
This is starting to suck



1 Year
01-26-2016, 02:26 PM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2016, 02:26 PM by Illie.)

She went from confused depression to straight up annoyance to fullfledged determination in a heart beat. There wasn't much that could keep little illie down, even almost drowning despite the fact that should couldn't remember that she did. Sure, the pain had kept her bed ridden for quite sometime, and learning to live with the blank spots in her memory had kept her busy for a week or two more but she was restless. She wanted to move, wanted to run, wanted to enjoy this life that she had been given. Even if the pain still hummed in her joints and along her shoulders, even if her head did throb if she looked at the light wrong. Even if this all felt like it didn't belong to her. She was determined to chew through the pain, to make this belong to her. To use what was given and run with it.

Illie was a hard thing to knock down, even if she couldn't remember being knocked down in the first place.

So that day she had stepped out of her little makeshift den and turned a new corner, searching for something to do. Her large blue eyes were searching, her jaw set as she practically punched the ground with each step. She was anxious, she had far too much energy, she wanted to do something, but what...she couldn't be sure. What was this place, really? He had called it Imperium, but did they all sit around and hang out, oh..wait! She paused, eyes growing wide as she stared at the ground, gaze flickering as she practically tried to read the hazy memory from the blades of grass. But before she could catch it, it was gone. Whatever it wasn't this, and she couldn't help but sigh heavy. "Ugh! This sucks!" She barked rather loudly, stamping her foot against the ground before hanging her head. She glared at the earth, lips curled. It was incredibly unfair, nothing was clear! She needed...needed something and she couldn't figure it out.


*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.

Mercy I


5 Years

01-26-2016, 05:34 PM

She nearly jumped out of her skin at the loud bark, her drooping eyelids shooting wide open. Okay okay, she was awake! Damn. Mercy's purple eyes narrowed back down to tiny slits, gazing across the horizon until she spotted the white and blue wolf. Had she been the one to make all that sound? Mercy watched as the girl stamped on the ground, causing the woman to snort as she leaned back against the tree trunk behind her. She was several feet behind the stranger, close enough that her voice could be heard. "Having a hissy fit, little girl?" she asked out loud, a sneer on her lips as she eyed her. She almost looked like one of Valentine's kids, with the blue and the dots under her eyes. But she looked like she was at least a year old, and this was the first time that she had ever seen her before. There was a touch of Imperium scent on her, but there was still her own lingering smell under that. Ah, new blood. It was odd how much she looked like Valentine though, but she was missing his family scent on her. It took awhile for her to shake that thought from her mind though, her head literally shaking back and forth.

Rising from her spot, Mercy came a little closer to the younger female. The pale woman attempted to circle around her smaller frame, trying to keep about two feet between them as she inspected the other. "Life ain't fair, sweetheart. The sooner you remember that, the better." Her voice was brutally honest, and she really didn't care. She was helping, right? Good ol' Mercy was only trying to look out for the little one, right? She snorted to herself, licking her lips absentmindedly. "And just who are you, anyways? I haven't seen you around before, and you smell pretty new." There was a touch of suspicion in her voice, her smell was still new enough that she could very well be hiding out in the range without actually being a member of the pack.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



1 Year
01-26-2016, 05:56 PM

So lost in her thoughts that she nearly jumped out of her skin when someone's voice cut through the otherwise quiet air. Blue eyes lifted quickly, searching for who spoke before landing on a white female some distance away. Hissy fit?! She'd sneer slightly before huffing and shaking her head. "I'm not having a hissy fit" She seethed, ears pulling back slightly as she averted her gaze. She didn't want to go into it, really. Not with a stranger. She wondered what Cascade and Valentine were doing....When the female stood and stalked towards her, Illie quickly took a step back and turning her head to look up at her again. She'd watch as the woman circled her, feeling the fur along her neck rise as she kept her muzzle shut, gaze narrowing slowly as she watched the woman.

