
[PO] B Is For Borage



9 Years
01-30-2016, 12:11 AM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2016, 08:25 PM by Kavdaya.)
Deadline for first round: February 16th
Thread is mandatory to all healers, optional to those wishing to sit in.

Kavdaya Of The Nomads

The time had come to draw their small number of healing inclined wolves together for their first Healer's Meeting. Kavdaya's celestial eyes swept the main chamber of the family den, before she trotted out, down the ravine (a ravine that was six feet tall on either side, and forty feet long), and to the entrance. Zuriel, she felt, would not be far away, but there was the green and black girl with ruby eyes, and she might be a bit further. She hadn't seen the girl lately, and she hoped this would draw her into the fold a bit more, and give them all a chance to get to know one another.

Kavdaya let out a gentle howl, one loud enough to reach a good distance, calling for the healers, as well as those who wished to sit in and learn from listening and watching. There were several subjects the Master Healer wished to broach today. One was herb stores, and another was a plan of action in the event of a war. Where would they set up a healer's camp for the wounded? She loved the family cave system, and the deep seated chambers that could prove easily defensible, and when she had made note of this to Surreal, the Archangel had smiled wistfully, and remarked; "That's exactly how my mother felt."

Kavdaya sat at the opening of the ravine, waiting patiently, and running her ideas and plans through her mind. There were interesting ideas from the deer hides and saplings she'd harvested from the swollen river's leavings along the southern edge of the Plains. New ways to transport those too injured to walk or lean on an assisting shoulder, or unconscious, sick wolves. Would it be easier to drag the patient on a deer hide? And what about the saplings? There were possibilities, if they could devise a way to unlock them.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



4 Years
02-04-2016, 01:11 AM

Varda was no healer, and had never intended to be. Healing hadn't been introduced to her as a child, nor was it a field that offered lessons back in Threar. Her cousin, who to this day was still missing, had been a healer, though where he had acquired that experience from she didn't know. He never had been willing to share that knowledge anyway. Instead she had found her love for hunting, though that didn't mean she couldn't learn some basics of healing. After all, without her cousin, how else would her wounds have healed after the raid? It was important to know some of it, which was why she answered the master healer's call. Her pallid body swept fluidly towards the ravine before orderly arrived at the lesson, being the first to appear. She dipped her head politely to the older woman who would run the session. "Greetings, Kavdaya, is it?" All these new names! She'd get there someday. "As a hunter of Celestial, I wish to listen in to the meeting, if that's alright." With a smile, she seated herself and patiently waited for others to arrive.




11 Years
02-04-2016, 09:43 AM

While the call for training was not for warriors Castiel would make up his mind to attend anyway. Healing knowledge was never learned in vain. Not only could it be incredibly useful, but it was also a way to remember and honor his mother as well. Cas couldn’t honestly sit in on a discussion or lesson about them and not remember Erani’s face. He missed her, as all wolves would miss a loved one, but he understood that life was not eternal. You had to make the most of the time you had. He would shake his head, a smile on his face. Since when had become the sort to think so deeply?

He would arrive and, to his disappointment, find he was the second one to respond to Kav’s call. Still he would dip his head to the Nomad, offering his a slight smile before settling upon the earth. At least a lesson could be given with them presence... Though it would be more beneficial if more showed their faces. Castiel would breathe out slowly. The pack was slowly starting to have it’s own functioning rhythm... And things were only going to look up from here. He’d also give a nod to Varda, the other who had shown up. Perhaps they would start soon.




2 Years
02-04-2016, 03:12 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2016, 01:26 PM by Ganja.)

The tiny green and black bud made her way towards the call, very curious about what her master healer had to say about her craft. While Ganja didn't exactly have that drive to go out and help and cure people she did very much enjoy the hobby of gardening. Already with the spring she had some nice looking plants, of course all she grew was cannabis... but they looked lovely already. Eight plants were situated outside her den, which was placed in the most sunny spots in the territory. They were doing well so far, she'd expect quite the harvest by the end of summer.

