
Mako's Tracker


01-04-2016, 05:48 PM

Current Threads
Stick to your guns
--Shadow, Winter Year 7


01-04-2016, 05:49 PM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce viverra, dui et congue aliquet, felis elit aliquam nisl, a pellentesque nisl sapien vitae ligula. Duis at semper tellus. Proin et nunc ut nibh aliquam hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam tortor neque, ullamcorper adipiscing tincidunt sed, mollis ac libero. Duis aliquam venenatis risus eget convallis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet tellus ac arcu mollis tincidunt vel nec mi. Cras faucibus commodo varius. Quisque blandit consequat tristique. Phasellus sit amet tellus sit amet diam pretium suscipit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris tincidunt augue in justo imperdiet ac luctus nisi tristique. Nulla id tortor arcu, eu eleifend metus. Cras arcu ante, dignissim at sollicitudin ac, porttitor malesuada ipsum. Donec sed justo ac massa euismod venenatis et et ligula.

Curabitur dignissim accumsan elementum. Praesent non tortor eget tortor placerat eleifend. Vivamus libero sapien, gravida eget dictum non, venenatis a est. Praesent turpis massa, adipiscing porttitor rhoncus quis, sodales eget orci. Quisque ultrices elit vitae diam iaculis vel hendrerit dui elementum. Vestibulum consectetur aliquet sem, sed consectetur arcu auctor fringilla. Suspendisse in tincidunt erat. Ut non leo lacus. In vitae lacinia nulla. Quisque ultricies sagittis aliquet. Donec tincidunt hendrerit blandit.

Cras lacinia sagittis lectus, nec fermentum est adipiscing ac. Suspendisse sed justo ante. Duis ullamcorper augue aliquet nibh venenatis tincidunt. Curabitur viverra sollicitudin ligula, placerat molestie ipsum pellentesque non. Proin lacinia cursus odio id iaculis. Ut a sapien arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent ullamcorper laoreet aliquet. Donec dui augue, tincidunt id posuere sit amet, tempus quis erat. Mauris porta luctus dignissim. Ut lobortis gravida libero vel tempor.


<center><style="padding:5px;"><br />
<table background="" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="25" style="width:650px; border:1px solid #BORDER COLOR; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#c9c9c9"><tr><td><div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px; padding-top:630px;"><font color="#696969" style="font-family:calibri; font-size:12px; line-height:12px;"><br />
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce viverra, dui et congue aliquet, felis elit aliquam nisl, a pellentesque nisl sapien vitae ligula. Duis at semper tellus. Proin et nunc ut nibh aliquam hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam tortor neque, ullamcorper adipiscing tincidunt sed, mollis ac libero. Duis aliquam venenatis risus eget convallis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet tellus ac arcu mollis tincidunt vel nec mi. Cras faucibus commodo varius. Quisque blandit consequat tristique. Phasellus sit amet tellus sit amet diam pretium suscipit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris tincidunt augue in justo imperdiet ac luctus nisi tristique. Nulla id tortor arcu, eu eleifend metus. Cras arcu ante, dignissim at sollicitudin ac, porttitor malesuada ipsum. Donec sed justo ac massa euismod venenatis et et ligula.<br />
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Curabitur dignissim accumsan elementum. Praesent non tortor eget tortor placerat eleifend. Vivamus libero sapien, gravida eget dictum non, venenatis a est. Praesent turpis massa, adipiscing porttitor rhoncus quis, sodales eget orci. Quisque ultrices elit vitae diam iaculis vel hendrerit dui elementum. Vestibulum consectetur aliquet sem, sed consectetur arcu auctor fringilla. Suspendisse in tincidunt erat. Ut non leo lacus. In vitae lacinia nulla. Quisque ultricies sagittis aliquet. Donec tincidunt hendrerit blandit.<br />
<br />
Cras lacinia sagittis lectus, nec fermentum est adipiscing ac. Suspendisse sed justo ante. Duis ullamcorper augue aliquet nibh venenatis tincidunt. Curabitur viverra sollicitudin ligula, placerat molestie ipsum pellentesque non. Proin lacinia cursus odio id iaculis. Ut a sapien arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent ullamcorper laoreet aliquet. Donec dui augue, tincidunt id posuere sit amet, tempus quis erat. Mauris porta luctus dignissim. Ut lobortis gravida libero vel tempor.<br />
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<font color="#000000" style="font-size:15px;">Speech,</font><br />
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01-04-2016, 05:49 PM

text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here.

talk, think

<div align="center"><div style="background-color:#000030;background-image:url(; background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat; width:600px; background-color:#b0da99;border: 5px solid #ffffff;">
<div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:650px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-top:50px;"><font color="black" style="font-family:times new roman; font-size:13px; line-height:12px;">

text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here. text goes here.


