
All at once the crowd began to sing



8 Years
Athena I
11-29-2015, 10:41 PM

Spending that time with Viridian had helped him get out of his own head long enough to realize just how long he had been in a funk. He had never really realized just how much he depended on Selini and now that she wasn't here he didn't know what to do with himself. In a way he had been thrown out of orbit. As he was watching the sunset the day before he waited long enough to see the stars appear in the sky and he guiltily thought of their star-triplet. He knew that he had been neglecting her, as much as he hated to admit it to himself.

Today he had made himself sleep through the sunrise so he wouldn't be so tired once the stars came out. He knew the only time he would for sure be able to find his sister would be at night up on their cliff. At least he hoped that would be the case. He made his way up to their spot once darkness had taken over everything. He saw his way by the moonlight and he tried really hard not to think of Selini as he glanced up to see the bright sliver disk. Instead he focused his orange gaze on the speckles of light that blanketed the rest of the sky.

Once he reached the top he peered through the darkness, looking to see if his assumption that he would find his sister here was right. "Astrea? Are you up here?"

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5 Years
11-30-2015, 12:29 AM

Astrea felt heavy, she knew things where falling apart around her, that just about every one of her her family was hurting, was so lost in the waves of life and pain that the light would not come though the clouds that surrounded them all. It was heavy, oh so heavy. She felt the pain, felt the echos of hopelessness. Felt the ebb of the darkness holding her family hostage. She felt so... Helpless. So many problems in her family and not all of them where easily solves like Gale's...

Her thoughts went to Voltage, she had not went to see him, but she hoped he would come to her, that once the pain was not so raw he would seek her out... But time was not seeming to help him, she saw him from her perch and he moved like a robot, when he did move at all. The other times he laid in the sand, still as death. She was finally coming to the conclusion that maybe she needed to go to him when a voice split the air. She turned then seeing something that made her eyes go wide. "Sol?"

She was perched in her normal spot musing into the stars. She got up then and moved forward. It had been a long time since she spent any time with her littermates. And never with just Sol. No after they settled into life on the beach Astrea seemed to drift from the twins, focusing more on her internal problems knowing that they both had each other and she was not a vital to the happiness of the duo. So the fact that Sol was out here looking for her specifically was a bit of a shock.

"Of course, brother, I am here." Her curiosity drove the dark thoughts from her mind, knowing that he was not simply wanting together time, something was on his mind.



8 Years
Athena I
11-30-2015, 12:45 AM

A small, relieved smile touched his lips when he heard Astrea's voice in reply and saw the movement of her coming toward him through the dark. Once she got a bit closer he easily saw her purple star markings and colorful feathers in the moonlight. He just wasn't as accustomed to being out in the dark as she was. Most of the time he would wake up and go to sleep with the sun. He padded forward to meet her, the smile lingering on his lips as he reached forward to press his nose gently to her cheek. "I'm glad. I had hoped you would be up here. I didn't know where else I would be sure to find you than with the stars." He chuckled softly as he sat back on his haunches.

"I suppose I really just wanted to apologize for not spending more time with you. Although I feel like I might need to give that apology to each of our siblings at this point." His smile faltered a little and he sighed, his gaze drifting from hers and down to his paws. "It's just been so strange, not having Selini... I haven't even been able to make myself go speak to Voltage yet since I've been back simply because I haven't felt steady enough myself to try and steady him." He wasn't entirely sure if he was making any sense, but he hoped he was. He lifted his gaze back to hers once again, trying to put a smile on his lips. "But I felt the worst about not spending time with you. I have behaved poorly as your triplet and I'm sorry."

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5 Years
11-30-2015, 01:38 AM

Astrea padded up to him as his voice filled the air. She could hear the undertone of guilt and that made her sad. She had never relied on him like Selini did, so she understood why he spent more time with her, they where two sides of one coin, she just happened to be the light that sheared their space. She does not feel the connection the two did, it was just jealousy that made her the outcast of the three. She wanted what they had with them both and failed to see that she had something different and just as good. Her internal light shone bright only because they where happy and together, but now she could see the guilt and loneliness that seemed to pledge all the Elementas siblings. "Sol, no guilt. I am happy, and understand the pull that you and Selini share. I understand. I never wanted to get between the two of you." She gave him a sad smile. "You feel lost without her do you not?" As she mused they where two sides of the same coin, one and the same, when one half was gone it must feel the same as losing a part of themselves. "But even though I am not your other half I am here whenever you need me. Except when I go off on a adventure to get myself together." Astrea laughed at that point, making a joke about herself.

