
Bitter Buddies

Mercy I


5 Years

12-11-2015, 07:03 PM

The pale woman ghosted through the draping branches of the willows, stripped bare by the winter. Snow clung to everything, painting the earth like a blank canvas. Mercy weaved through the tangle of roots, trying to watch her footing so that she didn't trip over any of the covered roots. Her purple eyes were trailing on the ground because of that, and she wasn't really watching where she was going. Pale ears were fully erect on her head, her elongated tail twirling behind her. She didn't care that it was spreading her heat scent around her, if it attracted any males so be it. It was nothing she couldn't handle, or didn't want to handle. Chuckling to herself, she paused for a moment to let her gaze roam the horizon. It was a nice day for a stroll, taking her away from the crowded pack lands. It was nice to be by herself from time to time, even though she felt lonely. Her and her brother had not been as close in the later months, and she didn't really have any friends. It would seem that she had created a rift between her and most of her pack mates, mostly by her own doing. She wasn't the most social creature, and had a very short temper. Was that her fault? Okay... well maybe. Letting out a heavy sigh the woman plopped to her rump, leaning heavily against one of the trunks behind her.

Mercy may be used to being somewhat alone, but she didn't really like it. The dame did get lonely, even though she often put on a brave face. She did crave to have a constant companion, and often went to Revenge with that. But he seemed to have captured Esti's attention, and their last run in had not gone too well. Everyone else that she had gotten even a little bit close to were gone now. She had considered Kyarst to be a friend, but he had vanished from her life all together. Other than that, there were no real long standing relationships that she could name. Mercy had a habit of pushing others away even when she didn't mean to, which is how she ended up here. Utterly alone. Another sigh was pushed out of her lungs, eyes closing as her head stretched upwards so that her forehead was resting against the cool bark. Perhaps she had sentenced herself to a life alone. She couldn't even have pups, for goodness sake. The one thing that she was supposed to be able to do as a woman, and she couldn't even do that. Too much damage to the area, she had been told. Mercy snorted, it figured that her joy for fighting drove her to be barren. With a shake of her head she just sat there, a cool breeze ruffling her thick winter coat. Perhaps she should grow used to her life alone...


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.