and was sure there was some reason for it. Trailing into the fern Gulley, Kakashi followed Cypress' scent once he found it. His face remained unreadable when he found him, and promptly he would sit nearby. He had alot to think about, like why there were here and what would happen now that everything had changed. For better or for worse, this meeting would perhaps decide his fate. "I sense something is up. What do you have up your sleeve." Crimson gaze fell on him, his words not quite a question but more of an observation.



Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-29-2015, 12:18 AM

Something stood out to him recently, the things that changed around him, and he knew he didn't like it. His father was in and out of his life since his mother's mental breakdown. His eyes tired and bloodshot, anger welled up slightly soon only to be let go. Rivaxorus let out a sharp sigh as he heard his father's call. It came from the new lands where instinctual he had been following scents. As his paws carried him, his two different colored orbs noted the form of his sensei. The teacher he had learned something from, but now with a majority of his family gone he found a large hole in his heart. Hopefully - he could at least keep his siblings at his side. If not even that, then well. Rivaxorus would look to see what he could do next.

"It's not even home anymore." He whispered solemnly. Finding his own seat outside of the small circle. He made sure to distance himself from his father and teacher. His ears flicking as he curled his tail around his haunches. What would come of this meeting he wasn't sure but he hoped to see Xephyris here for sure. Even then his siblings as well. Muscles tensed and then became untensed. Taking in a deep breath, he took it upon himself to calm down.

"Talk" "You" Think

Marina I


7 Years
11-30-2015, 12:25 PM

The time had come. Cypress would call the pack together to announce her being brought into her position. Marina was excited. Who wouldn't be? This pack was ripe, hers for the taking. All she had to do was play her cards right and soon the alpha would completely pass it into her paws. The rainbow marked female would give an additional call, a call to her children and brother, before she started to make her way towards the meeting area. No doubt there would be those who didn't trust her. Those who didn't want to trust her. But Marina would take all of that in stride.

The female would arrive to find Cypress there with a young man and older one. The younger one looked much like Arian, the mate that Cy had lost. Marina would sit, tail curling around her paws. She would smile warmly to the two strangers, dipping her head their way. "Hello there loves." All that they needed now was for the rest of the pack to gather. Then the news could be spread, and Cypress' plan of action known to them all.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]


11-30-2015, 12:42 PM

They had moved, and with their move came new scents. New wolves to interact with, to listen to, to perhaps even befriend. Akemi would move with purpose towards the meeting, her scarred body still aching from the fight that she shared with Imperium's alpha. Valentine was a hard hitter, but despite that Akemi had still tried to fight him. The femme was proud of that at least. She had lasted, even though their alpha had fallen quickly. It showed that Akemi still had spirit, still had a strong will, even if no one else thought so.

Her eye would practically pop out of her head the moment she saw the rainbow female. What on earth? What a strange femme! Akemi would try to avoid gawking by looking over to Cypress, tilting her head respectfully to him. "Cypress... Good to see you again." She could still see the "fight" between him and Valen. She could hear the breaking of the man's teeth. It had been... hard to watch. No doubt the man's pride was shattered.

Akemi would seat herself, hoping that Ravine would soon be here. She needed him by her side. He always made her feel better, and no doubt she had given him quite the scare when fighting Valentine. She'd need to make it up to him later.


Kaitlyn I


6 Years
11-30-2015, 12:58 PM

Katie was excited too! Her mama was going to introduce herself to the pack, and they would be able to get to know their packmates as well. The little girl would  get to her paws and happily trot off to the meeting. This was going to be her first one, so she'd need to figure out how the pack thing worked. Her papa still wasn't anywhere to be found, but Marina promised them that he had to still be around somewhere, and that was good enough for a little Kait. Kaitlyn was wagging her little tail as she came across the other wolves, coming up beside another wolf just a bit older than her.

"Hello there~ My name is Kaitlyn! That's my mama over there with the rainbow coat, see? Isn't she pretty? Do you want to be friends?" Kaitlyn would flop down upon the ground and beam up at Riv, her green eyes shining expectantly.


Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.


11-30-2015, 02:16 PM

The girl was a hopping, bouncing, bundle of excitement. Her momma was calling them, so she immediately abandoned her adventure and raced towards her. Nixie never really left the Gulley, save for the time she tracked aunt Anais into Donostrea. Way into Donostrea...but she had been proud of that accomplishment! When she neared the place her mommy called from, she stopped in her tracks. Her head tilted from side to side a few times. So many scents!

Her heart beat faster as she decided to continue ahead, and as she came from the back of the group, she immediately spotted her mom and rushed over to her, squeezing her tiny body in between her mother's legs as where she sat down and peered curiously at the wolves already gathered. Her eyes grew wide when she looked at the tall dark male with the red eyes, staring for a long moment before her gaze wandered to the boy that her sister sat next to, then the gray male, and finally her attention found the tattered female with one eye. She couldn't help but to stare, never had she seen someone like that before. Was she born like that? Nixie couldn't imagine having one eye. Oh no, she liked her eyes. "Mommy, what happened to her?" She would ask in a an almost hushed whisper, but not quite quiet enough.




3 Years
Extra large
12-01-2015, 01:47 AM

When her mother made the announcement to her children that the gulley had become the home of a new pack, one that she would govern, the green child took no notice of it. In fact, she didn't care; she didn't know what a pack was anyway. So the next few days passed indifferently, and she expected it to stay like that. Until, her mother called for them. Okay...that was weird, but then again, it wasn't rare either. Maybe she was taking them out, or teaching them something. However, that wasn't the case, and instead she lead them deeper into the gulley where foreign odours filled her nose. In response, the pup scrunched her features, pausing mid-step as she processed the sight. Turning to her mother, she quietly demanded, "What are these strangers doing in our gulley?" Her scarlet gaze caught a glimpse of her sister socialising with one of these strangers. She rolled her eyes. Typical Kait.




2 Years
12-01-2015, 11:28 AM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2015, 07:30 AM by Ren.)
Ren would follow his mother lightly, hearing the call; he wanted to leave early, but also didn't want his mother to worry - so he planned on arriving after she did. He knew now, what she meant by a pack - new wolves, new lands. It was confusing, he didn't like it much, but he'd deal - it wasn't going to change, anyways. Not anytime soon. In fact, he'd already explored lightly with the caves... though honestly, that mostly involved sitting near the entrance and talking to his momma.

A whispered demand from his green hued sister would catch his attention, and he'd turn his gaze to her. "Zeph, they're supposed to be family now I think. The new pack, they're part of the pack," he clarified for his sister, though not in a rude tone, but a soft tone. "So it's sadly not ours alone anymore..." he added, a sigh leaving his maw. Oh, how he wished it was still his.




9 Years
12-02-2015, 01:13 AM

 The man would arrive shortly after his mate did, but also after a few others. Silently he would sit next to Akemi and nuzzel the side of her neck just before looking curriously at one of the odly colored pups. His attention had not been drawn by her coloring but because of her not so quietly, wispered question.

Though he had been furious with his wife for throwing herself into a situation without thinking not but a few days ago, he couldnt stay mad at her forever. To him her scars were what remained of her dificult past, and evidence a strong woman. "Her scars are from battles both won amd lost." the man would answer softly. His eyes would turn from the pup to Akemi as they filled with love and respect for her.



12-05-2015, 05:27 PM

Cypress would glance to Kakashi as the man showed up. He would give a small nod, his expression solemn. “Yes... There is definitely something up.” The man would explain softly. He couldn’t even look at Rivaxorus as the boy arrived. After their last family talk the young man couldn’t help but feel broken. Feel so guilty. He would breathe out a heavy sigh. He didn’t want to think about such things. Didn’t want to think about being separated from his kids. He had altered his decision... But that didn’t make it any easier to bear.

