
As You Build Your Dreams On My Shattered Hopes


01-06-2016, 03:16 AM

No one ever said that life was fair, and I'm not saying that it should be

So knowing that you are where you want to be, and I'm not, comes as no surprise

But don't expect me to be happy for you

And don't smile at me and tell me things will work out for me too

I don't want your pity

I hate your pity


The man had been less than thrilled with the arrangements and predicament that he found himself in. Restricted to the knolls, he had discovered his primary function as a Servus was to hunt. But did Naoise want to hunt for these bastard wolves? No. He hadn’t either... At least not yet. As time went on he found himself growing thinner and thinner. It was too hard trying to survive on meager meals. If only for his own survival he’d need to start working with the other captured Hellstrom wolf for bigger game. Perhaps it could also fill his time... It’d been terribly boring.

So Naoise was seeking her out. His body moved with purpose, green gaze seeking the woman with the scars. He didn’t know her name, merely knew her as a packmate. A lot of good that pack had done for them. Had they even cared that two of their members had been claimed? Naoise truly wondered. He knew that his parents would have cared... And surely his father had noticed his prolonged absence by now. Hell, he was even starting to miss Mystic at this point.

He felt... Grumpy. There was an rise in the level of mud and muck since spring came too. Trekking about was more of a chore... And it just made Naoise all the more unhappy. He wore an irritated expression; brow furrowed, ears back, and eyes slightly narrowed. He hated this predicament. But he knew there was only one way out of it, though the process itself irritated him even more. But alas, life wasn’t fair. He’d just need to bite the bullet and get started on the road to freedom.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby

Mercy I


5 Years

01-06-2016, 03:27 AM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2016, 06:49 PM by Evelyn.)

"Looking for someone?"

Her voice was sickly sweet, a smirk on her maw from her perch above him and to the left. She had been watching him with narrowed purple eyes, downwind from the slave so that he could not detect her. She had been growing bored with all this muck about, muscles still slightly sore from her fight with Avalon. Her pale scarred body rose to a standing position as she took a few steps towards him, brow raised slightly. He was obviously looking for someone, but who? Mercy knew that this male wasn't really doing what a captured wolf was supposed to do, and it was evident by his emaciated form. "You know, you should work harder on feeding yourself. I could crack you in half over my knee at this point." She said in a more gruff tone.

It wasn't often that Mercy interacted with the Servus, but this one had caught her eye. He had done pretty good in battle at the siege, and that was always one way to impress her. It wasn't that she was impressed with this brute, not yet. He had been hiding like a coward and avoiding his duty, even letting his pretty little form go to waste. Her black marked face turned as she inspected him again, tsking her tongue in shame like she was looking at expired produce. She didn't care if it pissed him off, she could take him on with a paw tied behind her back.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


01-26-2016, 06:10 PM

Oh great...

Hearing the voice of a femme, sickly sweet, would draw his attention. Smoke green gaze would slide to her, narrowed oh so slightly. An Imperium wolf. His enemy. Naoise would bristle slightly, not trusting her in the least. All wolves from the siege in particular were ones he immediately saw as a threat, and those who were Imperium and not at the siege simply weren’t trusted. Ears would fall back against his skull, a snort of disgust leaving him. She wasn’t the only one not pleased with what she saw.

Her comment and mere facial expression ticked him off, but Naoise wasn’t completely stupid. He knew better than to attack this Imperium femme in his current state; rank and condition taken into consideration. “Why do you care what state I’m in?” His words would come out low, almost miserable. “Am I not just some slave to your pack?”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby

Mercy I


5 Years

01-26-2016, 06:30 PM

My my, he was an angry little bugger, wasn't he? She snorted at his irritated posture, finding pleasure in the fact that this slave was annoyed by her existence. Her elongated tail quivered behind her in excitement, his words making her grin a toothy smile. "Only if you define yourself by your rank. I mean, I don't prance around claiming to be the best warrior there was... although I am pretty damn good," she teased, taking a step closer to the skinny male. Shrugging her shoulders, she tried to coil around him like a cat, tail trying to drag along his emaciated sides. "I have been here long enough to see slaves rise above their rank, and become trusted pack members. So while you may be just a Servus, its only a name, is it not? Valentine is a good, fair alpha, you can easily find your place among us." Mercy said softly, still trying to wrap tightly around him.

Mercy came to stand before him again, long pale tail trying to swat against his shoulder. "A good looking brute like you would make a fine member of Imperium, good breeding stock." She said with a sly smile, a small giggle leaving her lips. "You could always just stay in this rank and hunt for the rest of us, or you can actually make something of yourself." Shrugging her shoulders, she sat down, purple eyes inspecting his form. He was good looking, grumpy, and he had an attitude. She liked that. She also liked to push at others buttons, and he was making it oh so easy.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


02-04-2016, 09:40 AM

Naoise would eye her, this beast who was taller than he. She coiled around him, almost like a cat, giving him a sense of discomfort and raising his irritation levels. Though she was an almost mocking presence, he couldn’t deny there was some potential truth to those words. He might have been ranks as a Servus for right now, but there was the chance to rise through the ranks...? Naoise would scowl slightly. Did he really want to be part of this pack as a regular member? To find his place?