"I never said anything about fair. Just said it sucked, is all." She said slowly, deeply as she mirrored the woman's movements, licking her lips. Her muzzle would dip down slightly, subconciously as she looked up at her. She didn't like being looked at like this, but perhaps all this was as strange to this woman as it was to Illie. No one seemed to have any answers for her, it was like she was plucked from the sky at random. Though, all that pain...doesn't make sense. When she was asked who she was she carefully lifted her head, a small prideful smirk on her lips. "I'm Illie Skye. Valentine just brought me here, 's probably why you don't know me." She was rather new, and most of the time she had spent here had been in almost seclusion in her den healing. "Who're you, anyways?" She asked rather rudely, tilting her head at her expectantly.


*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.

Mercy I


5 Years

01-26-2016, 06:45 PM

Mercy let out a loud bark of laughter at the young adult's snappy words, purple gaze taking in her angry stature. "My my, this one has a temper!" she cooed, elongated tail flicking behind her to try and swat the blue and white female on the rump. It was oh so much fun to try to get a rise out of others, Mercy just loved to cause trouble. Plus she was new meat, she had never had the opportunity to get a rise out of this one. It wasn't often that she even interacted with strangers, but this dame was too interesting to pass up. She really wanted to ask if she was another one of Valentine's children, but she bit her tongue -- for now. She was able to circle around her, and she could feel the girls heated blue eyes on her the whole time. She saw her hackles rise slightly and let out a giggle, her tail starting to wag behind her. "Down, tiger. I'm not here to hurt you." Not yet. Not unless that is what she wanted.

A single brow rose as the female licked at her chops and stood in a more submissive posture. Mm, interesting. Mercy stood in front of the stranger where she could see her see her face. Head tilted slightly to the side as she studied her, letting out a small huff. She seemed quite proud of her name, which surprised Mercy enough to stun her into silence for a moment, blinking her violet eyes several times. Mmm, interesting indeed. Her rudely spoken comment didn't shake Mercy, although her ears twitched back slightly. Okay so it bothered her a little, but not enough to actually do something about it. "I'm Mercy Guerrero," she said, at last feeling the pride in her name after all these years, "a warrior of Imperium."


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



1 Year
01-29-2016, 10:09 PM

Illie would stare at this woman, blue eyes narrowed as she did. She decided right then that she didn't much like her. She was rude, wasn't she! Well, it wasn't like Illie had the best manners anyways. The second the tail flicked her she'd step to the side and glare at it. She was going through enough as is, not knowing who she was or where she had come from that she was bound to be a little cranky. It wasn't like she expected warm welcomes from wolves she didn't know, but she didn't really enjoy this. Blue eyes would slide back up to the woman, her lips curling without her consent. "Bite me," She seethed, staring at this woman. Little Illie had absolutely no idea what this woman was like, this..."mercy" she called herself. She didn't know she was a fire cracker, but from the looks of her scars, the young amnesiac could tell that she had been in a few good fights.

And then she confirmed it with her occupation. Warrior huh? "Must be exciting," She murmured then, not taking her eyes off this woman. She wondered what it would be like to be a warrior, to fight, to feel strong and in control. To be able to tell the world exactly what you felt and able to back it up with some brute strength. And in that moment, Illie decided she wanted to learn how to be this...warrior thing.


*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.

Mercy I


5 Years

01-29-2016, 10:27 PM

The younger girl glared at her and moved away from her tail swat, and Mercy's brow rose as her lips curled back. Bite her? The pale woman's head tossed back and she let out a loud laugh, her tail wagging behind her in excitement. "Don't tempt me, little one," she laughed, her own lips peeling back in a wicked grin. The taller woman attempted to come alongside Illie, reaching her head over to attempt to drag her teeth across the others shoulder in a teasing manner. She wasn't aiming for any damage at all, but she snapped her jaws shut loudly after the attempted drag. Letting out another booming laugh she pulled away, letting out a snort as she tried to meet her gaze. "We have a little fireball, huh? Good, good, you'll get along well here."

