
Dinner for two?



08-19-2014, 01:19 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 01:19 PM by Pyrros.)
Speckled paws move over the domain as the large brute walked through the area simply enjoying the heat on his fun that to the summer sun. his paws disturbed the sand that lingered on the ground thus leaving deep paw prints in the ground before they ended at the river were he came to a stop. deciding to take advantage of this solitude he lowered himself in the shallow parts of the river. sighing softly at the cool touch of the water his amber hues gazed at the ripples of the water before they focused in on the fish swimming up stream. it did not take long for the male to begin snapping at the fish to try and catch one, moments passed before one of the slippery creatures were within his jaws, returning to the sandy back she shook his pelt free from the water before he settled down to eat



5 Years
08-21-2014, 05:22 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her home was much the same as when her family had left it, just as plentiful and accommodating to all their needs as it had ever been. The fact their den had still been standing with its telltale Talutah markings that adorned the trees surrounding it was a miracle, though its residents had certainly grown considerably since they had last inhabited it. Adjustments had been made in practically all aspects of life, but now Anais and her family were settled in and comfortable again, and perhaps it was rekindling in her a bit of her restless childishness but no sooner had she gotten reacquainted with the Range she was off again, in search of other places that she could do with getting to know.

It had never been her intention to wander so far from home on this particular trip, but it happened anyway. The warmth of the south grew in intensity the further west she went, and by the time she reached the River she was eager to find herself a place to get a drink. Most of what she had covered so far had been sandy and dry, and with desperation in her steps the young wolf approached the riverside with a growing wag of her tail. Water! There must have been a storm that had rolled through and collected here, she supposed, and was grateful for it.

But she was not alone there. Across the river on its other side was another wolf, sitting and eating a fish that Anais assumed he must have caught himself. Her lemon-gold eyes watched him curiously as she stopped there at the water's edge and dipped her muzzle down to drink, delighted at the coolness of it. This was definitely much needed. Licking stray droplets from her chin, she lifted her head again and with a wag of her tail addressed the stranger across from her in her customary friendly tone, "How's the fish?"

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



08-21-2014, 05:59 PM
The brute quite enjoyed the moist feeling of the fish against his lips that the meat he ripped from the carcass seemed to gently slide to his Tummy with out much chewing, his ears flicked upon his head as he was lost his meal. It wasn't before to long that the paw prints of another caused him to stop for a moment to locate her were about before he continued eating. Listening to the question of the female he soon finished up and lifted his smoldering gaze to lock on to the orbs of that of the girl.

Parting his jaws he removed the blood from his jaws before he chuckled light heartedly as he spoke " Why not venture over here my dear and join me, I promise I wont bite... Much" He teased in a deep toned voice that some classed as being seductive in some way, Keeping his hazel orbs upon the female he allowed them to lingerer over her frame before he divided them to the half eaten fish that rested between his large paws before he looked to the female once more with a tempting almost daring look his orbs



5 Years
08-21-2014, 07:02 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The wolf did not initially look her way and instead continued to eat the meal he had started, only lifting his attention from his fish when he was halfway through it. Anais met and held his gaze easily, smiling as she so often did, her tail once again wagging in a peaceable, friendly way. There were no strangers in her world, simply friends she had yet to make, and so her manner reflected this, inviting and warm. In this particular case, it was touched slightly with admiration. Considering her mother was a skilled fisher, the girl placed a lot of value in knowing the skill, and even more on being able to execute it so well. And obviously this wolf could fish. He must have been a rather skilled hunter for it, just like her mom.

The teasing tone behind his invitation was mostly lost to her innocent mind though noticing a peculiarity to it she did chuckle, feeling just a little sliver of doubt settle there within the back of her mind. Maybe his silly bite comment was empty of threat? She had heard other empty threats before, and had always been safe in the end. But then again, most of those came from her brother, teasing her and trying to scare her. And this wolf was of no relation. Could he be trusted?

"Are you sure?" she asked, still smiling though the uncertainty had crept into her gaze and she shifted upon her feet. But as she realized the timing of her question, following his bite comment, she decided to clarify on her meaning. "I mean, you won't mind? I don't want to interrupt you."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



08-22-2014, 03:57 PM
The large brute never bothered to move from his laying down posture, his tassel however flicked causing a rhythmic beating upon the domain as he listened to the little beauty speak. The hesitation in the girls words amused him in some strange way and so a soft husky chuckle vibrated from his vocal cords and he simply dipped his head to nod.