Marina would show, along with her children and some other members of the pack. Akemi, Ravine... Both would get nods of greeting from the man. It was a small turnout. ‘Ponine, Razor, and Holly hadn’t even showed. He would feel his heart ache. Perhaps Riv was sitting in for all of their sakes, waiting to see what would happen. Taking a breath Cypress would stand, speaking out to the pack.

“Greetings everyone. I know that, with recent events, times have become hard. We have lost our true leader, Arian, and with it much of my spirit, the spirit of Sonticus, has been lost. I can not hold onto this pack for much longer, and so I’ve asked Marina to step in to aid us, to take on this pack. She has deemed it to be renamed Borealis, and some of her laws will be taking effect immediately. I know not what you all feel about this change, but I’d like to ask you at least try to see how she runs this pack before you decide if you will stay or go.”

Cypress would take a deep breath.

“Originally there had been a different motive for this change of hands as well. When spring came I had planned to challenge Sin to death, as my mate had, but...” Cypress would glance towards Rivaxorus. “After hearing what my children wanted I have thought better on it for now. Though let it be known if Sin comes to this land, if he hurts any of you, I will be on his ass in heartbeat. It doesn’t matter what this pack is called, who runs it... You are all still my family... And I know Arian would have that no other way.”

Cypress would glance around at them all. “Things are subject to change... But... I want us to try and move forward. Lets not have Arian’s death be a reason to break us... Let us celebrate the life she had and... And try to move thrive.” He didn’t realize how hard it would be to run a meeting. He’d glance towards Marina, waiting to see what she would add.


Marina I


7 Years
12-05-2015, 05:42 PM

Marina would glance at Nixie as her little one came to her side. She spoke of one of the members of Borealis, the scarred woman. Before the rainbow hued female could answer however a man arrived, saying the truth of the matter. Marina would smile, giving a nod. “He is right, little one. Battles, hard battles, won and lost, are how wolves get scars like that. It makes them stronger by surviving those battles. So be respectful to that lady, alright?”

Her gaze would shift to Kait for a moment, then to Zephyra as her daughter demanded to know about the strangers in the Gulley. She would breathe in, speaking in a soft tone after Ren. “That’s right. They are the pack of Borealis, our pack. The pack that mommy is going to run with Cypress for a while, and then have alone, so be nice to them.” Her gaze would shift to Cypress once the man began speaking. It was no doubt hard for him, and the rainbow woman would give a respectful nod once he was finished, speaking up as well.

“Wolves of Borealis, today I stand before you as not just as an alpha, a leader, but as a fellow packmate. I know that change is hard, but sometimes it is necessary for a new beginning, a way to heal. I, Marina Agatsuma, want to promise you one thing. That we will look after each other as a family. This pack will be full of opportunity for all. We will not look at each others weaknesses, but try to work and build on each other’s strengths.” The woman would look around.

“I can not ask that you stay here, but if you are willing to be part of Borealis all you need to do is state the rank you previously held and you shall have it. If you wish to leave now I won’t stop you, or even later, should you wish to see if this pack is part of your tastes. I will ask for your respect but know that I am not heartless. You will all be given fair time to adjust.” Marina would breathe out slowly.

“If there are any questions, comments, or concerns let us address them now. If not, you are all free to leave.”

Ooc:: Second round is recommended for ranks but not required. Marina will give back ranks to those who held them or place younger wolves in ranks for training if need be. So if you’ve got anything to post please try to do so by the 10th if you can. <3 Thanks loves!

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



11 Years
Dragon Mod
12-06-2015, 01:10 PM

He would simply raise a brow when Cypress confirmed that something indeed was up. After everyone else had gathered, including some very odd colored wolves, he would listen as Cypress addressed them. It was alot to take in, though he was also indifferent to these kinds of things. His initial thoughts about all these...changes and complications made him wonder why he ever joined in the first place. It was too much of a headache and an annoyance, but he would give it one more shot. Sonticus had hardly been interested in training, but what about these new kids? He caught a tiny little blue ball staring at him, his red gaze fixed on her until she looked away. And when Cypress mentioned changing his mind about going after Sin, his fur bristled just a little but unnoticeable to anyone else. Sure, it was Arian's dumb fault in the first place for challenging...but where did that leave the family? He could feel the tension among Cypress and rivaxorous, the others not quite showing up.

