
Stuck In These Memories

Mercy I


5 Years

01-07-2016, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 12:15 PM by Evelyn.)

Visiting her old haunts wasn't as hard as it had been before. She walked around the Range with more ease, although her heart still beat slightly faster. Her pale paws came to rest beside a lump of earth, a soft sigh leaving her body as she pressed a single paw to it. This had been her old den, the one she shared with her parents. That is, until she went on a rampage and completely destroyed it. Mercy remembered well Valentine had claimed these parts, and just how angry she had been. Not that he had done it as a personal vendetta against her, he had no idea. She had been so afraid to see her mother and father here, but since she left she hadn't seen hide nor hair of them. Thankfully. She couldn't even stand seeing relatives, which seemed to be all over the place. Destruction's seemed to hump a lot with great results, until it came to her. But she wasn't a Destruction, not anymore. She was Mercy Gurrero, and she was her own wolf. No longer could places like this torment her, she had set out to make a new name for herself. Maybe that's why she was better in this area now, she could at least stand it somewhat. Elongated tail swept behind her slowly, purple gaze tearing away from the mound of dirt. It was time to move on from all of this.

The tall woman stepped over the pile of earth and softly brushed her tail against it, a tiny bit of fondness squeezing her chest. There were still some good memories here, as much as she hated to admit it. She had been happy until the stray puppies began to roll in. She hadn't been good enough for her mother. Othello had two perfectly fine, happy puppies at home, but still she felt the need to gather as many strays as she could. Obviously she was trying to fill some hole that her and Revenge just weren't good enough for her. That is where her anger and resentment had started. She hadn't always been a bitch, or a strong willed fighter. Mercy had been a normal child, afraid of storms, and eager to roam away from her parents. It was all their fault, all her fault. Maybe if her father hadn't gone around fucking other woman and truly loved his mother, it would all be okay.

Which is exactly what she was doing.

Ears pinned back to her skull as she kicked a stone, watching it fly. There was only one wolf that she loved like no other. Revenge. But did she fight to stay with him always? No. She went off and slept with half the world instead. Just like her father. No, no! Mercy snarled, her lips curling back and she slashed her paw out at a tree trunk, dull claws stripping a bit of bark off of it. "I am nothing like you!" She called out, hackles raising. Her tail lashed behind her, but her anger soon drained away. She fell to her rump, head hanging as tears gathered in her purple eyes. She had been fighting for her whole life to be nothing like her parents, and look at her. She was just as bad as they were...


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
01-07-2016, 09:52 PM
His breath stopped. He... he did it? Wide blue eyes would stare with an abject fascination. He... did it. He did it. The longer he stared, the more his mind was able to comprehend what lay between his paws. He didn't think... he could barely believe he did it! He caught something. His lessons with his mother, his studying the prey, it finally paid off, in this soft, dead white hare.

Finally, the boy could breathe again, and he'd lean forward to sniff it gingerly when a commotion got his attention. "I am nothing like you!" What? What happened here? Frowning, the gangly male pup would grab the hare and would bounce towards the sound, peering around dead plants to see. It didn't take long to spot her; she was big, big like his mother - and how he was growing to be, with him over 30" now - and a brilliant white that stood out against the dead browns of early spring.

Impulse would strike the male as he gazed at the older woman, and with a jolt he realized that she seemed... sad. Her head was drooped. Perhaps a snack would cheer her up? Determinedly, he trotted towards her, not attempting to be stealthy, but not announcing his approach either. If he could, he'd lay the hare in front of her silently, and step away, blue eyes intensely focused. Hopefully, this offering - this acknowledgement - would be accepted; perhaps it would even cheer the woman up. He knew he would feel better if someone did that to him, so maybe he'd pass that on. And as much as he wanted to show off, this lady was his packmate and pack came first.


Mercy I


5 Years

01-07-2016, 10:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 12:15 PM by Evelyn.)