" I don't mind, and you have already interrupted me"

He stated in a calm tone as he aimed to keep the females gaze while half wondering if she would venture towards him if she did so, his head would rise slightly more to absorb her scent to hopefully remember her aroma before he spoke once more.

" There is not much left however I shall catch more if you wish"

He stated as he left the half eaten fish resting on his fore-paws meaning if the lass really wanted the teat she would have to stand within hi comfort zone-



5 Years
08-22-2014, 06:41 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The male wolf appeared quite comfortable where he lay, the fish resting there between his paws with his hazel gaze set her way, a playful sort of expression to his face and a wag within his tail. All were good signs as she knew to recognize them, all encouraging her that it was alright for her to cross the shallow river point and join him there on his side of it. But... Doubt still lingered, causing her to be hesitant. It was very much not like her, though she could hardly ignore the little voice the back of her mind, the one that had grown alert at the wolf's words as well as his tone. Could there be something here that she had simply not recognized yet, something that she innately knew to be wrong?

Another low laugh escaped him as he inclined his head her way, assuring her that she would be no bother and pointing out that she had already done as she had feared doing just a moment ago. She had already interrupted him, the realization which drew her ears back rather sheepishly against her head and dropped her lemon-gold gaze in apology. He was right. If he was alright with her going over, what more could she do to inconvenience him? "Oh no, it's okay, I know how to fish," she assured him, deliberating for a moment more before she came to her decision.

Never one to truly back down from an opportunity to make friends, the girl set aside her nervousness - she still did not entirely understand it anyway - and with a brightening of her smile she headed along the riverbank, seeking a shallow spot before she crossed. The current, thank goodness, was not so overpowering to make the crossing difficult, and with water dripping from her sides and coat Anais pulled herself up onto the other bank, stopping momentarily to shake herself and then padded with further wags of her tail toward the male. Her gaze fell to the fish that sat there at his feet, wondering whether it was as good as the ones her mother often caught, but feeling content enough without knowing she reclined back into a seated position and leaned her head slightly to the side. "I'm Anais, by the way."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



08-26-2014, 03:40 PM
Hazel orbs never left the form of the girl as she ventured towards him. As she crossed the river he rose slightly upon his appendages incase the water swapped her way but thankfully she moved across with little bother. Settling once more the male moved to sit more upright as the female sat before his form thus leaving the half eaten fish upon the domain. Allowing his orbs to Rome over her form a cruet smile played upon his lips as his head tilted to the side.

"Pretty calling for a pretty creature"

he cooed before he nudged the fish towards her slightly in the hopes that she would venture closer once more before he would rise to his full height and thus towered over the dame before his long strides carried him in a circle around the female as he moved his tail caressed her sides for a moment before he pulled away once more

" My calling is pyrro" he added



5 Years
08-26-2014, 04:38 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The girl's still damp tail tapped lightly against the ground happily, her expression cheery and bright as she watched the male's hazel gaze shift. No longer did his eyes meet hers; instead, they roamed, almost as if sizing her up. It felt a little awkward to be under such close scrutiny, and it showed a little as a slightly nervous motion about her ears, but by the smile that the male wore she was sure whatever assessment he had been making had gone over well. Maybe that was a good sign for her?

He complimented her in a soft sort of voice, eliciting a smile from Anais as well as a brightening of her smile. Compliments were common enough among family, and Crucifix had always complimented on her skill, but never had a stranger remarked upon her looks. She was still feeling somewhat bashful about his remark when he nudged the fish toward her in offering, and considering he had been so nice to her so far she hardly thought it right for her to refuse him now. "Thank you," she answered, not only to his offer but to his compliment as well, and rocking forward onto her feet she took the necessary step closer to it to lower her head and take a small taste. Hmm, perhaps not quite like the fish that her mother caught in the east and south, but it was delightful considering the barren landscape it came from.

She licked her lips and took another bite of the fish, her ears shifting atop her head to follow the progression of the stranger as he made a slow, complete circle around her. The purpose was lost to her, though she did lift her head once and glance his way when his tail brushed against her side, her expression confused though she laughed anyway. Licking at her lips a second time, she righted herself and stood again there before the mostly eaten fish, her head turned to watch the male as he stepped clear and introduced himself. "It's nice to meet you, Pyrros," Anais stated, dipping her head slightly in an imitation of the formal actions her mother would have approved of. "So you're a fisher?" It was such a rare craft, and one that was so close to home, that she could hardly stop herself from asking it with curious interest.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



08-27-2014, 04:06 PM
Shifting his weight the male reclined once more before he moved his body to lay upon the domain once more before he lifted his gaze to meet the girls once more before he stretched his form out and allowed himself to enjoy the sun that was warming his mixed coloured pelt he felt no threat from this girl and it seemed as if there was no others lurking around so he assumed she was was rouge like himself.. Always a good thing when meeting someone now he was sure he could remain in this domain for a while with out running the risk of some snobbish alpha moving him from this domain.

