
Good Morning, World! [FLOOD]



3 Years
Dire wolf
01-10-2016, 09:00 PM
Quote:WHO: All Argead Wolves & Potential Joiners (Rogues swept up in the flood?)
WHAT: Flood Event Y'all
WHEN: Late evening, just before dusk.
WHERE: Emerald Valley / 51°F / Storm Brewing, Strong Winds
WHY: Making sure everyone is accounted for, safe, etc. And who knows, maybe not everyone is! This thread is optional and the first round will end Wednesday, January 13th. Feel free to throw someone in at any time, though! Posting order will be courteous but flexible, give someone some time to respond but I'd like to see the thread get some mileage.

Okay sure, Mithras was fairly new to this alpha thing, and sure, he was fairly new to land management, but he was reasonably certain that raging rivers did not a nice day make. Was was bad a few days ago had grown unthinkable and then some. He sighed and looked up into the dark sky, almost purple with unleashed fury. It had already been one hell of a spring. He listened with a chill as thunder roiled in the distance. Call it paranoia, but he got an itch that he just couldn't talk himself out of scratching. The astral titan tipped his head back and howled for his pack members. He needed to do a headcount, and he needed to make sure everyone had somewhere safe to weather the storm. He'd seen the girls earlier in the morning so he hoped they were okay, but now he had even more to worry about! He sighed and smiled at everything he'd gotten himself into.

He watched as a ripple of wind sprung up in the far distance. Mithras couldn't help his brows drawing down in confusion at its strange appearance. A relatively still scene shattered into color and motion and violence, but looking up to see the storm front advancing in time made it crushingly clear. His shoulders sank, and the air before him started to whip and whistle long before the wave of wind would hit him, and not long after that would come the driving rain. Gods, he'd come to hate the driving rains. And it was coming from the mountains which only meant the river would grow more engorged. There was a reason this valley was so verdant, and it was entirely thanks to events like this. He couldn't be too upset knowing this, but that didn't quite make him happy either.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



5 Years
01-10-2016, 09:08 PM

Ullr had been bedding down for the evening when the first boom of rolling thunder echoed through the air. His eyes narrowed and he felt the fur along his spine stand up with the electricity in the air and the man knew it was one hell of a storm brewing outside. He crawled from his den to gaze out at the horizon. Dark clouds, gorged on rain and buoyed by strong winds were advancing swiftly on the budding kingdom of Argead. Ullr eyed his den, it was on reasonably high ground, the entrance sloped to the northeast to prevent the typical southern driven storms from blowing rain into the entrance. Even so, the emerald valley was generally flat and he had a bad feeling about this.

As if reading his mind he heard his alpha call for the members of Argead. Swiftly he took to his feet and raced toward Mithras' call. "Sir! You called for us? I take it you're working out a plan for this storm?"



01-16-2016, 08:40 PM

Matthias had been bedding down for the night as well, sheltering under a tree rather than in his den. This area was further up, away from the river that had begun swelling in size. It seemed that in wanting to be close to the water Matthias had chosen a poor location for the den indeed. But alas he couldn’t be too angry. He didn’t mind the elements of spring, though the thought of having a soggy night wasn’t exactly pleasant. So with the booming of thunder he’d let out a heavy sigh, eyes scanning the terrain for a place that was more likely to be dry for the night.

That was when Mithras’ how reached him. Matt would frown, worry in his gut. The alpha surely had noticed the river’s state... But why was he calling them out in a storm like this? To make sure they all came perhaps? Another worry gnawed at Matt’s gut for Topaz. Was the three legged wolfess somewhere safe? Rising from where he lay, the blue and purple brute would begin to run off to where his alpha was.

The rains had begun to come down hard by the time Matthias arrived, and sadly only one other member had showed thus far! Matthias would let his bi-colored eyes meet those of his alpha, waiting for directions or some sort of explanation for the call.