She fought with her inner demons that tried to coil around her and hold her in their vice like grip. Eyes squeezed tightly closed, holding back the tears that dared to spring forth. She wasn't about to sit here and cry, not like this. She was in the middle of pack lands, and anyone could just walk up and see her like this. She had a reputation to uphold, for goodness sake! If someone saw her like this, it would ruin everything. Mercy had never broken like this, not for a long time. But thinking that way... that she was just like them... it tore her up. She had worked so hard to change that fact, but ended up being so close to them that it scared her. They were the type of wolves that she talked about hating, about wanting to rid them from this world, but... She was just that. She shook her head back and forth with some force, her neck aching at the motion. But she didn't care, she wanted them gone. She didn't want these thoughts anymore! Go away, go away!

Mercy was so focused on herself that she didn't hear the wolf coming up to her, not until she sniffled and the scent of a hare entered her nose, as well as another wolf. Blinking, she raised her head and her gaze fell right on to the young boy that stood before her. Her eyes were misty, and it took a few more blinks until she could really focus on him. He was gazing at her with sharp blue eyes, and her head fell down to the rabbit that lay at her paws. Her heart hammered in her chest, a bubble of laughter choking its way out. She had no idea who this kid was and he was offering her his prey. But she felt ill, like she was going to throw up her entire stomach at this point. So slowly she shook her head, nosing under the rabbit and flipping it towards him. "Thanks kid, but you can keep it. I'm not hungry right now." She said softly, a touch of softness there that normally wasn't. What the hell was happening to her? Was she becoming soft? Groaning softly she flopped to her belly, black marked face resting on her paws. "You must of worked hard to get that. You deserve it kid, don't let anyone take away your victories."


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
01-08-2016, 01:10 PM
It would take her a while to notice him, and before she did, he would just watch her with that same blue gaze. She was shaking her head, sniffling... crying? So sorrowful, and it bothered him to see a packmate like that. His mother sometimes seemed that sad, but he avoided it. He didn't know what to do in that situation, and he wasn't sure his mother would want him to see that... so he pretended not to. Here, though, he couldn't. She didn't know him, and he didn't know her, and he had something that might cheer her up. That in itself was different than when he on occasion saw his mother sad. He also never saw her this sad. Gah, he hated it already.

When she noticed him, he kept his unwavering blue gaze on her as she cleared her eyes - which he saw had tears . His ears perked completely at the laughter, and his head tilted to the side; did it work? A second later, and it was confirmed: it didn't. She nosed away the prey, but there was laughter, so it had to have worked somewhat. He nodded to her quietly, grasping the prey in his teeth and dragging it to the side a couple of feet, before focusing back on Mercy. He nodded seriously to his words. "I won't let anyone do that," he vowed. "And I did, it was my first prey, but you're pack, and pack comes first." It made perfect sense to him; pack came before personal victories, though personal victories were very much important. He padded over next to her and slid down to the ground to join her, and he would simply lay there in a companionable silence as he contemplated. It didn't last long; he had a question. He wanted to ask if what she told him to do was something that happened to her, but that didn't seem... smart. "Have you had a lot of victories?" he asked. She was a lot older than him, so she'd have lots of good things happen to her, right? Lots of chances to prove herself? He was still working on doing that.


Mercy I


5 Years

01-08-2016, 01:25 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 12:16 PM by Evelyn.)

She watched him as he took the rabbit back, picking up her right leg to swipe at the tears that had fallen down her black marked face. Even though she wasn't the most fond of pups, this boy was a bit passed the real puppy stage anyways. And there was something really calm and collected about him, he wasn't bouncing around like some idiot, he was just... there. Mercy had never really been thankful for companionship, but today she wasn't going to turn it down. He came over and settled in beside her, her head turning on her legs to look at him as his words ran through her mind. It was... his first prey and he wanted to share with her? Mercy had never been shown that kindness before, and found herself blinking rapidly. "But you don't even know me." she whispered softly, her purple gaze searching his stoic face. This young boy had no idea who she was, what she was capable of, and yet just because she was a pack mate, he offered her his very first prey. Why? And why couldn't she have that blind faith? It had been stripped from her so long ago, trust was not an easy thing to come by with her.