Though really, he would ask himself, was being in Hellstrom much better? He had no real rank there... And what was the difference from one pack to the next other than alpha? Bah, was he really considering her words? She could be lying for all he knew. Naoise would slowly breathe out, trying to keep his temper in check. “...and say I were to believe you that a Servus can work his way out of this damned rank...” His words were cool, eye giving an irritated twitch.

“...why should I pledge my loyalty to a pack that enslaved me?” The question hung in the air. There was good reason to do so, yet, some part of Naoise’s stubborn pride didn’t want to believe he would stoop to that level. Just because Imperium enslaved him didn’t necessarily make it a bad pack, now did it?

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby

Mercy I


5 Years

02-04-2016, 11:42 PM

He seemed to really think about what she had said, which made her oddly pleased. Sure, she was going to bother him, but her words did have a truth to them. Maybe she was some kind of an angry prophet or something. Yeah... she liked the sound of that! Mercy, the pissed off wise speaker. He looked at her and started to mutter some nonsense, his eye twitching in the effort to keep in his irritation at bay. She just flashed him a wide smile, her shoulders shrugging. "That is up to you to decide, no one can make that choice for you. But it was not the entire pack that enslaved you, it was a single member. You'd to well to remember that," she said, her gaze becoming harder for a moment. "Not everyone is here to see you fail, in fact I'm pretty sure that no one is. Imperium is the best pack out there, and of course I'm not biased at all," she said with laugh, her head shaking back and forth before she went on. "But honestly, everyone here is a fighter in one way or another. You obviously are too, if you were in the siege. You being here of course meant that you lost, but we can work on that." Her grin grew slowly, this time into something a lot more toothy. "I could always show you something or two, short stuff. Only if you promise to start feeding yourself, and pulling your weight."


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


02-09-2016, 12:42 PM

Naoise couldn’t help but feel that part of this woman enjoyed toying with him in this sense. No, perhaps she wasn’t merely toying with him. Maybe some small part of her actually did care for his well being. It was hard to tell, but she said something that truly made sense. The fact that only a single member had enslaved him, rather than the whole pack. That wolf, now that he thought on it, hadn’t even been the alpha. Perhaps this femme was onto something indeed. Perhaps that in and of itself irked the young man to a degree as well. He didn’t really like the fact the femme before him was right... But it was something he would need to get over if he was going to find his way out of this position.

She would go on, stating how Imperium was the best pack out there. Naturally Naoise figured she had been joking on the biased bit. But it made him wonder why exactly Imperium had teamed up with another pack to take down Hellstrom. Really, when he thought back, he had more or less been giving the ultimatum of join as a member of join as a slave. Was that really much different than Imperium? He had a lot to think on, in all honesty. It was being wrong that bugged him the most, though he wouldn’t admit it.

“I suppose that there is some truth to your words.” The young man would say, doing his best not to grit his teeth as he spoke the words. “I guess there isn’t much more to lose at this point. Seems there is only one way out of this position and so be it.” His eyes would shine with a sense of determination, though mixed within that gaze was the swirling emotion of irritation as well. “I’m Naoise by the way. Naoise Sorrel-Savvil.” There, at least he introduced himself. The question was... Would the femme do the same?

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby

Mercy I


5 Years

02-09-2016, 01:28 PM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2016, 01:38 PM by Evelyn.)

He seemed to be fighting with something, but it was hard to see what it was passed his endless sea of irritation. Her grin just grew wider and wider, tail swishing behind her in pleasure. She was really having fun pulling his leg, it seemed to be really easy to get under his fur. When he admitted that she was right, Mercy's black marked brows shot upwards, teeth flashing as she inched closer. "Oh, what's that? I don't think I heard you. I'm... right, right? That's what you really wanted to say, right?" she egged him on, a smooth chuckle leaving her lips. Boy, he was too easy to piss off. She had only ever known one other that was that easy... and it was herself. Snorting, she moved closer to him, aiming to get right up in his face. He said something about having nothing to lose, and the tip of her tongue stuck out at his words. "You're right, you're the lowest of the low at the moment. No where to go but up!" Mercy said with another laugh.

When the brute introduced himself, and she backed up to give him some space. "Naoise, pleasure. I'm Mercy Guerrero, you're new best friend." she might have been teasing, but her voice had grown more serious. Her grin vanished, features taking on a calmer note. "But seriously, I could help you if you wanted. We could spar, or I could even help you hunt. You need to get some meat on your skinny self before anything else. Cause, you might fall apart." she flopped to her rump, her shoulders shrugging. She didn't really care either way, if he wanted her assistance or not.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.