<center><font color="#E6D300"><b>talk</b></font>, <i>think</i>



01-04-2016, 05:51 PM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu velit id arcu ullamcorper lobortis nec eu tellus. Duis massa sapien, porttitor ac porttitor pulvinar, sagittis ut lectus. Donec leo est, bibendum sit amet porta sed, feugiat id arcu. Cras in lectus sed enim rutrum aliquet. Suspendisse vitae dolor id nulla interdum suscipit non id justo. In vel risus vel dui commodo rhoncus vitae eu nisl. Nulla ante tellus, sagittis sagittis vulputate et, bibendum nec diam. Sed volutpat tincidunt pellentesque. Praesent sit amet sapien ut elit gravida consequat vel ut ante.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec id sem dolor, in sollicitudin velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. In nec ultricies tellus. Duis eget est orci, sed rutrum dui. Proin porttitor velit sit amet tellus varius suscipit. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus facilisis, augue non malesuada viverra, est nibh viverra sapien, posuere tristique lorem purus gravida lacus. Pellentesque nec sapien leo, ac vulputate dui. Nunc euismod mi eu dui lacinia bibendum. Vivamus dictum commodo ligula non sollicitudin.

Nam adipiscing mollis tortor. Mauris nisi massa, accumsan vulputate bibendum vitae, fermentum ut turpis. Vestibulum nec neque sit amet magna placerat vehicula. Nam et turpis in massa malesuada facilisis. Ut euismod pulvinar lectus eu placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris at lorem ut erat tempor lobortis. Nulla erat enim, pellentesque ac volutpat ut, elementum quis massa. Fusce hendrerit rutrum eros ut convallis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin sodales ipsum bibendum orci varius iaculis. Nullam ut eros sapien, in vehicula orci.

<table style="border-spacing:12px; width:576px; border:2px solid #404193; background-image: url(; background-size:contain; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color: #6b7485">
<tr><td style="line-height:0px;"></td></tr>
<tr><td style="padding-left:195px; padding-top: 380px; font-style:None; font-size:40px; font-family:Calligraph421 BT; font-weight:bold; color:#100480; line-height: 20px;">Mako</td></tr>
<tr><td style="padding:8px; background:#44545e; border:2px solid #404193; background:#fbfbfd; color:#19080e; font-size:15px; font-family:nyala; text-align:justify;">
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu velit id arcu ullamcorper lobortis nec eu tellus. Duis massa sapien, porttitor ac porttitor pulvinar, sagittis ut lectus. Donec leo est, bibendum sit amet porta sed, feugiat id arcu. Cras in lectus sed enim rutrum aliquet. Suspendisse vitae dolor id nulla interdum suscipit non id justo. In vel risus vel dui commodo rhoncus vitae eu nisl. Nulla ante tellus, sagittis sagittis vulputate et, bibendum nec diam. Sed volutpat tincidunt pellentesque. Praesent sit amet sapien ut elit gravida consequat vel ut ante.<br />
<br />
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec id sem dolor, in sollicitudin velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. In nec ultricies tellus. Duis eget est orci, sed rutrum dui. Proin porttitor velit sit amet tellus varius suscipit. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus facilisis, augue non malesuada viverra, est nibh viverra sapien, posuere tristique lorem purus gravida lacus. Pellentesque nec sapien leo, ac vulputate dui. Nunc euismod mi eu dui lacinia bibendum. Vivamus dictum commodo ligula non sollicitudin.<br />
<br />
Nam adipiscing mollis tortor. Mauris nisi massa, accumsan vulputate bibendum vitae, fermentum ut turpis. Vestibulum nec neque sit amet magna placerat vehicula. Nam et turpis in massa malesuada facilisis. Ut euismod pulvinar lectus eu placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris at lorem ut erat tempor lobortis. Nulla erat enim, pellentesque ac volutpat ut, elementum quis massa. Fusce hendrerit rutrum eros ut convallis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin sodales ipsum bibendum orci varius iaculis. Nullam ut eros sapien, in vehicula orci.<br />
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01-04-2016, 05:52 PM

Mist enveloped the young boy as he lied curled up at the base of a large boulder, his small body blending in with the backdrop. He shivered, the mist clinging to his thin body. He wasn't sure how he survived this long on his own, but he was alive. Scrawny, weak, but alive nonetheless. And although he felt like he was in constant hell, unable to hunt for himself and surviving on carrion and scraps left by other predators, him often being driven away by what he did find, he was alive. Eyes squeezed shut as he curled tighter to keep warm, but it did not do much if anything at all.