They returned to silence, and Mercy was about to shift her head away when the boy spoke again. She smiled softly, he was curious, that was for sure. But there was something so steady about his voice, even at his age. She had to admit that it made her slightly jealous, he sounded like he already had his life together. When asked about victories her smile grew, head rising as she pointed her nose towards the large, v shaped scar that claimed a large chunk of her shoulders. Other scars were littered about her pale body, but it was the one on her shoulders that was the most defined. "You could say that..." Mercy said with amusement, eyes flickering back to the boy before she pointed towards herself with her nose. "I've got quite a bit of evidence of it too. The one on my shoulders is from a fight with a tiger, and the others are... well I don't remember where most came from. I've been in a lot of fights." She had won most of them too, although she wasn't too proud as to admit that she had lost some too. It was all part of learning. Returning her head to her legs, she looked at him with a raised, black marked brow. "What's your name anyways, kid?"


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
01-08-2016, 04:36 PM
He looked at her, and her height instantly reminded him of his mother's - and he hoped he'd reach that tall. He was the tallest of his siblings, and he wanted to eventually be able to top even his mother in height; it seemed like he might, since he still had several months left of growth that he'd eventually reach. Eventually. Six months went by slowly. Aquamarine eyes would blink up at the amethyst gaze of Mercy, even as she blinked rapidly - why was she blinking like that? He didn't know, but it didn't seem like, well, a bad thing. So he'd go with it. However... he frowned when she questioned his offer, though her tone was not argumentative like... like Dragon's. It was soft. It was still questioning his offer. "But you're pack," he retorted firmly, completely stubborn and not budging. "You are Imperium, so I sorta know who you are!" Yeah, puppy logic. You can't fight it.

She'd answer his question quite readily, and he couldn't help but rise slightly to get a better look. It was huge that scar, and he'd turn his gaze back to her with widened eyes. A tiger? "What's a ti-ger?" he asked, all while still looking at Mercy, trying to see if he could find more scars. He... thought he found one or two others, but they were a lot harder to see than the one by the ti-ger. He looked back at her, an awe and admiration clear in his gaze, tail beating the ground behind him. "So you're a fighter for Imperium?" he asked, head tilting. He was trying to ask if that was her rank, but he couldn't recall the exact... term. And then she asked a question of her own, and he'd grin, an excitement glittering in his eyes. "I'm Lykos, Lykos Ancora! What's yours?" He should definitely learn her name, since as she said he didn't know her, beyond her being pack.


Mercy I


5 Years

01-08-2016, 05:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 12:16 PM by Evelyn.)

Mercy's eyes narrowed slightly as she eyed the boy, hearing him again defend himself and said it was because she was part of the pack. She couldn't help but admit that he was pretty cute, it was obvious that he had been raised to have a high regard for all members of the pack. "That's not always how others see it, kid." She said softly, elongated tail swishing behind her slightly. Her and Esti had it out for each other, her and Einarr had gotten into a fight the moment that they met. She had seen tension between other members as well, something that Valentine had addressed at a meeting almost a year ago now. She didn't want to discourage the kid, it was obvious that he held all of Imperium in pretty high regards, but she didn't want to lead him along. "Not everyone things that they need to treat pack members well. There is tension at times, distrust, sometimes even fights. But don't all family have their dysfunctional members?" She wasn't trying to argue with him, her words were more level and spoken matter of factly. She eyed him as she asked him the question, her black lips pulling upwards in a small smile. She was for sure one of those dysfunctional members, it would seem that she got into fights more often than she got along with wolves. She tended to ignore pups too, but there was something different about this one. She liked him already, she felt like she was having a conversation with an adult -- more or less. There was still clues in his words that linked to his age, but it was a lot fewer than most. There was a sense of an old soul in him, the way he was so stoic and straight forward. He shot from the hip and told it how it was, something that she respected, even in a child. His logic was semi-sound, she was from Imperium, so he did know her in a way. He knew her smell from around the pack, knew that she could sort of be trusted. That was a choice that he had to made for himself though.

