
Starry Night



5 Years
12-10-2015, 02:02 PM
It has been a few weeks since her last run in with Nagendra, and sadly she hasn't had any other interesting encounters since. A part of her wants to stop by Imperium to say hello, but she refrains. They barley knew each other, and she couldn't really call him a friend just yet. That and she didn't know how his alpha would react to a stranger calling for him. So far he was the most interesting man she's met since Artemis had left, and she hopes she will meet others in the near future.

But tonight her heart feels dreadfully heavy. Thoughts of Artemis drown her brain with sorrow and regret. She often wonders how different her life would have been if she could have followed the temptress and their son. Maybe her heart would have stayed whole, maybe they could have started another family, another pack. Then again she was never too sure if Art saw her as a lover, or as a toy, which mixed up her emotions even more.

Darkness surrounds her, the only light leading her through the shadows is the array of stars that litters the cold night sky. She is so engulfed in her quiet musings that she is unaware that her paws are leading her back to the soulless forest. Whenever she has days where she deeply longs for Artemis her feet would unconsciously carry her back to their den. It has been empty for some time now, and the tyrants scent was long gone- but for whatever reason she still had a small shred of hope that if Artemis did return, the den is where she would go.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


12-10-2015, 08:15 PM

Gethin padded along quietly with Isolde at his side. He was looking for some dinner for the both of them, but since he had only just returned he wasn't quite willing to leave her alone just yet, especially not while she was in heat. Especially not if... No, he stopped that train of thought before it could even began. Instead of leaving her back at the den while he hunted he brought her along, keeping her side near his with every step. His blood red gaze scanned the area around him both for potential prey and anyone that might dare to try to get to Isolde. A little paranoid, yes, but he wasn't one for taking chances.

He spotted a figure up ahead and he immediately shifted a bit closer to Isolde, watching the figure uncertainly while he kept his form protectively between whoever it was and her. However, as they got closer he noticed that the form belonged to an interestingly colored woman who was no larger than Isolde herself. He had to wonder what made the women around here so interestingly colored and marked. Isolde with her pale russet fur and delicate spots and now this woman that was as red as his own eyes. He smirked a little at the thought and, with a brief glance to Isolde, he slowly made his way toward the stranger.

He was more curious than anything, but he just couldn't pass up a fea walking by herself late at night. It reminded him quite a bit of his and Isolde's first meeting actually. "Hello there," he'd rumble quietly once they crossed paths. Having Isolde here put him in an interesting position... but he was curious enough to see where it all might lead.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-12-2015, 01:44 PM
Gethin had returned to her and since that moment she had not left his side, Isolde had more than enjoyed this time and even now was quite eager to join him on a hunt. She was not incredibly frail and could help him to catch their dinner. It was nice that he was there to keep her safe from any other wolf that might try to steal her away. They were not on their journey for long when another figure was spotted up ahead, Isolde would take in the figure curiously as Gethin positioned himself more strategically.

He'd offer her a quick glance before leading them in the other woman's direction. Already Isolde felt her curiosity heighten. This woman was a brilliant shade of red, and for a moment she was reminded of her father. She hadn't thought of him in a long time, could this be a lost siblings of hers? She knew that Amarant was a half sibling could her father of had more females after leaving Epiphron?

Her thoughts would be interrupted as Gethin let out his greeting and Isolde would nod her head politely. Her posture was in the same submissive state that she'd adopted naturally while in Gethin's presence. She'd remain quiet as her soft brown eyes looked on curiously.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
01-06-2016, 11:22 PM
The sound of disturbed earth grasps the nymphs attention, her carmine skull twisting to her right to seek out the origin of the noise. A few seconds pass before a very large man emerges from the darkness, a smaller brown girl following right behind him. Great.... If she was about to get jumped, they better be ready for one hell of a fight. Three against two, it would be interesting.

Surprisingly the man greets her in a friendly manner, and the woman nods a silent hello. She seemed very submissive, perhaps she was a slave to the man? He was fairly attractive, so being a slave to him might not be such a bad thing, if he was fucking her too. Fiamette could never allow herself to be a slave to another being though, but if this girl liked it, then so be it. "Greetings..." She says plainly, no hint of emotion present in her tone. She doesn't know how to feel about this situation yet, but hopefully it would turn out good. She can't help but trail her gaze curiously along the mans bulk as she waits for a response, temptation arising within her gut as her eyes fall beneath his stomach. She hasn't had any pleasurable fun since her day with Nagendra, so why not quench her cravings if this duo was up for it?

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"