6 Years

01-16-2016, 10:33 PM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2016, 10:34 PM by Steel.)
A flood.. didn't really bother him that much. At least it was something different. A change from the monotony of everyday life.  Truthfully, he wasn't used to living somewhere so nice. The valley was fertile and full of life, thanks to the pleasant spring weather, so it seemed inevitable that something bad was bound to happen soon. Not that he believed in fate. Life just.. wasn't perfect, and life here in Argead was no exception.

The rains had been wild since the beginning of the season, since Mithras had claimed these lands. But today.. something seemed different. The sky was dark and brooding and the wind had been relentless, before even the rains began. It wasn't at all surprising when the rain began, pouring with a merciless fury from the skies above. What was the pack going to do, he wondered? He moved through the valley, his brows furrowed and his head dipped to the ground to avoid the rain obscuring his view. This was a terrible place to live during the rainy season, that he knew.. and he moved, somewhat begrudgingly, toward where Mithras stood. Two others were there already, and he raised his head as they came into view. Hopefully they had some kind of plan?



6 Years
01-17-2016, 01:05 PM

The woman had recently settled her pups down around her and readied them for a peaceful night of sleep when the presence of the storm became all too real. She'd feel her fur stand up on her back as a bolt of lightning struck near by and the rain started. She had no doubts that in the next half hour their den would be under water. Already the liquid would begin to trickle in, creating mud where packed earth used to be. "Girls, up! We need to find your father." She'd scramble to get up and get them out, but as soon as the task was done she would lead her babies where she thought Mithras would be.

There was another strike of lightning, this one even closer. Faria would watch as the bright light came down from the sky above her, it's quick actions would seem like a thousand years as she watched it come to strike the tree they were under. Barely able to take a breath Faria would scream, "Run!" The thunder was deafening, and Ria would feel more than stunned. As she herself tried to get away the tree would weaken, in moments it was falling. Faria urged her body to move, but was too late. Three had fallen on her. Pain would course through her backside, her hips and rear legs were held mercilessly beneath it's trunk. Her little body was fitted in the smallest of spaces between the trunk and a low hanging branch. If any other part of the tree had fallen on her, her pelvis would have been crushed and her legs broken. As it was, she was bruised and very stuck. The woman couldn't help the terrified cries that left her lips, her mind was reeling, but one thought stood out 'where are my daughters?'

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
01-17-2016, 01:26 PM
Others would slowly arrive, first another oddly colored wolf followed by a more earthen male.  Ullr made note to work on learning his packmates names.  They were all so new to one another, their bonds not yet formed and it made the older man wonder how this rag-tag group would deal with the oncoming storm, as well as how they'd fashion a kingdom together.  

Rain was falling steadily now and Ullr's ears flattened against his skull.  The valley was exquisite hunting land to be sure but not the best in terms of cover.  They needed to get everyone rounded up and moved to higher ground before more water collected in the valley and flooded them all out.  But where was the best place to go?  He glanced to Mithras again.  "Should we gather the pups and get everyone to high ground?  Waters going to keep collecting in this valley, it would be foolish to stay here.  Perhaps the Willows?  Their vast network of roots should help against potential mudslides though I suppose the pond is flooding to.  The gorge is also not far from here, if we stay up high any overflow should flow into the gorge." He wasn't sure how comfortable they were about leaving packlands but he certainly did not want to hang around in this valley while the storm grew worse, he was already ankle deep in water that was falling faster than the earth could drain it.

A strike of lightning streaked across the sky, a raucous boom following it.  Wait… that boom wasn't just from the sky.  Ullr turned his head to see a tree hit the ground and to hear a woman shout. "Shit." He raced toward the tree to see Mithras' mate pinned beneath it.  Oh, no what about the pups!? "Someone find the pups, the rest of you help me get this off her." Ullr hurtled his right shoulder into the tree, back legs coiling, paws sinking in the mud as he pushed futilely against it.  The water level was rising, they couldn't afford to waste a moment.