Holding a sigh, listened to the rainbow woman and he kept quiet until she was done. He was pensive for a moment, leaving a gap of silence as nobody seemed to speak. Then again, he was always one for awkward silence. Finally, he would shift to look at the woman, gaze betraying nothing as his voice was sort of monotone. "Well, I was in charge of training the fighters. Not that any of them were really interested...on top of the fact I'm the only experienced one. I don't know if this pack will be any different, but I'm not opposed to training your rainbow fuzzlings and anyone else."



Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-06-2015, 11:14 PM

The boy probably would have remained angry at his father for some time. If it weren't for what he said - suddenly he felt like his anger was a bit void. Ears pulling forward, his heart hurt and he knew everyone else's hearts were hurting too. What was he supposed to do about that though. His sister had yelled at him for wanting to live with Leo. In fiori, he wasn't being kept here. So why would he stay anyway. He loved his father - but something about being more involved into what he was supposed to do was far more interesting. "I'd like to request that we hold a memorial for mother. So that... friends and family can give their respects. She has a lot of friends and family out of those who were in Sonticus." he said out loud. Then his face turned to Marina.

"I was originally supposed to be the heir... with my sister whose gone missing. I'll stay but only until spring, when spring comes I'm going to Fiori. I feel more like home there. I love my family, but I thought about this decision for a long time." Rivaxorus stood strong. Looking at the others who seemed like total strangers. "Until then though, I can do my best. I know how to patrol borders, and even if I am young - I can somewhat fight." after all. He had beat a wolf much older than himself in his first spar. It might just have been beginners luck though.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
12-07-2015, 02:29 AM

These wolves? Her family? Pfft, as if she would ever consider them that. It was hard enough accepting her siblings as kin, let alone strangers. Perhaps these were the 'friends' that her mother had spoken of, and if they were, she didn't want to be friends with them. In fact, she didn't even want to share the gulley with them, but it seemed this whole pack thing was a permanent change. And it wasn't likely she would behave nicely towards them either. That was just her annoying nature - making an utter nuisance of herself.

First a tan male spoke, then her mother. Blah blah blah, words words words. It was incredibly boring, and she didn't even understand half of it. Well, she didn't care; she was way more occupied with the minuscule ant crawling through the green fur on her forepaw. Then the rainbow woman stopped speaking, and two other canines replied. Uh oh. Was she supposed to have listened? She soon realised that they were talking about ranks - whatever that may be. "What's my rank?" she hurriedly whispered to her mother, completely clueless.


Marina I


7 Years
12-21-2015, 03:17 PM

Three would speak up, the first being the ebony and slate man. Marina would let her gaze fall upon him. His words were not necessarily disrespectful, though there might have been a tone of arrogance in them. The fact that others were not interested in the pack training worried her some, and she would shake her head. “That is a concern, and dully noted. You will be our Taurus, our lead fighter. I will call together a meeting for fighting soon...and when you arrive you shall take it over. I will put you to the test.” Her gaze would sweep across those present. “I expect all of you to be there.”

The femme would let her gaze slide to Cypress’ boy next. “If it pleases your father I would also like to agree on the memorial. I know that I was not a friend nor family member, but I watched this woman in her final moments. I feel there is a great bit of respect deserved to her that she had not gotten.” The femme would tip her head. “You are welcome to leave in the spring, you are not a prisoner here. Though I appreciate you being willing to stand beside us until then. I would like to ask you attend the fight training.”

The femme would then look to her daughter, a gentle smile on her face. “You are a Libran, for now. There will be time to talk of what rank you want to posses at a later time.” Marina would lick her daughter’s head. “For your siblings and yourself I want to talk to you all in private about that.” Marina would look around. Seeing as how no one else stepped forward they would remain ranked as they were for now.

“Pack Meeting Dismissed!”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]