The woman's smile only grew when he inspected her scar, asking what a tiger was. Her body wiggled as her head rose from her paws, obvious excitement in her voice. "They are these huge cats, the same size as Valentine almost," She started, voice soft as her description started to build up. "They have claws double the length of yours, and four times as sharp. All of their teeth are pointy and sharp, and their bodies are orange and white with black stripes. Tigers are very sleek and sneaky, and very fast." Her purple eyes flashed at the sound of the danger of fighting him all over again. Her body quivered at the memory of the pain that had sliced through her as his front paws had dragged across her shoulders, slicing into her like she was nothing. The boy's excitement was growing as well, they seemed to be feeding off of each other. It wasn't long before another question came out, asking if she was a fighter. Her head nodded up and down, it was pretty evident by her scars that it was what she liked to do. "I'm a Legionary, yes. One of the fighting ranks." One of the high ranking ones, at that. There were only three wolves who had a higher rank than her, all were equal or lower. "And what about you? Do you want to be a fighter?" she asked, matching his question with her own. She didn't know exactly how old he was, but she didn't think he was old enough to hold his own rank just yet.

It moved on to the topic of names, and she chuckled at how eagerly he introduced himself. There was pride in his name, she could feel it. That is how she felt with her new name, no longer did the burden of the Destruction's seem to weigh down on her. "I'm Mercy, Mercy Guerrero."


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
01-08-2016, 11:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2016, 11:57 PM by Lykos I.)
That's not how others saw it? But why not? It made perfect sense! They were pack. Pack was family. And even if you didn't like family, they were still family. And family just wasn't blood, either. He supposedly had a father but his father wasn't family, Imperium was! And, like, as much as he got soooo annoyed with Dragon he'd still try to kill anyone who hurt his younger brother. No hesitation! Because family! And this woman was family too, because she was Imperium. And she would always be family, unless she betrayed Imperium in which case she was awful and terrible and didn't deserve anything anyways.

But he was certain that wouldn't happen!

He frowned further as she explained, but he found himself nodding. "Well, I don't like my brother Dragon and we argue and fight all the time - he's not smart at all, he doesn't listen to any rules - but I'd still bite the face off of anyone who hurt him," he replied matter-of-factly. But he had to admit, she had a point... distrust was bad, really bad. "Distrust is terrible though... pack should trust each other! And if you can't trust a pack member, then they shouldn't be pack. But... with tension, aren't fights the best way to break that? Dragon and I will fight each other when we get super super angry and then we're fine until he does something stupid again," he explained. He wasn't trying to argue anymore, either... it was more like he was... trying to hold a discussion. Which was great, because she was being so... so awesome. She was talking to him like an adult! Not like his mother, though he kinda got that, well, she was his mother. It sort of made sense. Enough sense to him, anyways. But Mercy was different, and he liked that. He hadn't really met many others since he came into Imperium.

He listened with rapt attention at her description of the tiger, eyes going wide. A great, hulking beast, impossibly fast with giant claws as sharp and strong as his bite... bright orange, with white splotches and stripes everywhere. All in all, it sounded like a very terrifying beast, and the young boy was suitably impresssed, his mouth forming a little 'o'. "I can't believe you survived," he breathed. "You must be one of the best fighters," he added with a firm nod. And then she'd go on to confirm that she was a fighter for Imperium, a Le-gion-air-y. Legion-ary. And then, and then... the boy quivered with his own excitement, and he couldn't resist it, his tail started beating on the ground and he was nodding enthusiastically. "Yes! I wanna learn to fight, and fight the tigers like you!" He forced himself to calm down, but his eyes shone with a glittering excitement.

