
Hold My Tongue



13+ Years

Treat 2019
08-20-2014, 11:12 AM

There was one last sibling she needed to spend some time with, Harmony had made her way back to her own den as Motif had been showing her around. The girl had always been rather emotional in her own eyes, though if that was the truth anymore Rhythm had no idea. That was why she wanted to talk, to see what her sister had blossomed into. Did she too hold the air of leadership Bass and Motif had taken up? Curious she?d cross the rapids and find herself at the door of her healer-sister?s den.
Brilliant dual toned eyes would take in the entrance, her features moving closer to peek within the confines. A shy smile would dance on her features as she looked ot her sister, she was obviously excelling in her craft. Again far outshining her chocolate colored sister. With all of the talk she?d had with her siblings the desire for a task to work towards was eating at her. What would she do though? "Harmony?"




10 Years
08-20-2014, 11:39 AM

It was mere hours since Bass had returned scarred and beat up. The medic had learned of the tragedy behind his wounds: and of the loss they could suffer from. What perhaps could hit her hardest is that Irune -- her apprentice that was challenged for by a king from distant lands -- had simply stood and watched the battle occur, saying nothing to falter their brawl nor making her own choice. The Abaven king had been moved to his choice den, where he would rest and recover for the coming weeks until he was strong enough and capable of leading a pack once more. She had been busing herself with gathering herbs to give to Bass in daily doses to aid in his recovery and to help him grow stronger faster. "...I don't understand: what other cruel kings live beyond our and our family's lands? Is Irune happy now -- underneath the thumb of the said albino ruler?" There were so many questions left unanswered, including the sudden appearance of yet another hiding sibling: Rhythm. She obviously cared for Bass, but it seemed she had been watching him for some time, but not long enough to learn of the battle he had fought to win.

Completely oblivious she was to the fact that her chocolate-coated sister still yet roamed the lands, having hopefully joined Abaven's ranks as a member by now, since being shown around by her other chocolate sister. But perhaps she had not and was just gathering the bearings of the strange new world of Alacritia before she would leave for exploration just as Chord had. She was hunched in her den, coal-black nose seeking Ginseng Root: an herb used to aid in fortifying energy and as well as to increase appetite and to lower stress, for she could feel Bass' worry and shock of his loss, and his fear of being called out on being a supposed weak leader. She shook her head just as a shadow would block out the lighting in her den, a shy-marked chocolate-coated sister standing at the entrance. Mismatched gems abandoned the herbs for a moment to gaze backward, pearly banner gently thumping on the ground. "Oh sorry, Rhythm. Sometimes I get really caught up in assembling my herbs, and seeing Bass wounded is really worrying me... especially by another king of a distant pack who could possibly declare war on our innocent pack..." A warm smile would spread upon inky lips as mismatched gems took in the shade of her sister, welcoming the sight of her again. "I haven't really had the time to properly greet you. I assume you've already seen Bass and Motif and spent some time with them." She chortled gently -- of course she had already done so.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
08-20-2014, 07:34 PM

Her darker form would appear before Harmony?s den, the other girl?s attention focused on her walls of herbs. Still with her presence appearing the pale sister would turn to greet her own. Easily she would go on, telling her of her worries and of the potential for war. Dark features would tilt at the word, who in their right mind would wage war on her family? Obviously the man was incredibly twisted to have it out for Bass. Still, the news was rather alarming. Her thoughts would be distracted however, as Harmony would remember pleasantries. "It?s good to see you too Harmony.It?s so weird seeing the three of you here, running a pack all on your own!" It really was an amazing sight, the last occupation she would have guessed for any of them.




10 Years
08-20-2014, 09:00 PM

A small chortle would elicit from inky lips as the medic would slowly turn her body on a 180? axis to face the chocolate-coated sister in the enterance, and she would playfully swat her paws out at her face. "It'd be nice if you'd let me out of my own den." A giggle would follow her verse as she wriggled from her den, her pelt and figure now enveloped fully by sunlight, mismatched gems dodging between the partitions of light between the shadows of leaves from the forest opposite her den from the backside. She would reset her composure, struggling to allow her bodice to fall into a respectful position, instead morphing into a relaxed and lazy stature. "It?s good to see you too Harmony.It?s so weird seeing the three of you here, running a pack all on your own!" A coy smile would spread upon inky lips as she playfully thumped her tail, tossing her head back in a dramatic gesture. "Well, when Bass began Abaven, our grandparents ruled over Ludicael at the time and aided us in beginning. A large number of the healers -- our cousins -- from the Ludicaelian lands aided in my training, because I was a mere rookie in the art, but I've become an expert and I have been given the rank of Tagavor -- otherwise known as the lead healer. We kind of owe the pack's sucess to many of our members as well. They preform their duties and actively train, especially my appre?" Just in the midst of her lyrics a thought would come to mind as she would cease speech, mismatched gems looking to her chocolate-coated sister. "I'm so rude, why don't you tell me how you found us? Do you plan to join Abaven?" It was only mannerisms to allow a guest to talk about themself first, and she was so very curious about why Rhythm found Abaven in the first place without meeting any of the resident Destructions or their allies.




