
i should wear your old red dress



5 Years
12-11-2015, 09:58 PM

Nagendra’s previous stay at Imperium hadn’t actually been too long. He hadn’t gotten to know the territory as well as he could have, so a few days after his return he would set out into the hills to explore more. He wanted to know each rise in the land, know the best paths across and how to get to exactly where he was going as fast as possible. He also wanted to find a good place – a good place to relax and think. The hills were beautiful and he could perfectly picture himself, poised atop a single crest and displayed before open skies in strange solitude. It sounded wonderful.

Wonderful enough that he would divert his investigating from the original, more practical intention of knowing the land, to exploring for that perfect hill. In the winter, although it was still a pleasant temperature, all the lush grass had turned brown and brittle. He liked it all the same. As he strode in between hills, weaving through the troughs rather than overtop of them, he observed the area with silent appreciation. The solidarity of everything was stunning. Perhaps the crumpled and deathlike grass was the other side of the coin to Summer’s sweet green seas, but that didn’t mean it was ugly. Nagendra thought that what mattered most was the harmony it made with grey skies and nipping winds – a harsher picture than other seasons, but a masterpiece all the same. And he loved it.

Finally deciding that he had poked around enough, he selected a hill and ascended. He had seen lots from below – now it was time to get, arguably, the better view. He tried best he could to situate himself at the very, very top of the hill (although, once you were there, it was hard to judge with simply one’s eyes).  When he picked a place and sat, he took a moment to inhale deeply and look around. Oh yes. Although he wasn’t very high up, the view was still lovely. The landscape was rolling and curved, owning a smoothness that he felt he seldom saw anywhere else. And without any trees about, he felt exposed – not in a bad way, but only to be enshrouded in the sweetness of open sky, however dismal it was at the moment. With these observations made and a thorough satisfaction blooming in his mind, he smiled and shut his eyes.

Mercy I


5 Years

12-12-2015, 10:37 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2015, 09:21 PM by Evelyn.)

To her a season was just that, a season. For a girl so young she really didn't have much of an appreciation for the smaller things, instead her focus was stolen away to be the best she could ever be. She constantly battles with her inner self to simply be better than everyone else, stronger, faster, and all of that competitive crap. She had a habit of pushing herself to get to the next level, often pushing those who tried to get close away from her in the process. Besides her brother she didn't have anyone else that was close to her in her life. Well, maybe Valentine, but was that relationship not strictly... professional? With a giggle she shook her head, perhaps humping wasn't the most professional of relationships. But there would always be that touch of power in there... whatever it was. He was her alpha, and she was his warrior. It would never be able to be a full level of friendship, at least in her mind. He was the final say all, and there was no doubt that he was the more dominate one. Someone like Mercy didn't mind being... dominated... once in awhile. But yes, her relationships were very much a power struggle for her, and she always wanted to come out on top. She wasn't the best at friendships.

With a sigh she made her way up one of the Knolls, heavy white paws sinking into the ground with each step. Her nose wrinkled upwards, and she lifted her paw and shook it to get rid of the mud that tried to cling to her white coat. Gross. That was one thing she really hated about winter, it would snow, and when it got warm and melted, everything turned to goo. She disliked the way that mud squished between her paws and got everywhere. But it was fun to throw at others. Purple eyes scanned the horizon, not really looking for anything in particular. It was rare that she was even in the pack lands for this long as of late, she had been going out on her own a lot. Finding fights, and others who were turned on by the spilling of blood. Winter also meant thst she was in heat, the scent of her season thick on her plush coat. That only made her more driven to bite and draw blood, only to rub up against each other after. Macabre paintings. The dame grinned, a wide toothy one as she reached the top of the hill.

Eyes landed on the brown beast who settled there, his eyes closed as he looked upwards. A slight breeze ruffled her fur as she eyed him, her head tilting to the side. She didn't recognize him by sight or smell, which was pretty rare. While Imperium seemed to be one of the most popular choices for a pack, it wasn't often that she ran into others that were new. Plus with a feast being held not that long ago, she had been sure that he hadn't been there. Ah, so fairly new it would seem. Her elongated tail stirred the air behind her as she just watched him, silently moving her rump to the earth. "New blood, mmm?" she said at last, a single black marked brow raised.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.