3 Years
Dire wolf
01-17-2016, 11:05 PM
The pack was slow to collect but Mithras couldn't be surprised, let alone angry. Everyone was still getting a feel for the lands, still settling in. The first to arrive was a man named Ullr. He may have passed Mithras in years but he did not seem to be yet losing his youthful stature. "Honestly, just trying to check in on everyone, make sure they're all okay. I hadn't gotten that far. I've got a bad feeling about this." The air just felt wrong as if there was something... Something large and heavy out there waiting for them. He gulped and looked skyward. One of the more vibrant Argeadian wolves would appear in his stead. Young Matthias, who come at his first call. After would come Steel, just as quiet. Mithras gave him a small smile and a nod, eager to watch how Steel handled the meeting of sorts. He still hadn't had much chance to get to know him.

Ullr broke him of his distraction, hopefully without even knowing it. "Perhaps the Willows?" he suggested, remarking upon it's natural stability. Mithras opened his mouth to agree when a crack of lightning burst forth from the sky and launched into the earth. It's deafening crack made him feel as if his very bones were being blown to bits by the force of him. He howled in pain, shaking his head from side to side to fling out the dreadful ringing. Just as the sense began to return to him he head a long crack... a snap, a crash, and a scream. "FARIA?" he howled out, spinning towards the site of the den. "Girls?!" he called out again. He cursed under his breath, fear flooding him. "Someone needs to stay here," he said, paws itching to dart off but unable to leave his pack members without some sort of guidance. "Send anyone else who heard the call our way." But that was all he could stand before he sprinted off through the grass.

It was heavy with raindrops, more falling every second as he raced across that plain towards the treeline where their den was nestled. He was racing the front of the storm, it's dark curtain following the vivid pink speck of his pelt. Into the trees he crashed, closing his eyes against the oncoming branches, and closing his mind off from rational thought. Anything that might make him second guess or delay or waste even a single second. Something sharp lanced across the corded muscle of his right hind limb, searing as it cut into him. Mith grunted against the pain but beyond that, ignored it.

When he came upon the tree Faria's blue was not hard to pick out amongst the brown and murk. Ullr had outpaced him with a faster start, and he was already pushing against the trunk. "Faria! Gods, are you alright? Say something!!""Get underneath it Ullr, see if we can't lift it." Mithras wedged his way between the branches, and knelt to nestle his shoulder down next to the trunk. "On three!" He began his steady count and upon reaching the proclaimed 'three' he began to not only push forward, but he'd also placed him wedged under two branches as well. He only prayed that it was enough. "Where are the girls?" he grunted out, desperate to know. He could not wait one second longer, but he prayed to every god he could think of that they were okay.

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



6 Years
01-18-2016, 06:11 PM

Horror. She didn’t know what was going on. One second, she was ready for bed with Mama and her sisters, and the next Mama was screaming and the sky was screaming. Iskra’s heart pounded and fear was a foul ink in her veins. They were up, up, up and out. “What’s happening, Mama?!” she cried, her head swinging left and right as she frightfully took in all she could. Wouldn’t the den be safe? It always felt safe! But they were out, and now the sky hurled furious light at them. It, whatever it was, hit nearby. For all she knew, it might’ve hit her. She screamed. Mama yelled to run, and she ran. There were loud noises. Confusion was rampant in her brain and muddled her senses. “Leto! Arry!” she yelled, searching for her sisters with her voice in the way that an unsteady person sought a sturdy shoulder to hold to. Crash! Rain was pouring now, wind buffeting. She ran a few more yards, dumb with fear and confusion and not knowing where she was supposed to run to. She slipped in the mud and went down. “Oof!” In the moment that she was forcefully stopped, she was somewhat smacked out of her thoughtless terror.