Her bicolored tail would wag contentedly behind her as she leisurely made her way towards the small gathering. There were only a couple of wolves so far and she found herself sniffing in their direction before finding a seat herself. Had she seen them at the first meeting? Probably, not that she remembered though. She'd consumed a bit of weed since then. Still she'd sit politely with a small smile lingering on her features as she awaited what lesson might come.  

"Talk" Think "You"
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



7 Years
Athena I

02-08-2016, 03:00 PM

Zuriel would lift her head away from her work, her ears perked curiously as Kavdaya's voice grabbed her attention. She had actually ventured to the far edges of the plains today, near the stream that made up its border. She of course, as always, was on the hunt for more herbs for her collection. It was a pretty constant thing for her and had been for as long as she could remember. She wasn't sure why she had such a fascination with herbs, but it had been something that had been her favorite topic of study since she was little.

She made her way toward the beginning of the ravine where Kavdaya had chosen to hold their first healer meeting. She realized as she trotted up to the group that she might be one of the last to arrive. But she was here and the meeting didn't seem like it had started just yet so she was content. She glanced around at those in attendance, seeing Castiel, another woman about her own age- Varda she thought her name was-, and Regulus' green friend. She gave Kavdaya a small smile and she settled on her haunches among them. After the meeting they had at the first formation of the pack, she had to take some time to herself to remember that she still had an important job to do. Reg getting a fancy rank and her not getting one didn't mean she wasn't important. Of course she was eager to learn, as she always was, it was just hard not to be a little salty about it all.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-08-2016, 06:13 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Kavdaya's howl reached the silver Archangel as she finished her patrol. With no main duties to attend to, Surreal felt that sitting in on a healer's meeting would be both interesting and useful. Her path veered easily towardthe family den and she picked up her pace to a trot, arriving shortly after her eldest born daughter. A gentle nuzzle was placed on her similarly colored child's shoulder before she cast a glance around at the faces gathered. A smile touched her jaws, eyes twinkling. Nearly everyone was accounted for, except Falk. She'd need to track him down and get in some private time with her Mate and Consort.

"Why don't we move this inside? I have a few things I'd like to show you all, as well. And as the healers of Celestial, you have the most access to my den, as it doubles as Kavdaya's den." And the entire family, to be honest. A brief grin and nod from Kavday was all the Archangel needed before she led the gathering into the ravine and into the main chamber, taking a seat near a wall where she'd have a good view. She wanted to hear what everyone had in mind.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
02-10-2016, 01:09 AM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

One by one, they arrived, including several of the others, from Varda, to Castiel, to Surreal, herself. Kavdaya greeted them all with a warm smile, and grinned at her cousin's suggestion of moving inside. She'd already intended to do so, but didn't mind her Archangel taking the lead. She followed after Surreal, giving her tail a wave for the rest to follow. "I think that's a perfect idea."

She seated herself in the main chamber and waited for the rest to take their places and settle in before beginning. "Hello, everyone. I'm so glad you all made it, and thank you, Varda, Castiel, and Surreal for joining in. I am Kavdaya. I'd like to get to know you all, so I'll start with a little about myself as an introduction." She grinned brightly at each face before beginning with, "First, you might wonder about the mark on my brow. It signifies that I am a fully trained healer from the traveling pack in Calarada known as the Nomads. The Nomads give their lives to learning how to heal and cure any injury or illness, and they are formidable defensive fighters. Perhaps you may have met some wolves with marks like mine, or two vertical lines between their brow points. The two marks mean half trained, but they left to continue their training abroad."

She completed her introduction with a smile, then added "It is an honor to be the Master Healer, and I hope that one of you may join me at that rank at some point." She straightened her spine, amethyst flecked sapphire gaze sweeping the faces arrayed before her before she started the meeting in earnest.

