
Lets get down to business! (to defeat, the huns)



6 Years
Extra large
01-05-2016, 03:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2016, 03:26 PM by Glacier.)

Glacier had barely settled in and calmed his girls before he went looking for Voltage. He didn't have to go far, the family had decided to stick together and in fact it was a matter Voltage and Glacier would have enforced. The family dedicated litter brothers both needed to know their siblings where near by and ok. Glacier wanted all eyes on his children, considering they didn't have dens prepared on Prairie. This was definitely showing up as an over sight now – they had all lived and enjoyed the beach, and the prairie had always been a resource and little more.

He caught his brothers eye and tilted his head, beckoning the other boy away. He flashed a lopsided grin to any other siblings that looked their way, no doubt they would know the two brothers intended to talk business.

Glacier began to walk back to the beach, stopping at the edge of the grass where the traitorous waves calmly laped against the line of undergrowth. It looked calm and swollen, content with its feast. He shook his head, he didn't truly believe the ocean of a conscience. “I was thinking we should rise Locha's rank to Beta until the tide leaves us. I would call this a water emergency” he tilted his head, his smile a little dry as he looked out across their beach – utterly and truly gone (for the time being) “Also, I propose we do a temporary switch of priorities – bounce a few people around rank duties – personally I would want more people on border patrols so no one thinks we are weak during this. Also, Terrae will need to restock his entire herb supply, he will need help. Herbs hunting and border patrols I think we should priorities” he finished, looking to Voltage for his opinion and suggestions.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-06-2016, 02:59 AM
Voltage was frantic, jittery. He kept moving between his siblings to see if they were really okay, moving around the praries to make sure it was really safe, watching the ocean to make sure it wouldn't really get higher. His heart was racing so hard he felt like his chest was going to burst. He was moving, zipping, running and racing to the point that his paws, which had never really healed, began to bleed again. Oh, he would really have to see Terrae about that. Or hide it. Probably hide it...

He was doing a round again when Glacier caught his attention, and thank the gods he had. Finally he had something kind of productive to work with! Quickly he followed after his brother, eyes shifting this way and that as he tried to calm down his adrenaline. When Voltage got going it was nearly impossible for him to wind down again, and he just knew he would have to go for a run to get rid of the energy. When his brother began to speak, the serious tone did something to him. He lifted his head, sighed out and was suddenly nearly still. It wouldn't last, he knew that, long enough for him to do his job, ensure his family was safe, and then it would come back and he would really need to run or fight or bite something or perhaps all three. "I agree." He said without hesitation. Locha would know best what to do with the flood, she would be the one that would deem the beach safe enough. "We should task her, during this...catastrophe, to come up with a plan for if this happens again. We should set up the Praries so they can act as a second home because...well." He knew what his brother was thinking, because he was thinking it too. They were always on the same page for these things. "We need to act like a pack." He said with a small laugh, looking to the side, watching his siblings in the distance. "Great way for Seli to earn back her rank. She can help Terrae gather his plants. A great friend of mine also moved in next door...I'll introduce you to her. Perhaps they can aid us in some supplies, ensure we are are strong on that front." He said softly. He was sure they would stand at their side if someone came knocking on their door... "We need to keep morale up, make sure they know everything is okay because we're together. The third litter probably doesn't remember what it's like to bounce around without a home, and the second probably got really comfy on the'll be good to remind them that home is wherever we are all together..."

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
01-06-2016, 03:25 AM
Glacier nodded, in full agreement with bis brother as he added on to Voltage's suggestions. Yes, this family wouldn't be making the same mistake twice. The ocean had proven that it was liable to flooding, and therefore they needed a plan of ocean – they needed to set up something that would warn them in the future (if Voltage hadn't woken them, likely half their family would be dead) and a plan of action to get them all safely to the Prairie, and to have a home and herbs ready and available should this ever happen again. His lopsided grin increased as Voltage continued to speak – he had been on exactly the same page as his brother, already he had thought of passing Selini around to tasks, letting her earn back her rank in their moment of need.

Spontaneously, the steady giant leaned forward and kissed Voltage's forehead, his smile surprisingly warm despite their situation. “Sometimes its good to stir things up a little – so long as no one gets hurt. This whole family has felt a little disjointed for a while, it will be nice to see everyone work together again” he chuckled softly. So long as everyone was safe, warm, and fed, he was happy."

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-07-2016, 12:43 AM
Voltage would laugh at the unexpected kiss, shaking his head slightly and squinting up at his big brother. All he did in return was give him a big ol' lopsided grin, feeling the anxieties of the night slowly slip from him. Everyone was safe, everyone was okay. This was a learning lesson for something that they would make better. The beach wasn't safe all the time. Perhaps during the melting season they should temporarily move to the grass lands, even. Instead, he just smiled and nodded his head. "All we gotta do now is get Stormbutt home, and we can have a big ol' family reunion." He said with a grin, and yet two names still hung heavy in the air. They wouldn't be whole without his daughters, but at least all his siblings were safe.