It dulled slightly with her name - or rather, it tamed itself to a degree. "That's a cool name! Mercy Geh... Gehrehro," he tried sounding out, annoyance crossing his face as he realized he couldn't pronounce Guerrero. But, he liked it. He'd also have to work on pronouncing it. It and legionary, he had been working on tiger since the start. Yeah, definitely.


Mercy I


5 Years

01-26-2016, 05:17 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 12:16 PM by Evelyn.)

She eyed him with mild amusement in her gaze, her elongated tail flicking to rest at her side. Her head was still resting on her paws, blinking softly as a light rain began to fall. Gaze shot upwards as the light mist dusted her pale coat, making her fluff up her pale fur against the dampness. It was still pretty warm out, but she still didn't like the moisture gathering on her coat. She was about to suggest moving somewhere else, but the boy began to speak again, mentioning something about not liking his brother. It seemed like he really didn't like his brother, and Mercy chuckled. She was really close with her brother... in a very intimate way. She kept that to herself though, not a lot of wolves understood her type of closeness that she shared with Revenge. Lykos went on and on, and her tail tip twitched slightly in slight irritation. Mercy didn't dare to break up his train of thought though, he did have a point. When her and Einarr first met and he had pissed her off, they had dueled it out. They were a little bit closer because of it, so she slowly nodded her head up and down. "You have a point there, kid. But not everything is as simple as that, a lot of adults make things way more complicated than they need to be," she explained slowly, nibbling softly on her bottom lip. "Things are a lot easier when you're little, don't ever forget that. You whelps are always wanting to grow up so fast, but everything is a lot more... well more, when you're an adult." Mercy said, grinning to herself. Ah, to be young and innocent again.

When they moved onto the topic of the tiger, her excitement began to grow with him. It wasn't often that she had someone this interested in her scars, and she loved to brag about them. Her head raised off her legs and was held up with pride when he called her one of the best fighters, eagerly nodding along with him. "I'm pretty good, yeah. I should show you sometime," she said with a large, all tooth grin. Licking at her chops at the prospect of a fight, she needed to remind herself that he was still young, it would probably be a lot more of a teaching thing than an actual fight. He said that he wanted to be a fighter, and to fight tigers. Mercy's laugh was loud, bubbling up in her throat as she eyed the boy fondly. "We should wait awhile before we go taking on tigers. I was still learning myself, which is how I ended up with so many scars." It was also probably the reason why she was barren, the wound to her lower region did enough damage to prevent her from ever getting pregnant. She let out another chuckle as he tried to say her last name, head shaking back and forth in amusement. "Guerrero. It means warrior."


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
01-29-2016, 05:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2016, 05:24 PM by Lykos I.)
She listened... and Lykos couldn't appreciate that more. Completely oblivious to the slight irritation, he had continued until his point was finished. He did, however, get distracted by her tail; it was super long - a lot longer than his, and his mother's... and his siblings. It was nearly fascentating, though he didn't mention it. Then it started raining of course, and the boy winced, a growl rumbling in his throat as he shot an angry glare up at the sky. He didn't like rain. At all. Flipping his head back down, he focused on Mercy. He frowned at Mercy's words. Why make things complicated? "Well, that's dumb," he uttered with a sense of finality to his voice. He continued frowning at her depiction of... little ones, and while he was curious by what she meant with more, he let the subject drop, focusing instead on tigers. And badassery.

His tail beat on the ground at Mercy's own excitement. "I'd love that," he breathed in awe. He couldn't help but grin at her laughter - for once he wasn't angry that someone was laughing at him, which was quite the rarity for the young boy. He'd wilt at her words quietly... a soft whine, a but. That didn't keep him down long as she continued, though, and he perked back up. She had been learning then? Oh, okay! So, learn first, then fight the tigers. Well, that did make sense. She then turned around and repeated her name, and he frowned. Nope. He'd still not be able to say it; he'd have to practice quietly. But... the meaning of it! "That fits you," he told her, before frowning. "I don't know what my name means. I should find out." Yes, he really should. He should probably talk to his mother period; he hadn't been spending much time with her.


