
The Fable's Conclusion.



5 Years
12-14-2015, 07:50 PM
Words I Never Said - Lupe Fiasco ft. Skylar Grey

I put this off for far too long...

Let me get the important stuff out of the way first. Newol will stay here with his mate and children. He will stay a pure hearted being with a soft and caring soul. He will stay loyal to his sister, he will stay an Adravendi to the bitter end. He will love and hold dear those left important to him. I leave his fate in Dragon's care. She and Bri seem the only two logical choices. And seeing as the two have a fair bit of friction in their relationship here and Dragon controls Avalon, she wins out.

Gnar will be like her father, pure and loving, tough as nails. When she is old enough she will join Surreal's cause, learn the Old tongue, and drop Ancora from her name being an Adravendi through and through. I'd like to leave that in Bri's hands but if she can't then I trust her judgment.

Obito.... Obito Obito Obito. Obito is free game I suppose. I'd be honored to no end if Tealah took him, he is a good soul, a good person, but because of his family history and how the Folami came into existence, his insides are still black. I feel like she'd understand that notion better than anyone so I offer him to her first before he becomes free game.

This is what I want. But in the end Alacritis is gonna do what Alacritis is gonna do. Just like it always has.

Let me start by saying that there is a song. The chores of this song stats that I can't take back the works I never said. This is my fading breath. The Grim Fable will be nothing more than what it has always talked about when I return to Alarcitis. Another Riddle in the Dark, whispered about by the ghosts of the past. I will be someone else by then, hopefully for the better. But The Grim Fable is about to conclude so sit down, listen up, and Hold On For Dear Life.

I feel cheated. I really do. I feel cheated beyond belief right now. You can't comprehend the feeling inside me right now... Or maybe you can. I came here to grab hold of my future, but I underestimated the cost. This place really puts the accelerated in accelerated education. Three years worth of knowledge in eighteen months. Learn fast or die. I thought it was the perfect fit, in one side and out the other in the blink of an eye and out in the field working to build all the things I dream about. Spending sixty thousand dollars to build the V6 boosted all wheel drive 500BHP Honda Civic that hunts Lambos and Ferrari's and kicks their teeth back down their throats. But putting thirty hours a week in here and thirty hours a week at work... It takes it's tole. I go to twelve hours a day five days a week. When the weekend roles around I'm stacked. Between the Honda Meets, running the streets in formation with the squad, flipping cars and parts (All Legal, you have my word) to make money actually worth something because at this point in my life the scratch from Kroger ain't cutting it. I don't have time to be here and it had torn me in half. My life here, it's all I have time to focus on, it consumes all of me. Tire smoke and orange street lights, rolling four wide with your friends across a concrete bridge leading into night life city lights. This is the stuff I live for. I dreamed about it sense I was eight years old. Being a Gear Head. Being a cut above the crowd behind the wheel of a car. And baby I'm there. But everything has a cost.

Here, the cost was me. Who I was, who I used to be. All my other goals. My friends. My family. Everything. My world right now revolves completely around three things while I'm up here at this Automotive and Diesel college. School, Work, and the Cars. Seeing as I've been a Gear Head for all my life, I'm not letting that go. And I can't release School, Schools why the fekk I Came Here! And I have to work. I have to eat. I have to make money to pay the bills. So that has to stay. And right now, those three things are so abundant and so demanding then what I give up is everything else. And it leaves me feeling so cheated. Because I wanted so much more. I wanted everything. I wanted to be The King Atop The Wooden Thrown. I wanted to become good enough for FIFE to one day go to an LCS. I don't even have time to play League of Legends. I wanted to be at least half way down with the book I'm writing. Not even close, I don't have time to write. I wanted to propose to a girl, but I don't have time to be a boyfriend right now so she's five hundred miles away back home waiting on me patiently to get my stuff done so I have a future. At some point I wanted to take a trip to Canada. Just to see if I can make the drive. Just to see if I have the skill and Girl still has the strength to make a run that long. Twenty Eight hours of road straight. Stoping only for gas and food. I gave up eighteen months of the place I grew up in. My home. My friends. My family. I'm a very small circle person in real life so some of you might not get how bad that hurts, but I think you can all comprehend. And then there is Alacritis...

