
Laying Boundaries



3 Years
Dire wolf
12-30-2015, 10:17 AM
Mithras had spent the majority of his morning setting down a boundary line. It was hard work, and multiple trips to the river and back to, uh, "refill" had left him worn out. It was not so bitterly cold here as it was in other lands, but he was still surrounded by a biting chill this close to the snowcapped northern lands. He wove in and out of the barren willows, trying to keep the wind off his face while he worked his way back out to the edges of his new territory. His. It was a strange feeling, and not one he ever thought he'd experience. It was good though, and the image of his daughters grown and hunting on the wide stretches of the Emerald Valley floated up to the forefront of his mind. He'd been looking forward a lot lately. As if it somehow justified leaving his brothers and sisters in the Diamachi behind. I'm doing whats best for the girls, he told himself with a sense of resolution.

They were getting bigger and bigger, Artemis more so than the others, but it already was looking like she'd follow in his own larger-than-life footsteps. Soon he'd need to teach them to hunt and how to survive, and yet that yearning was now matched with the need to see Argead prosper and grow. He saw a lush commons in the Valley peppered with wolves of every birth and station, coming together as allies and friends, working as one to make something better. Better than a world of war, sacrifice, and blind following. He sighed, and looked upward. Soon. One day, but he had to keep working at it, so work he would.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



2 Years
01-08-2016, 08:28 PM

Costa rested below a stout willow tree whose droopy branches surrounded her and hid her. The grass around her had already changed so much in the short time since she had let herself become rooted here. Spring saw warmer weather and lots of water which had everything green and in a hurry to bloom, breed, and prep for winter to come again.

It was a harsh cycle, shortened by their proximity to the north, but it was a thing of beauty. There were flowers of all sorts of colors and the herbs were popping up more and more. She had created a stock in the gnarled trunk that she rested against now where its base has grown up twisting about until it formed a pit. She checked it frequently, finding a problem with squirrels already.

There was a mumbling from somewhere behind her, the sound thrown by the tree and causing her to look around in confusion. She stood up, lavender eyes searching as she stepped forward so that her head peeped out from the shroud of earthbound leaves. She was surprised to see Mithras, who appeared to be taking a break from whatever activities he had been involved in. She looked around for minute before moving toward him.

Costa sat down a good six feet from him, still having to tip her head back to look him in the eyes. "Hello Mithras, [i]my king[i] or whatever I'm supposed to call you?" There was a confusion to her tone, taking up to mask her tease as she called him king. She didn't know him well enough to joke, hopefully he would overlook that. "Busy, I would assume? I'm still getting a feel of the land and have been hunting down herbs. I think I may need to start growing some of my own so that they don't all get used up."


[Image: costa%202_zpsywli0m7h.png]



3 Years
Dire wolf
01-11-2016, 05:13 PM
Costa's voice fell on him like a foreign reign. From the get go he'd read her personality as something like his own, and liked her. He gave her a broad grin, nevermind that it wasn't very kingly. "Just Mithras is fine," he said. "Or sir," he said a bit more dramatically, followed by, "M'lord, My Lord, Your Highness, Your excellence, et cetera, et cetera." He snickered and waved a paw, praying to the gods that she'd know he was joking. He was hardly that full of himself.. You know, mostly.

She asked if he was busy, and claimed to have been working the lands, learning and gathering. He smiled at that, appreciating her initiative and curious as well. "Anything noteworthy? And thank you for the good work, its nice to hear. If you need any help with the planting, let me know. I'd love to learn a thing or two!" He paused, looking up into the sky at the passing clouds, laden with spring rains. "Costa, had you thought of what school of learning you would follow?" He had given a brief description of rank and structure after the initial meeting to those who had stuck around, though he wasn't sure if she'd been there or not.

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



2 Years
01-12-2016, 09:21 PM

The king of Agread would gaze upon her with a silly grin upon his face. Costa smiled back, an easy response. Her eyes followed the vibrant scrolling on his face as he began to speak. "Just Mithras is fine," His tone would turn more teasing though as he listed alternatives that she was more than welcome to call him. She snorted about half way through and shook her head.

She moved on with the conversation, getting back to being serious. He seemed appreciative of her effort to move forward in the pack. "Anything noteworthy? And thank you for the good work, its nice to hear. If you need any help with the planting, let me know. I'd love to learn a thing or two!" The cosmos covered male would look up at the sky to watch fat, dark clouds crawling lazily onward. "Costa, had you thought of what school of learning you would follow?" She smiled softly, the action barely touching her lips and her eyes dropping away from him.

"I would like to learn more of healing. I feel I'd be rubbish at much else. My scouting has been... interesting? I may need to leave for a bit to find a mentor. I've learned things here and there but there is so much to know and I've only just tasted a single drop of a very large ocean." She paused to catch her breath. Having never done this pack thing, she didn't know if he would be mad at her for wanting to go away. Was she allowed away? "I dare say it could benefit the pack greatly for me to learn more... but I haven't met anyone to know if anyone else here holds any knowledge or interest in medicine?" He knew them all better than she did, perhaps he could give her insight.


[Image: costa%202_zpsywli0m7h.png]



3 Years
Dire wolf
01-13-2016, 12:54 PM

Costa expressed interest in being a healer and Mithras self a subconscious sigh of relief. He was glad to see at least one recruit so far had expressed interest in that very important skill. Costa would go on, mentioning a mentor and their fellow pack mates who may or may not be able to assist her. "You are of course free to come and go as you please, especially on expeditions to better the pack. Just don't start too much trouble," he added with a wink, a gentle way of saying play nice with the neighbors. As to who else in the pack may have interest well, regrettably he couldn't say. "You're one of the first I've been able to catch one on one, but I'm trying to get a sense of things. Once everyone settles in I'll be calling a gathering so that we can all get our bearings, and get things moving!" He grinned at her, a toothy eager kind of smile. He hoped he wasn't the only one ready to start making headlines.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!