13+ Years

Treat 2019
08-21-2014, 01:30 PM

The pale sister before her would turn her body completely to look upon Rhythm?s own features. She?d give her a sly smile as her paws swiped at the air before her playfully. The chocolate she wolf would bounce backwards, jumping out of the way of her sister?s antics. She would playfully ask to be let out of the den and Rhythm would echo her amused giggle. Both girls would fall into a relaxed state, and Ryhthm would let herself fully enjoy her sister?s presence. It had been much too long since she?d spent time with her pale sibling. She?d let her haunches coil beneath her a comfortable distance from her sister, A curious expression on her face as she listened to Harmony?s explanation.
Ludicael? Their Grandparents? She hadn?t ever heard of the pack but they?d come here to start ruling instead of Ahlon? Not that she ever doubted her own parents ability to lead, but why would they just come here to be alpha?s? She would go on to tell her easily how she?d become such an expert at healing, their cousins in this mystery pack. Who were all these family members? Suddenly Harmony would cut herself off, Rhythm?s features would tilt curiously in her direction, wondering why she thought herself unable to see the rudeness in her actions.
Shaking her head though she?d happily reply and let her know what she?d been up to as of recent times. Harmony should know by now that Rhythm had little respect for manners, though she could practice them easily they were hardly high on her list of offenses. "I?ve been training with mom and dad since you all left Ahlon. It?s been interesting but rather dull. I missed you all so much I couldn?t handle it anymore so I decided to follow." She?d smile, it wasn?t an extremely interesting story but it was thr truth and really all she could muster. "There weren?t very many wolves to meet on my way here, and most of the trip was uneventful. Mom and Dad say they love you though, and that they miss you."




10 Years
08-21-2014, 07:43 PM

It was obvious that her chocolate-coated sister had not been in Alacritia for long: unknowing of any other pack except Abaven; but Harmony would not stress upon that now. She continued her story watching as more and more confused expression and eventually she would stop to allow her dark sister to speak of her own tales of coming to Alacritia. She observed as her dark sister would settle into a relaxed position and begin to shake her head playfully. Manners never really were Rhythm's forte, were they? It seemed that Rhythm had lagged behind the squadron that left the lands of Ahlon in search of more interesting voyages -- yet here she was nonetheless. Lyrics of simple life would flow from inky lips and the pale dame would give a gentle sigh. "Well, life in Alacritia isn't anything like how it is back in Ahlon." Mismatched gems shimmered as she would raise her crown toward the sky, gazing upon the brilliantly smooth blue skies. Just before she would lower herself to the ground in a lying posture, she would speak once more, smooth words flowing from inky lips. "I miss my old home... but I love my new home, despite the tragedies that are possible every day." A gentle shake of her head would be given to her dark sister before her own speech would continue, of her journey to Alacritia.

"Mom and dad..." Her mismatched gems would dull, her crown lowering, her chin barely touching her chest. Oh how she missed them... their love and support... their tender care and embrace... "I hope all is well in Ahlon... and I miss them too... I wish there was some way to send them a message." Perhaps there was some way to send a hidden message. Ahlon was too far from here to be able to howl... and few birds could fly so far... and Abaven needed her. "But I cannot dwell on that for too long, right?" She would force a small smile onto her maw, mismatched gems lightening.




13+ Years

Treat 2019
08-22-2014, 04:45 PM

Harmony was right in assuming her sister had not been there very long, she'd not taken any time to get used to the land or its inhabitants, she just wanted to see her siblings again. She missed them dearly, and could not be bothered by anything but finding them. As she finished the story of her journey Harmony would begin again, telling her exactly what she already realized, this was no place like home. Her pale sister would lower herself to the ground, further making herself relaxed and Rhythm would follow suit. Dark limbs would fold beneath her as attention would remain on her healer sibling.
Rhythm would listen intently, truly wanting to know how her sister felt about not being home. Such strong emotions were always interesting to her, she strove to try and understand them while she could hardly empathize with the sensation. She could see how much Harmony missed their parents, her posture was much like Lyric and Darilnor?s had been when she had left.. She felt bad that none of their first litter had stayed there with them, deep down she?d pray they would have another litter. Still Harmony was right, they were living a different life they needed to focus on the present. "They know you miss them." She?d smile comfortingly, wanting her sister not to worry about their parents or the pack. Other than missing their children they were flourishing. "What else had happened since you got here?"




10 Years
08-22-2014, 09:34 PM

Intently her chocolate-coated sister would listen, and a question would stick like a sore thumb from the verse upon verse of speech. She would cock her head to the side just a bit, and think upon the Alacritan timeline since her arrival. Oh, so much had changed. "I don't quite know where to start, Rhythm..." Would she really care for the many vies for many packs and some of Abaven's allies or peaceful friends? Likely not. "Recently, as you already know, Bass was hurt in a fight for one of our pack's members, who was one of my apprentices." Mismatched gems sought the light of the sun in the northern direction, seeking the stars in broad daylight. Was she happy now? Satisfied that she had simply stood and watched the men fight over what the challenger thought of as a lost toy?

