
ghosts that we knew.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-05-2016, 01:00 PM
You saw my pain, washed out in the rain
And broken glass, saw the blood run from my veins
But you saw no fault, no cracks in my heart

Arian was gone. Dead, as she had been for months now. Epiphron had  seen her daughter's death with her own eyes - just as she had seen Syrinx's. Maybe if I had tried to stop her, she'd initially thought, but she knew as well as anyone that Arian had been ready to die. Trying to stop her would have only worsened the pain. Maybe if I had tried to kill him myself, came her next train of thought, but she knew that would've been just as fruitless, and she would've likely gotten herself killed in the process.

She'd been able to ignore it for awhile. Leo quickly announced that he and Svetlana were to be married, that they were having children - it'd been a welcome and grateful distraction from reality. Her son was busy enough with running Fiori, and she found herself busying herself as well, though with far more menial tasks. Scouting their borders. Hunting as best as she could through the winter, to help support the pack.

But now that spring was here, and prey was growing more fruitful, and Fiori was at peace, she found herself thinking of Arian again. There was no avoiding it now. She was awoken, from the midst of sleep, by a terrible nightmare - her daughter screaming, covered in blood, being torn from limb to limb. She awoke, deeply startled and unnerved, and found herself slipping from the familiar lands of her home and toward the ocean.

It was a gorgeous spring night. The chill still hung heavy in the air, but it was no longer so bitter as to be painful. It was pleasant, and she shuddered as she slipped from her warm den into the night. The night sky was clear and the stars shone overhead brightly, making navigation easy tonight. Her destination was to the ocean, and she was familiar with this part of the continent, making the journey an easy one.

The cliffside was dangerous, but she felt no fear as she tread through the field of newly budding flowers and vegetation. The land had a gentle incline, leaning toward the sky, though she knew the drop-off to the ocean was unpredictable and quite dangerous. It was only when she found a comfortable spot, among the limbs of a small fallen tree and young flowers, that she suddenly felt the weight of her loss.

Grief hit her suddenly, like the ocean waves might collide with the shore, and she suddenly and irrevocably felt so much older than she ever had. Epiphron had not expected to come here to cry - she only wanted to rest and watch the stars, to be alone and to dwell on her own thoughts - but suddenly she found herself sobbing. All the pain she had felt, for years, suddenly washed over her. Her father and Syrinx and now Amalia. Her loss of Maverick. Her sister, her children, though their fates were largely unknown. The tears had begun, and for the first time in her life she had no shame - she sat and she cried for all she had lost and all she would never get back.

And you knelt beside, my hope torn apart
But the ghosts that we knew will flicker from view
And we'll live a long life

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

01-05-2016, 01:07 PM

Sadness was something that could easily cling at any wolf. Rivaxorus surely would be one of those with how his family had fallen apart. He hadn't planned on finding himself here on these cliffs, yet as any adult would he didn't show signs of being afraid of the drop below. His two different colored orbs had other things in mind. After all he was only burying the memory in his head of watching that animal strangle his mother. Something he wanted to throw away. He probably wouldn't have been thinking about it, if it wasn't the sound of someone sobbing coming to his ears. The male stiffened as he approached quietly. There was his grandmother - now that he was an adult she seemed so much smaller compared to when he had been a pup. He frowned, walking forward as his nose came in contact with her shoulder.

"It's never good to hold it in anyways Epiphron." the young male said softly. Maybe then he could just offer some sort of comfort towards her. He didn't know his grandmother very well. His gray tail flicking. All he knew was that she was family and extremely important family at that. As he settled down on his rump he hummed softly, he wasn't going to let sadness rule his families life. It didn't matter how much older they got, he'd be there for them. At every corner and milestone they met.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-18-2016, 04:05 PM

Epiphron hadn't meant to cry. She hadn't meant to not cry, either. Forgetting to mourn Arian had just happened. She'd preoccupied herself with other things, and then suddenly the weight of all her losses became too much to bear. It'd been too long since she'd had anyone to share her pain with. Not that she was one prone to self-pity.

She didn't know how long she lay there - she rotated between being wracked with sobs and moments of silence. The ebbing and flowing of her emotions seemed to change from one moment to the next. One thing that she didn't expect, though, was that someone would find her here. Epiphron didn't expect to feel someone's cold nose against her shoulder; she quickly retracted from the touch, and inhaled sharply as she turned to face him.

Rivaxorus? Arian's son. Suddenly she felt vulnerable, and she sniffed quickly, wishing the tears would magically dry.. but it was too late to hide them now. A heavy sigh fell from her lips. "Thank you, Rivaxorus," she would offer him, a faint smile touching her lips as she regarded her grandson. Though she felt quite silly being caught crying, she couldn't just get up and run away - she had to face her grandson now. "I guess I've been trying to avoid grieving. Probably not the best idea," Epiphron said somberly, though her gentle smile remained. "How have you been, Riv?"