Listening to the girls question, a husky chuckle escaped his maw as he answered. " I suppose, I can hunt anything if in the mood" he boosted as his tail flicked lightly as if he was fanning his form " what about yourself? Can you fish? " he questioned as slight curiosity began to pick at his brain.



5 Years
08-28-2014, 05:11 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The male wolf Pyrros appeared quite comfortable there beside the river with her, reclining back upon his haunches and lowering himself back to the ground to lie there within the warm sunlight. A little she was tempted to follow suit and do the same. For it being summer and warmer than usual, it was surprisingly pleasant there upon the riverside, cooler than she had experienced when walking across the lands and made better for having someone new that she could talk to. So far the male wolf was proving to be intriguing company, surprising her with his peculiar ways, and though she did not quite understand why he acted the way he did or said things the way he said them Anais was content enough just to enjoy his company.

His answer to her question was relatively simple, slightly boastful but said in such a way that it hardly appeared as self-important as it could have. It was almost like it was just a simple fact. When the question was turned around on her, Anais blinked a little and then smiled modestly. "I can, sometimes. Not nearly as well as my mom, but good enough," she admitted, her tail giving a few nervous taps against the ground at her side. No, she was nowhere near the skill her mother possessed when it came to fishing. But in other respects...

"I'm a pretty decent hunter though." And now it was her turn to be boastful, lifting her head with a touch of pride. Friends and family alike had praised her skill in this area, and her practicing had done nothing but to better it.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



09-15-2014, 01:37 PM
Resting his head against his paws, he's ears swivel as he listened to the female before him, hearing her answer he lifted his head slightly to meet her gaze.

"Hunter eh?"

He spoke before she allowed his orbs to scan over her body once more hopping to see the muscle that most hunters had hiding under there pelt before he rested himself down once more with this heat and his think pelt he felt like he was melting so he decided that right now would be the best time to lay still and enjoy the warmth while it was around.

"Perhaps I might get the honor of seeing a pretty female hunt?"
he questioned as his lips pulled in to a crooked smile even though his orbs remained closed



5 Years
09-15-2014, 11:19 PM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2014, 11:20 PM by Anais.)

Walk | Talk | Think

"Yep," Anais answered proudly, confirming for Pyrros that she had indeed spoken correctly. Hunter was definitely what she considered herself of all the jobs out there that she could have chosen, and she thought it suited herself incredibly well. She was far too squeamish to be a healer like Lior, nor could she keep her cool under that kind of pressure. And neither did she really possess the hardness and strength of a fighter the way her brothers did. No, hunting was something she could do, and something she could do well. It was her calling, and she planned to follow it through for the rest of her life.

She was oblivious to the male's eyes as they roved across her frame, unaware of the way in which he seemed to size her up in regards to the comments she had made. As is finding himself satisfied with his inspection, he appeared to melt back upon the ground, his head lowering and his eyes closing with a look that spoke of contentment. The question he asked drew about another smile from the girl to the answer the one he gave, a little chuckle following just a second in delay. "I'm not sure there's much to be hunted here," Anais admitted a bit regrettably. She would have been more than willing to show off her skill for a curious observer, maybe even a little more so because he had complimented her yet again, but being unfamiliar with this dry terrain she was unsure what sort of game, if any resided here. As it was, it seemed a miracle already that the river had even had fish within it.

Noting that he still refused to open his eyes, that he looked so comfortable there where he lay, she felt a little stirring of unease. Was she being a bother? Did he want her to leave so that he could rest undisturbed? He had invited her over to join him, but maybe things had changed... "Did you want to rest?" she asked quietly, trying to be as little of a nuisance as she could. "If you'd like, I could go and let you rest?" Her offer was spoken in question, feeling slightly disappointed she might have to set off again so soon but also trying to be considerate of whatever the male wanted to do as well.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



09-16-2014, 03:05 PM
The large male continued to lay almost dead looking if it wasn't for the rising and falling of his large chest cavity. Although his orbs remained closed attentive auds flicked upon his head showing that he was interested in what the female was saying about her hunting. As the comment on the landscape was mentioned. Chuckling he opened a single eye to glance up at her before he stretched and allowed his eyes to close once more before he spoke

" There Is always something to hunt"

he stated before he rolled over hoping to gently kick the females legs from under her and cause her to fall on top of him. if this occurred he would them move to roll so he lay upon her and supported his weight so not crouch the dame before him.

