
Don't Need Help



1 Year
12-18-2015, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2015, 12:35 AM by Evelyn.)

------------------------------------------------------ the fear has gripped me but here i go ---------------------------

The sound of the falls was soothing to the young boy, a soft sigh leaving his black maw as he looked around with a shiver. Since he was left to his own devices he had taken to traveling, although for such a young pup it was rather difficult. He fought through the drifts of snow, and it hung in clumps off of his black and gold fur. He had tried to chew them off of his body, but the snow was too cold on his teeth, it didn't help him warm up at all! But he knew that he needed water, so at the sound of the falls he walked over, only to flop near the river with a huff. It had been hard to hunt for himself, he was so gangly and awkward. His legs were far too long and his paws too large, he usually ended up tripping over himself and falling into the snow. He was growing rather frustrated, but he was determined to catch his own food. He didn't need help from anyone! He was a big boy. Licking at his chops, his silver eyes glanced around at the horizon. There had to be food here somewhere... Itri knew that winter was a hard time to hunt, he had been told all about it, but it wasn't like all the animals just up and died, right? He sniffed at the air, but all he could smell was the frosty air. He wasn't experienced enough to pick out certain scents just yet, and taking in a deep breath through his nose hurt. The cold air stung his nasal passage, making his nose wrinkle up at the burning sensation. Itri needed food soon, his belly grumbled and refused to be silenced. He glared at his stomach, nostrils flaring in irritation. Stupid belly, it could never be quiet and just had to remind him how hungry he was. Oh well, there was always a lot of snow around...


Itri Dunstan

Bright Moon


6 Years
12-18-2015, 10:42 PM
The silver, fox-coated woman had come to the falls in hopes of finding prey to drag home. It seemed like a good place to attract all sorts of animals, and she was sure she'd be able to snatch something. Dainty paws carried her along the water's edge, heading toward the sound of roaring water. When she caught sight of a dark creature up ahead, she lowered into a crouch and prowled into the cover of trees, stalking toward the animal carefully. She moved slowly, each pawstep as light as possible in the snow. The mist from the waterfall began to skew her vision, but she still had an eye on the dark shape that stood out against the snow.

Once she was sure she was close enough, about twenty five feet, she focused, bringing her legs in and coiling her muscles, preparing to leap. She sprung out from cover, silver eyes fixed on her target. Long, graceful legs carried her quickly, and in several bounds she was ready to pounce on her prey. However, her paws skidded to a halt in the snow, and she stared wide-eyed at the animal she'd been stalking. "A pup!" she exclaimed, padding forward softly and leaning down to study the boy closer, "I hope I didn't startle you. Why are you here alone, little one? Are you lost?" She hadn't expected to find such a young wolf today, especially when she thought she was hunting.



1 Year
12-19-2015, 01:02 AM

------------------------------------------------------ the fear has gripped me but here i go ---------------------------

Another shiver shook his body, and he fluffed up his black and gold coat to try and keep out as much of the cold as possible. He knew that he should probably find cover soon, it was getting colder and colder as more snow began to fall. He had been hiding out in old badger hutches and fox dens, being very careful to poke around for any other warm bodies before he just crawled on in. With a sigh he went to stand up, when he heard a loud shuffling of paws behind him and a loud explanation. His ears twitched backwards as his head slowly turned to look up at the fox coloured woman, blinking several times at the stranger. Words began to pour from her maw, causing his ears to lay flat against his skull. Why did adults talk so much? He didn't say a word to her, his eyes narrowing slightly at her. She had asked if he was lost, and quickly he shook his head back and forth. But still he didn't say anything, shivering against the wind that started to pick up. He didn't trust adults, and why should he? The wolves that were supposed to care for him no matter what left him for dead, and all his young heart knew was rejection and pain. He didn't want anyone knowing him, or getting close to him at all. He was still young, but he didn't think that he could take being left all alone again. He was using his stubborn act of not talking as a defense against everything else out there. But he didn't know how to hide it from his eyes, and the bitter sting of it all reflected in their silver depths, even as he glared at the woman in defiance.


Itri Dunstan

Bright Moon


6 Years
12-19-2015, 02:16 AM
He was so quiet, his ears folding against his head as she spoke quickly, perhaps a little bit frenetically. Had she frightened him? Was she just going too fast? She couldn't tell what was making him shrink away, shaking his head. If he wasn't lost, then he was certainly too far from home. If only his parents knew where he was, but then... maybe they just weren't around. They could have been killed by something, or maybe they had died of hunger in this harsh season. Or maybe, just maybe, this young boy had found himself alone by circumstances much crueler than being orphaned. Perhaps he had been abandoned.

As she looked into his silver eyes with her own, she could see the bitterness in his gaze glaring back at her. He made not a sound, but his sweet puppy eyes glistened and revealed the pain within. Something awful had happened to him and he wasn't ready to talk yet. Bright tried to think back to the time, so long ago, when Blue Starfire had found her and taken her in. She'd respected and loved the woman the moment they'd met. Could she do the same for this boy? Perhaps he wouldn't feel the same, but she must try.

"You don't need to worry about me, sweety," she assured him, trying to shuffled just a little bit closer, reaching her nose toward him gently. She wanted to embrace the poor, shivering pup, to take him home and give him everything he needed, but she knew she could not force him. She couldn't blame him if he had no reason or desire to trust her. "Are you hungry?" she asked - it was obvious that he was, but she would let him say so if he wanted to accept her help.