Mercy I


5 Years

01-29-2016, 07:21 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 12:16 PM by Evelyn.)

Mercy shook her head slowly back and forth, a smirk on her maw. It would seem that he wasn't too fond of what she had to say, but she just shrugged her shoulders. There wasn't much that could be said or done about it, it was her opinion that she had about it, as well as what she had experienced. Everything took a better turn when they switched topics, they very quickly picked up on each others energy. Even with the rain -- that was starting to pick up -- she felt like she was actually having a good conversation with Lykos. Even though he was a puppy, she felt like he was just another wolf. There was a strange part of her that was really starting to care for him, feeling a connection starting to form between them. It was very... weird. She wasn't quite sure what to call it, or how to quite put her paw on it. Was is friendship? It felt a bit stronger than that, like affection. Not the sexual kind, no. He was still a child. The dame let out a huff of irritation, it wasn't directed at him, but towards herself. It was bothering her that she couldn't quite place it, so she just tried to shake the whole feeling away. When she was alone she could think about it more.

He seemed eager to learn, saying that he would love to be shown how to fight. It would be good for her too, it would give her something to do without picking on half of Imperium. She could focus her energy on that, and it would save herself from having to take long walks or looking for someone to bite into. Her ears quivered when he whined, but his saddened state didn't seem to last very long. Such were the mood swings of a child, she guessed. Not that he was super young, but after all it wasn't really often that she young out with those who were younger than her. He talked about wanting to learn what his own name meant, and she nodded her head. It was always good to know where your name came from, if you liked it or not. It was then that the rain really started to pick up, and Mercy jumped up to her paws and glared up at the clouds. Stupid weather... "Let's get out of this rain, I'm going to be soaked soon." she muttered, her white fur already starting to cling to her sides. She didn't have a den in this area, but she knew that there was a barn around these parts. Picking up her pace to a run, Mercy booked it towards the area where she remembered seeing the building. As soon as it came into view she dove in through the large opening in the side, panting as she shook the rain from her coat. There were several patches in the roof that were missing, letting the rain come in. Finding a dry patch she looked around to see if Lykos followed her, or if he had decided to go home.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
02-03-2016, 03:15 PM
He loved interacting with Mercy - she was treating him like... well, an adult! She wasn't acting like he was an idiot, like dumb Rhythm had. He was much better than that - especially over his brother. He didn't really have much of an opinion of Simurgh; his fight was with Dragon. Oh, wait, he got sidetracked again. He'd reel it in, blinking and titing his head slightly at the huff. But it seemed... not at him? Or at least, she hadn't been looking at him. That meant that it wasn't at him, right? Well, she was still talking with him so he'd take that as a no. The huff was not for him. That pleased him; he was glad not to annoy pack members. Although he had annoyed Rhythm. But, whatever.

He perked when she nodded her head in agreement, approving of both him fighting and his quest to know what his name meant. That approval just made him glow, happiness glittering in the depths of his blue eyes. After the disapproval of Rhythm, to have Mercy approve - he liked Mercy more too - was just the highlight of his day. Evening. Night. Morning. Afternoon. Whatever time of day it was; it was hard to tell with the rain that just became a torrential downpour. Mercy had the same idea and jumped up, Lykos following quickly behind. He nodded, and then the woman started sprinting. Eyes widening, Lykos hared after Mercy, slowly growing further behind. Thankfully, though, he had seen where she went, the large building not that hard to notice. He'd slip around it - where was the entrance? He was getting more and more soaked. Several moments later, he spotted a part he could jump over and did so, immediately shaking himself and spraying water everywhere. Fortunately, he was on the opposite side of the barn from Mercy when he did that, and he'd pick his way over to the taller woman before flopping down on the ground, panting.