When speak of being a warrior came up, the girl just muttered something about it being interesting. Mercy nodded her head eagerly, another wicked smile coating her mouth. "If you want, I could show you just how interesting it can be, little tiger," Mercy said in a singsong voice, her body lowering into a fighting stance with ease. "Since you're so eager to get bit, I can show you just how sharp my bite really is." Her black marked face twisted into a snarl, her legs set an equal distance apart as she squared off with the younger girl. "Plus, what better way to get to know your own pack mates by the taste of their blood?"


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



1 Year
01-29-2016, 10:57 PM

Illie continued to watch her, hardly feeling safe enough to really look away. She hardly knew these wolves, and though she was part of the "pack" now, she didn't really know what all that entailed. Where they expected to fight? Were they expected to take care of themselves. She wasn't sure, so she just stared at this woman, watching as she moved around her again. "I'm not little." Even though in all technicality she was. She was oddly short compared to everyone she had met here, and she was rather young even if she wasn't entirely sure how old she was. She just stood still, watching Mercy from where she stayed. At the feeling of her teeth on her flesh she froze, blue eyes growing wide but she didn't move until Mercy clicked her jaws. Quickly she spun around to face her, rolling her shoulder slightly as she felt the tingling of where her teeth were. It was a strange feeling, and she didn't understand it. But then again, what else was new. "Is everyone here like you?" She asked almost quietly, almost nervously. She knew no one here, except for Valentine and maybe a little of Cascade, so she almost wouldn't be surprised.

She met the woman's purple gaze, holding it steady as she watched her flow into a different stance, and something inside Illie warned her of it. This was dangerous, but her pride pushed her on. If she bowed down now, what would that mean for her future? Would Mercy see her as nothing but a spitting little child? Not that she really....cared, okay, well, she did. She did care, because she was so lost and lonely that she just wanted to make some connection, even if it wasn't a very happy or healthy one. Even if it was just her and this woman throwing insults around, at least she wouldn't feel alone. "Yeah, i do!" She said then, almost a little loudly. She wanted to see what it was like to be a fighter, she wanted to learn, she wanted to be able to fight off that darkness that seemed to want to keep pulling her down, she wanted to be able to survive and thrive and not feel scared. "Ya gonna teach me, or just throw me to the fishes?" She asked then, staring at the woman as she tried to copy her stance, her legs parting and her head lowering. "Cause I wanna learn..." She admitted, almost quietly.


*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.

Mercy I


5 Years

02-01-2016, 09:01 PM

Mercy just grinned at her comment, head nodding up and down. "Of course you're little. Then again, everyone here is a mountain of a wolf," she commented softly, trying to keep the bitter note from her vocals. The dame had once thought herself as tall, after all she had been taller than almost everyone she had met. Until she came to Imperium, that was. It was rather funny though, the smallest little wolf had been the one to bring her here. Her body tensed up at the thought of Dione, and she quickly mentally shook herself. This was not a time to freeze up, she was dealing with this chick right now. Thoughts of the green woman would only bring her down, after all, that was just another part of her life that was depressing. The world just kept trying to drag her down, but she shook them off. Mercy was a fighter, mentally and physically. She was snapped out of her thoughts when the blue and white girl spoke again, pale ears flickering to pick up her words. "No, no they are not. I'm one special piece of meat." she chuckled. In fact, she was actually surprised at the variety of wolves that this pack held. While most were strong fighter types, they had their few softer ones as well. Not everyone was as much of a bitch as she was, and it was kind of something that she prided herself on.