As he tried once again to drift into uneasy slumber, a slight shifting in sound would jerk him to attention. Eyes snapping open to glance about warily, heart pounding fast as he tried to search through the mist at whatever lurked within. He had been alone for so long, avoiding encounters with others as long as possible. His last few encounters hadn't gone well, and so he always made sure to try and stay out of the way of the path of others. But it would seem he was unlucky this time. Another shifting movement he would see through the veil, setting the boy into unease. Who was it? What was it? Slowly, he unfurled and rose to his feet. Small body low to the ground, the shadow in the mist lost to him. He glanced about warily, trying to find where it had gone. Breath picked up in pace, and the boy moved quickly to try and leave the area, but he had gone the wrong way.

He collided with a rock in his path, paws stumbling over one another as he let out a silent gasp before heading towards the ground. Eyes squeezed shut in his panic, and as quick as he had fallen he would try to pick himself up, but not before being met by an unfamiliar. Eyes opened to see a giant figure directly in front of him, the small males figure right at his feet as the brute towered over him. He gasped before jumping back, pressing himself against the rock that sat idly behind him, dual toned eyes staring at the wraith in the mist. Was this who he had heard? He waited in silence, wondering whether or not to make a run for it, or remain in his place and hope the passerby paid him no mind.


<center><style="padding:5px;"><br />
<table background="" cellspacing="25" style="width:550px; background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#434d4f"><tr><td><div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:680px; padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px"><font style="font-family: garamond; font-size: 16px; line-height: 13px; color: #CCCCCC;"><br />
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Mist enveloped the young boy as he lied curled up at the base of a large boulder, his small body blending in with the backdrop. He shivered, the mist clinging to his thin body. He wasn't sure how he survived this long on his own, but he was alive. Scrawny, weak, but alive nonetheless. And although he felt like he was in constant hell, unable to hunt for himself and surviving on carrion and scraps left by other predators, him often being driven away by what he did find, he was alive. Eyes squeezed shut as he curled tighter to keep warm, but it did not do much if anything at all. <br />
<br />
As he tried once again to drift into uneasy slumber, a slight shifting in sound would jerk him to attention. Eyes snapping open to glance about warily, heart pounding fast as he tried to search through the mist at whatever lurked within. He had been alone for so long, avoiding encounters with others as long as possible. His last few encounters hadn't gone well, and so he always made sure to try and stay out of the way of the path of others. But it would seem he was unlucky this time. Another shifting movement he would see through the veil, setting the boy into unease. Who was it? What was it? Slowly, he unfurled and rose to his feet. Small body low to the ground, the shadow in the mist lost to him. He glanced about warily, trying to find where it had gone. Breath picked up in pace, and the boy moved quickly to try and leave the area, but he had gone the wrong way.<br />
<br />
He collided with a rock in his path, paws stumbling over one another as he let out a silent gasp before heading towards the ground. Eyes squeezed shut in his panic, and as quick as he had fallen he would try to pick himself up, but not before being met by an unfamiliar. Eyes opened to see a giant figure directly in front of him, the small males figure right at his feet as the brute towered over him. He gasped before jumping back, pressing himself against the rock that sat idly behind him, dual toned eyes staring at the wraith in the mist. Was this who he had heard? He waited in silence, wondering whether or not to make a run for it, or remain in his place and hope the passerby paid him no mind.<br />
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<font style="color: #FFFFFF;"><b>Speech</b></font><br />
<font style="color: #fff200;"><i>Thought</i></font><br />
<font style="color: #ec008c;">Others</font><br />


01-04-2016, 05:53 PM



<div align="center"><div style="width:600px;"><div style="width:auto; border:1px solid #FFFFFF; background-image:url(; background-color:#000000; background-position: top-center; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-bottom-left-radius: 100px 20px; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding-bottom:20px;padding-left:25px; padding-right:25px;padding-top:500px; text-align:justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size:11px; color:#e9a502; line-height:12px; text-indent:13px;">
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<span style='color:#FFFFFF'><b>"Speech"</b></span><br />
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