
Vitus and Archie

Athena I


9 Years
12-12-2015, 04:54 PM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2015, 11:19 PM by Leo.)
Yep, these two guys are on the market again! They are now two years old. Vitus as been out of the picture for around six ooc months and Archelaus has been presumed gone for about eight ooc months so you can do the ic math if you want to. I would like to keep the designs the same since Eve was nice enough to have art made of the four boys, Athena, and Ama that I would like to continue using. Everything else as far as their names and personalities goes is pretty up to you. Below is their refs along with a link to their profiles so you can read what their personalities were like before if you so wish. If you'd like to apply for one of these boys fill out the form! If you couldn't already tell, I do reserve the right to take them back if you fall inactive without good reason or for long periods of time or if you leave ect, ect, ect.

Archelaus Armada
Archie also comes with three inches of height found here

Vitus has been adopted by Keno! So Archie is the only one left on the market

<b>Ooc name:</b>
<b>Applying for:</b> Archelaus
<b>Name:</b> If you want to change their name list it here. If not then just write their name again here.
<b>Appearace:</b> Put into your own words. At least 100 words.
<b>Personality:</b> At least 150 words.
<b>Plans:</b> What would you like for them to do? It is not mandatory that they live in Fiori with Amathena, but that is an option!
<b>RP sample:</b> A little something, a few paragraphs or so


12-12-2015, 07:41 PM
Ooc name: Keno

Applying for: Vitus Armada

Name: Vitus Armada


Vitus is a male who stands at a rather comfortable height of thirty-six inches tall. He bears a large frame, supporting one hundred and thirty six pounds that is more muscle than fat. His body is strong, supporting fine muscles particularly in his chest, back, and legs. It is obvious the young man keeps up on his training, keeping his body well toned and fit. He carries his weight well, a bit better than the average Joe, though far from being a sight to behold.

His body is covered in deep slate blue, dark enough to appear black when there is little light available. When in strong light he might appear a stronger blue than his slate color might suggest. This is all a matter of how the light reflects upon his coat, and what the eye perceives, much like the ocean in the night. But shifting from that deep color is silver that touches his body, specifically upon his face in a marking that stretches over his cheeks, brows, chest, belly, paws, and tail tip.

The last noticeable think about Vitus’ appearance is his eyes. Rich blood red orbs ringed with emerald make up those orbs, and they are certainly eye catching. They are expressive, cooperating with the rest of Vitus’ body to show how he is truly feeling. By focusing on his eyes and ears alone one should be able to tell whether or not the young man is content, saddened, or somewhere in between.


Vitus is a man of few words, and not because he is mute, but because speaking pains him. His throat is sensitive to speech, and talking gives him trouble any higher than a whisper. Because of this Vitus is a male who prefers actions to words, particularly when it comes to more serious and sensitive subjects. He is very hands on and approachable, even when others are not, making him a bit of a strange being. He craves touch, to read body language, as he feels this is the most pure form of communication out there.

Overall Vitus is gentle in nature. He has a kind, warm heart, willing to help those in ned. This goes beyond just his family and friends, as the young man acts almost as if following the code of chivalry. He is not afraid to die for his charge, or do what he needs to do. He simply acts, to protect those who are good. His views, while they might clash with others, are something that he takes great pride in, and he stands by them no matter what. An honorable sense runs deep within him, particularly in battle, as he is not one to go after another without just cause.

Loyalty is another strong trait within Vitus’ very being. He will stand beside those he has chosen to protect with unwavering loyalty. He is also an intelligent young brute, but sometimes he does not always use his head. Reckless behavior, particularly when loved ones are in danger, could potentially be Vitus’ greatest downfall. He acts solely on instinct, doing what he believes is best for himself and those that he loves.

Another thing to be aid about Virus is the fact he is a humble creature. His successes are not seen as great accomplishments, but rather they are seen as something minuscule, or simply doing what is right. Vitus doesn’t believe he is any more or any less than any other wolf. He is not one to let anger get to him either, keeping a calm head in the most dire of situations. He is a logical thinker, one who likes to look at the different sorts of solutions for a problem before finding an answer.

Finally, deep down Vitus is lost. He shows some signs of depression, though mildly so. Most would never know that the man, hiding behind a smile, has a dark thought in his head. He feels guilty that he has left his family behind, and hopes that, in returning to them, he might be able to make things up to them. Vitus often beats himself up in his head, regretting decisions he has made while using a “mask” to make sure no one ever knows of the trauma going on within.

-Reunite with family in Fiori
-Join Fiori
-Train hard, try to get a high rank
-Thread with the fambam <3
-Be a cutie potato

RP sample:

A breath would be expelled into the cold silence. Night had fallen upon the realm that was known as Alacritia, and within it a young man moved. He moved with purpose, his gaze bright, alert, as he traveled. The snow that crunched underpaw was merely a reminder that he continued on, running back to a past that he never should have abandoned in the first place. It pained him, it did, how he had so foolishly left behind his home. His family. Were his mothers alright? Were his brothers still there? Would he have more siblings when he returned? There were so many questions buzzing about Vitus’ head. There were so many things left unanswered, and, quite frankly, he was desperate to find out what happened to them.

He remembered Fiori. The place his mothers had moved to in order to call their home. But after that everything was a blur. He had a nightmare one night, that much he could remember, and into the darkness he would slip away. Into the emptiness of the night, where nothing but air and the sounds of the evening met him. It was almost... Peaceful. But he had run. He had run away from that nightmare like one might run away from disease or war. What was in that nightmare? Some of the most gruesome images of his family he had ever seen... And Vitus knew.... He knew he had to get stronger in order to protect them.