1 Year
12-20-2015, 10:21 AM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2015, 08:49 PM by Evelyn.)

------------------------------------------------------ the fear has gripped me but here i go ---------------------------

At the adults words, the boy snorted softly. Don't worry, bah. Well he wasn't worried! Not at all. He could take her on if she tried to eat him. Okay, well... maybe she could just sit on him and it would all be over. But still! That's only because she... she... had a big butt. Yeah, that was it! He looked at her with narrowed eyes, nodding to himself. Yup, big butt. That's the only way she would win. He had sharp teeth and he bit hard! Grr! Itri nearly jumped out of his skin as she moved closer, her nose brushing against his cheek. He growled softly, a soft sound in the puppies throat. But he didn't bite her like he was thinking, the brush of her nose was soft and comforting. It made him feel warm, enough to stop his shivering. He forgot how nice a simple embrace felt, how much it made him feel safe. His eyes softened and he felt himself leaning into her slightly. Until he realized what he was doing. His head shook with vigor and he stood up, taking a step backwards and away from her.

Those magical words left her mouth though, asking if he was hungry. He licked his lips and eyed his belly, glaring at it as he dared it to make a sound. But he would be a fool to say no, he hadn't been able to find anything to even attempt to catch. Looking back at the silver woman he huffed, shuffling on his paws as his ears pulled flat against his head. Ever so slowly he nodded up and down, he was really hungry. But he wanted to catch it himself! Cause he needed to be strong, he wasn't useless.


Itri Dunstan

Bright Moon


6 Years
12-20-2015, 09:29 PM
Bright heard the pup's low growl as her nose brushed his cheek gently, and she slowed her motion just slightly until he leaned into her ever so lightly, his gaze softening. His shivering had come to a halt. She pulled back when he jerked away suddenly, as though he'd realized he'd made himself vulnerable. He had a strong stubbornness about him, an independence brought on by the circumstances that had led him here alone. Don't be so willful! she pleaded to him within her head, but the words never reached her tongue. He would come around in his own time, if he did.

She saw him lick his lips immediately when she asked him if he was hungry, and he seemed to glance at his belly with a glare. It was like he didn't want to admit he was hungry. But finally he'd look up at her, shuffling his paws as though he was decided whether or not to admit he wanted something to eat. Then he nodded slowly. Bright smiled at him and pounced into a playful bow, nudging his chin with her nose. "Well, follow me then, and we'll go find something! she suggested, her forepaws shuffling in the snow as she stood straight and turned away from the pup, her nose twitching as she scented the frigid air, "Have you ever hunted before?" For his age, she doubted he'd ever successfully caught something, especially in this season. Even she had a difficult time catching prey scent with the cold air stinging her nostrils.



1 Year
01-01-2016, 12:54 AM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2016, 12:57 AM by Itri.)

when loneliness came and you were away

His silver eyes grew wide when she suddenly bounded up and dropped into a play bow, his hackles raising slightly at her sudden movement. He backed up slowly, ears flattened against his skull, but he did not flee from her. The fact was that he needed food, and he wasn't that foolish as to turn it down completely. She nuzzled his chin and he let out another warning growl, baring his little puppy teeth at her touch. He didn't need to be comforted! He was a big boy and he could do it all by himself. She asked if he had hunted before and he shuffled on his paws slightly, eyes shifting away from the stranger. Well, he had tried, but he hadn't been very successful. He had been able to catch little mice and such, but it wasn't enough to feed a growing boy. His belly rumbled again and he took a few tentative steps towards her, sniffing the air like she had. All he could detect was the sharp scent of froze and ice, and he snorted at the pain that stung his nasal passages. Head shook back and forth with vigor, and he picked up his bangle clad leg to paw at his nose. Ouchie. That wasn't very pleasant. Itri's gaze went up to the woman, trying to do as she did. He stood nice and tall and tried to smell the air again, but only had the same responses. The boy had yet to answer his question, no words leaving his mouth still. He just shrugged his gold flecked shoulders, he had kinda hunted. But he was fine, he was good at everything!


Bright Moon


6 Years
01-04-2016, 01:06 AM
Bright saw the pup tense, getting uncomfortable with her close proximity, and she almost felt bad for making him feel that way. Yet, at the same time she knew he wasn't that afraid, so at least she knew she wasn't spooking him. Just toying with his pride slightly, refusing to let him be stubborn enough to send her away. But he'd learn to get over that, eventually. He was a tough little guy, which was evident by the way he growled, curling his lips to show off his needle-sharp puppy teeth. Still, she'd give him his space a little bit and stand back, just smiling down at him.

She wondered about the pretty bangle 'round his forepaw as he lifted the paw to swipe at his cold nose. Where had it come from? Maybe a gift from his parents. She still had to wonder where they were, if they would ever return for the boy, but in the meantime he was cold and hungry, and she would make sure he had something for the time being. He refused to answer in words whether or not he'd really hunted. Well, it didn't matter. "We'll get something warm and juicy," she said with a nod; even her own belly rumbled at the thought.

Lifting her nose again, she caught scent of something at last. And it wasn't far from their current location. Between gusts of mist from the waterfall, she could see a small, hungry-looking whitetail doe that was drinking from the pool where the falls landed. It was at the edge of the steep, rocky bank where the ground shifted sharply upward from the flatter expanse of ground. If the doe was hungry and weak, its chances of taking off up the the side of the waterfall were slim. If they went slowly, they could cut off its escape route into the woods, and if it took off into the water, it would be doomed.

Bright crouched down, and she turned to the pup. "Can you smell the deer?" she asked then looked toward the mist that was coming off the water. Keeping her voice low, she continued, "If we go slowly and you follow my lead, we can block it from running away," she stated, hoping the pup wouldn't be resistant following her orders, "If it was healthy and strong, we might not stand a chance, but it looks like this doe's had a tough winter." The woman began to stalk forward, veering off to her left in a wide circle, with the deer on her right - she hoped they'd be able to approach from behind and thus make a surprise attack. With the raging falls, the doe might not hear them at all. Was the pup going to follow and do as she did?