
Coming Alive



10 Years
Dragon Mod
01-04-2016, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2016, 06:36 PM by Enigma.)

He was pissed. So bloody pissed. While he finished healing from his wounds in the siege, a part of him was forever changed. Not that he really cared, he had never really planned on having children in the first place. But that fact that Takira was taken so quickly after he helped heal her the best he could, it sent a cold fury down his spine. He had thought and thought about going to Imperium and challenging for her, but he wasn't strong enough. He was still young, still a novice, and he had been out of commission since the siege. He would get that abaven girl some day, whether she knew it or not...and maybe someday, the ones who took his only friend. He didn't know why he raged so hard about it, but perhaps secretly, he cared for her.

Walking across the battlefield in his usual prided stance, his hackles were already bristling and his amber gaze venomously angry. It was obvious he was not in a good mood, so whoever decided to face him today would be in for a hard fight. He wasn't going to hold anything back, he wanted to unleash his anger and frustrations and try to win a fight or two before returning to his fathers side. He hadn't really heard hide nor hair from him since the siege, but just like before, he was sure there was a bigger scheme brewing in the Devils dungeon.

Stopping in a clearing, he ensured his defenses were steady in case some jackass decided they wanted to try and get the upper hands. He wasn't stupid though, he kept his wits about him and all senses alert, ears listening for any approach from behind or out of his line of sight. Nose was carefully scenting the area, and eyes were on full alert for the slightest approach. Come...let me taste blood...


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