Mercy I


5 Years

02-04-2016, 11:57 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 12:16 PM by Evelyn.)

She hadn't bothered looking over her shoulder, so when he took awhile to get into the barn she just assumed he had gone home. But soon he crashed in, jumping through a hole in the wall. She laughed softly as he shook himself and flopped at her side, still soaked. She waited until he was on the ground until she too shook out her coat. Droplets of water came raining down again, many of them flying off in his direction. Letting out another giggle, she flopped down on her side, face pressing against the wooden floor. Mercy let out a content sigh, closing her purple eyes as she listened to the rain falling outside. It hit the roof above them, making a percussion sound that could very easily soothe her to sleep. But it was not the time for a nap right now, not with company. So when the silence spread on, she just sat in the comfortable pause for a few moments longer. She wasn't quite sure what they would even talk about, she wasn't used to having a companion that she didn't dislike or piss off. Mercy wasn't one to really open up to strangers either, and for the first time she started to feel a bit, well... awkward. Clearing her throat, she looked across the floor to look at the brute, purple gaze studying his still damp face. "How many of you rugrats are there anyways?" she asked, starting the conversation up on an easy topic. Family was nice and simple to talk about, right? He had mentioned not getting along with one of his brothers, but she had a feeling that that was a much... heavier thing to talk about. Starting off light was a good idea.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
02-27-2016, 04:47 PM
He grumbled at her for her laughter, but he wasn't annoyed or angry at her. More so at the weather that randomly decided to just pour everything everywhere. Like, why - Lykos yelped, aggravated whines spilling from his muzzle as he scrambled away from Mercy. He had just shaken himself dry when she did that! And she was giggling. Blasted woman. Huffing at her, he shook himself out again, feeling no guilt as the water she just flung at him went straight back towards her. With a sound of superior satisfaction, he threw himself down again with a thump next to her, a smile playing at the edges of his lips as he laid his head down on his paws. Then the silence would begin, but it was comfortable, with the soft patter of raindrops echoing on the roof of their make-shift den. He had never heard such a sound, but it was so comforting, and he could almost fall asleep... the boy yawned, eyes drifting close when the voice of Mercy intruded. He jumped slightly, head whipping to stare at Mercy... Rugrats? Huh? Oh, probably him and his siblings. "Four of us," he yawned. "Not including Mother. How many brothers or sisters do you have?" Curiosity tinged his voice. idly, he wondered what it was like to have a sister; he only had brothers.

Art by Evelyn

Mercy I


5 Years

03-06-2016, 03:54 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 12:16 PM by Evelyn.)

Lykos huffed at her, shaking his coat back out and managing to get her a touch bit wet again. She didn't care though, another laugh leaving her maw. Flopping down on the ground, she curled her elongated tail around her, the calming sound of the rain over head. It didn't sound like it was going to let up at any time, she didn't doubt that the two of them would be stuck in here for quite some time. Lykos seemed to jump when she finally broke the silence, making her smile softly at him. Aww, was the poor boy tired? Well too bad! She wanted to talk. He seemed confused by her word choice at first, but she just shrugged her scarred shoulders. He could figure it out on his own. It didn't take him too long either, his answer coming with a yawn. Oh, four of them? Huh, she hadn't met anyone besides Lykos and his mother. It wasn't like Mercy went out of her way to introduce herself to all the newcomers anyways. She saw them at the challenge, but she really didn't pay attention to who belonged to who. When he directed the question back at her, she settled her head on her legs and looked over at him. "I have one full brother, and a bunch of half siblings. I don't even know all of them, or how many of them there are," she said softly, a touch of a growl in her voice. Her father was more than just a bit of a player, meaning that there were probably way too many half siblings out there for her to even count.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.