
Shiver Me Timbers



5 Years
12-24-2015, 11:43 AM

Kai had never seen an ice storm before. His homeland was more temperate in climate; they rarely saw snowfalls deeper than their ankles and they rarely stuck around for long. After the blizzard in the northern regions of this new continent, he thought he'd seen it all. The den he'd chosen to hole up in for the last several days appeared to be the abandoned nesting grounds for a coyote or two. Once he got over the stench (eugh) he'd attempted to dig it out a bit further, and found himself assailed with frozen earth. It was cramped, sure, but he was forcing himself to think of it as "cozy" instead. The night before when it had started to sleet on him, he had retreated into the space with gusto, thankful to have any refuge at all. What he didn't notice while in the depths of his dreams was the sudden drop in temperature as a cold front moved through the area.

When the sun rose the following morning Kai was rudely awoken by the vibrant light. He winced and groaned, standing up slowly and shaking out his coat while trying to get his bearings. He strode forth from the den and promptly slipped, one leg flying out from under him while he scrabbled to keep his balance. He managed (barely) to do so, and looked up to find that he had been transported somewhere mystical. A thick layer of ice and frost covered every possible surface. It glittered and glimmered like white crystal and cast prisms of rainbow light hither and thither. Branches laden with ice had crashed to the surface of the planet over night, and even as he stood there in awe he heard the sharp cracks of falling limbs. Beautiful and deadly, he thought with a grimace.

He took another tentative step, fighting to keep his balance as he pushed out into the frozen unknown. It was bitterly cold, a drastic change to the relatively comfortable temperatures from several days prior. It was also eerily quiet, apart from the sharp snaps and cracks as the ice made it's mark. He sat down outside of his den, his vibrant coat a burning ember among a world that was so pale. What on earth was he supposed to do?

"Talk" "You" Think