
It's the end of the world as we know it



2 Years
01-19-2016, 09:52 AM
What.. why was mother here? He'd not seen her for a while - okay, several days, but he generally went not even a day. It worried him, especially... especially after what he saw. When they were in the caves, her breaking, her making him the prince, the heir. That which led to his training, which had barely started when... this happened. And now, to have tracked her erratic path from the pack to the swollen river... Why? He stood at the edge, well, what was now the edge, feeling the water lap at his toes as he searched for the woman that meant so much to him.

Marina I


7 Years
01-19-2016, 08:55 PM

My iron eyes tell the tale
Heroes always pay in their blood...
I can be only this
I am the ax
Fear has been lost to faith
The darkened night has come before the end
Of which we must prevail
Amidst the pitch of steel we shall arise
I will destroy all those who oppose me

Something had snapped inside. Just when Marina thought she was free of her demons, free of their taunts and jeers, here they came again full force. They clouded her head of positive thoughts, eating at what fragile threads of sanity she had left. Or perhaps her sanity had all been but an illusion to begin with. Some fragile remains of the innocent child she once was. Whatever the case of why it happened the fact of the matter was that her darkest nightmares had become a reality once more.

She hadn’t looked back.

The moment she snapped that was it. She had left Borealis on the hunt. Voices whispered to her, promising dark secrets, whispering of enemies long since dead. But Marina was too far gone at this point. She had fallen off the edge again, leaving only a shell in it’s wake.

...and within that shell Rainbow Syndrome took the place of the rainbow marked femme.

A wicked grin was spread across her face. She had challenged the river, going across the engorged waters. Her body had been battered by floating debris and it was nothing short of a miracle that the woman hadn’t gotten stuck in the mud or drowned. Yet here she was, on the far side of the bank, victorious!

Rainbow would turn her head in the direction she had come, in the direction that had once been her home. Home... Nay there was no such place! She was the demon, the outcast. No one loved her, for surely no one could love a murderer.

But in the distance she could make out another figure... On the side of the bank where she had just come from. She would narrow her bi-colored eyes, taking in his beautiful dark blue coat. Even if in the distance he seemed more a blob then a true wolf she felt as though she should recognize that blob.

Did she have family?

Her mind would twist and turn, stirring up three images. Mother. Father. Brother. They were her family... And this one was not one of them. She’d bare her fangs, lips peeling back in a snarl. There was no one else she needed.

But why did she get the sense he had followed her here? Eyes would narrow, hackles raising as she glared across the water. "Do not follow Rainbow Syndrome if you know what's best for you!" The woman would snarl out, her voice rising over the rushing water. She would begin to back away from the water’s edge, waiting to see what the other would do. If he dared come closer she would run. She was in no mood for battle right now.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]