" Like you for example"

he purred softly before he aimed to lightly nip upon her ear as he chuckled

" I think i would rest better with a pretty dame like yourself at my flank"

He added as he simply watched her with dark smothering orbs



5 Years
09-16-2014, 03:45 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He seemed so content there upon the ground beside the river that Anais was beginning to fell even more strongly that she should take her leave of him and let him rest. Surely her conversation was only going to prolong him from drifting away into sleep, which she supposed he was considering by how still he grew as he lay there, his eyes closed in such a peaceful expression though his ears continued to stay tuned to her as if to hear every word. A little she shifted upon her front paws, her own ears turning back to rest against her head uncertainly as indecision kept her rooted to the spot.

Or at least until her companion moved. His harmless statement regarding prey to hunt went naturally over her head, but the kick he aimed at her paws cleanly swept her forelegs out from under her and took with it her support. Startled, her yellow-gold eyes widened and her front half hit the wolf she had been sitting beside with an audible, "Oof!", and before she had a moment to apologize or draw herself away again, as would have been proper, he rolled, dragging himself over her with her own body sheltered underneath him.

Her heart beat swiftly in her chest, her gaze wide as she lay partially upon her side, confused and quite uncertain about the whole change in positions. What had just happened? But as if nothing at all was out of place, the male with the dark, hazel eyes suggested that she be the new prey, his tone a quiet purr that cause Anais to tense beneath him, her ears still pinned and her gaze still wide. He leaned in with a gentle nip against her ear, the touch eliciting a nervous shiver, and feeling considerably flustered she rolled so that she could more properly look up at him, tucking her paws and tail in close so as to try keeping at least a little of the proper distance between them though she wondered if he even cared. "But you-you're not resting anymore," she countered weakly, a slight, uncharacteristic stutter accompanying her statement. From where she lay, it hardly seemed like he was truly entertaining thoughts about rest anymore, though what he was thinking instead she wished she knew.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



09-16-2014, 04:01 PM
The male had to admit that he was currently amused with the the expression the dame had thanks to the little stunt he had pulled that landed the female under his paws listening to her timid words he continued to lightly nibble upon the girls ear before he removed his grasp so he could speak.

"I think the desire to ravish my pray has become more of a desire than sleep"

he whispered in to her ear before he moved to nuzzled his snout into the girls pelt to simple absorb her scent that he would implant in to his mind for the next encounter that the two made should the girl decide to move and depart from his side.

His orbs continued to watch the girl as he lowered his form slightly to allow his pelt to become mixed with the shade of the female below him in the hopes to spark something within the female after all at this moment in time his mind was set upon finding a mate or at least to repopulate his genes in some way shape or form



5 Years
09-16-2014, 04:25 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The ear that Pyrros continued to nip at twitched under his attention, unsure whether it ought to be allowed or discouraged. As it was, Anais was feeling considerably nervous about everything: the fact the male had her pinned, the way in which he touched her ear, the sound of his voice and the words he spoke. She was so naive, so clueless, as to what it was that he hinted so strongly at, and yet somehow, instinctually, she seemed to understand enough to be anxious. Should she not be resisting more? Should she ask him to stop? Without knowing the consequences, her indecision continued to stall her making a decision.

Again he spoke softly to her, a phrase whose meaning was lost but whose purpose seemed to finally hit home. He shifted again, his muzzle seeking to press firmly within her coat, and Anais tensed as she closed her eyes, a small noise escaping her that could have easily been a protest but was merely an sound of her anxiety. She felt trapped beneath him, forced to accept his affections simply because she could not get away, and with her mind finally made up she reacted.