She had to admit, she was pretty impressed by this one. A single, black marked brow rose, purple eyes roaming around her smaller form. So, she wanted to learn, eh? She wasn't really the best with words, she was more of an action teacher. So when the girl tried to copy her stance, she let out a soft snort. It wasn't the best fighters stance, not at all. "Mmm... I am a fan of fish." she mused out loud. She really wanted to test how strong Illie's instincts were, so she let out a growl and lurched forward, like she was going to attack. Mercy attempted to stop just short of the younger girl, seeing if her body would react in the way she hoped. Mercy stood in a full battle stance now, head lowering to align with her spine, tail raising to do the same. Ears pinned against her skull as her purple eyes narrowed, legs staying an equal distance apart, toes spreading and claws digging into the soft ground. Her shoulders rolled forward and her chin tipped towards her chest, ready to see what this girl had.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



1 Year
02-03-2016, 03:12 PM

Illie tried to ready herself for something she didn't know, trying to rely on instincts that could use some work. Everything inside of her was telling her to run, to not face this obviously experianced fighter. But she stayed strong, as if it would prove to herself and to this woman that she wasn't weak. That she could do...things. Her toes pressed against the ground, more in nervous habit than anything, but blue eyes grew slightly wider at the comment of fish. Oh crap. This wasn't going to be fun, was it. But! She didn't allow that to make her back down, not at all. But she just...wasn't prepared for fighting. She could barely remember anything, let alone fighting, if she had ever done it before, that is. So when Mercy leapt at her, jaws agape, Illie couldn't help how she reacted. The snarl the white woman let lose tore through her, vibrating through her entire body as if the entire ground shook, and she let out a yelp and leapt to the left before she could even blink. When she realized what she had done she growled and stomped her foot, quickly spinning around to face Mercy again.

That wasn't fair! Mercy couldn't expect her to know.... Quickly she shook her head, a determined set look in her eyes as she copied the woman's stance again. This time, she flowed through the motions. Her shoulders rolled forward as her head lined with her spin and chin tilted down to protect her throat. Fur piloerected as she rose her hackles, bent down on her knees. Tail lashed out behind her for balance and to show her impatience in herself. She wasn't happy with herself, not at all. Ears pinned, eyes narrowed and toes and claws cut into the earth. "Do over!" She barked, loudly. She was going to be able to fight, even if it killed her. She wanted to show Mercy she could, wanted to show herself...


*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.

Mercy I


5 Years

02-05-2016, 12:12 AM

The pale woman was actually quite impressed with the set of defenses that Illie managed to slip into on her own, without having to be shown what to do. Even though she thought she knew nothing, her body was responding by sheer instinct. That is what she wanted to try and pull from the girl, instead of her just flailing about and asking what needed to be done, she should be listening to her body. "Don't fight your instincts! Get out of your head and listen to your body. It knows what to do, even if you don't think you do. You cannot over think in a fight, or you're dead!" she growled, too in the moment to instruct her more kindly. When she jumped at the younger girl, she yelped and spun away, causing Mercy to let out an irritated huff. Illie didn't seem too pleased with herself either, which was also a good sign. She obviously did want to learn, so Mercy wasn't wasting her time with this one. Her lesson would actually go to go use, hopefully. She wasn't the best teacher, but... hey. She was something! A good fighter, a shitty talker. She needed to find a happy medium...

Shaking her head, she focused on the blue and white girl once more. She barked at her to go again, causing Mercy to grin softly. Good! She was angry, frustrated. "Use that anger to your advantage! Let it run through you, block out everything else. You need that adrenaline to push passed the pain of your injuries and focus on your opponent. Now, if you run away again I might actually bite you this time." she barked. She didn't leap at the girl right away again, that would be too predictable. So instead she darted towards her own left, before diving back to her own right and leaping at Illie from that point, putting her aimed target at Illie's left shoulder. This time Mercy tried to slam her rolled right shoulder into Illie's left shoulder, not too hard, but if she hit she would definitely leave a small bruise. Unless of course, she dodged out of the way, or was able to actually get in an attack herself. Quickly Mercy opened her jaws, her head tilting towards her own right as she tried to place her mouth on Illie's neck, right in the center of her head and her shoulder. Mercy didn't bite down, but just tried to place her jaws there as if she was really going to bite. Let's see how Illie tried to get herself out of this one.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.