The Star Dreamer knew now that her urge to be close to the twins was not because she needed them like they needed each other, no she needed the stable relationship so that she could grow into the light that lived in her, and frankly they did that, they made a safe relationship between them, a place where Astrea could learn to understand who she was in those early days. Things only got awkward between the three when Astrea seemed to have enough of herself figured out and missed the belonging she felt before with them. Something she knew Sol needed to figure out.

"Sol, I have learned that life is full of challenges, some big and others small. Up until this moment you always had Selini to help you with those challenges, but now that she is gone this is a challenge within itself. You find that with her you had a focus for only her, but now you find yourself reaching out to those around you, those who always been there for you." She hummed softly as she tilted her head, knowing she may be spot on with her assumption or she could be so wrong... "Maybe that is what needs to be taken from this experience, that even when your other half is not here you still have others to lean on. You will be stronger and so will she... As I have become."

She then let her gaze drift down the path that lead to the dens. Her thoughts going to Volt. She had switched from understanding sister to the Star Guide she was. "And with that know that you can give strength to those who need it most. All three of us are cut from the same cloth brother, we each got our own personality that aids in our place in the family.I happen to get the silent, understand part of that cloth. Selini got the charming, cunning part. But you brother got the strong caring part. You where always the one to make sure me and Selini got along. Maybe you need to take that skill and use it for the rest of the family, be that caring presence when they need it."



8 Years
Athena I
11-30-2015, 09:47 AM

His sister's assurance that she was happy and that she understood his and Selini's connection gave him some relief. Her question made his ears flatten against his skull and he simply nodded in response. Since Selini's disappearance he had thought of all kinds of ways to describe how he was feeling. Out of sorts. Off balance. Out of orbit. It had taken him a while to figure out what was causing him to feel this way and even longer to realize that as long as his twin was gone there would be no way to fix this feeling. Astrea's term perhaps described his feelings best of all though. He was lost. Lost without her moonlight to balance out his sunlight.

Her insistence that she was here for him and the small joke about her adventures brought a more easy smile to his lips, a quiet chuckle rumbling in his chest. "I know you are. It just took me a while to open my eyes and see that." He listened quietly and thoughtfully as Astrea went on, sharing her thoughts and observations on the situations and as he thought about her words they seemed to ring true. The moment he realized Selini was gone he had gone looking for her and when he came up empty handed his next steps, once he got over his own sadness, was to find his siblings. Part of it was to simply keep his mind off himself and to make himself useful, but he did feel better when he was around them. Their presence helped to fill a little of the void that Selini had left.

The topic of conversation shifted a bit as Astrea's gaze drifted to look over his shoulder toward the path that he had just come up. He liked his description of how the three of them fit together in the same cloth and the condensed descriptions of their personalities. That really was where his skill was, wasn't it? Whenever he had spoken with any of his siblings in the past, more than anything he had just been that quiet ear to talk to. Occasionally he would have some piece of advise for them, but for the most part he had just been here for them and that had been okay to everyone but himself. He had been the one to think that he wasn't contributing to the family and the one to think that he was failing everyone. It took his sister's keen observations to make him see that he had been missing his calling all this time. In a way it was fitting. The sun and moon came and went with the passing of the days, but the stars were ever present and always watching. "Thank you, Astrea." He leaned forward to gently press his nose to her cheek, a small sign of affection for his star. "I'm glad that I have you to see all the things that I am too short sighted to notice."

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5 Years
12-23-2015, 03:17 PM

She gave her brother a small smile when acceptance entered his voice. She knew that her brother was so absorbed in his own world, knew that Selini was very much a part of his soul, something that she could never understand. That is why she made distance from them, she knew that she was important to the twins but she could never fill the empty space of the other. The three of them may have been cut from the same cloth but her piece had been so far removed from the other two that the connection that the twins felt just did not apply to her.But that was not his problem that was her problem. She had made that distance as wide as it was, so she would not bother him with her problems.

Astrea watched her brother and saw him relax and realized that her words have reached him. She saw the understanding the moment reached his eyes. She relaxed, knowing that with everything at least she put him mind at ease and that was her job in the family. She was the always seeing bright light that always showed the way to the lost souls. She smiled at him, her face brightening. Yes he would be fine and he would take the place that was always meant for him. She just wished Selini would show back up. The family needed the three of them to balance the family. Astrea could only do so much... "No brother not short sighted, but maybe only seeing half of the truth without your other half." She frowned knowing something was wrong with her moon sister, she could feel it in her bones. "I just wished she would have come to us before she just disappeared, whatever ailed her could have been fixed..."