Like I said, I can't take back the words I never said, and this is my final moment. So I'm going to speak my mind for a change.

What. The Actual. Fekk. This was supposed to be simple. So long ago the original plan was for Newol to fall in love with a women who was in a pack. Remaining a loner, he would mate to this woman, befriend her alpha, and become a close friend and hang around of the pack. Scouting the wilderness for them and alerting them of major movements in the other pack, herd movement, and even sharing prey, but never joining. Something simple, clean, different, and not too complicated for anyone involved. I don't regret Bri dragging me away from that. I don't regret him becoming Erani's son. I don't miss concluding the story of Zaraidd and making him an Adravendi. But I still hate all the nonsense that went down along the way. I noticed some stuff that I'll never let go. One of which was the fact that the fight between Erani and Vi was judged by the person who Rped the wolf who destroyed Valhalla the first time around. Don't worry about trying to justify that. I'll be nothing but a memory shortly. I love Alacritis... I've stayed here past point that I've washed my hands before. But the fact remains that you all have trampled a few people into the dust beneath your own whims. I love you all but the only one here I have ever trusted completely is Evelyn. I'm no saint either, I'll admit I had my favorites. Every thread I've had with Bri I consider Gold. And Tealah... Oh my god I feel like such a disappointment. I've always thought of Tealah as something of a foil to me. My perfect foil. As a creative writer you must understand how much of a complement I mean that as. The Gary Oak to my Ash Catchem. The Kai Leng to my Commander Shepherd. The Nova to my Tosh... Or rather the Tosh to my Nova... Hmm... It's not really clear who's the good and bad in that one, they are both scum one's just trying to kill the tyrant and the other works for him. But anyways, I've been fascinated with Khitja sense she was made. Every sense their meeting on the wall I wanted nothing more than to improve. I wanted the two of them to eventually clash. I wanted Newol and her to finally come to a confrontation of views so profound that there was only one way to settle it. And I wanted to have become good enough for the fight to be WORTH Tealah's time. And I wanted it to be so grand, so amazing, and so epic, that all of you stopped speechless in your tracks and watched, unable to look away. No simple five round challenge. I wanted it to go on until neither of them could even stand. But it will never happen. I'll never give her that.

I wanted Newol and Vi to say goodbye. I wanted the two of them to meet on that beach and talk. I wanted her to confess all her sins, and realize everything she stole from the boy. The stains she put on him that will never ever wash away. And then I wanted him to do something. In the greatest act of retaliation that I understand, I wanted him to forgive her for her sins that she didn't deserve to be forgive for. Because she'd have to sleep with that. And one day, far from now, it would eventually eat through her facade and sink in. And once it did, it would destroy her and he would finally have his retribution. I wanted Newol to make a pack in the Willows called Defiance, make is mother proud, and build a big damn wall between his sister and the rest of Alacritis so that when Alacritis got it's next wild hair and came to destroy to people just trying to be happy and live a life came knocking, they had to go through me to do it. But above all else... I just wanted Newol to be happy, huddled close to his mother's side, safe and warm in her den in the gorge. But Alacritis did what it was gonna do. I wanted to save Arin. I wanted Newol and his cousin to become close, bounded. I wanted him to give her a reason to live. And instead she killed herself. I wanted him to be a champion. I envision him in my mind standing atop a snow kissed rock, something like Pride Rock from Lion King only not as huge, standing up tall, broad shouldered and head held high, the wind is running through is fur and he is looking out over Alacritis, a determined and rebellious smile on his face.