Covered in mud and still horrified, she staggered up, panting, and turned to head back. “Mama!? Leto!? Arry!?” she called. There was a tree down. She saw her father, and started to run again. “Daddy! What’s going on?” She gasped when she saw her mother, and tears immediately welled up in her eyes to fall, indiscernible from the rain. She couldn’t tell whether or not she’d be alright. Daddy was trying to move the tree. The clamor of the storm no longer reached the child’s ears. She wanted to help but she knew she was too small. “I – I…” Claws tensed and gripped at the ground as her breathing grew unsteady. What was going on?! She shook her head. “I’m going to find Leto and Arry!” she said, raising her voice above the din. Now wasn’t the time for crying. A few scraped legs had taught her that it didn’t really help anything, save for getting Mama or Daddy’s attention. But that was busy right now. And Iskra was determined to be useful.

Unwilling to be stopped, she bounded around the tree to search around on the other side. No one had to worry; she wouldn’t go far, she told herself. Leto and Arry couldn’t have been far away either. Trying to keep her balance in the rain, she began to bound about behind the tree, calling loudly for her sisters.


01-20-2016, 11:49 PM

Things would quickly spiral out of control. With a boom of thunder, a crack of lightning, hell would break loose. He could hear screaming, and Ullr and Mithras raced off. His bi-colored eyes were widened with fear, his heart pounding in his chest. He’d cast a look at the dark coated male who remained there with him, calling to him over the storm. “I’m going to help them!”

With that Matthias was off. He would rush to the scene, seeing one of Mithras and Faria’s children. Where the other two were he didn’t know... But Faria was trapped beneath a tree. He could see her blue form wedged underneath, Mithras attempting to push one part of the tree. Without hesitation Matthias would move to the side Mithras was on, adding his own weight into pushing the tree with a loud grunt. Between the three of them surely it would be enough right? It had to be.



01-21-2016, 12:23 AM
The booming of thunder and the striking flash of lightning would go ignored as the male slept peacefully in his den. He thought he had been smart by taking residence in an abandoned badger den by the river, easy access to water, a fishing spot right in his front yard...oh how wrong he was. While it was a very good den on any other day, today it would be the worst mistake of his life. As the wind howled and whistled outside, and as chaos erupted all around him, he would be in a deep slumber...that is, until his den began to flood. The water overstepped its boundaries, fed by the rain as it unleashed itself upon the world. It took no more then a minute for him to startle to consciousness, the floor of his den quickly flooding with water. Still half asleep, he turned to look outside, and just as he stood up to figure out what was going on, water rushed in faster then he could say shit.

One second his paws were engulfed, next second water funneled in and his world suddenly turned darker and colder. He struggled against the current, but it swept him back and whirled him around a couple of times. He began to panic, his heart pounding as all he heard was the water in and around his ears. His eyes shut tightly for a moment before opening, and everything was pitch black around him. Lifting his head up, he felt nothing but earth above him and below him. He felt his chest tightening with the effort of holding his breath as best as he could, nose pressing against the roof of his den, looking for air. His lungs were protesting, he needed to breathe! His heart pounded hard and fast against his chest, panic taking hold. Everything was murky with mud and dirty water, where the fuck is the exit!? Finally, he couldn't take it. His mouth opened up, an explosion of escaping him, and all too quick he slipped into unconsciousness...Will I die today?



4 Years
Extra large
01-21-2016, 10:13 AM

Artemis had long ago decided that leaving to watch storm clouds was the worst mistake of her life. Like, really the worst. She was getting stronger and bigger every day but she was still no match for these gusty winds. They were blowing her all over the place but screw the wind, because she was a wolf and wolves were way stronger than wind! Her daddy was, and so was her mommy and so was she! Artemis turned her head back into the wind and grit her teeth. The pouring rain was another thing, she could barely see. When the thunder cracked out over their homelands, so close that it made her heart hurt, she didn't hear her Momma scream or her Daddy call out to her. She barely even knew where she was, but she really wanted to go home. Where were her sisters?

