
One foot on the narrow way , and one foot on the ledge



6 Years
Extra large
12-14-2015, 07:51 PM

The good and the bad mixed together in his heart, burning their way through his system with its mix, and left him with an inability to find a stable ground. Joy? Grief? The Titan couldn't fixate on any one emotion. Perhaps this was how Voltage felt on a regular bases, charged with two opposing elements. Before he could allow himself to settle on the joy of the news he had received he first had to speak to his brother. He had gone to Solaris first, so caught up in his stress that he hadn't known how to go to Voltage first. That had never happened before, not know hot to talk to his litter mate? He would have laughed in the face of any who might have suggested it to him. It showed how things could change, and so with a heavy heart the giant would move to his brothers den. He had prey in his joys, and would attempt to feed the body of a brother wasting away.

Grief gripped him before he reached the entryway, and the giant swayed with its grip on his soul. He had failed Voltage, he knew that in every part of his being. Voltage had suffered, was still suffering, and he had not known how to fix it. He could not bring Illume home to him, and he could not put a smile back on Current's face. These wolves where slowly becoming stranger to him and he didn't know how to stop it, how to bring them back to him. He scratched on the entryway to his brothers den before stepping slowly inside, placing the prey on the ground at his feet as he waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness of the den's shadows.





6 Years
12-16-2015, 11:01 AM
Voltage was surprisingly busy. Obsessively so. He sat before his pretty rock collection, shuffling them. He had dusted them off, spent his trip to the beach finding new ones to add to his collection. He licked off the dirt, and piled them meticulously, starting over every time they tumbled. He kept himself busy while his mind spun, a strange light to his eyes that he hadn't had in so long. He hardly noticed when Glace scratched at his door, and it was only the scent of fresh kill that caused him to turn his head, a rock settled between his teeth. Stormy eyes, not nearly as distant, stared at him before he promptly dropped his rock and stood, turning towards him. There was no telling what changed, really. After a good night sleep at his sister's side, he had seem to hit a small reset button. His mind had caught up to his ailing body and heart, and he begun to feel again. At first it was like the air had been knocked from his lungs, and he had cried again. Then there was more anger, then finally an odd sort of acceptance.

Illie was gone but not forever. She was out there and goddamnit he was going to find her. But that meant...

He stared at his brother, unmoving as he stared. A guilt suddenly touched his face and he dropped his gaze, reaching back with his hind leg to knock over his pile, his distraction. And then...he smiled. A small, but sincere smile as he lifted his gaze back to his brother. "Whats eatin ya, Glace?" He asked with a toothy grin, stepping towards him again. He could tell, he could always tell. Stormy eyes squinted as he stared up at his massive brother before lips spread wide to show all of his teeth. "What's the news?" He asked then, knowing it had nothing to do with Illie. He could feel an oldness to this strange air Glacier had around him. He knew him well enough to know when he was keeping something from him. It was rare, but he knew it well. One brow bone rose slightly as he stared at his Big Brother, waiting for his news.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
12-23-2015, 03:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2015, 03:28 PM by Glacier.)

He would be greeted with the sight of his brother, up and about, moving and building and looking surprisingly... alive. He hadn't seen his brother do much more then lie lifelessly in his den for days now and his heart held a little flicker of hope at seeing him now. Voltage asked him what was eating at him, and the titan smiled, seeing his brother now in the shell he had become. Glacier stepped forward, walking into his brothers arms, tucking his chin over Voltage's head, pulling him close enough that he could hear the heartbeat of the other wolf. “Voltage” he said, and the single word carried so much more then a single word should be able to. Pulling away, he smiled at him, nodding his head to the rock collection his brother had always loved. He sat down then, letting his position face the water, the endless expanse, the open sky above, and he allowed himself to smile, truly smile.

They where not whole, everything was not ok, but he had Voltage, he had Anais, he had his family and this pack, and everything he loved in this world bar one, crazy, sweet, mischief making girl.
“We are two brothers that can change the world for each other. And I know I haven't been that wolf in a time that you needed me. Maybe I've been physically beside you. But mentally, I haven't been able to to do for you what you have always done for me. It was a blow for me as well, yet that is hardly an excuse. So with this in mind I want to blow a wind of memories. Voltage. Remember the early days? Surviving on the island, and all the crazy things we went through? From Mud-monster frights, to our quartz smile” he let his own lips twitch in the thoughts of the crescent moon quartz he had found not once, but twice, for his brother. The symbolization that Voltage was his smile, and without him there, Glacier would never be complete, would have no one to remind him to smile in the way that Voltage did, in that way that showed his brother knew him better then they knew the sun would rise the next day. “To bringing out siblings here, to making something broken complete, together, with our first appearance in the land being the volcano, and from there to a beach so oddly perfect for our strange family. To the friends we've made and lost” he thought of the two packs they had known and built friendships with, which had crumbled to the pulls of the world. “Which has only proved that we can persevere.” he sighed softly, deep, deep in thought. “The point i'm making is that everything changes, and yet, it also stays the same. I love you voltage, I love everything we have built together, I love our past and our future and the fact that we can do anything if we do it together. In that sense I have two very important announcements to make. One, is that Anais is with my child, and I want to make you their god father. Two, I will not rest, and I will never forget, until I find or know the fate of our lost child. A girl yet to be a woman, who could make mischief to rival your own. Who could stay on the back of a titan, who has proven she has the heart of our family in her chest, with her actions in the ocean, with saving Current. I might have been lost, in knowing what to say or do in the days after, but i'm not lost anymore.” he turned, nuzzling under his brothers cheek, looking up into those familiar eyes. “For you, and for her, because you both deserve the world.” he looked, for all the world, like a knight swearing fealty to his king