Clearing his throat he'd move to take a few steps, motioning for his brother to walk with him. After a few moments of silence he'd begin smiling, almost uncontrollably, looking out at the lands they claimed and called their own. "I asked Gaia to marry me.." He trailed off into silence for a moment before he laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "You know, again." He laughed and looked up at his brother. "With everything that happened I...we were too busy to really set up a celebration. I think a Spring wedding would be a really good idea." He said softly. Spring was their family's season. Everyone revolved around it, really. "What are your thoughts?" He asked softly, looking up at his Big Brother.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
01-07-2016, 02:48 PM
Right in that moment everything felt unbelievably right , with the two boys thoughts running together, synced and balanced as it had always been. With their entire family safe, and around them, more together in this crisis then they had been for so long. It was hard not to grin, to find a little humor in their situation now that his daughter where warm and snuggled into their mothers side. “A family reunion sounds like a dream. But I want it, so bad” he said softly, bearing his heart to his stormy litter-mate.

In the next moment, Glacier stilled, eyebrows shooting up as his eyes sought out Voltage's. The grin that spread across the Titan's lips was slow, and amused, and proud. “I hope i'm invited” he teased, before a thought tickled his mind and he twitched, and pulled it out to examine. “A spring wedding hmm?” he said, buying himself some time. “I call Anais my wife and yet I never asked her in so many words. Wouldn't it feel... right.. if we married our loves together? It would be a party to remember” he added enticingly, winking at Voltage.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
01-07-2016, 03:14 PM
Voltage sighed at the dream comment, merely nodding his head slowly. He missed his stormy brother so completely, but he knew part of his leaving was due to Voltage. Or at least, what he precieved Voltage to be. He rememebred that fight, the angry words his brother had said to him, the way his eyes flashed dangerously and unfamiliarily. He shook away the thought quickly, not wanting to get worked up again. Ah, Arcy..  "Has anyone seen him?" He asked suddenly, looking up at Glacier. "Arcus, I mean. I'd like...him to come the the wedding." He said softly, sadly, missing his brother so desperately. He sighed and shook his head again, turning his attention back to his brother as he thought in his quiet way.

A laugh boomed from his lungs and he nodded quickly. "You're my best man!" He said with a cheeky grin, shifting to bump his shoulder against his brother. And then he spoke of his and Ani's relationship, and Voltage would smile even more. He couldn't help it, he was just so happy. "It's not like you to take it one microstep at a time. You and Ani win the award for slowest courtship I think, and yet you missed marriage!" He laughed then, brightly before he hummed in his own thought, looking absolutely mischevious. "If you're suggesting we share wives like we share everything, I will have to politely decline." He was laughing and giggling the whole time, it was rather obvious he was the least bit serious. "Ani's like a sister! It'd be like marrying Gale. C'mon, Glace, you're usually so much better at thinking about these things." He snickered, pausing in his step as he looked at his brother. It was weird, it was so very weird. His daughters were missing, gone somewhere, and he was stricken with a sudden and blinding sense of guilt that he felt so happy in this moment. He was planning his wedding, and Glacier wanted to share the ceremony, just like they had shared everything in their life. From their first breath, to their first meal as abandoned children, to their first permanent home, and, albeit Glacier was a little slower (as was his way), shared their first steps into parenthood. He couldn't dream of a better way to end this chapter, to marry his little Cloud. He wanted Glacier at his side. Tears would prick at the edges of his eyes and he quickly nodded his head to try and keep it from sight. "Yeah," He said in a strange gasp, laugh, choking way. He felt like his throat was held tight, wrapped in the guilt and happiness and strange sadness he felt. He nodded again, quicker now. "Yeah, I think that's a wonderful idea." He said softly, voice pitched as he closed his eyes tightly, grinning uncontrollably before he stepped forward to shove his face in Glacier's chest, laughing and crying in the same breath.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
01-07-2016, 03:29 PM
Voltage's question had Glacier thinking, he hadn't seen Arcus since he left, but he knew someone who had already proved themselves good at finding people. “I want him to come as well. Perhaps. Perhaps we can send Gale to deliver an invitation to him, if anyone can find him, its her” he said, his thoughts drifting to their little messenger for a moment.

The Mountain managed a blush at his brothers teasing, so slow, and yet, he had stumbled over one of the most important things of all! Children first, and then a wedding? It helped that Voltage, well he might have asked Gaia before, was also unmarried and the father of two. A shiver ran through Glacier's body as he let his thoughts run to those two wolves. He wanted Current and Illume to be there as well, to watch their father get married. He pushed the thought aside, unwilling it to mar his happiness of the moment.

The suggestion of sharing wives pulled him from those thoughts very quickly. Typical, only Voltage could have said the most outrageous thing at right the very moment he needed something so distracting. “Share wives? I don't think so. Lets skip the females and just marry each other” he said, chuckling deep in his chest. He would watch the change in his brother, and knew exactly where his thoughts where taking him. “We would throw the biggest party Alacritis has ever seen. Invite all the packs we are friendly with, stand together and watch our wives walk down the isle, Nako can give away Anais, and one of our brothers, Terrae perhaps, could give away Gaia. Our three sky siblings can reside over the ceremony...” he was already imagining it so vividly. “Locha would provide a feast to remember. Gale would spread the news far and wide” he wanted to mention that his children would pick the prettiest flowers, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. He wanted all four children to do this together. His little ones had never even met Current and Illume.

"Burn Baby Burn"