Leto crested a rise just in time to see the river wash into the mouth of a den. There was a flash of color inside, or was that just a trick of the eyes. She gasped, frozen as the rest of the muddy red water consumed it. She wracked her mind, trying to remember where all of Daddy's new friends slept. She'd spent a day learning, so she'd know which den belonged to who if she ever needed revenge for anything. Right, It was a boy wolf, white with black spots on his coat! She'd seen him around before, but she couldn't remember his name. "Mister, are you there?" she called out, nervous. The young girl raced forwards, running up and around so she stood at the bank where the den used to be. She couldn't see anything at all. The girl sighed in frustration and ran forward, feeling around with her paws. If she stepped on a slug or something gross she was gonna kill this guy. And where on earth was Leto? There was something afoot, and her sister was always there when something was afoot. It was like, sister code! Ugh, and this guy in here needed to hurry up and escape and help her home, because the rain was only getting worse, the thunder only getting closer. She had to find her family, and she would not accept any kind of laziness here!

- Artemis

Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!



5 Years
01-23-2016, 12:46 AM
ooc: sorry it's a bit short, just wasn't sure if we should have another rd with Faria under the tree or not so I just thought I'd jump back in xD

Alone Ullr's efforts were in vain. He could shift the tree but he could not move it and the water was getting higher. Lightning cracked above as the rain came down harder and despite the fact he was soaked through to the bone he could almost feel the static in the air. Great…. Ullr squared his stance, muscles taut as adrenaline raced through his veins. Mithras quickly joined him, followed by Matthias and Ullr moved to follow his leaders instructions, shifting to get his shoulders under the tree. On three Ullr pushed with all his might, a roar of effort spilling from his mouth. Come on… come on…




6 Years
01-25-2016, 01:24 PM

She thought she saw Iskra get out of the way of the tree but after that she could barely focus on anything that wasn't pain. The tree was sinking into the over saturated dirt, and would work hard on crushing her lower back. She'd cry out in pain again as the first of her saviors would arrive. Uller would be seen barely out of her slitted gaze, and Mithras's form was just as vague as pain consumed her. A third would appear though Ria was far from recognizing Matthias, she did feel the pressure be relieved just enough that she could squeeze from underneath the fallen tree. With another cry she'd break free, rushing from beneath her trap and stumbling forward into the mud as she realized her legs were not working.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Dire wolf
01-31-2016, 07:54 PM

Mithras felt his body straining against the weight of the tree, but he would have fought the gods themselves if he needed to. From his angle he couldn't see even a scrap of Faria and he had no idea if he was okay. A flash of red alerted him to the safety of his youngest daughter and he would have sighed in relief if he wasn't so preoccupied with straining his every muscle and fiber. He did not dare to let even a single one waver. To him it felt like a lifetime passed before he saw a bolt of blue wriggle it's way out from under the tree. He thought at first it was Artemis because it seemed so small, but to his immense relief it was Faria dragging herself out of harms way. She was alive, thank the heavens. "She's clear, Ullr!" he called out over the raging storm before gently letting the tree down. He wasn't sure if the pale male had heard him and didn't want to crush him instead by accident.

Mithras bounded forward, closing the space between him and his oldest friend in only a breath. He sniffed her from head to toe, asking questions all the while. "Are you hurt anywhere? What happened? Where are the girls?" He picked his head up and looked around for Iskra, hoping she would know where her wayward siblings had gotten off to. Instead he turned to Ullr, who for the time being seemed to be his best bet. "Are you up for a task? We need to get organized and make sure everyone's accounted for. Will you take a group through the valley to search for anyone in need? I'll take the injured and the children to safety in the Willows. Once they're set up, I'll come find you." He turned to face the rest of those gathered by Faria's den. "All those who are fit enough for a search party step forward. Those unfit will come with me to safety in the Willows." He wanted to proclaim a head healer for them but with a crushing sense of failure realized that he had no idea who amongst his pack was trained in the healing arts. He promised himself that after they got through this he would call a meeting and get rankings all figured out.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!