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
12-23-2015, 05:49 PM
Voltage hummed lightly as Glacier said his name, his teeth showing in a gentle grin. He loved his brother dearly, perhaps idolized him. It was always him and his Big Brother against the world, and in that moment he felt like he had once upon a time when it was just the two of them. When he was so wrought with his depression, with thoughts, and Glacier somehow whisked them away as if they were ants. He moved to sit at Glacier's side, looking out at the ocean as he waited. There was something on his brother's tongue, he just knew it.

So he waited, watching the to and fro motion the waves made upon the black sand. His ears would perk as Glacier spoke, and he would tilt his head slightly to look up at him. He walked down memory lane, and he couldn't help but feel the wash of nostalgia. "We're so old.." He laughed softly to himself, shifting on his paws before turning to look back out at the ocean. It was true, so true. They had faced everything together. When one fell, the other knew how to pick the other up. When one hurt, the other felt the same pain. He remembered the fear he had felt when Glacier had fallen, had hurt himself and was forced to spend weeks upon weeks in a den. Voltage had hardly left his side, not even to do alpha things he had too do.

It was always them. Volt and Glace. Together.

Another wash of guilt flooded over him, and he'd glance to the side just as Glacier decided to spill his news in his formal way. Stormy eyes instantly snapped to him, both staring at him and so distant. Pupils would dialate and shrink, his breath coming in a quick rush as pure fear ran over him. Glacier was having children?! He quickly dropped his gaze, digesting that bit of news as Glacier moved on, kept going. And voltage would be the god father...and illie. He was finding it increasingly hard to breathe, and without a word he stood up and stepped out of the den to try and get some air.

He was terrified that the universe would choose to take Glacier's children from him as well. Terrified. But it was different, wasn't it? Where they had gifted Voltage with the ability to feel so much emotion, to feel everything, they had given Glacier the ability to juggle his fate and his duties. It wouldn't happen to Glacier. He had done so well. He had found Anais, and it hadn't forced him to split his time and his mind. Slowly he'd turn to look back at Glacier, staring at his big brother for a moment. Glacier, his everything, was about to be a father.

There was no jealousy, nothing. There was nothing but a small flicker...and in an instant it turned into a flame. Into an inferno, scorching through him but not hurting him. He felt light, and his brows would furrow. A bright, real smile would spread across his lips as his eyes crinkled. "Oh Glace.." He whispered, turning fully back to him. "I am so happy for you, brother." His voice was tight, but not in that sad sort of way. He would look to the ground as the tears fell, and he would laugh softly, lifting a paw to rub his ankle across his cheek. "So happy.." He whispered, closing his eyes as the tears fell harder, faster. But he was, this wasn't the same tears he had weeks ago when he had lost his daughter. There was no way he would taint his brother's happiness with his own sadness, he didn't work that way.

"H-how long, had you known?" He asked in a shaky voice, lifting his eyes to look up at his brother as he smile so gently, a tear slowly slipping down his cheek. "You wouldn't be this calm if you just found out."

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
12-23-2015, 06:01 PM
He hadn't wanted to open wounds, he hadn't wanted to remind Voltage of his daughter, for Glacier's own children to stand as a reminder. Perhaps that was why he had told his brother in this way, walking them down memorylane and letting out everything that had worried him, not just the arrival of his children but also his concerns and love for Voltage, and everything he felt about the strong, independent woman Illume had been becoming. How could he have worried? Voltage, who felt everything, had room for joy in this moment as well as everything else. There was no regret, or envy, in his eyes when he raised them again to Glacier's, there was nothing but joy and love. “Come here, you” Glacier said, chuckling softly as he batted Voltage's shoulder with his paw, his voice a little gruff, emotional, for the old giant.

He paused a moment before he answered, smiling at Voltage's observation. “A few days, I needed to process it first” he admitted, he needed to wrap his head around the changed future, the joy and love and commitment, and how to tell Voltage without bringing down the last of his brothers world. Of course, silly Glacier, he hadn't needed to fear for his brothers reaction – Voltage loved him every bit as ferioucly as Glacier loved him. “We have been through so much, have so much history and experience, but even all that dosen't really prepare you” he said softly, his smile a whisper of remembreance, love for Voltage, and Anais, and little lives he was yet to meet. “Will you accept being their god father? Teach them what it means to be a part of this family?” he asked softly, he did not want to ask too much of Voltage, yet, he felt perhaps they both needed this.