I could keep going but... I've made my point. Guys I wake up every day and use all of my heart and soul to get through the day. I'm that guy. I'm the heart and soul guy. I give of myself in everything I do, and here is no expetion, but I have no heart and soul left to give when I finally do make it here. I hate to say this but Alarcitis is a detraction in this do or die moment in my life. So I have to leave. I have to part ways. I have to move on. The energy it takes to make headway on these goals I set for myself here is too much. So The Grim Fable is over now. I can't carry it on anymore. You've defeated me. It may not look like it but I tried. I tried so damn hard. I wanted it so damn bad. But I'm not going to get any of it. There's a lot of tyranny on Alacritis. Y'all have a lot of dark demons here. Y'all enjoy to broken souls and bleeding hearts too much. And don't ever say I don't know what I'm talking about because broken souls and Bleeding hearts is my role playing history. All the way back to Runner and Bolconine on the fields of Tanvaugh. I never did anything. I've never done anything. I wanted to accomplish something this time but all I managed was a whisper underneath the chores of roaring voices. Between that and how much of me it takes to get through the day right now, I'm left with no choice. I'm cutting my losses and pulling out.

And that's why I feel so cheated. I'm sacrificing EVERYTHING that I was outside of Nashville just to make it through the stuff here in Nashville. It's why when I stand on top of the Five Seven and look out over the city all I see is a big empty alien city. I love the stuff I do in this city... But I hate This city. If that makes any sense. I have to pause everything. I have to pause my life to take care of my life, and that sucks. I have a little bit left to go. So I'm going to cut ties with everything and double down. I'ma go All In on my life as it is right now, so that everything outside of it can recharge and maybe, just maybe, I can accomplish something when it's all finally done. I will retreat back into my shield of anger and hatred. And use it as I always have. It's how I coupe with the world. How I get through all my stuff. And believe me, I'll be coming for my reward for all my waiting. I'll be coming for it loud and hard and violent and angry. Once I get my damn career going, graduate out of this stupid fekking school, I will build that car, and it will no longer be known as Girl. It will be known as The Beast. My brother Bryson is going through similar problems right now, and his going to do the same as me, we are in so deep we are cutting ties with one another, you believe that craziness. He will build her sister, The Harlot. The Beast and The Harlot. The most amazing Honda Civic and Dodge Neon you'll every see. We're going to build them. Small Block compacts with 500BHP shoved inside of them. All that power and All Wheel Drive shoved inside two cars that only weigh in and twenty four hundred pounds each. Together we will one day build a shop, pairing my diesel with his automotive we will hire a collective of skill so profound that we will be able to service and repair anything you could possibly bring through the bay door. And Service Men and Women, both active duty and retired, will be able to have their vehicles worked on for no labor charges, only the price of parts and materials. We will rejoin FIFE and we will take down any team that goes against us on the Rift. I WILL Become the greatest Master Technician to ever step foot in the automotive industry!

And Alacritis. I'm coming for you too. I WILL come back. And I WILL make a pack in the East. I WILL take the Singing Caverns and The Delta. And I WILL fight to keep them. I will... But not as The Grim Fable. I'm out here, busting my rump to make something of myself. I'm working harder than I every have before in my life. I Will Get Something For It In The End.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Short And Stout.
I'll tell you a story I know nothing about.
Admission is Free, so pay at the door.
Pull up a Chair and sit on the floor.
One fine morning, in the middle of the night
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
They drew their swords and shot at one another.
A blind man came to watch the fair play.
A mute man came to shout Hurray!
A deaf policemen heard the noise,
And came to stop those two dead boys.
But a Man with no legs came walking by,
And kicked the lawman in his thigh.
Without making a sound, he fell to the ground into a dry creek bed where he suddenly drowned.
And a long black hearse came to cart him away.
But he ran for his life and he's still gone today.
And if you don't believe the facts of my fable are true,
Just ask the blind man.

He Saw It Too.

I love you all. I really do. And I have to thank all of you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Thank you for being my friends. Thank you for caring about me and putting up with me and listening to me. Thank you for letting me be apart of this story or yours. Thank you for helping me with my problems. Thank you for everything.

Good Bye.