02-01-2016, 02:23 PM

A burst of blue would break away from the tree and Matthias would feel slight relief in the fact Faria had not been squished beneath them. He’d remain on the side of his leader, helping him set the tree down before moving away. The girl who had been there moments before was gone, likely in search of her siblings? Matthias didn’t know. He kept his ears pinned against his skull as the rain pounded down onto his body. He didn’t know where the rest of the pack was but worry gnawed at his gut. So many faces unaccounted for... Matthias would move forward when Mithras mentioned the search party. “I can help with the search!” Matthias would glance at Ullr. “There’s a pair of brothers denned not far from here! Domnio and Anselm! We could start our search there!” Making sure everyone was out of their dens first was probably the best step, right? This flooding could leave the possibility of drowning... An unpleasant way to go.




5 Years
02-09-2016, 09:16 PM

With their combined might they managed to move the fallen tree and Faria stumbled out from under it.  Ullr's stomach sank at her struggled movements but with any luck she was just temporarily stunned and would recover with time.  He turned as Mithras spoke to him and he nodded swiftly.  "Of course sir, I'll do my best.  C'mon lets go!"  He shouted to the other able-bodied wolves and quickly headed down into the valley, there were still several members missing.  He turned to Matthias and nodded.  "That sounds like a good plan to me, lets go together.  With this storm raging we need to watch each other's backs."

Ullr forced his way through the mud and rain, scouting for signs of the brothers den.  Where was it?  Ullr stumbled, eyes widening in shock as he realized the den was under water.  Shit.  Had the brother's made it out alright? "I'm going to dive in and take a look.  Stand watch for me."  

Taking a deep breath Ullr slipped into the murky water, eyes  struggling to see anyting in the inky black of the flooded den, his paws scraping across dirt and flailing in the water until they collided with something.  At first he thought it was a log but then he realized it was fur.  Ullr mentally swore.  His jaws opened, seizing the right side of someone's neck.  Quickly he tugged the body through the opening and back up towards the surface.  Just as he broke for air a powerful current caught him.  With a powerful shove, muscles heaving he managed to push Domino halfway onto the muddy shore before the current started to sweep him away.  He hoped one of the other wolves could grab hold of Domino before the black and white man slipped back into the river.  Panting and struggling Ullr managed to catch hold of a low-hanging branch.  "Keep going!  I'll be fine!"




6 Years

02-21-2016, 09:44 PM
The storm raged on around them, blocking nearly all noise from reaching his ears. He did, however, catch the loud crack of a tree as it split and cracked, toppling to the earth, followed by a faint - but very familiar - sound. Faria. Without waiting, he'd turn to rush after Ullr, feeling his heart beginning to beat loudly in his chest as panic flooded him. He hadn't realized that the storm had grown so dangerous and in such a short span of time..

The rest of the group seemed keen to follow, though some were interested in finding the pups first. While he might normally be more interested in staying away from any group-oriented activities, he didn't know what else to do but to help. Using his head, he'd slip part of his body under the tree, hoisting his weight up with a grunt as he exerted all his energy on pushing it upright with the other men. He could've been invisible, for all he cared - he just knew he needed to help and he would do so with no complaints.

Once she was free - but not standing, he noted first - Mithras shouted out some orders. "Faria needs to be led to safety," he would suggest numbly. Maybe he was selfish, but the search party seemed a lot less important than making sure Faria was somewhere safe, especially if she was hurt. "Can you stand at all?" Unwilling to just leave her here, he'd lean down, his head bowing to the ground as he offered her something to lean on, if she was able.


02-28-2016, 12:48 AM
Darkness engulfed him. His mind and body numb as all he could think was that he might die today, if he wasn't already. His body felt heavy, unable to move. And as he began to accept his fate today, he vaguely if hardly felt teeth clamping onto his throat. Everything around him was muted, the only sounds were that of water, even after he had been dragged and pushed from his den. The place he thought had been safe. As rain pelted his bedraggled body, the black and white male slowly, painfully, sputtered back to life like a car whose engine had been idle for a long time. He coughed water, and lots of it as the cold rush of wind made his body shiver in violence. The faint sound of voices and the very loud sounds of thunder and lightning had been the very thing that made him stir to show he was still alive...barely. He remained where he was, lying in the mud and too weak to move as he struggled to regain his breath and his mind.