
from the other side



2 Years
Extra large
12-12-2015, 11:35 AM
Tiburtius's words would not leave Bacchus's head no matter what distraction he'd come across. Two days had passed since he had met with his brother not so far away from Fiori. He'd tried to go back North, but after walking for a day he'd knew he had to come back. Likely the bond that had once been so strong between the boys was now fully severed, and Bacchus hated that he felt regret for that. Before he'd seen his litter mate he'd had no trouble continuing to not even exist in Fiori's lands, but now here he was standing on the border, hesitating like a little bitch. He was stronger than this.

Pulling himself up to his full height the young Armada would finally tilt back his head and call out for his family. Hopefully this wouldn't be another mistake he would come to regret. He had no intention of staying, he'd feel too much like a captive again.. living under someone else's rule. Surely though his mothers would be able to see him, and maybe he'd get a peek at these two new sisters he had.

Now that he was forced to think about them, he wondered who their father might be. He knew very well now how children came to be, and Amalia did not have the parts for that particular task. He also knew that Athena wouldn't let Vereux touch her again. Or Amalia wouldn't. Either way.

He'd sigh heavily and look into the trees ahead of him, what would this meeting bring?
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Athena I


9 Years
12-12-2015, 04:20 PM

Athena breathed in the cool air and let it out with a contented sigh. It had only been a few days since the birth of their daughters, but they had eaten and were sleeping under Amalia's watchful eye so Athena was quick to take advantage of the spare moment and get out of the den for a few moments. She couldn't have asked for an easier pregnancy or an easier birth. She had been praying for daughters, if only for Amalia's sake, and now they had two little girls that were going to be smothered with love from their entire family. She couldn't help but chuckle at that thought. Oh if only her girls knew what they had gotten themselves into. They were going to be the most closely watched litter on the entire planet.

Suddenly a voice would cut through the air and her thoughts and it would bring her to a dead stop. It was a voice she hadn't heard in so, so long... One of the many that she had begun to believe that she would never hear again. Her paws would start moving again, heading toward the howl, slowly at first and then at a sprint. She knew Amalia would fuss at her if she found out she had been running so soon after giving birth, but she couldn't contain herself. She raced forward toward her son until his slate blue and white splattered form came into view.

Her run would slow to a lope then, hurrying toward him while she tried to hold back the tears that threatened to run down her face. "Bacchus..." she said softly, relief washing over her like a title wave as she said his name to more than just empty air. Her ruby and emerald gaze quickly scanned his body and was happy to see him no worse for wear- save for a pretty significant scar on his face. She went to press her face into the side of his neck, nuzzling him affectionately while her tail wagged behind her. "Oh, Bacchus, I've been so worried! I never thought you'd be gone this long... I never would have let you leave if I had known."

She took a step back then so she could look him over once more, still having a hard time making herself believe he was really here. They were still short two boys, but two out of four was better odds than they have had in quite a while. She chuckled softly, adding, "I guess boys will be boys, hm? I can't keep all of you in one place no matter how hard I try."

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-12-2015, 04:26 PM

He couldn't believe it. Even while he stood there listening to Bacchus' howl, he couldn't actually believe that his brother had come here. He couldn't decide how he felt about it all... but he knew he had to go. He trudged toward where his brother had called and he wasn't at all surprised to see his mother already there nuzzling his neck like the returned prodigal son. He wanted to be happy, he really did, but after their last meeting it was all he could do to fight off the aggravation and worry. He stopped a couple of feet behind Athena and settled onto his haunches, not quite able to meet his brother's gaze. Something told him Bacchus wasn't here to stay, just something deep in his bones told him that this was just a brief sighting, and he hoped so badly for his mothers that he was wrong. He would sit quietly and wait for whatever blow would come next, weather it be good or bad.

Speak Thought Others



2 Years
Extra large
12-17-2015, 11:39 AM

At the appearance of Athena Bacchus was ever more convinced that he never should have let his brother convince him back here. His ears would fall to his skull, but he wouldn't lower his stance any more than that. His face was mostly unreadable but there was that sliver of relief at seeing his mother again. There was a soft smile on his face as she came to greet him and he'd allow her to bury her features into his fur. He'd lean into her slightly, "Athena. Mother." He'd keep the heavy sigh that wished to burst forth from his chest as she expressed her relief in words. Maybe it would have been better if she'd kept him here instead of allowing he and Absinthe on their crazy trip.

She'd step back to look at him and he'd straighten. Surely she could see more of a difference than just how his face looked. He was so completely convinced of the massive changes that had taken place he found surprise that she had made her way to his side so easily. He'd try to smile at her next words, hearing the emotion in her voice as she spoke about himself and his brothers. With their family the way it was had she really expected all four of her sons to stay with her forever?

By now Tiburtius had also appeared and Bacc would offer him a single look that would encompass all of the emotions he suffered from the last time they had met. "I don't know how long I'll be able to stay, I don't know where Absinthe is." He'd tell her honestly as he looked back to her, though his reason wasn't fully for absinthe's sake. Already it felt like shackles had been attached to his paws and he hadn't even seen Leo yet.
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Athena I


9 Years
01-03-2016, 03:27 AM

She wouldn't receive many words in return, but that was okay. Bacchus was here, he was okay. That's all that she cared about right now. She'd notice his glance to something behind her and she'd follow his gaze to look over her shoulder, seeing Tiburtius standing behind her. Her brows pulled together when she saw her other son's pensive expression and she looked back to Bacchus to see his emotion filled gaze. She grew curious and worried. Had something happened between them that she didn't know about? Her ears turned toward Bacchus to hear him speak of possibly not staying long and Absinthe. A pang of disappointment hit her, more for his soon departure than his missing friend. She had been happy to take Absinthe in, but she couldn't help but feel the smallest bit of resentment toward the girl since she had taken away her son in a way. "Oh... Well, that's okay," she replied, trying to remain chipper as best she could. "I'm glad you've come to visit anyway. It's very, very good to see you." She smiled and tipped her nose up to press her nose to his cheek. Gosh, how did she end up with sons that are so tall? "Did you want to come see your new sisters? And Ama? I'm sure she'd be excited to see you."

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Extra large
01-03-2016, 08:33 PM

His mother wasn't really able to hide the disappointment, and Bacchus would sigh softly, finding her gaze once more as she tried to shrug it off. Before he could say what he wanted she was against him again, pushing her nose affectionately against his cheek as she moved on, wanting very much to show off her newest litter. It was his turn to feel that odd pang. Was it jealousy of these new little sisters? They would never have a father like he did, a coward. He was able to see him as he really was now, and Athena had been right to keep him away. He was sorry he ever doubted his mother's decision. He should have kept believing Vereux was dead. Very much like Athena should have never laid eyes on him again. "I would like to, yes." He'd tell her, ready to follow when she moved, and he hoped to talk to her on the way. "A.. uh.. a lot happened while I was away." He'd say as they would start to walk, not wanting to meet his mother's gaze while he spoke of what had happened to him on the 'trip.'
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