
Adopt Kismet Adravendi



6 Years
01-09-2016, 10:18 PM
Well, little Kissy is back up for adoption :(  

The other Azalea pups will be as well and hopefully this is the last time they need saved!! She didn't birth the buggers for them to go inactive so quickly!  

That's right, Kismet Adravendi is back up for adoption.  For those who do not know or maybe don't remember, Kismet is one of two born of Azalea and Isardis (she was knocked up while being held prisoner).  

All of his details can be found here in his profile.  

Given that he is special to me and a few others, I want to make sure he is adopted to the right player.  While I'm sure some aspects of his being can be altered, he does have family and a long time crush/friend Warja that he can't just going to suddenly become an alien to :P  

He is 4 years old now.

For him I would love to see a sample post of at least 200 words and a brief outline/thoughts on what you might plan to do with him.  

Not sure on deadline yet.  Whoever adopts him will get any and all Kismet art that I have made.  

Lolaf and I will be choosing who (if anyone) gets him.



01-10-2016, 09:25 PM
He'd taken off without really thinking through the implications of his plan. Thinking back on it now, he didn't quite know what had driven him to abandon the pack Warja had brought him into, not to mention abandon her. It had seemed like a good idea, since he hadn't known how long he would be away and he didn't want Warja sitting around waiting for him to come back at a certain time when he wasn't sure if he could make the time frame. But as he made his way back towards Alacritis, it wasn't looking like it had been such a good idea in the first place.

His search for Warja's father had come up fruitless, so his mistake of having gone off without telling anyone wasn't going to win him any points since he had come back empty pawed. While he was on that train of that, it probably hadn't been such a good idea to leave without informing anyone in the pack that he was taking an extended leave of absence, since they had welcomed him through Warja's invitation and he had basically thrown that in their face. Frankly, he could care less about how they felt about his decision; he was his own wolf and he decided what he did with his life, not them. He was an Adravendi; they were leaders not followers. Warja on the other hand....he hoped that his bone head move hadn't brought down any type of consequences on her...Heads would roll if they had decided to enact type of punishment against her.

The minute his paws hit the all too familiar Alacritis terrain his baritones were ringing out across the land, calling out to Warja, desperate to see her. He had been too long without her comforting presence and he couldn't bare another second of it. Powerful limbs would pull the knight along, bi-colored eyes of jade and azul searching the landscape for any sign of his beloved friend, nostrils quivering as they worked to catch her scent. He anticipated her being upset with him, it was only logical, but he hoped that she wouldn't stay upset with him for long. He would do whatever he had to do to make it up to her, no matter how ridiculous or how tedious the task was. She was the one person, aside from his brother, that he cared about the most and he wouldn't let his unexplained absence stand in the way of their friendship. She was much too important to him.

If I managed to snag him, I think first of all I would get him all situated with Warja, patch that up if it needs fixing because clearly she was of the utmost importance to him. After that probably see what had happened with the previous pack and decide if he wants to stay there or not. Did some reading and scouring through threads and I've got an idea for him to rule a pack, but that's just a flitting thought, nothing concrete. Really I'd just be feeling him out, see how he writes himself and go from there.