Back to the present, Harmony would give only a soft smile, unsure of what else to say. "Let's just say there were a lot of fights." Mismatched gems searched the kaleidoscope gems of her kin, looking for what other curious questions she withheld for the dame to answer if she could.




13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-04-2014, 10:05 AM

Rhythm would settler herself and Harmony would let her mind wander as she came to remember the events that had come to unfold since her arrival. She?d think, and admit that she wasn?t sure the best place to start would be. Of course the chocolate girl would keep her vocals silent as she allowed her pale sister to think. She would start with the events leading up to Rhythm?s arrival to Abaven. The reason that Bass was in the state he?d been. She didn?t realize how close to home the event had been, Harmony?s own apprentice was being fought for? Obviously her sister was affected by this, her thoughts would whisk her away as she stared out into the openness of the sky. She would smile softly but add there were many fights. Obviously her siblings had been through a lot. "There is little pleasantness in a fight." She would let her tail wag slightly as she would try and lighten the mood, "But what else has gone on? What about you? What kind of wolves live here, tell me about some of them you?ve met."




10 Years
09-06-2014, 09:15 AM

Her chocolate-coated sister was being polite and remained silent as she thought upon what events to begin with; as she did not want to send her sister home with her head spinning because of all of the events she had witnessed in the time leading up to now. Mismatched orbs would glimmer as her sister spoke, making contact with gorgeous kaleidoscope gems, as she pondered upon the next question. Absent-mindedly, her haunches would fold, her bodice reclining to sit perpendicular to the ground. "About me? Well..." She may as well recite all of her history up to now, and she inhaled gently, preparing for a long string of words. "I found my way to Alacritia -- these lands -- about a year ago, when we all had just reached a year old and were able to strike out on our own, and I was among the first few to leave Ahlon after our brother, Chord. Mom and dad told me that there were many others of our family here, and as soon as I came, I made it a goal to find them, and with help of many loners I found Ludicael, and it turned out that the other four of us had come in the time of a plague, and many wolves were struck ill, including our grandmother, Novel. I did my best to help with what little herbal knowledge I had, and it was that event that inspired me to learn more about healing and herbalism in general. I lived with our grandparents for a while, and learned the ways of this land and some herbal knowledge from some of our aunts and cousins, amongst them Novel the Second and Ara. When I found Bass in the heat of forming Abaven, I joined his ranks as a simple Kruni and I trained hard, and he held an open healer training for members of all packs to join so they can exchange knowledge, and that meeting taught me so much, because there were so many healers in the midst, and I was promoted to a Vor later when I helped rescue several children from death in the Crystallum Cliffs, when their father, Hajime, passed. Bass was the other wolf who had come to rescue the pups, but he was scarred for much time by the gory sight, and as was I. The pup who had been injured healed well, and he still walks today with pride. The orphaned pups were adopted by Quelt and Irune, my lost apprentice, and they live happily." Boy, she hoped that her sister's head wasn't spinning like an owl on speed by now, as she would inhale once more, to continue. "I assembled a healer training, and Bass promoted me to Tagavor, the rank I hold now, and the highest I can obtain. I am far from being a wise sage that knows of every herb or healing use, and I learn something new from every meeting. Even my colleague Xae has taught me so much, when he once was just one of my apprentices. If I am ever to become unfit to be the Tagavor, I will promote him to that rank, for he has earned it. He is the healer who saved Bass' life, not me. I trusted him with the healing of our brother, and he has suceeded well." Oh, here came the best part of it all. Mismatched orbs glimmered with mischief as she stood, pearly banner waggling hard. "...and to end all of that useless information, I have fallen in love with someone I brought to Abaven, and his name is Quintus. You may have seen him already. He is a golden color with half of a russet mask on the left side of his face, and he has sea green eyes. He just turned two just as we have, and we're in a dating relationship, and he doesn't mind me being in heat too much."



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-10-2014, 11:57 PM

Really Rhythm wanted to know about every single event that had happened in her sibling?s lives since she?d not been there to experience it herself. She was ready to take in the story that Harmony had to tell her, she wanted to be a sponge to the information. She?d found a craving for knowledge within Ahlon and even here she wanted more. What did her sister have to offer? Ludicael, there was that name again. She already knew it had been ruled by their grandparents for a short time, they had been caught in a plague? It seemed such a tragic event would not be in vain, as it had pointed Harmony in the direction of her calling. The dark female would smile, seeing how much Harmony adored it.
Still she would go on, her experiences pouring out to Rhythm?s ears, and she?d take every word. Though the pale girl thought it useless Rhythm thought it priceless. As a final jewel Harmony would reveal her frist love. Rhythm would find herself grinning wider as her bicolored gems sparkled excitedly for her sister. She?d not seen him yet, but she?d keep an eye out for him. Then Harmony would mention their heat.
Rhythm had been doing a rather swell job of ignoring it, but the mention would cause those annoying tingles along her spine and tail. She?d sigh heavily as the thought brought her condition back to her. "It?s good he doesn?t mind. I?m about over it though." She would huff, averting her gaze slightly.