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

01-18-2016, 10:04 PM

Rivaxorus would take a step back to make sure the lady had her room. No matter if they were related - he would look at everyone the same. Respect was earned not a given, and he was determined to make something better of himself in every waking moment. A charming smile lifted on his face, she felt vulnerable and lost. It would be a good idea to let her have her moment, however there was nothing wrong with a bit of company. Much less from a piece of the family. "Sometimes we don't wish to show others our weakness - some family never want to see each other cry." he would say to her. The female shorter than him which seemed odd because of the age difference. "You don't have to put up a wall with me Grandmother. I'm here every step of the way - a call away if needed." he would give her some sort of reassurance. Even if it wasn't just his mother that was causing her pain - with age came stories that he wasn't aware of.

"I'd be lying if I said I was just fine. Things still hurt but I'm taking the time to try and pull my paws forward. Besides I feel like I have a duty to look after others like you." he laughed mildly. Brushing his head at her cheek though she had every right to reject his touch. "I'm more worried about you though, if there's anything at all you want to talk about. My ears are open to listen." he could not offer any wise advice of the ages. Only heart felt truth's. Like any other moment, words could be powerful but he had to train his actions just as well. His tail flicked behind him.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-24-2016, 03:57 PM

Though she wished that she could pretend she hadn't been crying, she'd been caught red-handed. As much as she wanted to pretend she wasn't capable of feeling sorrow - especially in front of her young grandson - it was a useless feat. A heavy sigh fell from her lips as he stepped back, for she did not want him to think he was unwanted here, despite being slightly taken by surprise by his arrival. "I can definitely consider myself in that group," Epiphron said with a small, slightly sad smile. Though, if anyone was to see her cry, her family was the very best option.

Rivaxorus's words made her smile widen. He was there for her - it was reassuring, and though she already knew that she could depend on him, the clarification was comforting. "I'm always here for you, as well," she told him, not retracting from his gentle touch. Instead, she leaned and pulled her head around his own in a pseudo-embrace, though he was much taller than her. "I know what it is like to lose a parent," she would assure him, her voice gentle. She'd lost her mother when she was but a pup, and her father shortly after reaching real adulthood. Most of her life had been without parents, so she could empathize with him. "And now I know how it feels to have lost a child." Her sigh held a fair amount of sadness as she leaned into him again. "So never feel like you are alone."

She knew how grief could feel alienating, and she didn't want him to feel as though he had nobody to go to. Epiphron would pull away from their embrace, her eyes taking in his growing form. He looked quite a bit like Arian, and she found herself smiling fondly as she noted the resemblance. "Your visit is all I need right now, I think. A good cry helped, too."

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

01-24-2016, 10:32 PM

Rivaxorus was glad really, he couldn't quiet express his joy in words or actions. Simply the breathing of up and down in his chest. He was alive for reasons like this, and if he could he would cry. For now though his smile wouldn't remove from his face. If he tried hard enough, maybe he could live ten times for those who were older than him. His grandmother was wiser, so there was nothing greater than being here for her. She also said that she was here for him, that would make his head nod. Riv didn't know how it felt to lose a child - and he certainly hoped he wouldn't have to feel that feeling. A child should always outlive their parents in his eyes. Though not quiet how he and his siblings had outlived his mother. That was a tragedy.

Rivaxorus would look to other side of the forest. "Would you like to take a walk? Maybe it'll get our minds off things." he suggested softly. A walk was always good for the mind, he often took his mother on them. His brother as well because of his weak lungs. He observed and learned from others much more than anything else. His solid gray tail would give a flick. He wanted to know more about her, and about his family from his mothers adopted side. That much he knew of.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-07-2016, 11:09 AM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2016, 11:10 AM by Epiphron.)

Though she knew this would not be the end of her grief - for such a loss, she knew, would be felt for her entire life - she felt some of the sadness lift, just slightly. A temporary reprieve, but one she was more than happy to accept for now. The panicked feeling inside her would lessen, the tears coming to a rather sudden halt upon seeing him, though her eyes were red from crying still and her cheeks were wet with tears.

"A walk sounds like a great idea," she agreed, another soft smile touching her lips as she pressed her nose to his cheek. It was night, but it was a lovely one - the air was just cool enough to be refreshing, and the ocean being so near gave the air a fresh, briny scent that she enjoyed. After a moment she would slowly rise, pulling herself to all fours with Rivaxorus at her side. Though she had lost her daughter, she knew Arian would want her to be close to her grandchildren, and she made a mental note to see more of them. It wasn't as though her life was too busy that she couldn't find time to visit them, or to call them to her. The smile remained on her lips as she eyed him, waiting for him to take the lead - as she was far too tired to. "You lead the way."