Another breath would be expelled into the air, frost forming before his face. Vitus would pause, lifting a paw into the air as he checked for his bearings. Where was he? Where was this place? It was cold... And he was surely lost. This was not the East that he sought, nor was it Fiori. Perhaps it was Northern Alacritia? Gods above he surely hoped so. If he didn’t find his way home he knew it was going to continue eating at his mind; the guilt. The Emptiness. He couldn't allow that to happen.

...and so Vitus would press on. If he had to he would simply need to find somewhere he could rest here for the night. Somewhere out of the cold and biting wind. Such a shame it looked as though there was nothing but snow around on this night. Glancing to the sky he would let his ears tilt back in agitation. Snow. More of it was falling from the heavens. He would let out a small puff of air through his nostrils before changing the course of his direction again. There were mountains this way... and where there were mountains there was bound to be a cave. It wouldn't be the warmest... but it would definitely keep him out of the wind and snow at the very least.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-12-2015, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2016, 02:53 AM by Avalon.)
Ooc name: Dragon!
Applying for: Archelaus
Name: Prometheus Armada
Appearace: Put into your own words. At least 100 words.
Personality: At least 150 words.
Plans: What would you like for them to do? It is not mandatory that they live in Fiori with Amathena, but that is an option!
RP sample: A little something, a few paragraphs or so

-I JUST Remembered about this so will finish tomorrow, promise <3


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
Athena I
12-17-2015, 01:09 PM
I'm going to go ahead and give Vitus to Keno! I'll Skype you the login info <3



1 Year
01-26-2016, 12:56 PM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2016, 02:06 PM by Ion.)
Ooc name: Blueberry

Applying for: Archelaus

Name: Archelaus Armada

Appearace: Archelaus is a big male, at 39 inches tall, but two of his brothers still tower over him. The only brother he is taller than is Vitus, and even then he barely stands over him by three inches. The male holds himself with pride, in himself and his family, and walks as if he thinks nothing could bring him down. Archelaus has a sturdy build, muscles rippling underneath his fur, although he is not that fast, the male being forced to rely on his strength and stamina if he decides to hunt.

Archelaus takes after his mother in coloration, coated in silver. A darker gray, almost slate blue, coats his snout and stretches up his forehead. Three of his paws are coated in a color a little lighter than the one on his snout. His hind left paw, however, is a vivid white, unlike his other paws.

Although Archelaus may not be as interesting as his brothers in pelt coloration, his eyes will certainly gurantee a second glance. Standing out against the grays of his fur, Archelaus' eyes are a vivid red. Hidden within his eyes are flecks of darker reds.

Personality: Archelaus has quite a bit of pride in his family, despite what happened when he was younger. He keeps a prince like attitude in his proud nature. Archelaus has a way of thinking that some may argue with. Despite his pride in his family, he has no ambition to continue the family's legacy. Instead, he will rely on his family members to continue the legacy. His family seems to have been doing well enough without him, legacy wise. Archelaus is rather lazy as well, never really working on developing any goals he might have. He has no desire to work on any skill he may have. He is happy to be Archelaus, and that is good enough for him. He thinks that wolves in the Armada family do not need skill, and are simply born great. Archelaus still has a lot to learn, but he is still young.

Archelaus, because of the lack of a male role model, has a viewpoint on what males should be like and wants to be the same. Because of this viewpoint, Archelaus bottles up his emotions, unsure how to cope with them. With others, he is unsure how to comfort them, and would be quite awkward if he tried to.

Plans: Meet up with his family and join Fiori. Have lots of threads with them. Anything else will have to be determined on what happens.

RP sample: Archelaus was making his way back to his family, droplets of rain hitting his head. And not small droplets of rain, either. These were the droplets that hit your head with such force that the wolf in question was glaring at the leaves over his head. Archelaus was an Armada, and this rain needed to realize who it was dealing with. Well, it couldn't think, but still. If it could know who was making his way beneath the trees, it would stop. After all, he was an Armada! Vibrant red eyes narrowed as the rain turned into a downpour, completely soaking Archelaus' fur as he walked, even when he was underneath the trees.

He needed to find shelter soon, and when this stupid rain stopped, he could continue on his way. The silver boy picked up the pace, his gray and white paws carrying him across the land quickly. There had to be something around here, right? After a few moments, Archelaus stopped, red gaze searching the land in case there was something he could take shelter in. In the distance, a faint shape was barely visible. A cave, maybe? In case it was, Archelaus made his way to the possible shelter. As he got closer, Archelaus noticed that it wasn't a true cave, just a large hollow in the side of a hill. It would still work, though, if the rain didn't knock the earth down on him first. It wouldn't if if knew what was good for it.

Ducking his head, Archelaus disappeared into the hollow, laying down with his head on his paws, staring out at the rain. Who knew how long it would take to end? Yawning, Archelaus closed his eyes for a few monents...And opened them again to a paw kicking at him. Opening one eye, he stared up at the wolf who stood just outside the hollow. The other wolf was an older one, but as Archelaus got to his paws and exited the hollow, he saw that he towered over the older male. However, the wolf was not afraid. "Kid, can you move? I need my den." The wolf glared up at him, eyes narrowed. "I'm not a kid. I'm Archelaus Armada." The other wolf was silent for a moment. "Well, Archelaus Armada, I still need my den." He slipped by Archelaus, muttering something that the silver boy barely caught. "Don't even know what an Armada is." Archelaus pinned his ears, continuing on his way. Still, the encounter with the smaller male had annoyed him.

Well, it wasn't his problem if the wolf was so dense that he didn't know part of a legacy when he saw one.



9 Years
Athena I
01-27-2016, 12:43 AM
And Archie will go to Blue! Congrats! I'm excited to have all the brothers adopted out again. I'll PM the account details to Ion!