"I wanted to know where your skill levels are in healing. Zuriel, I already know where you are at, but how about you, Ganja, was it?" She tipped her head toward the tiniest among them, the green and ebony lass with the ruby eyes. "And I also wondered if you had any ideas for better ways to transport the ill or wounded, medicate patients, etcetera. I have a few, but I'd like to hear what all of you have to say, first." She finished and fell silent, celestial eyes flicking from face to face, keen with interest.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



4 Years
02-12-2016, 03:00 AM

Only four other wolves trickled into the meeting - an alabaster male, an intriguing green female, one of the Archangel's daughters and the Archangel herself. Seeing as the pack had recently formed, she didn't expect a large crowd. She was quite content with a little, tight-knit group - it meant less unfamiliar faces for her to learn the names of. Was she the only non-healer in the group? The Archangel probably wasn't, unless she held some secret passion for healing that the Destruction didn't know about.

Following behind the Adravendi leader, she seated herself in the main chamber where the meeting would properly take place. Although the meeting wasn't necessarily aimed at her, she still listened intently with erect ears and a curious twinkle in her bicoloured gaze. The lead healer introduced herself and explained a fair bit of her heritage, specifically her facial markings. It was interesting to know the symbolism behind that; whereas the Destruction's own markings were merely a pretty inheritance from her father. Perhaps it could mean something in the future when she became the Master Hunter, or even a more superior rank.

She remained quiet as the Master Healer questioned the other healers, awaiting their responses. She wasn't sure whether or not she could input into the meeting, though decided to listen instead in case she wasn't supposed to. Besides, she didn't have a clue on how to transport the ill. Just...carry them? Oh, she was hopeless in healing.




2 Years
02-12-2016, 01:44 PM

Only a couple other wolves showed up after herself, Regulus's mom and sister. The suggestion to move into the den was swift, and though Ganja would try and hide her nervousness she doubted she'd be very convincing. The young green wolf had little desire to be in such close quarters to so many other wolves. Especially ones she hadn't even learned the names of properly. (She was rather terrible at names, she remembered faced pretty well but connecting the two was difficult.) Taking a deep breath as she steeled herself she'd try to wait until everyone else had entered. She'd take a seat closer to the entrance, at least she'd manage a quick way out.

Her mind was still a little preoccupied by the whole cave thing as Kavdaya started the meeting with a simple greeting. She was kind of there as a brief history about the marking on her forehead, it was a pretty lengthy speech for the start of a meeting, but Ganj had trouble focusing on it anyway. By the time she was to the important stuff the little Dione spawn was finally focused enough to think about learning.

"Ganja Lydia-Red," She'd say as she realized the Kavdaya had been addressing her. "I'm more of a gardener than a healer, not a big fan of.. uh.." Her train of thought would crash and for a long moment she'd just be silent as she tried to continue. "touching.. people." She'd finally say, almost hesitant with her words.

"Talk" Think "You"
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



7 Years
Athena I

02-22-2016, 07:08 PM

Moments after she arrived her mother come over as well, offering for them to move their meeting inside the dens. She looked to her mother breifly with a smile before following the group inside and getting settled on her haunches once again. She listened quietly while Kavdaya spoke to introduce herself. It wasn't really anything she was completely unfamiliar with, though the thought that there were other wolves out there with marks like hers was interesting. Her ears twitched slightly when she mentioned someone joining her at the Master Healer rank one day, but she wouldn't comment. It gave her something to work toward she supposed.

There wasn't much for her to say just yet since Kavdaya was already familiar with her skills apparently, so she waited till Ganja spoke to indroduce herself as well as talk about her skill set. She looked at the green girl curiously as she described herself as a gardener. She had never really considered doing something like that, she had always just hunted for her herbs and collected them. Once Ganja was finished she supposed it was up to her to continue the conversation to think up ways to carry injured wolves and such. "Perhaps we could figure out a way to attach some tree limbs together to make something to carry injured wolves on... Maybe with some vines? And lay leaves or deer hide over it? We could make a few of them and have them stored somewhere in case we needed them." She'd pause breifly and add, "And I was thinking the other day, trying to think of how to make eating bitter herbs a little more pleasant... The only thing I could really think of was having fragrant flowers or something like that so the smell could help mask the taste... Since smell effects the taste buds and all." She shrugged slightly as she laid out her ideas, looking to Kavdaya to see what she'd think of them.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
02-29-2016, 01:28 PM
Surreal Adravendi

