
Where Can I Stab Myself In The Ears


12-17-2015, 09:33 PM

His heart felt heavy. Heavy as lead within his chest. He felt like everything he was doing was wrong, and the Gods only knew if what he was thinking, what he was feeling, was right. It almost felt like his children wanted to abandon him, to leave and never return. Cypress would breathe in, a soft sigh passing his lips. He hated this feeling, Gods above he hated feeling like this. It was like there was someone taking a knife and stabbing it right through his heart.

Cypress would rise from his den. There was going to be no sleep tonight, he just had a feeling. He would leave the area of the caves he now slept in alone. His claws would click slightly upon the ground as he padded along, his ears flicked back, his gaze downcast. He felt the heavy burden of the world upon his shoulders. He felt alone. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do anymore... But he was so tired of this feeling. So tired of feeling like this.

It had been like this since the day of the deathmatch and had merely lingered since that day. Marina’s time was drawing closer and closer, and soon she would take the mantel on her lonesome. It was spring, spring that he would leave things in her care alone.

Cypress would come to a stop just outside of the whispering caves, yet another sigh passing his lips. He would gaze up at the sky, speaking to the Gods. “Have you forsaken me?” Cy would ask. “Have I done something so terribly wrong that you feel it right to punish me so? What have I ever done? What has Arian ever done?” But there was no answer to his questions other than the lonely wind.




3 Years
12-17-2015, 09:47 PM


The night lingered on so easily - his own den with his own thoughts. While haunted so easily, there was still a lot to take care of. Razor sighed with a bit of a shiver, when he thought about it, maybe it was just the feeling of a heavy heart. His ears listened to the pounding of his blood and heart beating. Like he was sinking to a bottom of a River - and the walls broke when he scented his father. Razor had realized he had been walking for some time. Small paws scraping against the wall as his blue eyes reflected on the back of the tail he recognized as his fathers. A frown appearing on his soft features the gods hadn't damned him. If he knew of much, it was of their kindness. Zakuro's harshness could be something of an illusion, but Denki knew well enough to take care of his father of blood and soul.

"They won't ever throw something in your path that the know you can't conquer." the soft whisper of his voice carried as he looked off to the side. If it was how Razor saw it - their mothers death was more of a kick start. Riv had probably already been thinking about leaving for a long time. Growing up was a part of it, their sister was missing. That itself was another hit on their family they had wanted to keep in close. Razor let a smile rise on his lips as he sauntered over to his father. Comfort, was all he could care to give him. Pressing his nose to his shoulder, his blue eyes looked up at him. Breathing a little harsh as always as he let out a sigh. Sitting himself next to him, he purposely leaned against his king so to speak.

"I think - Zakuro felt mom had done enough fighting. If it was the way she wanted it, then he wanted it that way too. Denki and Itsume are left behind to rekindle what's broken of us." his soft gaze stared at his paws. "Every life has a purpose - and we have to stay determined for that purpose. If we've lost one purpose we can make another." Razor knew all of this could do more harm then good. He wasn't strong, he was no healer either. He put almost all his trust in the stars now, it was getting easier to find his way around as well. He hummed a bit softly. "They're all crying for you papa - but they want you to be happy. To be you. I sure mom would want the same thing. She loved you after all." another shiver left his body tired.

Razor Adravendi


12-21-2015, 04:45 PM

There was a soft whisper, the voice of his son as he dared try to comfort him. Cypress would glance towards the child. He would close his eyes, daring to think on his son’s words. Razor had followed the religion his mother set out for them, much like the majority of his siblings. He would draw comfort from Razor’s presence. Every word his young son spoke, every word that left his lips, made the burden on Cypress’ heart feel a little lighter. He would breathe in, giving a small nod.

“I suppose that you are right, Razor.” Cypress would speak softly. “I know all of us are missing your mother right now... I just... I feel so broken without her. So knocked down. It’s like I don’t know what to do with myself anymore.” The man would let another sigh escape his lips. “I’m scared of change... Razor. I’m setting up this pack for Marina and for what? What am I going to do when those of you who choose leave come spring?” Cy’s ears would fall, tears forming in his eyes.

“I’m so tired of all of this... It hurts... Gods above it hurts... And I just want to give up and lay down.” He would let his gaze return to the heavens. “I want to be beside your mother, and be where she is...” Cypress would swallow hard. “I just don’t know what path is right anymore.”




3 Years
12-21-2015, 05:06 PM


It seemed like his brother had forgotten about their father. Their minds muddled with sadness and wanting to just get on with their lives. Razor felt thankful that he could have the importunity to talk with his father. If he could offer a little bit of comfort that was left his duty had been done. His uncle had told him - maybe he was something greater. The kind, and gentle boy would listen to his dad. His heart stinging along the way, but if he wanted to give his honest opinion. Perhaps holding back would only make things worse.

"I think - all of us are afraid of change a little bit." his black tail flicked. "Life can't exist without fear, but working through this fear is what makes us great - maybe setting up this pack was your way of helping mom through her vision of wanting to create a stable home. After all is said and done - why don't you go to Fiori too?" Razor suggested. He looked at his paws, "I know you miss mom - and you want to be with her. But maybe she wants you to live just like us. Time will pass the the wound will get smaller as all do. Leo offered to see if someone in Fiori could teach me how to read the stars. And I want to teach everyone about the gods." He let out a soft smile as he rubbed against his father.

"Plus maybe it would put us at ease being in Fiori - mom's family is your family. Because, we all love you papa. You're making borealis great, but it feels more as if Fiori is the closest to Sonticus as we could get." Razor was hoping his father would consider - he never wanted to pressure the man. He had a feeling the gods wanted his dad to heal over time. Arian was a trouble soul from the start, and rest was what she needed most. However if Cypress could be strong - if even Razor could feel proud. This was what he was going to do.

Razor Adravendi


01-20-2016, 04:40 PM

Cypress would listen to his young son and the words of wisdom that the youth had to share. His words were true. Life couldn’t exist without fear. There would always be shadows of doubt within the minds of those who lived. There would always be the “evil” ones haunting the “good”. In a sense life couldn’t continue on without negativity in general... Not just fear. There was more likely than not something routed even deeper to Cypress’ not wanting to change.

Cy would give a thoughtful flick of his tail as his son continued. Setting up this pack... Just to walk away from it all? He would let his mind slide to Arian, and what she would think. Surely she’d want her mate and pups to stay together. Home was not necessarily where a pack was... But instead where your heart found sanctuary.

A sigh would pass Cypress’ lips. “I don’t know, Razor.” He would begin. “Something is going to happen soon... I have a feeling in my bones. Something bad... Things... Things aren’t over.” He would turn his head, gently hugging his son’s body close to his own.

“Maybe I’m losing it... Giving in to paranoia... But something just doesn’t seem right anymore. I’m going to wait until this feeling passes and... If it does... I will head to Fiori.” The brute would lift his head skyward, giving a soft whine. “I want you to promise me something...” He’d say, his voice low.

“No matter what happens... You children stay together. A family is only as strong as the ties that bond it together.” Somewhere deep within Cypress had already made up his mind. He was going to find Sin... and only one would walk away when he did.