His body moved to lower against hers, feeling his warmth and weight settle over her, and shifting her forepaws she pressed them against his chest as he lowered into place. "Please, Pyrros," she whispered shakily, her bright eyes still closed and her expression mirroring her nervousness, "I can't breathe." He seemed to have startled the breath right out of her, and no matter what he did the anxious rate of her heart did not seem to help matters any at all. Maybe, if she could just get to her feet, get a little breathing room, she would feel better.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



09-16-2014, 04:54 PM
A smirk crossed his maw as he continued to watch the girl, amusement glimmered in his orbs as a soft chuckle escaped his lips he found her adorable in this state and part of him wanted to push her further simply wondering how far could she last without crumbling. feeling her push against his chest he lifted an eyebrow in suspicion before he pushed against her using his strength against her to keep her pinned.

A low vibration occurred in his vocal cords that could be similar to that of a moan as he breath lightly against her ear before he spoke.

" Am I scaring you my love?"

He whispered before he continued to run his muzzle within her fur before a moment passed and a soft sigh passed his lips as he shifted his weight to stand up right once more. Chuckling he tilted his head as his tail coiled over his spinal cord as his smirk lingered.

" Such Innocents, that will be taking by yours truly"

he claimed before he lifted his snout to the air to scent it for a moment before he looked to the girl once more.



5 Years
09-16-2014, 05:20 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For a frightful second she thought he would not listen to her, thought he would ignore her statement entirely from the way the pushes she had made against him only seemed to make him press back more forcefully, wielding his authority over the situation and doing as he had intended all along by keeping her there beneath him. But the breathy moan he made against her ear - the sound of which elicited another shiver, another shudder - was followed by a whispered question, words of concern finally offered to her regarding everything he was doing. His pet name was lost within the anxiety of her mind, and in a whisper even softer than his own, Anais answered, "Yes."

His muzzle pressed back into her fur again, taking in her scent and leaving behind his own, but when she started to think he really would ignore what she said he finally moved. His larger massed was dragged up away from her, her now exposed belly feeling so cold without him there hovering over her so closely. It made her visibly shake again.

But at last she could breathe, and she dragged in quick, shaky breaths as her gaze finally opened to regard the male as he remained over her. At this angle, at this short distance, he looked quite intimidating, and the fact he seemed to pronounce it more strongly with the upward curve of his tail only exaggerated his power, his authority, over their whole interaction. Anais nearly forgot that she wanted to move and remained there between his paws, staring upward as he declared he would take something of hers. Her ears pinned more tightly against her head as she puzzled over what he meant, afraid to ask, and tentatively, hesitantly, she rolled to her stomach and crawled forward to get out from underneath him, keeping her body low and her stance submissive. "I...I don't understand," the grey-gold girl admitted, wishing not for the first time that she had been more understanding of these suggestions he continued to make.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



09-16-2014, 05:37 PM
A soft chuckle passed his lips as he watched her ever move it was almost as if he lived off the fear that seemed to be lingering in the girls form then again he was simply being himself and for him he imaged himself as this dominant over powering creature now weather others seen him as such was a different story.
Stepping away from the female he stretched his form as he spoke.

" Well I could show you... but that would have to wait for your peek season dearest"

he said in a sly tone before he began moving right now his mind was settled on finding a pack or perhaps starting one of his own either way he wanted the numbers around him and so his bodily wants would simple have to wait.. for a while at least.

Brushing his tail along the female's frame as he moved passed her he swung his head over his shoulder to gaze at her.

" I seek a pack, Your welcome to join.."

He spoke and although his words sounded like that of a request his tone stated it was more of a demand for her to follow him on his travles



5 Years
09-16-2014, 09:02 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

At last she seemed to be getting her breath back, and she tried to steady herself with the small distance she had put between them. What had all that been about, pinning her like that and touching her so much? And that tone of voice... Even now it made her shiver, the memory of it accompanied by the memory of his breath on her body, his muzzle nuzzling at her fur. She had not asked for any of it, and yet he had seem it fit to offer her all of that and more. She of course still did not entirely understand his purpose, or the wait he had spoken of as he mentioned showing her what he meant, but nonetheless she was wary of finding out.

He eventually began to move again, walking her way, and the distance that he closed with each step caused the nervous girl to sink a little more inward where she stood, drawing herself further into her crouch. But he did not touch her again, at least not as he had before. Rather his tail ghosted against her side, trailing along the length of her body as he moved away with a new statement and another offer.

Did he intend for her to go with him to this new pack he wished to join? Her ears were already leaned back against her head, but a new type of worry seemed to cross her face at the notion. " family..." she answered softly, uncertainly. What of them? They expected her back home, they would be waiting for her return. How could she leave them when they were all she knew?

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.