As the meeting kicked off in earnest, Surreal listened silently as Kavdaya introduced herself. She'd heard of the Nomads extensively from her mother, a daughter of one of the leader's daughters that had chosen to stay in Redwood to become mates with Alorek, another Nomad that had chosen the same sort of path as Kavdaya; leaving the Nomads to extend his knowledge to a pack. The Redwood pack and the Nomads had been an integral part of one another for several years. Erani, and thus Surreal and Castiel, and her children, were a line descended directly from some of the best healers that land had offered.

She listened as the meeting continued, noting who stayed silent, and who offered their ideas. Not many. Ganja and Zuriel were the only ones who really offered something, and Surreal smiled more than a little proudly at her eldest daughter as she gave her input. Finally, as it seemed none would add to the ideas, she spoke easily, straightening her posture slightly. "Erani - my mother, Zuriel's grandmother - often spoke of honey as being a good way to make bitter medication more palatable. If one's willing to go through the effort of getting it, that is. She said it was also good for some illnesses, though, perhaps you can elaborate better than I, on that." She nodded to Kavdaya.

"I've also had ideas for the Apprentices that choose healing as their main skill in the pack. I had a thought that they could spend their apprenticeship here in the communal den; we've enough alcoves to spare tham and the sick and injured, and it would give them ample opportunity to watch and learn from both Kavdaya and yourself." She smiled warmly at her daughter, not allowing the praise to go unmissed that she felt her daughter was a brilliant mind. She fell silent then, eyes turning to observe Kavdaya and the rest gathered.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
03-04-2016, 06:20 AM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

She hoped more would give their ideas as the meeting progressed. Out of the group gathered, only Ganja, Zuriel, and Surreal really had anything to give. Castiel had gone silent, and Varda seemed to have nothing to say, either. However, what both Zuriel and Surreal gave was enough to go off of. When Surreal finished, Kavdaya grinned cheerily. "That is precisely what I was thinking of, Zuriel. Great minds. I've been finding a lot of deer hides from the flooding in the river along the border. They're a bit decayed, though. If there was a way to remove the hide from a fresh kill..." It was possible, surely...

She cocked her head slightly in thought, snowy tail tapping the stone floor beneath her paws before she brightened. "Perhaps instead of vines, we could try tearing or chewing a hide into strips and find a way to tie it to sticks or saplings? Maybe have the saplings pointed downward and sharpen the ends of branch stubs, to lodge the hides on?" Her amethyst flecked sapphires lit up at all the possibilities, but she set that subject aside, open for further debate as she snagged upon the subject of honey. Ah, honey. Sweet, and healthy. The pups in the Nomads loved it, and had made such little fuss over getting their herbs when they were ill that honey was a favorite commodity among the healer pack. Tricky to get, but so very, very worth the stings.

"Erani was very correct. In fact, honey is excellent for sore throats, coughs, and it can even be used for external ailments, like burns, and minor wounds, if a patient can resist licking the honey away." A chuckle crossed her velvet tones, canines glinting briefly. To Zuriel, she grinned. " A very good idea with the flowers. Smell does indeed coincide with our ability to taste. In the Nomads, we use honey as a taste cover to make it more palatable for pups to take their herbs. I remember a few times where I had to take them. It made it far better." She winked lightly before turning to Surreal.

"I like your idea for Apprentices wishing to take up healing as a primary skill. If you don't mind the extra bodies, I certainly don't." It was an idea that pleased her. It made the likelihood of an apprentice missing his or her lessons because their dens were too far out for them to hear the initial call much less likely, and she enjoyed the thought of teaching by example.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]